Simulator: Start Day Prison Death Row

Chapter 417 The Sixth God-Level Amulet

Chapter 417 The Sixth Divine Aspect (Subscribe)
Ye Liuyun performed seven simulations again.

The old urchin's information has also become like this——

【Aspect】: Old Naughty Boy/Sword Emperor/Sword God
[Level]: God level +9
[Attributes]: strength, sensitivity, body, intelligence
[Introduction]: Others laugh at me as crazy, but I laugh at others not seeing through

[Abilities]: 1. The king of ten thousand swords can command all swords in the world. 2. Jianxin, practice swordsmanship by leaps and bounds! 3. Demon Sword, a sword strike that ignores distance and hits [-]%!
"Ha ha……"

[God level: old naughty boy/sword emperor/sword god] +9, feeling his incomparable power, couldn't help laughing up to the sky, feeling extremely happy.

At this time, Iron Lady, Golden Winged Roc, and Sword Master all looked at Ye Liuyun eagerly.

Ye Liuyun waved his hand.

"Don't worry, come one by one, I won't give up until I get all of you to full level today."

Ye Liuyun will face the soul race in the "Little Universe" next, so naturally he cannot fight unprepared.

Therefore, be sure to be fully armed, armed to the teeth, and then push horizontally!
Ye Liuyun thought for a while, "Grandmaster of Sword Dao, what do you think about the gaps in your next two abilities?"

[God level: Master of the Sword Dao/Sword Immortal] After thinking about it, he shook his head and said, "It's all right, the master can decide."

Ye Liuyun sighed helplessly.

Whatever you want, it doesn't matter, it's up to you to decide...

This is to kill the difficulty of choice.

If it wasn't because this guy was his spiritual reflection, Ye Liuyun would have taught her a little lesson.

At this time, Ye Liuyun thought about it.

"Sword, sword..."

"Sword Demon can consider it."

"And then there's..."


Ye Liuyun made a decision.

He was a little curious, what would be the effect if multiple domains were superimposed?
"Start the simulation!"

【Ding!Do you run a simulation? 】


【please choose】:
[1. Ontology simulation! 】

【2. Random role simulation! 】

【3. Designated role simulation! 】

Ye Liuyun immediately said: "Designate role simulation!"

[Please specify a role! 】

"Han Ming!"

[Do you choose "Xuanhuang Great World·Tianxing Sword School·True Disciple·Han Ming"? 】

[Price: 1 billion reputation. 】



【please choose】:
【1. Text simulation! 】

【2. Audio-visual simulation! (An additional 2000 million reputation will be charged)]

【3. Holographic projection simulation! (An additional 1 million reputation will be charged)]

"Text simulation!"

【please choose】:
[1. Phase simulation (2000 million reputation)]

[2. Full simulation (1 million reputation)]

"Stage simulation!"

【You are Han Ming, a true disciple of "Xuanhuang Great World·Tianxing Sword School"! 】

[When you were travelling, you encountered a strong man from the "Underworld" who chased you down. 】

【please choose】:
[1. Begging for mercy, being transformed into a soul race. 】

[2. Both jade and stone were burned, and then transformed into soul clan. 】

[3. Persevere, and hope that at the last moment, someone will come to rescue you! 】

"hold fast."

[You choose to persevere, but you were rescued by Master at the last moment. 】

[The simulation ends. 】

[1, 1 million reputation. 】

[2. [God level: Sword Demon] (Spending 1 million reputation can be solidified) "Yes/No"! 】

[3. "Tianxing Sword Art" (divine level): The sword technique created by Tian Xingzi, the founder of the Tianxing Sword Sect, is extremely exquisite. It can use the power of the sun, moon and stars to launch a huge slash, and it is not difficult to destroy a world. (Prestige can be solidified by spending 1 million) "Yes/No"! 】

"Solid "Sword Demon"! "

【Ding!It is detected that the host has multiple Dharma phases, is it fused? 】

"Merge into the "Sword Master". "

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for obtaining [God Level: Sword Master/Sword Immortal] +1! 】


"Start the simulation!"

"Han Ming!"

"hold fast!"

"Solid "Sword Demon"! "




Ye Liuyun's non-stop simulation quickly updated the information of this "Master of Sword Dao" to——

【Aspect】: Sword Master/Sword Immortal
[Level]: God level +9
[Attributes]: strength, sensitivity, body, intelligence
[Introduction]: Killing a person in ten steps will never stop a thousand miles away!
[Ability]: 1. Invite the moon, ignore any defenses, and directly hit the powerful attack power of the soul! 2. Magic Sword, a sword strike that ignores distance and hits 3%! [-]. In the domain of kings, everything in the domain will be suppressed!

Ye Liuyun looked at "Iron Lady" and "Golden Winged Roc" and fell into hesitation.

At this time, Ye Liuyun glanced at his reputation bar again.

[Reputation]: 75.9 billion

Prestige is consumed relatively quickly.

Although the prestige will be rewarded every time, it is basically beyond the means, unless Ye Liuyun does not choose to solidify the law.

But that's not possible.

Therefore, Ye Liuyun will consume 1.2 million prestige every time he simulates it, and one Dharma phase will be strengthened nine times, which is 10.8 billion prestige.

Next, there are two more dharmas to be strengthened to the full level, which is 21.6 billion.


There is still a lot left.

Ye Liuyun finally had no shortage of money.


"However, what ability should I choose?"

Ye Liuyun looked at "Iron Lady/Empress".

At this time, "Golden Winged Roc" spoke, and said, "Master, if it were me, I would like 【Invite the Moon】【Magic Sword】."


Ye Liuyun was stunned when he heard that.

"what do you mean?"

"Golden Winged Roc" explained, "I have a critical strike ability. If I add [Magic Sword], it will be a critical strike. Every attack is a critical strike. If I add [Inviting the Moon], it will be a critical strike. Every critical blow acts on the soul."


Ye Liuyun was shocked.

"This is a perfect match..."

Ye Liuyun looked at the "Golden Winged Roc" and said, "Why didn't you say it earlier? If you said it earlier, I would have arranged it for everyone."

This is simply invincible.

"There is also the ability [Dragon Buster], which is very terrifying. If you can arrange it for everyone, you will basically be invincible..."

Ye Liuyun beat his chest and stamped his feet.


Losing big!
Ye Liuyun has been thinking about how to match the ability of the law.

But in fact, it doesn't matter if it fits or not. You can break through everything with one force. No matter what combination you have, you can crash it by directly violently outputting it!
"Okay, okay," Ye Liuyun looked at "Golden Winged Roc", and said, "I'll arrange it for you first."

"Thank you, master."

The golden-winged roc cupped its fists.

Ye Liuyun nodded, "Start the simulation!"

【Ding!Do you run a simulation? 】


【please choose】:
[1. Ontology simulation! 】

【2. Random role simulation! 】

【3. Designated role simulation! 】

Ye Liuyun immediately said: "Designate role simulation!"

"Yan Mingxian!"

[Would you choose "Spirit World·Tianyuanmeng·Nine Pillar Court·Yan Mingxian"? 】

[Price: 2000 million reputation. 】



【please choose】:
【1. Text simulation! 】

【2. Audio-visual simulation! (An additional 2000 million reputation will be charged)]

【3. Holographic projection simulation! (An additional 1 million reputation will be charged)]

"Text simulation!"

【please choose】:
[1. Phase simulation (2000 million reputation)]

[2. Full simulation (1 million reputation)]

"Stage simulation."

【You are Yan Mingxian, a member of the Spirit Realm·Tianyuanmeng·Nine Pillars Court! 】

【You are Ye Liuyun's best friend. 】

【Ye Liuyun went to the "Mirror Mirror Prison Realm" whereabouts are unknown. 】

[The situation in the "spirit world" is very dangerous. 】

【please choose】:
[1. Expose your talent and attract the attention of the supreme powerhouse. 】

[2. Continue to keep a low profile, stay dormant, and let him be flooded. 】

[3. Contact Ye Liuyun's master and ask for his help. 】

Ye Liuyun had a strange expression on his face.

【Simulator】The simulation is very accurate.

In other words, even if Ye Liuyun's three god-level auras are strengthened to the full level, his whereabouts will still be unknown in the "Mirror Mirror Prison".

"It's still not strong enough..."

Ye Liuyun sighed.

"I choose [3]."

[You choose to contact "Hua Yingxiong". 】

[After Hua Yingxiong knew the situation of the "spiritual world", he took care of him.The spiritual world has temporarily passed the crisis. 】

[The simulation ends. 】

[1. 2000 million reputation. 】

[2. [God level: Sword Immortal] (reputation can be solidified by spending 1 billion) "Yes/No"! 】

[3. "Zhenwu Breaks the Sky Sword" (Divine Rank): The swordsmanship created by the powerful Emperor Zhenwu of a generation can break the sky with one sword, and once broke the sky with one sword! (Prestige can be solidified by spending 1000 million) "Yes/No"! 】

Ye Liuyun nodded.

Going to the "Mirror Mirror Prison Realm" by myself is to save the daughter of "Hua Yingxiong".

It's just that the tea is cold when people go away.

It's okay in a short time, but if the time is long and the bond between Ye Liuyun and "Hua Yingxiong" is exhausted, I'm afraid "Spirit World" will still suffer.


"Solid "Sword Immortal"! "

Ye Liuyun's eyes narrowed, as expected, she could only rely on herself.

【Ding!It is detected that the host has multiple Dharma phases, is it fused? 】

"Fusion into the body of the "Golden Winged Roc". "

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for obtaining [God Level: Golden Winged Roc] +1! 】

Ye Liuyun even checked the information of "Golden Winged Roc".

[Dharma appearance]: Golden Winged Roc
[Level]: God level +1
[Attributes]: strength s, sensitivity s, body s, wisdom s
[Introduction]: Dapeng rises with the same wind in one day, soaring up to [-] miles
[Abilities]: 1. Dragon nemesis, facing dragons and suspected dragons, has 2% crit ability! [-]. Invite the moon, ignore any defenses, and directly hit the powerful attack power of the soul!
"very good."

Ye Liuyun was a little excited.

With this [Invitation to the Moon], it's a huge fortune.


"Imitate Han Ming."

"hold fast."




After 9 consecutive simulations.

The Golden Winged Roc’s information has taken on a new look——

[Dharma appearance]: Golden Winged Roc
[Level]: God level +9
[Attributes]: strength, sensitivity, body, intelligence
[Introduction]: Dapeng rises with the same wind in one day, soaring up to [-] miles
[Abilities]: 1. Dragon nemesis, facing dragons and suspected dragons, has 2% crit ability! 3. Invite the moon, ignore any defenses, and directly hit the powerful attack power of the soul! [-]. Demon Sword, a sword strike that ignores distance and hits [-]%!
"very good."

Ye Liuyun was a little excited.

In this way, his combat effectiveness has improved again.

"It's my turn."

"Iron Lady" looked at Ye Liuyun indifferently.

She is the last one.


Ye Liuyun nodded, "Since you don't have any ideas, I plan to [Invite the Moon] [Dragon's Buster] for you, is that okay?"


"Iron Lady" said very calmly.

Ye Liuyun praised: "It's refreshing enough."

In this way, there is no need to tangle.

No matter what matches or not, directly imitate Yan Mingxian!
Then get 【Invite the Moon】.

"In terms of Dragon's Nemesis, it would be "Mitian". "

Ye Liuyun frowned.

"This is a "Supreme" powerhouse, and his prestige can be simulated quite a bit. "

"And I'm not sure I can get the 'Golden Winged Roc'," Ye Liuyun frowned, "What if I get other Dharma images? "

Ye Liuyun was silent for a moment.

"Try once, if you don't get the "Golden Winged Roc", then replace it. "

"and many more."

Ye Liuyun's face was ugly.

"But if you don't get the golden-winged roc, it means that this one will have other dharma appearances. Once fused, it will have other abilities..."

Ye Liuyun frowned.

Then there is no chance for the last choice.

"I can do it." "Iron Lady" doesn't care.

[The Realm of Kings] Once it comes out, everyone will be a chicken and a dog.

"Forget it, [Dragon's Nemesis] is rare, so let's change it."

Ye Liuyun thought for a while, "With the [Invitation to the Moon], it would be cool to have another [Magic Sword], and it is also a rare configuration to match with the [King's Realm]."

"En." "Iron Lady" said indifferently.

"Start the simulation!"

"Specify role simulation!"

"Han Ming!"

"hold fast!"





That's it, after another 9 simulations.

Ye Liuyun's [God Level: Iron Lady/Empress]'s Dharma information has become like this——

【Aspect】: Iron Lady/Empress
[Level]: God level +9
[Attributes]: strength, sensitivity, body, intelligence
[Introduction]: Who said women are inferior to men?
[Ability]: 1. The realm of the king, everything in the realm will be suppressed! 2. Invite the moon, ignore any defenses, and directly hit the powerful attack power of the soul! 3. Demon Sword, a sword strike that ignores distance and hits [-]%!
"very good!"

Ye Liuyun was a little refreshed.

The five god-level dharma signs were all promoted by him to the point where they could not be promoted.

Full attribute sss.

There are 3 more abilities.

Basically invincible.

"Now if you want to continue to improve, you need to obtain the sixth law."

Ye Liuyun thought about it.

"But I haven't decided which one to choose for the sixth method."

Thinking of this, Ye Liuyun smiled dumbly.

"Are you getting into a dead end again, aren't you?"

"The so-called "odd", in the face of absolute strength, is nothing more than a joke. "

Ye Liuyun was full of confidence, "[Yueyue] [Dragon's Buster] [Magic Sword] combined with the three abilities, it is impossible to defeat me."

"At that time, the nine great dharma signs will all be in this configuration, so I will ask you how to resist!"

Ye Liuyun said excitedly.

"It's just that [Dragon Buster] is difficult to obtain..."

"Then choose [King Realm] [Inviting Moon] [Magic Sword]."

"Then the Dharma image I want to obtain is also very clear."

"Choose "Sword Demon"! "

"Start the simulation!"

【Ding!Do you run a simulation? 】


【please choose】:
[1. Ontology simulation! 】

【2. Random role simulation! 】

【3. Designated role simulation! 】

Ye Liuyun immediately said: "Designate role simulation!"

"Han Ming."

[Whether to choose "Xuanhuang Great World·Tianxing Sword School·True Disciple·Han Ming"! 】

[Price: 1 billion reputation. 】



【please choose】:
【1. Text simulation! 】

【2. Audio-visual simulation! (An additional 2000 million reputation will be charged)]

【3. Holographic projection simulation! (An additional 1 million reputation will be charged)]

"Text simulation!"

【please choose】:
[1. Phase simulation (2000 million reputation)]

[2. Full simulation (1 million reputation)]"

"Stage simulation!"

【You are Han Ming...】

【please choose】

[The simulation ends. 】



"Solid "Sword Demon"! "

【Ding!It is detected that the host has multiple legal phases. Do you want to choose fusion? 】


【Ding!Congratulations to the host for obtaining [God Level: Sword Demon]!
"Sure enough."

Ye Liuyun was a little excited.

[Simulator] It is strong enough, ignoring Ye Liuyun's realm, directly allowing Ye Liuyun to have the sixth dharma aspect in the "Tiangang Realm Nine Stars".

You must know that other practitioners of the "Xuanhuang Great World" must cultivate to the "Supreme Level" before they can obtain the six dharma signs.

Ye Liuyun has now surpassed 99.999999% of the people in the "Xuanhuang World"!


[God-level: Sword Demon] Aspect, looking at Ye Liuyun, looking at the other five god-level aspects, the whole person was stunned.

These guys are also god-level dharma figures, why are they so terrifying?
You must know that there are also differences among god-level dharma signs.

And [God Level: Sword Demon]

In [God level: Iron Maiden/Empress] +9
[God Level: Old Naughty Boy / Sword Emperor / Sword God] +9
[God level: Sword Master/Sword Immortal] +9
[God level: Overlord/Blue Dragon] +9
[God Level: Golden Winged Roc] +9
In front of these dharma appearances are the worst dharma appearances!
"Don't be surprised." "Old Urchin" said familiarly: "Master will promote you to be as powerful as us!"

[God level: Sword Demon] Dang even looked at Ye Liuyun, clasped his fists and said, "I have seen the master."

You know, although the "Sword Demon"'s "wisdom" is only "b", it doesn't mean he is stupid.

And the five god-level Dharma figures are coming again, how dare he be presumptuous...

"Okay, I will give you a promotion now."

Ye Liuyun continued to simulate!
 Thanks for the monthly pass without windbreaker.Thanks to book friend 20221101124908436 for the reward and monthly pass.Thank you all for your votes.

(End of this chapter)

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