Chapter 230

After Ye Liuyun left the Grand Plaza of the Imperial Capital, he directly chose to go to Jingzhou to take up his post.

After seven days of trekking, Ye Liuyun finally came to Jingzhou, Jingjun, and Jingcheng.

Jingcheng, State Shepherd's Mansion, the gate.

Ye Liuyun came here, took out his identity token, and then said to the guard at the door, "I am Ye Liuyun, the new state shepherd, take me in now."

The guard at the gate was just an ordinary martial artist of rank nine. Now that he saw Ye Liuyun, he was taken aback, and then hurriedly cupped his hands at Ye Liuyun.

"I have met Mr. State Shepherd, please come in with me."

The guard at the gate didn't mention anything about communication. Ye Liuyun was originally the owner of the State Shepherd's Mansion, or the entire Jingzhou is now under Ye Liuyun's control.

Great official of the frontier, this is no joke!

State Shepherd's Mansion, hall.

Ye Liuyun was sitting on the main seat. At this time, the steward of the State Shepherd's Mansion bowed to Ye Liuyun and greeted him: "The humble job is the steward of the State Shepherd's Mansion. His name is Wang Shousui. He has met Mr. Zhou Shepherd."


Ye Liuyun nodded, and said: "Send me an order, and call me the highest-ranking people in Jingzhou, and those who can talk."

"Honestly obey orders."

Wang Shousui's face was calm, he bowed to salute, and then quickly retreated.

Ye Liuyun's actions did not cause Wang Shousui to be abnormal. After all, it is very normal for a new official to see his subordinates when he takes office.

Especially Ye Liuyun, a top arrogance and powerhouse, is very proud and naturally does not allow his subordinates to deceive others.

While waiting, Ye Liuyun took a look at the state pastoral mansion. The decoration is very luxurious, and it will be his residence from now on.

Not to mention, it must be very comfortable to live in.

It's comparable to a palace!
Thinking about it, Jingzhou Mu is the highest controller in Jingzhou, and he can be regarded as the overlord, that is, Ye Liuyun's surname is not Su, otherwise it would be very normal to crack the soil and seal the king.

A quarter of an hour later, people rushed to the state pastoral mansion one after another.

in the hall.

Ye Liuyun sat on the main seat, and four practitioners came in front of Ye Liuyun.

"Knowing the state, Qu Youqing, I have met the state shepherd."

"General Hubenwei, Jiang Minghao, I have met Lord State Shepherd."

"Golden Knife Guard and Silver Knife Patrol, Qi Shuxia, I met Mr. State Shepherd."

"Qin Xiancai, a hundred households in Dongchang, has met Mr. Zhou Mu."

These four people are the top existences in Jingzhou, and basically they have the final say on the entire Jingzhou.

Of course, this refers to the official face.


Ye Liuyun agreed softly, then tilted his neck, resting his chin with his right hand.

"I just came to Jingzhou, tell me, what kind of place is Jingzhou?"

Ye Liuyun's words stunned everyone present.

What kind of problem is this?
Under normal circumstances, if you want to know the situation in Jingzhou, shouldn't you visit privately by yourself?

Ye Liuyun is a good guy, he asked straightforwardly, do you think they are praising themselves, or are they praising themselves?
"Cough cough."

Qu Youqing, the magistrate of Jingzhou, is a Confucian fourth-rank sage who came from Wentian Academy, one of the 72 academies in the world.

Qu Youqing coughed twice, and said, "Master Zhou Mu, this Jingzhou is prosperous with the joint efforts of the former Zhou Mu and us."

At this moment, General Jiang Minghao of Huben Guard stood up and said, "I would like to report to Master Mu of the state that Jingzhou is in order thanks to the efforts of Huben Guard, and the people live and work in peace and contentment."

Jindaowei and Yindao patrol Qi Shuxia cupped his hands and said with a smile: "I would like to report to Master Mu of the state, thanks to the efforts of Jindaowei, the people of Jingzhou abide by the law and do not close their doors at night!"

Qin Xiancai, a hundred households in Dongchang, cupped his hands and said loudly: "Thanks to Master Zhou Mu, and thanks to the grace of His Majesty the Emperor, thanks to Dongchang's efforts, the people are absolutely loyal to the Great Xia Dynasty, loyal to the emperor and patriotic!"


Ye Liuyun looked at the four of them indifferently.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Liuyun glanced at Wang Shousui, the steward of the State Shepherd's Mansion, and asked, "Do you think what they said is true or false?"

As soon as these words came out, Wang Shousui, the steward of the state pastoral mansion, suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

The gazes of Qu Youqing, Jiang Minghao, Qi Shuxia, and Qin Xiancai focused on Wang Shousui like steel knives.

Whenever Wang Shousui said half a word, I am afraid that Wang Shousui will be cut into pieces by this scorching gaze.

"Master Zhou Mu," Wang Shousui, the housekeeper of the Zhou Mu Mansion, laughed dryly, "My lords are too modest. Our Jingzhou is the most prosperous and the most fascinated fairyland on earth among the nine states in the world. ah!"

Hearing these words, Qu Youqing, Jiang Minghao, Qi Shuxia and Qin Xiancai all rolled their eyes in their hearts.

They thought they had gone too far, but it turned out that Wang Shousui was even better at bragging than them?
It's just a good blow!
Who likes to hear bad words?

Everyone loves to hear good things!

Just blow it hard!

Anyway, a genius like Ye Liuyun, a peerless arrogance, can't manage the government affairs painstakingly. Ye Liuyun must be practicing and practicing, and he won't pay attention to these things, so they just fool around.


Ye Liuyun looked up to the sky and laughed out loud when he received Wang Shousui's reply.

"Hahaha..." Qu Youqing, Jiang Minghao, Qi Shuxia, Qin Xiancai, Wang Shousui and the others felt baffled at any time, but they still laughed in agreement.

At this time, Ye Liuyun's laughter stopped abruptly.

Qu Youqing and the others quickly stopped smiling, looked at Ye Liuyun, and waited for instructions.

Ye Liuyun's face was ashen, and he asked, "What are you laughing at?"


Qu Youqing and the others were dumbfounded.

At this moment, many people present at the scene finally realized that Ye Liuyun's attitude seemed not right.

Everyone has heard that Tianjiao has a weird temper. Could it be that Ye Liuyun, a top Tianjiao, has an extremely weird temper?

That would be troublesome.

Qu Youqing and others' hearts sank.

"I'll give you a chance to reorganize the language," Ye Liuyun said lightly, "How is Jingzhou under your governance?"

Qu Youqing, Jiang Minghao, Qi Shuxia, and Qin Xiancai, look at each other, they all have Ye Liuyun's unpredictable temper.

It's just that they can roughly see what Ye Liuyun wants to do.

Three fires for the new official to take office!

Qu Youqing and the others sighed inwardly, but they still greeted them with smiles.

Not only is Ye Liuyun powerful, but also because of Ye Liuyun's profound background!
The prospective son-in-law of the Eight Sage King Su Jinglan!

National teacher Chen Fan's closed disciple!
Such an existence cannot be provoked!
"This..." Qu Youqing pondered, and said, "Lord Zhou Mu, although this Jingzhou has some minor flaws under our governance, it is not a problem."

"Yeah..." Jiang Minghao echoed, "Occasionally there are minor problems, and we can easily deal with them."

"Yes, yes, yes." Qi Shuxia rubbed his hands, "I will do my best in the future, so that this little flaw will be gone."

Qin Xiancai said hastily: "Master Zhou Mu, let me introduce you to our Jingzhou's treasured place for cultivation."

At this time, Ye Liuyun stood up slowly.

In the hall of the State Shepherd's Mansion, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Ye Liuyun cast "Infinite Tides", and an extremely astonishing and terrifying gravity squeezed towards the five people present.

It was as if they were going to be crushed and exploded!




Qu Youqing, Jiang Minghao, Qi Shuxia, Qin Xiancai, Wang Shousui and others were all shocked by the strong pressure and knelt on the ground.

"Master State Shepherd, please spare me!"

"Lord State Shepherd, please be kind!"

"Lord State Shepherd..."

Seeing the distressed appearance of these guys, Ye Liuyun stopped his movements.

"I know I'm wrong?" Ye Liuyun asked lightly.



Qu Youqing and the others, like a dead cucumber, were downcast.

Ye Liuyun continued to ask, "What's wrong?"

At this moment, Qu Youqing and the others trembled all over.

If they can't answer this well, I'm afraid Ye Liuyun will give them one more time, and it will really be a long time to suffer.

Jiang Minghao, Qi Shuxia, and Qin Xiancai focused their gazes on Qu Youqing.

Qu Youqing is the Zhizhou, the second-in-command of a state. Before the new state shepherd came, Qu Youqing was the one and only existence in Jingzhou.

Now, Qu Youqing would naturally have to answer this "proposition".

Qu Youqing gritted his teeth and said, "My fault is that I shouldn't whitewash the peace!"

As soon as this word comes out.

Jiang Minghao, Qi Shuxia, and Qin Xiancai all trembled.

Unexpectedly, Qu Youqing dared to say it!
These words not only put himself in, but even the former state shepherd was cheated.

At this time, Ye Liuyun nodded in satisfaction after hearing the words.

"You are not hopeless," Ye Liuyun said lightly, "I don't care if you were people or ghosts before, but now you are working under my command. People have to be good people, and ghosts have to be good ghosts!"

"Do you understand!" Ye Liuyun's words were sonorous, forceful, and resounding!



"Be a good ghost in the future, ah no, be a good person..."

Qu Youqing and the others quickly agreed.

Only then did Ye Liuyun tilt his neck, leaning on the back of the chair, looking down at these people from a high position.

"Desolate County Haicheng, there are demon cult monsters stealing and robbing babies there, you guys have to deal with it."

Ye Liuyun said indifferently: "If it's done well, everything is easy to talk about, but if it's not done well, you can ask for blessings!"


As soon as this word comes out.

Qu Youqing, Jiang Minghao, Qi Shuxia, Qin Xiancai and others were all taken aback.

Unexpectedly, Ye Liuyun knew this kind of secret, even they only heard it a little bit.

Ye Liuyun knew such details.

"What are you waiting for?!" Ye Liuyun snorted coldly!

"Humble job, do it immediately!"

"If you don't handle this case well, the villain will come to see you!"

Qu Youqing and the others retreated hastily.

In the hall, only Ye Liuyun and Wang Shousui were left.

Ye Liuyun looked at Wang Shousui indifferently, and said, "You are my housekeeper, but you help them speak, what do you mean?"

Wang Shousui quickly knelt on the ground and said, "Damn the villain!"

Ye Liuyun said lightly: "Don't let me see you again!"

"Yes..." Wang Shousui's heart sank, and he quickly withdrew.

Soon, Ye Liuyun was the only one left in the hall.

Ye Liuyun leaned against the back of the chair, with his eyes closed, he was deep in thought.

Although there are more important things, the things in Jingzhou cannot be ignored.

Moreover, Jingzhou Mu has so much power that it is unimaginable that Ye Liuyun can just use it to do some of his own affairs.

Of course, we have to talk about these things later, and the most urgent task now is to deal with the "Dead Infant Case in Haicheng, Huangjun County".

Every time there was a delay, an innocent life would be killed, which Ye Liuyun could not tolerate.

Ye Liuyun took a deep breath and began to practice.

What he practiced were all kinds of exercises and martial arts given to him by the national teacher Chen Fan, which were basically earth-level and heaven-level.

With Ye Liuyun's cultivation aptitude, he can only get started in one day.

If one wants to cultivate to perfection, it takes ten days and a half a month.

It's just that this is also necessary, and it can be used as a price for using supernatural powers after cultivation!

It's all about getting stronger!
"The Overlord's Unfeeling Slash (Earth Level): Use [-]% of the true energy to condense an invincible slash!"

"Cultivation is currently seven days, and it takes a day or two to reach a small level of success. It takes five or six days to complete it. It's too slow..."

Ye Liuyun shook his head and sighed.

At this time, a guard from the State Shepherd's Mansion walked in.

"Master Zhou Mu, Cen Shuya, the leader of the Black Tiger Gang, Jin Yunxian, the leader of the Qinglong Gang, Qiu Shengming, the leader of the Blood Knife Gate, and Qi Yunzhong, the leader of the Giant Whale Gang, are here to pay their respects!"

Ye Liuyun raised his eyebrows upon hearing this.

I didn't expect these people from the rivers and lakes to come so quickly.

These guys, like hyenas, know how to judge the situation best, and they also know how to take advantage of the fire.

Now, as soon as Ye Liuyun came to Jingzhou, he would be the Supreme Emperor of Jingzhou, and he would keep his word!

Ye Liuyun's words can make these people in the rivers and lakes feel worse than death.

So they came with the pig's head.

Obviously for safety!

"Let them in," Ye Liuyun said lightly.

"Yes." The guard stepped back quickly.

Soon, four people walked in and saluted Ye Liuyun with fists in their hands.

His attitude is more humble than that of Qu Youqing and others before him.

This is also natural, in the boundary of Jingzhou, Ye Liuyun is a lion, Qu Youqing and others are wolves, and the leaders of the Black Tiger Gang and the Blood Sword Sect are just hyenas.

"Black Tiger Gang, Cen Shuya, pay homage to Mr. Zhou Mu."

"Qinglong Gang, Jin Yunxian, pay homage to Mr. Zhou Mu."

"Xuedaomen, Qiu Shengming, pay homage to Mr. Zhou Mu."

"Giant Whale Gang, Qi Yunzhong, meet Master Zhou Mu."

Ye Liuyun glanced at the four of them.

They are all fourth grade, but in front of Ye Liuyun, they are just things that can be killed with one punch.

"I know what you are here for."

Ye Liuyun said lightly: "I don't care what happened to you in the past, now that I'm here, you have to listen to me."

"Yes, yes, of course, the state shepherd will follow suit." Cen Shuya said hastily.

Jin Yunxian, Qiu Shengming, Qi Yunzhong and others were all blindsided by Cen Shuya, but this guy actually ran away.

"All listen to Master State Shepherd."

"Master State Shepherd told us to go east, we will never go west."

"Master Zhou Mu, let's go up the knife mountain and down the oil pan without blinking a single word!"

Ye Liuyun said indifferently: "Things that hurt nature and reason are not allowed!"


As soon as this word comes out.

Cen Shuya, Jin Yunxian, Qiu Shengming, Qi Yunzhong and others were all taken aback.


They are a reckless gang in the rivers and lakes. They were originally licking blood with knives, and they were originally riding on the heads of ordinary people to drink blood!
Don't let them hurt the world now, isn't this going to starve them to death?

Ye Liuyun glanced at the expressions of the four of them.

"You can refuse."

Seeing Ye Liuyun's cold expression, Cen Shuya, Jin Yunxian, Qiu Shengming, and Qi Yunzhong knew that rejection would lead to death.

"Listen to Master Zhou's orders!"

"In the future, we must obey the law!"

"Even if we let the brothers go to the pier to carry big bags, let the brothers go to the field to swing hoes, we will no longer bully men and women!"

"Even if we are starved to death, we will never take a bun from ordinary people!"

Seeing that these four people were interested, Ye Liuyun said lightly: "Get lost."


The four of Cen Shuya really rolled on the ground and left the hall of the State Shepherd's Mansion.

 Thank you for the monthly pass of I love watermelon 0.Thanks to ning-huang89 for the monthly pass.Thank you all for your votes.

(End of this chapter)

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