Simulator: Start Day Prison Death Row

Chapter 234 Make a decision before acting

Chapter 234 Make a decision before acting (seeking subscription)
State Shepherd House.

Jiang Xingzhou was turning into a shadow, lying on the corner of the wall, watching Ye Liuyun all the time.

You know, this Ye Liuyun is stronger than Jiang Xingzhou. If it wasn't for Jiang Xingzhou's ability to "shift stars and change battles", he wouldn't have dared to come.

Even so, Jiang Xingzhou didn't dare to get too close to Ye Liuyun.

After all, Ye Liuyun possessed "Twilight of the Gods". Once he entered the range of Ye Liuyun's spell, Jiang Xingzhou's "Shifting Stars and Changing Fights" would be useless, and it would be a dead end.

"This guy……"

Jiang Xingzhou has been watching Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun is a very weird guy, he has been practicing martial arts in the yard.

You know, if a practitioner of the third rank wants to break through to the second rank, he only needs to comprehend the "momentum".

Ye Liuyun defeated Ye Dang, who was number one in the "Ground Ranking", and became the new "Ground Ranking" No. [-]. He had already shown the "momentum" of "Sura Desperate Knife"-"Sura Destroys the World"!
However, Ye Liuyun continued to practice martial arts now?

What's the point?
In Jiang Xingzhou's eyes, what Ye Liuyun did was a waste of time.

It can only be said that the ideas of geniuses are always different from ordinary people.

Jiang Xingzhou suddenly thought that Ye Liuyun really didn't play his cards according to common sense.

Originally, Ye Liuyun cleaned up the stronghold of the "Bone Gym" in Jingzhou, which caused Jiang Xingzhou's plan to fail. Jiang Xingzhou hated Ye Liuyun deeply, thinking that he was deliberately targeting himself.

Later, Jiang Xingzhou discovered that the strongholds of "Tianmo Cult", "Bixiao Sword Palace" and "Diamond Gate" were also swept away.

In this way, Jiang Xingzhou couldn't say anything. It seemed that Ye Liuyun was a jealous person who couldn't rub the sand in his eyes.

It is said that even the four major gangs attached to the imperial court, the "Qinglong Gang", "Blood Knife Gate", "Giant Whale Gang" and "Black Tiger Gang" have been ordered not to bully men and women to do evil.

Jiang Xingzhou calmed down about this, and he was not the only one who was unlucky.

Ye Liuyun didn't mean to target himself either.


Jiang Xingzhou discovered that Ye Liuyun's ambitions were too great, not only to sweep up the demon sect and oppress the gangs, but also to attack the officialdom? !
And he actually went to Wentian Academy alone, and said hello, this is real!

For a while, Jiang Xingzhou suddenly admired Ye Liuyun.

This is a good officer!
Have ideals and ambitions!

Jiang Xingzhou discovered that the key to strong talent and astonishing strength is being young enough!
If he is allowed to be the emperor, maybe the whole world will have a good life for a long time, right?


Jiang Xingzhou couldn't help but sigh, yes, it was because he was young, young people were full of enthusiasm, hated evil like hatred, and were not afraid of power.

It's normal for Ye Liuyun to do such a thing.

Jiang Xingzhou thought about it, and continued to wait and see Ye Liuyun who was cultivating, but the next moment, Jiang Xingzhou felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

"What about people?"

Jiang Xingzhou looked around.

Turn around suddenly!

Jiang Xingzhou realized that Ye Liuyun had appeared behind him.


Jiang Xingzhou swallowed hard.


Jiang Xingzhou found that he could no longer use the magical power of "Shifting Stars and Changing Fights", and it was obvious that Ye Liuyun had activated "Twilight of the Gods".

"You are very courageous," Ye Liuyun was a little speechless, "It's fine to send it to your door by yourself, but you still observe me so blatantly, do you really think that my perception is not at all?"


Cold sweat rolled down Jiang Xingzhou's forehead.

Ye Liuyun discovered him just because he was in a daze, which meant that Ye Liuyun had already discovered him.

"I'm here to surrender," Jiang Xingzhou sorted out his thoughts, "I heard that you're going to sweep up the demon sect, suppress gangs, and clean up the officialdom. I found that you are a good official, so I want to help you."

Hearing this, Ye Liuyun rolled his eyes, "You think I'm easy to deceive?"

Jiang Xingzhou raised his right hand, three points to the sky.

"I can swear, I really surrender from the bottom of my heart."

In order to survive, don't you have to surrender sincerely...

"It's fine, as long as you don't resist, just let me hypnotize you," Ye Liuyun said lightly.

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Xingzhou's whole face collapsed. Isn't this revealing?
"Do you have to do this?" Jiang Xingzhou's eyes showed a hint of pleading, "Can't I abandon evil and do good in the future?"


Ye Liuyun smiled and said: "If I can't beat you, and you come to abandon evil and do good, then I can accept it, but now I can beat you, why should I accept your offer to abandon evil and do good?"

"If you abandon evil and do good now, the sins of the past will be wiped out. Is there such a good thing?"

Ye Liuyun's hand moved towards Jiang Xingzhou.


Jiang Xingzhou's true energy exploded all over his body.

"It's just that I can't use supernatural powers now, not that I can't use martial skills!"

Jiang Xingzhou cast his movement in one direction at an extremely fast speed.

Bang! ! !
The next moment, Jiang Xingzhou bumped into a transparent wall.


Ye Liuyun pouted.

As early as the first time, he had already opened the "sealed space". When Jiang Xingzhou appeared in Ye Liuyun's sight, he was already a piece of meat on Ye Liuyun's cutting board.


Jiang Xingzhou felt miserable.

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have listened to Huo Qingqiu's words and came to spy on Ye Liuyun.

Now, put yourself in it too.

Jiang Xingzhou didn't expect that Ye Liuyun's perception was so keen, and he was discovered after being so far away!

There is not even time to use the ability of "Shifting Stars and Changing Battles"!

Ye Liuyun instantly smashed out the white light blade condensed from "Sura's Desperate Knife".

In just a split second, Jiang Xingzhou's body was smashed to pieces.

However, Jiang Xingzhou still had his breath left.

"Charming Heart" activates!
"Why did you come to spy on me?"

"Huo Qingqiu asked me to watch you to see if there is a chance to attack you."

"Huh?" Ye Liuyun raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, now the evidence is conclusive.

Thinking about it, Ye Liuyun has already frequently sensed Huo Qingqiu's malice in the Wentian Hall.

The talent of "Danger Perception", although it is only a mysterious rank, it has to be said that it is very useful.

Ye Liuyun took out the "Picture Stone", and asked Jiang Xingzhou again, basically all about Huo Qingqiu.

Huo Qingqiu is a good-looking guy, and Huo Tianxiong, the governor of Huang County, can be counted as a part of the bad things he did.

Huo Tianxiong and Jiang Xingzhou colluded, and Huo Qingqiu naturally had a part. This time, Jiang Xingzhou joined forces with Huo Qingqiu to find an opportunity to kill Ye Liuyun.

Murder the state shepherd!

This is the crime of copying and beheading all over the family!

After Ye Liuyun finished packing, he put a mark on Jiang Xingzhou's body.

Then, Ye Liuyun slapped Jiang Xingzhou to death with one palm!
[[King of Bone] (God Rank): Possesses the ability to control bones, and you need to pay a price when using it! 】

[Does it cost the same price to inherit? 】

"Shipped out?"

Ye Liuyun was a little excited.

Unexpectedly, I really came up with supernatural powers.

It's just "King of Bones" instead of "Moving stars and changing battles", which makes Ye Liuyun a little disappointed.

You know, "Shifting stars and changing buckets" is more like teleportation, directly changing the position, and it can also change the position of the target, which is more practical.

And "King of Bones", well, it can't be considered bad. Although it is not as good as "Shifting Stars and Changing Fights", the ability to control bones is also very strong. After all, who doesn't have a few bones?

Of course, because the "King of Bones" needs to pay a price, there are many restrictions on its use.

According to Ye Liuyun's observation, the consumption of magical powers can basically be divided into four types.

The first type consumes real yuan, which has the lowest threshold for use and can be used frequently, but its power should be the worst.

The second is to consume cultivation resources. This kind of practice has already reached a threshold and cannot be used frequently, but its power is considerable.

The third is to consume ability resources. Because a person's ability is limited, the threshold is very high, but ability has begun to make no sense.

The fourth type is to consume life. This kind of supernatural power has the highest threshold, and basically can only be used once, but its power is also extremely powerful. For example, "Hand of Calamity" can directly destroy the country by one person!
Ye Liuyun restrained his thoughts and began to look at his system panel.

The ability of this "King of Bones" is not bad, so it must be kept.

"Use "Snow Shadow Fan's Track", "Thunderbolt", "Shenlong Prison Slash" and "Overlord's Unfeeling Slash" as the price!"

[The price is not enough! 】

"It's not enough?"

Ye Liuyun was a little speechless, but there was also a "Snow Shadow Fan's Tracking Step". If he didn't consider that he could practice again, Ye Liuyun didn't want to pay it at all.

Ye Liuyun took a look at the exercises, they were all very precious and could not be paid for.

If you are talented, you can't get it back with practice...

Could it be that we can only start with supernatural powers?

Ye Liuyun looked at it, "Ascension to Choose a Day", the number one supernatural power, is completely useless, but he wants to pay it, but he is reluctant.

"Refused to inherit!"

Ye Liuyun finally gave up.

His current configuration is already very high, even if there is an extra "King of Bones", it will not increase his combat power much.

The main reason is that the "King of Bone" is in the category of whether it is necessary or not. If it is "through the wall and through the stone" or "annihilation to zero", Ye Liuyun has nothing to say, even if he has a talent of the sky, he must change it!

Ye Liuyun looked at Jiang Xingzhou's body and fell into deep thought.

Obviously, once Jiang Xingzhou died, the "Deadly Infant Case in Haicheng, Huangjun County" could be closed.

But is this thing really over?
Naturally there is not.

"If you want to win, you have to win beautifully!"

Ye Liuyun's figure flickered, and he flew quickly, heading towards Wentian Academy!

Wentian Academy.

In Huo Qingqiu's quiet courtyard.

"Jiang Xingzhou" suddenly descended from the sky, looking at Huo Qingqiu with a gloomy gaze.

Huo Qingqiu looked at Jiang Xingzhou, frowned, and said, "What's going on, aren't you going to monitor Ye Liuyun?"

Jiang Xingzhou snorted coldly, and said, "When I was monitoring Ye Liuyun, I found something, you must explain it to me!"

"What's going on?" Huo Qingqiu asked with a look in his eyes.

"That's of course..." Jiang Xingzhou's voice was very long, and suddenly a shadow pierced Huo Qingqiu's chest.

This scene made Huo Qingqiu's face stiff, "You..."

Jiang Xingzhou's figure changed back to Ye Liuyun's appearance, and Ye Liuyun was a little lost in interest.

"Is that the end?"

At this moment, Ye Liuyun's "danger perception" kept vigilant, and Ye Liuyun frowned.


The picture here seems to have turned into a mirror, and with a crisp sound, it completely disintegrated.

Ye Liuyun found himself keeping a long distance from Huo Qingqiu, and the two faced each other in mid-air.

"This is……"

Ye Liuyun was a little surprised.

Huo Qingqiu said flatly: "I knew you were not Jiang Xingzhou from the moment you came."

Ye Liuyun looked at Huo Qingqiu solemnly, and said: ""Mirror Flower, Water Moon", has the ability to manipulate illusions, and you need to pay a price, the price is enough to even turn illusions into reality! "


Huo Qingqiu admitted it frankly.

Ye Liuyun frowned and said, "But I've already used the 'Twilight of the Gods', how do you use supernatural powers? "

Huo Qingqiu smiled and said nothing, apparently not planning to tell Ye Liuyun.

"If you don't tell me, then I'll see for myself," Ye Liuyun's feet "shrink the ground into an inch" and approached Huo Qingqiu.

"Enhancing the glory of the treasure calendar, adding meals is quite self-improving. Quickly plan to go up to the blue clouds, and go to the mountains to watch the bullfight." Huo Qingqiu recited a poem.

In just a moment, Huo Qingqiu's speed is comparable to Ye Liuyun's "shrink the ground into an inch".


Ye Liuyun was a little dumbfounded.

He rarely fought with Confucian scholars, and even if he did, the opponents were not students from 72 academies in the world.

Now it seems that the real Confucian monks are still very scary.

"Firepower depends on the addition and subtraction, and the flames enter the air. Piercing and leading the path, stabbing the hand and pulling out the whale's teeth."

Huo Qingqiu kept chasing Ye Liuyun and started to attack.

Flame spears pierced towards Ye Liuyun at a dizzying speed.


Ye Liuyun was directly pierced!

Of course, it wasn't that Ye Liuyun couldn't dodge, but that Ye Liuyun didn't want to dodge.

At this time, Ye Liuyun's body had three shocking scars.

Without any hesitation, Ye Liuyun directly used the ability of "Damage Transfer".

But the next moment, Ye Liuyun's face darkened instantly, looking at the still bloody wound on his body, Ye Liuyun looked at Huo Qingqiu.

"What did you do again?"

Ye Liuyun found that his ability had failed.

Huo Qingqiu looked at Ye Liuyun indifferently, and said: "Make a plan before you act, I know you better than you may know yourself!"

Ye Liuyun pursed his lips, fighting Ruxiu was indeed more exciting than other opponents.

Ye Liuyun used a healing elixir, and the wound healed, but it still had some effect.

His "God of War Body" is very powerful, but it takes half a day to completely repair it.

But Huo Qingqiu would not give Ye Liuyun this chance.

Huo Qingqiu chased after Ye Liuyun, Ye Liuyun could only use "Shrink the ground into an inch" to dodge.

Ye Liuyun was a little puzzled, his supernatural powers had no effect on Huo Qingqiu, what a fart!
"This matter must be clarified," Ye Liuyun used "deduce the secret".

After dozens of deductions, Ye Liuyun finally figured out Huo Qingqiu's ability.

"Dozens of deduction, how many times did you die?" Ye Liuyun's pupils shrank.

Rank three against rank three, enemies at the same level, Ye Liuyun, number one in the "land list", is actually dead?

This Huo Qingqiu is so amazing?

Not necessarily, the main reason is that Huo Qingqiu has already done intelligence work against Ye Liuyun and made a careful killing plan.

And Ye Liuyun didn't even know Huo Qingqiu's ability, so he died without injustice!

It's just that Ye Liuyun already knows Huo Qingqiu's ability now.

"The "Three Chapters of the Agreement", within the scope of the caster, cannot violate the agreement made by the caster, and a price must be paid! "

Ye Liuyun stared straight at Huo Qingqiu.

Huo Qingqiu froze, and took a deep look at Ye Liuyun, "From the intelligence point of view, you are a brave and foolhardy person, and now it seems that you do have a little quick wit, but it will not affect the final outcome. .”

Huo Qingqiu rushed towards Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun smiled and said: "I played 43 times, died [-] times, ran away [-] times, killed you with difficulty [-] times, and won [-] times effortlessly!"

As soon as this word comes out.

Huo Qingqiu cheered up.

Ye Liuyun looked at Huo Qingqiu with a sinister smile, and said, "You scholars can count, how do you think I can win now?"

Huo Qingqiu stared at Ye Liuyun, his mind was running fast, and finally a flash of horror flashed in his eyes.

Turn around and leave.

"Want to run?

Ye Liuyun sneered and shouted: "Tao Jiaxian, are you asking Tian Academy to rebel?!"

 Thank you all for your votes.


(End of this chapter)

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