Simulator: Start Day Prison Death Row

Chapter 420 Stealing the Chance of the Destiny's Son

Chapter 420 Stealing the Chance of the Destiny's Son (Subscribe)
Next, Ye Liuyun and [God Level: Sword Master/Sword Immortal] +9 wandered around in the mid-air of this "Little Universe".

According to what the "old man" said before, it is very "dangerous" when the "spirits" are out in broad daylight.

Ye Liuyun needed to encounter such a "danger".

Sure enough, after wandering around for a long time, Ye Liuyun met two "soul clan" again.

"There are two people in a team, and each person is responsible for a thousand miles around..." Ye Liuyun was thoughtful.

At this time, the two "soul clan" looked at Ye Liuyun with incredible expressions.

""Tiangang Realm"? "

"Where did this guy come from?"

"Could it be from outside?"

These two "soul clans" are much smarter than the previous soul clans.

It also gave Ye Liuyun a little more expectation.

The smart "soul race" should be better at mixing and know more information, is this reasonable?

At this time, Ye Liuyun looked at [God Level: Master of Sword Dao/Sword Immortal] +9, and said, "Just take a breath."


[God level: Master of Sword Dao/Sword Immortal] +9 Without any hesitation, he made a bold move, like a ghost, and rushed towards these two "soul clans".

The two "soul race" soon erupted into astonishing screams.

"She can hurt souls!"

"If you are killed by her, you will really die!"

The voices of these two "soul clans" were incomparably panicked. After all, the reason why their "soul clans" were able to act fiercely outside was nothing more than relying on their immortal bodies.

Now that someone could really kill them, they immediately panicked.

The guy who was the least afraid of death on weekdays has now become the guy who is the most afraid of death.

"Stop it, you dare to kill us, aren't you afraid of revenge from the "Soul Clan"? "

"You and everyone related to you, even your world, will be destroyed!"

Ye Liuyun was speechless when he heard the familiar words. Are all these guys so arrogant?

Even scaring people is the same rhetoric.

"hurry up."

Ye Liuyun couldn't help urging.

At the same time, Ye Liuyun was also a little disappointed. He thought how powerful the dharma image would be after being strengthened to the full level, but this is the result?That's it?

It took so long to clean up the two rookies?

[God level: Sword Dao Grandmaster/Sword Immortal] +9 couldn't help frowning, obviously she felt Ye Liuyun's contempt.

puff puff!

Soon, the two "soul race" only had two heads left.

"how dare you!"

"You will definitely regret it!"

At this time, Ye Liuyun stepped forward and looked down at the two soul clans from a high position.

"Now, let me ask you to answer, understand?"


At this time, a "spirit clan" quickly spoke, sneering and sarcastic.

Bang! ! !
There was a sudden explosion.

The "soul clan" who mocked Ye Liuyun died completely just like that.


The remaining "Soul Clan" kept frightened, and quickly said: "I said, I said..."

Ye Liuyun smiled slightly, and said, "Isn't it enough to be like this earlier?"

Soon, Ye Liuyun got useful information from the only remaining "Soul Clan".

Ye Liuyun already knew the location of the commander who took away the "origin of the plane".

"Then you are useless." Ye Liuyun smiled.

Seeing Ye Liuyun's expression full of malice, this "spirit clan" became angry, "You don't keep your promise!"

Ye Liuyun looked at this "Soul Clan" in surprise, and said, "When did I promise to let you go?"

This "spirit clan" was a little stunned, as if it was true, Ye Liuyun just frightened him and wanted to kill him, but he didn't promise to let him go.


Bang! ! !
The last words of this "spirit clan" could not be uttered.

"Let's go."

Ye Liuyun took [God Level: Sword Master/Sword Immortal] +9, and headed towards the direction of the "Commander".

Soon, Ye Liuyun and [God Level: Sword Master/Sword Immortal] +9 came to a huge floating city.

Inside, lived the "Spirit Clan Leader", who was said to have the cultivation base of "Tiangang Realm Nine Stars".

"Come out."

Ye Liuyun called out.

[God Level: Golden Winged Roc] +9
[God level: Overlord/Blue Dragon] +9
The three god-level dharma signs all appeared.

These are also the three god-level signs that Ye Liuyun exposed to the public.

"Not one of the other "soul clans" will be left behind, but the "commander" will only need to keep his breath. "

"Yes!" The three god-level figures all agreed in unison.

The three god-level figures brazenly shot, and soon alarmed the floating city.

A group of "spirit clans" emerged, and their dharma images were full of dark air.

Also, this "soul race" is not only in human form, but also in various forms, including a lot of beast forms, and there are lumps of pimples, which are obviously other special beings.

"After all lives die, they will be reincarnated in the form of "spirits"..."

Ye Liuyun was thoughtful.

This "Yellow Spring World" is really wonderful.

At this time, the three god-level Dharma Aspects are all very powerful. With one move, a large area of ​​"soul clan" will be annihilated into nothingness.

Especially [God Level: Golden Winged Roc] +9, he has critical strike ability and soul attack ability, so his output is very high.

[God level: Sword Master/Sword Immortal] The power of +9 is not bad, much stronger than before.

"If it wasn't for you to take a breath before, I wouldn't be so troublesome!" [God Level: Sword Master/Sword Immortal] +9 replied to Ye Liuyun.


Ye Liuyun was a little embarrassed.

He forgot that these images are actually a part of his spirit, and they will perceive Ye Liuyun's thoughts.

That is to say, when Ye Liuyun underestimated [God Level: Sword Dao Master/Sword Immortal] +9 before, he had already been discovered by others.

This is a little embarrassing.

It's like commenting on a foreigner, thinking that he doesn't understand, only to find out that what he said is more authentic and authentic than you.

At the same time, Ye Liuyun also somewhat understood that these god-level figures of his own have extremely powerful lethality.

If they want to be captured alive, they need to be restrained, and their performance will naturally not be so good.

If it is to kill the enemy, it is scary, like a wild horse running wild! ! !

"who are you!"

Soon the floating city was wiped out.

A powerful figure appeared in front of Ye Liuyun, this "soul clan" was the "leader" of "Tiangang Realm Nine Stars"!
"Hand over the "Plane Origin". "Ye Liuyun said lightly.

As soon as these words came out, the expression of the leader of the "Soul Clan" changed instantly.

"It turned out to be the recycler of the "Origin of the Plane", hum, if you want the "Origin of the Plane", you are dreaming! "

The voice fell.

Ye Liuyun was too lazy to talk nonsense with this guy.

"Take him."

Soon, the three god-level dharma disciples attacked at the same time.

[God level: Golden Winged Roc] +9 attack hit the "spirit leader".

Bang! ! !
In an instant, half of the "spirit leader" was wiped out.


This "spirit leader" screamed in pain, his eyes filled with incredible light.

"An attack that touches the soul..."

"How could you have this ability?"

At this time, the face of the "Spirit Leader" changed instantly, and he said flatteringly: "The "Plane Origin" is here with me, and I will hand it over to you immediately, as long as you let me go. "

After discovering that Ye Liuyun could really kill him, the face of this "spirit clan leader" became faster than the weather.

"no need."

The corner of Ye Liuyun's mouth curled up cruelly, and he said, "I'll just take it myself."

You must know that this "origin of the plane" is so important, it is naturally impossible to put it in other places, and it must still be on the body of this "leader of the soul clan".

As long as you kill him, you will be able to burst out the "planet origin".


The "spirit leader" panicked and ran away in a hurry.

You know, although their "soul race" are not afraid of death, it is because they will not really die.

But now, Ye Liuyun has an attack that touches the soul. Once killed, he will die. Of course he will be afraid of death! ! !

"Do you have to kill them all?"

"Do you want to be an enemy of our "Soul Clan"? "

"Your family, your world will be destroyed because of you!"

Ye Liuyun couldn't help but dig his ears.

These "soul race" are out of words, right? Why are they all saying the same thing?

It's just understandable, after all, their "soul race" are used to being arrogant.

After all, they won't die, they are domineering, and others can't do anything to them.

Sometimes it's not that I'm afraid, but that I'm bored, and I don't bother to fight these dog skin plasters.


In the end, under the attack of this [God Level: Golden Winged Roc] +9.

This "spirit clan leader" was crushed, leaving only one breath.

Ye Liuyun was a little surprised, and said: "It's okay, can you still breathe under such a critical blow?"

Ye Liuyun discovered that this "spirit leader" has a special energy that is maintaining its last vitality.

"Not bad, it seems that you have some roots." Ye Liuyun was thoughtful.

This kind of life-saving thing must be bestowed by the supreme powerhouse. This "spirit leader" has a good background.

It's just that in the mocking eyes of this "soul clan leader", Ye Liuyun discovered something was wrong.

"This special energy is the "origin of the plane"? "

"Depend on!"

Ye Liuyun was furious.

Quickly wiped out this "spirit leader".

"How much "Plane Origin" is wasted..."

Ye Liuyun felt distressed.

However, there is no other way, this is the second time he has seen the "Plane Origin", the previous "Plane Origin" was quickly absorbed by the "Master", and Ye Liuyun has not had time to refer to it.

At this time, Ye Liuyun discovered the greatness of "the origin of the plane".

This ability is definitely the highest quality energy in the world.

If Ye Liuyun refines and absorbs this energy, then he can easily break through to "Fenghou Level One Star".

It's just that this "recycling mission" failed.

The "spiritual world" also loses the qualification to integrate into the "Xuanhuang Great World".

Ye Liuyun sealed up this "origin of the plane".

Immediately after looking at this "Floating Void City", I couldn't get angry.

One shot!

The entire "Floating City" exploded and turned into dust.


Ye Liuyun looked at his palm.

Unknowingly, has his combat power reached this level?
It's just that it's still very early, and it's still far from being able to support a small world like "Hua Yingxiong".

"There are still two copies of "Plane Origin". "

Ye Liuyun murmured.

Ye Liuyun used [Law of Destiny], and soon found out the whereabouts of the other two "Plane Origins".

One is "below" and one is "to the east".

"The "lower" one is fixed, and it is likely to be the "planet origin" of the core state. Once it is taken away, then this "small world of universe" may collapse. "

"The one 'to the east', which keeps moving, has obviously been taken. "

Ye Liuyun's eyes flashed a sharp edge for an instant.

The "Plane Origin" of the "Core State" cannot be taken away, otherwise this "Little Universe" will be gone, and Ye Liuyun himself will be dead.

The other copy of "Plane Origin" needs to be recovered by Ye Liuyun.

"Let's go."

Ye Liuyun took the three god-level figures and headed east.

Not long after, Ye Liuyun and the three god-level figures descended here.

"Hiding in the "Underground Palace". "

Ye Liuyun narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Blast me away from this formation!"

at this time.

[God level: Golden Winged Roc] +9 Without hesitation, he used a slash and slashed on the protective shield of this formation.


The formation protective cover exploded!
"Come out and fight!"

Ye Liuyun scolded.

Ye Liuyun's voice swept the audience like mountains and seas. At this time, Ye Liuyun was majestic and majestic, with the posture of ruling the world.

The next moment, a figure jumped out suddenly, so thin and thin.

"I surrender."

This figure turned out to be a skinny young man, and his body was full of the aura of "the origin of the plane".


Ye Liuyun was dumbfounded.

At first I thought it was a "spirit clan", but I didn't expect it to be a young man.

The main reason is that the "origin of the plane" obscures the secrets of the sky. Even Ye Liuyun, in this "small world of the universe", is also an "away game" and has no advantage.

"Your strength is too strong..."

The young man looked at Ye Liuyun with burning eyes, and said: "I can give you my chance, I only hope that you will lead our human race and beat the "soul race" away! "

You know, although the boy himself had some adventures, he possessed some special abilities.

But there is no way to compare with Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun is like a god, as if sent by heaven to save them.


Ye Liuyun was actually a little embarrassed.

"I really need to take back the "Plane Origin" on your body, after all, it's not safe to put it on you..."

As Ye Liuyun spoke, his voice became a little softer.

At this moment, Ye Liuyun was a little bit embarrassed.

If he hadn't come by himself, maybe this young man is the son of destiny, and he can rely on the adventure of "the origin of the plane" to become stronger all the way, and eventually drive away the "soul clan" and become a hero and savior of the "small world of the universe". Bar!
Of course, this probability is too low, and it is more likely that he will be killed by the "Spirit Leader" of "Tiangang Realm Nine Stars", and eventually the entire "Little Universe" will be destroyed.

"I'll make it up to you."

Ye Liuyun made a decision.

"I don't want compensation, I just hope you can save everyone." The young man was very sincere and knelt down to Ye Liuyun in mid-air.

Ye Liuyun took a deep breath.

Looking at the people who came out of the "underground palace", they were all pale and emaciated.


Ye Liuyun thought about it.

"Don't worry, I will find a way to solve this "Small Universe" problem. "


The boy was excited.

The many human races in the "Underground Palace" were also rejoicing.

The gods who descended from the sky are going to rescue them! ! !

They are saved! !

Seeing this scene, Ye Liuyun was silent for a long time.

In fact, the enemies of this "Small Universe" are not strong. Ye Liuyun has not strengthened the six god-level magic signs to the full level, so he can easily deal with them.

Not to mention the current Ye Liuyun.

And the most powerful "Spirit Clan Leader" has been killed by Ye Liuyun.

The rest are small shrimps and some "walking corpses".

Mainly it takes some time.

However, this is only a temporary solution, not a permanent cure.

After Ye Liuyun left, if the "Soul Clan" sent another invader, at that time, who would be the next savior?
Ye Liuyun's heart was quite heavy.

It took him three days to wipe out the soul clans and walking corpses in the entire "Little Universe".

Then, grab the "Plane Origin" from the boy.

"Thank you sir!"

"Thank you sir!"

"Master Tianshen must live a long life!"

Many people of the human race are grateful, the "soul race" has been wiped out, the "walking corpses" are gone, and their life can be as carefree as before.

Ye Liuyun watched this scene and was silent for a moment.

"I am leaving."

Ye Liuyun opened the [Gate of Destiny] and returned to the "Tianyuan Continent".

 Thanks to Maple Creek Hooligans for the monthly pass.Thanks for the monthly pass without windbreaker.Thank you all for your votes.

(End of this chapter)

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