Chapter 388 Manipulation (for subscription)

Yunyan Pavilion.

"How to get the "Plane Origin"? "

Ye Liuyun recalled the two methods mentioned by "Master":

1. To plunder the "plane origin" of the hostile plane through "plane war", this method is the most common and cruelest.

2. Through the "reincarnation space", let the weak "reincarnation" smuggle in and steal the "plane origin" of other planes. The advantage is that the method is relatively soft, and the disadvantage is that the effect is slow.

Ye Liuyun groaned, now he seems to be unable to choose both.

With his current strength, he has no choice at all.

First of all, if he wants to launch a "plane war", I'm afraid he won't be able to break through to the "ancestor level".

If you can't launch the "Plane War", you can't get the "Plane Origin", and without the "Plane Origin", you can't break through to the "Guozu Level" and above the "Guozu Level".

Endless loop.

The second point is that if you want to steal the "origin of the plane", you must become a supreme power, and if you want to become a supreme power, you must first become a "father-level" power.

If you want to become a "patriarch level" powerhouse, you must obtain the "origin of the plane".

Well, it's still an endless loop.

Ye Liuyun suddenly fell into a situation where there was nothing he could do.

If Ye Liuyun's time is wasted, then Ye Liuyun can only become a "quasi-religious ancestor" powerhouse in the end. Facing the army of [-] gods in the "demon world", Ye Liuyun can still only fight on his own.

Then when the tie ended, he was killed.

As for whether the other party will be punished, no one knows. Even if the other party pays for Ye Liuyun's life and Ye Liuyun dies, everything is meaningless.

Ye Liuyun's brows were furrowed, almost knotted.

Things have developed to this point, and it really means that things are going to end.

"The only thing I can rely on is... [simulator]."

Ye Liuyun's eyes returned to the [simulator], this [simulator] has been upgraded twice, and has become a [simulator of the heavens].

So, can he obtain a large amount of "Plane Origin" through [The Heavens Simulator]?

"Let's do the simulation again, this time let's see how I can find the "origin of the plane". "

"Start the simulation!"

【Ding!Does it cost 2000 million reputation to run a simulation? 】


【please choose】:
[1. Ontology simulation! 】

【2. Random role simulation! 】

【3. Designated role simulation! 】

Ye Liuyun immediately said: "Body simulation!"

【please choose】:
【1. Text simulation! 】

【2. Audio-visual simulation! (An additional 2000 million reputation will be charged)]

【3. Holographic projection simulation! (An additional 1 million reputation will be charged)]

"Text simulation!"

[After 50 years, you break through to the peak of the god master level, plus [everyone is like a dragon] (ancestral level/prototype), you become a "quasi-teaching ancestor-level powerhouse"! 】

【You ascend to the "spirit world"! 】

[When you came, you were besieged and killed by many god-level powerhouses in the "spiritual world", but you easily beat many powerhouses! 】

[You have come to the "Sage School"! 】

【You want to discuss with "Master"! 】

["Master" soon came to the "Sage Academy", and was shocked by your strength. After all, the "Plane Origin" of the "Tianyuan Realm" is lacking. Logically speaking, it is impossible to have a "quasi-teacher-level powerhouse" of. 】

[You didn't say much, but you just hope that "Master" can show you how to get the "Plane Origin". 】

["Master" still only said two methods! 】

["Master" suggests that you can find a "butcher" and a "healer". They are also "quasi-educated ancestors" and may have different information. 】

【You didn't hesitate, let the "Master" recommend you! 】

[Soon, you will meet the "quasi-teaching ancestor-level powerhouse" and "healer" of the "family faction".And the "quasi-religious ancestor-level powerhouse" and "butcher" of the "Zongmen Sect". 】

【You want to discuss the Dao with them, but they attack directly and brazenly, wanting to kill you and plunder the "origin of the plane". 】

【You were furious, and fought with the "butcher" and "healer" all over the place! 】

[Finally, under the mediation of "Master", you both gave up. 】

【You angrily reprimanded these two people for not having any perspective on the overall situation. You said bluntly that this "demon world" has an army of [-] gods. If you don't want to die, it's best to cooperate with you. 】

[The "butcher" and "healer" are not surprised by this situation. Obviously they also have some guesses, but because the matter is of great importance, they blocked the news and did not let other ordinary god-level powerhouses know. 】

【"Master" mediates, "Butcher" and "Healer" also tell what they know. 】

【If you want to obtain the "Origin of the Plane", there is a third method, which is to use special skills to sneak into other worlds and steal them. 】

[This move is somewhat similar to dispatching the "Reincarnation", but it is going by oneself, and there are some risks, which may lead to the risk of being killed by the strong of the plane. 】

[You asked if there is such a practice. 】

[The "butcher" and "doctor" are not good at you, claiming that if you have this kind of practice, how can you stay in the "quasi-teacher level" for so long? 】

[You are also a little helpless. 】

[The "butcher" suggested that the four of them "quasi-educated ancestors" draw lots and let the other three "quasi-educated ancestors" be sacrificed, and then they can support a "quasi-educated ancestor" strong person, so that in the next In the "Plane War", the "Spirit World" will not lose. 】

[The "butcher"'s suggestion was unanimously opposed by you and the "master" and "doctor". 】

[You make a suggestion again, you can close the "gate of the plane" at that time, as long as you persist for 1 years, you can make a tie. 】

[The "butcher" was the first to object to your suggestion, claiming that if you defected to the enemy, wouldn't the "spirit world" be defeated without a fight? 】

[You have anticipated this, and proposed a compromise—you four "quasi-religious ancestor-level" powerhouses will meet the enemy, and other god-level powerhouses will not get involved. 】

[As long as you persist for 1 years, you can draw. 】

[For this, "Master", "Butcher" and "Doctor" hesitated for a moment, but agreed. 】

[You continue to ask at this time, is there a referee? What if the strong in the "demon world" still want to kill them after the tie? 】

["Master", "Butcher", and "Healer" all said that this is impossible, after all, they are all engaged in "plane wars" under the supervision of the powerful in the "Xuanhuang World". 】

[However, you know that this situation does exist, and you have repeatedly emphasized that they should not take it lightly. 】

["Master", "Butcher" and "Doctor" all changed their faces slightly, maybe it is really possible. 】

[The "butcher" said that the strong in this "Xuanhuang Great World" are also human beings, and there may be a possibility of being bribed. 】

[The "doctors" sighed a little, claiming that this "war of planes" was a matter of life and death for them, but in the eyes of the powerhouses of other higher worlds in the "Xuanhuang Great World", it was just a "gambling game". 】

[Maybe there are strong people who use shady means to manipulate and seek benefits. 】

【Your faces are very serious. Could it be that you have already been designated as "losers" by default? 】

[You ask the three "Master", "Butcher" and "Doctor" if they have any acquaintances in "Xuanhuang Dashijie". 】

["Master", "Butcher" and "Doctor" are all a little helpless. 】

["Master" thought about it and told you that "Jiehai" is very dangerous, they have never gone out! 】

[At this time, the "healer" also tells you that there is actually a fourth way to obtain the "origin of the plane", which is to try your luck in the "sea of ​​boundaries", and occasionally there will be sporadic plane origins of broken planes. 】

[The accumulation of a little makes a lot, and it is also very impressive to collect. 】

[The "Master" directly interrupted the "Doctor"'s bewitchment to you, and told you that the danger of the "Boundary Sea", even if the "Ancestor Level" strong enters, it is a dead end. 】

【Your face is gloomy. You were planning to lose, so you took your family to wander in the "Jiehai". Turns out, "Jiehai" is so dangerous? 】

["Master" tells you that this "Boundary Sea" is completely out of order, and killing people to seize treasures is very common, not to mention the inherent danger of "Boundary Sea", there are "monsters", once they are targeted, they will basically die deal. 】

[The "butcher" interrupted at this time, to tell you, there is a fifth way to obtain the "origin of the plane", you can go to the "boundary sea" to hunt down the "world beasts", these "world beasts" are devouring "planets" "Face" for a living, the "origin of the plane" all over the body should not be too strong! 】

["Master" just rolled his eyes at "Butcher", and tell you that this "Beast" is a headache for even the top experts in "Xuanhuang Great World", so don't even think about it. 】

[You are thoughtful. 】

["Master" tells you to cultivate with your heart, "Plane War" should not be tricky, if there is really something tricky, you... have no way to resist. 】

[After 100 years, your cultivation has not made any progress! 】

[After 300 years, your cultivation has not made any progress! 】

[300 years later, the plane war is coming! 】

[You, "Master", "Butcher" and "Healer" face off against the army of [-] God Lords from the "Demon Realm". You close the plane war and start a bloody battle! 】

[You have persisted for 1 years by relying on the "cracks in space" to fight and flee! 】

【"Master" died, "Butcher" and "Healer" were seriously injured. 】

[At this time, the draw ended, and the "Demon Realm" still didn't give up, and killed you all. 】

[You took the "butcher" and "healer" and fled back to the "spirit world"! 】

[It should be safe and sound, but the "butcher" gave you a heart attack, and was going to eat you to recover from your injuries. 】

【you are dead! 】

[The simulation is over! 】

[Please choose the following rewards! 】

[Option [-]: [Bloodline Supremacy] (Ancestral Order): A type of heaven, eternal, correct, and powerful! 】

[Option [-]: [Follow Heaven and Respond to Destiny] (Ancestral Rank): A kind of Heavenly Way, eternal, correct, and powerful! 】

[Option [-]: [Teaching without class] (ancestral rank): A kind of heavenly way, eternal, correct, and powerful! 】

after the simulation is over.

Ye Liuyun's expression was a little helpless.

The helplessness of the weak, the helplessness of the sincere.

First of all, it can be confirmed that this "plane war" is really tricky, even if they barely draw, it is still meaningless.

The "demon world" cannot take down the "spirit world" with proper means, so they directly use despicable means.

What can Ye Liuyun do?


Even the referee is theirs.

Then, Ye Liuyun finally rescued the "butcher" and "healer", how did they treat Ye Liuyun?
Come directly to the heart!
Eat Ye Liuyun to heal his wounds!
This kind of person is really ashamed to be with them!
Fortunately, it was a simulation. If it was real, Ye Liuyun would be so depressed.

Wait, already dead?
That's fine.

Ye Liuyun calmed down and looked at the three reward options.

Unexpectedly, something good happened.

[Teaching without discrimination], this is the "Tao of Heaven" of the "Master".

[Blood supremacy], this is the "Heavenly Way" of the "Healer" and "Aristocratic School".

[Following Heaven and Responding to Fate], this is the "Way of Heaven" of "Butcher" and "Zongmen Sect". They pay attention to the law of the jungle.

Ye Liuyun died at the hands of the "butcher". It has to be said that he has been implementing his own ideas, and Ye Liuyun has nowhere to complain.

I thought about it.

"I choose [Teach without discrimination]!"

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for obtaining [Education without discrimination] (ancestral level/prototype)! 】

Waited for a while.

Ye Liuyun was a little disappointed.

He thought he could use [Education, No Class] to merge into [Everyone is like a dragon], so that [Everyone is like a dragon] can get started.

Now it seems that Ye Liuyun was delusional.

Or, do you need more [education without class] before you can get started?
After all (prototype) plus (prototype), two (prototype) is not enough (entry), this is normal!
Ye Liuyun sorted out his thoughts.

The most urgent task is to obtain the "origin of the plane", even if Ye Liuyun's "Tian Dao" has been cultivated to the (perfect) level.

However, without the "origin of the plane", Ye Liuyun's combat power is like a castle in the air, a real man in five seconds.

There are five ways to obtain the "Plane Origin".

1. Obtained by plane wars devouring hostile planes.

2. Obtained by using reincarnation to steal.

3. The exercises are obtained by stealing them by myself.

4. Obtained by picking up trash in the boundary sea.

5. Obtained by hunting beasts.

There are five methods in total, among which hunting "world beasts" is the most dangerous method and the most profitable.

But Ye Liuyun also knew that it was impossible for him to hunt and kill the "Beasts of the Realm", his strength was not enough.

After carefully scanning the five methods, Ye Liuyun finally found out that what he was most likely to do was to pick up junk in the sea.

However, the risks are still high.

Of course, Ye Liuyun's weakness forced Ye Liuyun to engage in such dangerous actions.

"Wait, maybe there is no need to do such a dangerous thing..."

Ye Liuyun had a strange expression on his face.

"The "dimension origin" remains in the broken world, so I just need to find the "broken world", and I don't have to go to the "boundary sea". "

""Boundary Sea" does have a lot of "broken worlds", but it doesn't mean that there are no other places. "

Ye Liuyun pondered, the "origin of the plane" of the "Tianyuan Realm" is not completely gone.

If there were really none left, then the "Tianyuan Realm" would have collapsed long ago.

Therefore, at least half of the "Tianyuan Realm" remains.

At least the "Plane Origin" of "Tianyuan Continent" is not lacking, otherwise how could it be "lawless"?
Ye Liuyun thought about it.

So, can he find the same "broken world"?

"Okay, the next main simulation is to look for the "broken world" around the "Tianyuan Realm" and "Spiritual Realm". "

Ye Liuyun thought about it.

"This kind of thing is easy to think of, so the "master", "butcher" and "healer" must have thought of it too, but they didn't say..."

"After all, this is something that can be obtained, and of course they are reluctant to say it."

Ye Liuyun was thoughtful.

"Next, I will do my best to improve my cultivation, and save as much as I can in 50 years."

"Then look for "Broken World" to obtain "Plane Origin", and then "Plane War", this..."

Thinking of this, Ye Liuyun felt dizzy.

In an unfair duel, the referees are all on the opposite side, how to fight this?
"Let's take one step at a time."

"Now, let's simulate and see where I can get the cultivation resources the fastest. I want to break through and reach the peak of the God Master level as quickly as possible!"

 Thank you all for your votes.


(End of this chapter)

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