Simulator: Start Day Prison Death Row

Chapter 295 Darkness Under the Light

Chapter 295 Darkness Under the Light (for Subscription)
Royal Palace.

Above the Dragon Court court hall.

Ye Liuyun came here to meet Emperor Xia Su Jinglan.

"Back?" Su Jinglan was a little surprised.

"Father." Ye Liuyun nodded, "I'm back."

Su Jinglan knew that Ye Liuyun left "Tianyuan Continent" to "lead the snake out of the cave", but now, there is no such thing as the birth of Emperor Hualong.

"How's the matter?" Su Jinglan asked.

Ye Liuyun shook his head.

"The Emperor of Life and Death, Xiang Wushuang, is already on guard, and it should be impossible to lift the seal in a short time."

Hear this.

Su Jinglan frowned, and said, "What should I do? The enemy is dark and we are clear, and it is impossible to guard against."

Ye Liuyun smiled slightly.

"Don't be on guard, as long as they dare to do something, I will make them regret it."

As soon as these words came out, Su Jinglan was slightly taken aback, but thinking that Ye Liuyun had never disappointed anyone, there was no need to worry too much about it.

Ye Liuyun continued: "This time, I want to discuss with my father the matter of starting a war with the "Northern Wild Country". "

Hearing this, Su Jinglan was stunned.

"Go to war?"

You must know that the great affairs of the country lie in the sacrificial and military affairs!

The war between the Northern Wilderness Country and the Great Xia Dynasty was basically initiated by the Northern Wilderness Country.

The reason is very simple, because the land of the Great Xia Dynasty is fertile and rich in resources, while the Northern Plains is cold and cold and the resources are poor.

Now, when Ye Liuyun said that he was going to start a war, Su Jinglan was a little puzzled.

"The territory of the Northern Wilderness Country is worthless, but a burden..."

Su Jinglan tried to persuade.

Ye Liuyun shook his head and said, "I've already decided on this."


Su Jinglan shut up immediately.

You must know that Ye Liuyun's combat power is the number one in "Tianyuan Continent", and no one can change his decision.

"Then let the six ministers discuss how to proceed..." Su Jinglan suggested.

Ye Liuyun nodded.

"Actually, it's very simple. I will kill it alone, followed by a team of people, responsible for accepting the territory and taking prisoners."

Hearing this, Su Jinglan burst out laughing.

Ye Liuyun really took it for granted.

However, after thinking about it, Su Jinglan couldn't laugh anymore. Ye Liuyun's strength seemed to be able to achieve this level.

After all, Ye Liuyun is now the emperor who can suppress an era!
Although there are a lot of great emperors in this era...

The Heavenly Silkworm Emperor, the Hualong Emperor, the Life and Death Emperor, the Yin Yang Emperor, the Burning Heaven Emperor, the Star Reaching Emperor, and the Thunder Thunder Emperor.

"it is good."

Su Jinglan nodded.

"Then I'll let the six ministers discuss how to take over the territory. You can discuss the route of entry with them."

Ye Liuyun nodded upon hearing this.

After a while, Su Jinglan summoned six ministers.

Murong Changgeng, Chunyu Jun, Dugu Pengxiao, Ouyang Jian, Gongyang Wenyan, Xuanyuan Dashi and others came hand in hand.

However, when they saw Ye Liuyun, their expressions were a little unnatural.

This guy Ye Liuyun has too many ideas and is too unreliable.

It's just that his strength is too strong for people to ignore his unreliable opinions.

"I have seen Your Majesty."

"Meet Ye Guogong."

The six ministers saluted Ye Liuyun and Su Jinglan.


Su Jinglan nodded upon hearing this.

"This time you are called here because Ye Guogong has something to discuss with you."

Hear this.

The expressions of Murong Changgeng, Chunyu Jun and others changed drastically.

again? !
Ye Liuyun still asked people to stop for a while?

Su Jinglan saw the expressions of Murong Changgeng, Chunyujun and others, and coughed twice.

"It's for the sake of starting a war with the "North Plains Wild Country". "

These words immediately made Murong Changgeng, Chunyu Jun and others gasp.

"Absolutely not!"

Xuanyuan, Minister of the Household Department, cried out in surprise, "Your Majesty, think twice, Duke Ye, think twice, the treasury of our Great Xia Dynasty is really out of money."

Xuanyuan wanted to cry when he was growing up. He was in charge of the household department, which was originally a good job.

However, Ye Liuyun's "compulsory education" and "national cultivation plan" made him miserable.

No matter what you do, it costs money. The officials under him don't care so much, they always know that they need money from Xuanyuan, the Minister of the Ministry of household affairs.

When Xuanyuan was growing up, he was almost unable to make ends meet.

Now, Ye Liuyun still wants to fight?
Was that a war?
That is burning money!

Su Jinglan didn't expect that Chunyu Jun, Minister of the Ministry of War, didn't say anything, but Xuanyuan, Minister of the Ministry of Households, took the lead in opposing it.

"Ahem, Xuanyuan Aiqing, don't worry, listen to Ye Guogong's plan first, I think this plan is feasible."

These words made Xuanyuan a little anxious.

It seems that Su Jinglan is not opposed to going to war?
Then who can persuade Ye Liuyun?

Ye Liuyun said lightly: "Don't be surprised, like a girl, this time it's not to spend money, but to make money."

The voice fell.

Murong Changgeng, Chunyu Jun, Xuanyuan Dashi and others all looked at Ye Liuyun, a little confused, how to make money?

Ye Liuyun continued: "For this war, I only need to go alone. You guys gather a team and accept the fruits of victory later."

Hearing this, Murong Changgeng, Chunyu Jun and others were dumbfounded.

Can you still fight like this?

Ye Liuyun continued: "After I leave, if there are people who resist, they will be taken down immediately. Those who commit the most heinous crimes will be sentenced to death. Most importantly, their property will be confiscated."

After hearing this, Xuanyuan clapped his hands.

"Okay, this is good, all will be brought back to the treasury!"

When everyone heard this, they all rolled their eyes. Didn't Xuanyuan think about money like crazy when he was young?

At this time, Chunyu Jun, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, stood up and saluted Ye Liuyun.

"Dare to ask Ye Guogong, when are you going to leave?"

Ye Liuyun groaned.

"Today, or tomorrow? Either way."

These words made everyone present roll their eyes.

This is a national war!

So capricious?
It's just that thinking that this person is Ye Liuyun, who is planning to attack a country by himself, everyone shuts up.

Strong strength means self-willedness!
"I will discuss with Marshal Ling Tianfeng of the "Hu Benwei" and strive for an early departure. "

Chunyu Jun bowed his hands to Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun nodded, and immediately said: "Since everyone is here, I will announce a few things."

After hearing this, everyone present shut up and focused their eyes on Ye Liuyun.

A little worried, Ye Liuyun came up with some whimsical ideas.

I saw Ye Liuyun said: "The previous "Bigudan Project", "Home Puppet Project" and the like are all suspended, and only the "National Practitioners Project" remains. "

As soon as this word comes out.

Murong Changgeng, Chunyu Jun, Xuanyuan Dashi, Gongyang Wenyan, Ouyang Jian, Dugu Pengxiao and others were overjoyed.

Unexpectedly, Ye Liuyun changed his mind?

Ye Liuyun continued: "The other things are just put on hold for the time being, not giving up completely, but putting all our energy on the "National Practitioners Program", and it must be done beautifully! "

These words made everyone present feel as if they had been poured with cold water.

"Ye Guogong, the treasury really has no money..."

Hubu Shangshu Xuanyuan looked at Ye Liuyun bitterly.

Ye Liuyun said lightly: "The resources of the world belong to the people of the world. Practitioners occupy most of the cultivation resources and become powerful. Naturally, ordinary people must be compensated."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

"Ye Guogong means to impose heavy taxes on practitioners?" Xuanyuan swallowed when he was a child.

Everyone else was horrified.

You must know that the body of the Great Xia Dynasty is actually composed of a small number of practitioners.

Now, Ye Liuyun is going to take a stab at cultivators, subsidizing ordinary people who are not worth mentioning and dispensable.

This is simply chasing the end! !
Ye Liuyun said lightly: "Be careful and don't be too ruthless, but there is no room for negotiation on this matter, and it will definitely be implemented."

At this time, Murong Changgeng, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, saluted Ye Liuyun with a straight face.

"Ye Guogong, forgive me for speaking bluntly, if you do this, many people will rebel."

These words made Ye Liuyun smile lightly.

"With me here, who is going against it?"

The voice fell, and the audience was silent for a while.

Yes, a great emperor suppresses the world, who would dare not obey?


Murong Changgeng and the others understood that Ye Liuyun's crooked path was about to go to the end.

Hubu Shangshu Xuanyuan said tremblingly: "Ye Guogong, we don't have the ability to collect taxes from these powerful people. If they want to evade taxes, there is nothing we can do."

Ye Liuyun groaned after hearing the words.

"Let the "Golden Sword Guard" work part-time to collect taxes. "

Murong Changgeng, Chunyu Jun and the others looked at each other with some seriousness.

In this way, the authority of the "Golden Sword Guard" has increased a bit.

He had known for a long time that Xuehou, the governor of the "Golden Sword Guard", belonged to Ye Liuyun, and looking at it now, it was indeed so.

"Ye Guogong, dare to ask, can you pay taxes? Your Majesty has to pay taxes, and the second and third ranks have to pay taxes. If you don't pay, what should you do?"

This question is necessary.

After all, if the practitioners of the second and third ranks do not pay taxes, no one in the "Golden Sword Guard" can forcibly hold them accountable.

Ye Liuyun said: "Fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh ranks are taxed. Eighth ranks and ninth ranks are not taxed, because most people will be at this level in the future."

Murong Changgeng, Chunyu Jun and the others breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the words.

Ye Liuyun's approach is obviously to cut the meat of the middle class and subsidize the bottom class, which has nothing to do with the top class.

In this way, they can rest assured that at least Ye Liuyun is not completely crazy.

Thinking about it carefully, it is actually normal for Ye Liuyun to do so.

Ye Liuyun is not sick, how could he do anything to himself?
Ye Liuyun's mood at this time was also very complicated.

Originally, he still had a little ambition, wanting to change the world.

But later, he found that his ability was not enough at all. If he acted recklessly, he would completely harm others and himself.

Therefore, Ye Liuyun's current focus has completely deviated from his original intention, and turned to seek more prestige, making [simulator] advanced the first priority.


Golden Knife Guard Headquarters.

After discussing with Murong Changgeng, Chunyu Jun and others, Ye Liuyun prepared to set off tomorrow to attack the "Northern Plains Wasteland".

And when the time comes, Ling Tianfeng will lead the "Hu Benwei" and accept the territory of the "Northern Plains Waste Country".

Before Ye Liuyun went to the "Northern Plains Wasteland", he came to the headquarters of the Golden Knife Guard. There are a few things that he needs to explain to Xue Hou.

Governor's office hall.

When Xue Hou saw Ye Liuyun, he quickly stood up, cupped his hands and said, "I've seen Ye Guogong."

Ye Liuyun nodded and waved his hand.

"The relationship between you and me doesn't have to be so divided."

These words made Xue Hou quite embarrassed, but he did not change anything.

Again, Ye Liuyun can be approachable, but he cannot overstep.

Ye Liuyun sat on the main seat, slightly raised his eyelids, glanced at Xuehou, and said, "How is the investigation on corruption going?"

Xue Hou immediately took out a storage ring and handed it over.

"The results are quite fruitful, and they are all here."

Ye Liuyun checked the storage ring, and it really was a treasure of heaven and earth.

"very good."

Ye Liuyun looked at Xue Hou appreciatively, and said, "It seems that you haven't neglected your duties these days."

Xue Hou sighed helplessly in his heart, what is the difference between Ye Liuyun and the former deposed emperor Su Shiyu.

"In the future, taxes will be collected from cultivators all over the world, and the "Golden Sword Guard" will be responsible for tax collection. "Ye Liuyun said.

As soon as these words came out, Xue Hou's eyes widened.

This right is a hot potato, but it is also an opportunity. The authority of the "Golden Knife Guard" will be expanded. As the governor of the Golden Knife Guard, he can definitely dominate the world!
"Thank you Ye Guogong, my subordinates will do their best to do a good job for Ye Guogong."

Xue Hou didn't mention Xia Emperor Su Jinglan at all.

Ye Liuyun didn't bother to pay attention to Xue Hou's small thoughts, as long as the matter was done properly.

"Handle it well. It's not impossible for me to let you break through to the First Rank and Great Emperor." Ye Liuyun was about to leave after saying this.

Xue Hou was shocked in his heart.

Has Ye Liuyun's strength reached such a miraculous level?
Can people break through to the first rank at will?Emperor?

Is this possible?

It should be an ordinary 'painting cake', right?

But Ye Liuyun is not like this kind of person, Ye Liuyun's character, it is impossible to do such a thing, and he doesn't bother to do such a thing.

Is that true?

To be honest, Xue Hou has broken through to the third rank now, which is already the limit, his aptitude is nothing more than that.

However, Ye Liuyun's words gave Xue Hou hope.

Who doesn't want to become the great emperor who suppresses an era? !

not enough!
Ye Liuyun said that only by working hard can he become a great emperor, Xue Hou's current credit is not enough.

At this time, Xue Hou gritted his teeth and said, "Please stay, Duke Ye, I have some news, I don't know if it will be useful to Duke Ye?"

These words made Ye Liuyun stop.


Ye Liuyun glanced at Xuehou and said, "What's the matter?"

Xue Hou was stunned by Ye Liuyun's gaze, and was horrified in his heart. Ye Liuyun's inadvertent aura was truly terrifying!
"According to the news from the "Golden Knife Guard", monsters have often appeared in the imperial capital recently, but the concealment method is extremely high, and it has not caused any harm, so I don't pay attention to it at present. "

"However, I fully doubt that the Yaozu may plan something big in the imperial capital."

As soon as these words came out, Xue Hou was a little apprehensive.

The monster clan may not have wanted to cause trouble, or there may be a real conspiracy, but as long as Xue Hou finds out this case, wouldn't the credit be a little more?
This is Xue Hou's Xiao Jiujiu. If Ye Liuyun doesn't know about this matter and Xue Hou handles this matter, then it is Xue Hou's job.

But now, Ye Liuyun knew about this matter, and asked Xue Hou to do it, and Xue Hou will be credited for doing it.


Ye Liuyun's expression was a little strange, the monster clan actually made trouble in the imperial capital?

Xiang Wushuang!
Ye Liuyun immediately thought of this guy.

Could it be that Xiang Wushuang, the great emperor of life and death, did not leave the imperial capital, and has been under Ye Liuyun's nose all this time, forbearance till now?
Ye Liuyun immediately used the [Law of Destiny] to rotate the "power of cause and effect" with Xiang Wushuang, the emperor of life and death.

In the end, Ye Liuyun was a little astonished to find that this was really the case...

"It's dark under the lights."

Ye Liuyun couldn't help but laugh.

Immediately, Ye Liuyun looked at Xue Hou and praised: "You have done a good job, and I will improve your cultivation level when the time comes."

Although Xue Hou's morality is questionable, he is still quite agile in handling things.

The key point is that because of Xuehou's news, Ye Liuyun and Xiang Wushuang, the great emperor of life and death, successfully established a "destiny connection", which is also the reason why [the law of destiny] inspired success.

"I go first."

Ye Liuyun turned around and left. Tomorrow, he would set off for the "Northern Wasteland Country", but today he wanted to eradicate the threat of Emperor Hualong.

Some are busy!

"Congratulations to Ye Guogong!"

Xue Hou was a little taken aback, Ye Liuyun is inexplicable, shouldn't he be ordered to investigate the Yaozu's conspiracy?
Xue Hou discovered that after Ye Liuyun became stronger, he became more and more unfathomable and elusive.


(End of this chapter)

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