Simulator: Start Day Prison Death Row

Chapter 486 Get Rich Overnight

Chapter 486 Get Rich Overnight (Subscribe)
Black Tiger Gang resident.

The gang leader, the deputy gang leader, the hall masters and deputy hall masters at the entrance of the five main halls, and the big and small leaders all gathered together.

The purpose was naturally to celebrate Ye Liuyun's becoming the new deputy head of the Bloody Battle Hall.

You know, this black tiger gang occupies the west city of Yancheng, with a population of almost 10.

Becoming the deputy head of the Bloody Battle Hall, one of the five main halls of the Black Tiger Gang, is a big deal, like winning the exam!
Ye Liuyun can be said to have turned around now.

"Come, come, brother Liuyun, have a glass of wine." The leader Chu Wan clinked glasses with Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun nodded.

At this time, Chu Wan looked at He Dou, who was sullen, and pushed him.

"Who are you showing me a bad face? If you're not happy, don't come here."

Chu Wan cursed.

Only then did He Dou forcefully smile, "Boss, I'm not happy anymore, am I thinking about something in front of me?"

Chu Wan laughed loudly, and said, "Today we only talk about private affairs, not business affairs. Drink, drink to your heart's content."

"it is good."

He Dou raised his glass too.

Everyone is having fun.

Afterwards, Ye Liuyun was invited by Shi Xiang, the head of the exchange hall.

And He Dou was also kept by Chu Wan.

Chu Wan looked at He Dou, withdrew his previous smile, and said, "I know you're unhappy, but this tone, you bear with me."

He Dou hesitated to speak.

"Brother, if you do this, I'm afraid it will chill the hearts of the people below."


Chu Wan glared at He Dou, and said, "Didn't you see how strong this kid is? The key is that he is still young, and his future will not be limited to Yancheng. If you don't hug your thigh for this kind of person, you still want to Kill him, you are crazy."

He Dou felt a little aggrieved when he heard that.

Chu Wan patted He Dou on the shoulder, "You are also an old man of our Black Tiger Gang. I treat you as one of my own, which is why I tell you so much. In this world, everyone has a value. That little boy The leader and his elder brother are worthless, but Ye Liuyun is worth a thousand gold! You must learn to look at money!"

"I see."

He Dou thought about it, and agreed.

The reason why he stood up for Lin Shi was that Lin Shi gave him a lot of money.

Speaking of value, there is no comparison between Lin Shi and Ye Liuyun.

This fellow Ye Liuyun, at such a young age, can be tied with him, and this is the one worth making friends with.

It's just that Ye Liuyun's lack of face made He Dou feel unhappy.

But Chu Wan stood by Ye Liuyun's side, and He Dou had no choice but to keep out of sight.


Exchange Hall.

Shi Xiang, the head of the exchange hall, looked at Ye Liuyun and said, "My dear brother Liuyun, you are the deputy head of our Black Tiger Gang, and you enjoy second-level treatment. You have a salary of 1000 taels of silver every month, and you have a yard ..."

Ye Liuyun was a little surprised when he heard this.

Didn't expect the black tiger gang to be treated so well?

But thinking about it carefully, this seems normal, and 1000 taels of silver sounds like a lot, but hunting a monster would cost thousands of taels.

Of course, if you don't do anything, the silver you get for nothing is not too small.

"Your yard is the yard of the former deputy hall master of the Bloody Battle Hall. If you find it unlucky, I can change it for you."

"It's just that such a large yard is hard to find, you may need to wait."

Shi Xiang said to Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun waved his hand and said, "Where in this Yancheng plot has no one died, it would be nice to live in some places."

"Okay." Shi Xiang laughed, "Xiang Liuyun is really a wonderful person."

Ye Liuyun asked: "What items can we exchange in the exchange hall, can monster meat?"

"Yes." Shi Xiang took out a booklet and handed it to Ye Liuyun, "These are the exchange books of our Black Tiger Gang Exchange Hall, including the price, and they are all on it. You are the deputy head, and the price can be discounted by [-]% .”

As soon as this word comes out.

Ye Liuyun's eyes lit up. In this case, he would not be polite.

"Qi Xue Pill..." Ye Liuyun was a little interested, "This is 100 taels of silver, how effective is it?"

"Have you never taken Qixue Pill?"

Shi Xiang was taken aback, and couldn't help but look carefully at Ye Liuyun.

You know, Ye Liuyun is now in the middle stage of the eighth rank. With this kind of strength, he has never taken the Qi and Blood Pill. His aptitude is probably higher than they imagined!
"No." Ye Liuyun explained, "I always eat monster meat."


Shi Xiang nodded, and suddenly said: "Actually, Qi and blood pills are similar to monster meat, but Qi and blood pills are more convenient, and Qi and blood pills are still refined by alchemists, so the effect is better and easier to absorb. .”

As soon as this word comes out.

Ye Liuyun was thoughtful.

Absorption efficiency may be very important to others, but to Ye Liuyun, it is not a problem at all.

Ye Liuyun was more concerned about cost performance.

Being able to spend less money and get more potential points is what Ye Liuyun needs to consider.

"Can you give me a try first?" Ye Liuyun asked.

"no problem."

Shi Xiang immediately took out a bottle of Qi and Blood Pill and handed it to Ye Liuyun.

"Here are twelve coins, 200 taels of silver, 600 taels of silver with a [-]% discount, you take it first, and then it will be deducted from your salary."

"it is good."

Ye Liuyun took the Qixue Pill and took one immediately.

Shi Xiang looked at this scene, but it was a little funny, others took pills to practice, and they had to find a place where no one was around, but Ye Liuyun was lucky enough to eat it in public.

Soon, Ye Liuyun's face became a little excited.

[Potential points +100! 】

It turns out that efficiency is also very important to Ye Liuyun.

For example, to obtain these 100 potential points, Ye Liuyun needs to eat pork for less than half a day, and monster meat for less than half an hour.

Like at Ning's before, Ye Liuyun ate for two days and three nights for tens of thousands of potential points.

But now, Ye Liuyun only needs to take the pill, and in just one hour, his potential points can skyrocket by tens of thousands.

From this point of view, it is the best choice for Ye Liuyun to take the pill, especially now that it takes time.

After all, it is impossible for Ye Liuyun to do nothing but eat meat every day, right?
Thinking about this point clearly, Ye Liuyun said, "Does our Black Tiger Gang have any means of making money?"

As soon as this word comes out.

Shi Heng laughed dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, Ye Liuyun was so direct.It's just understandable, if it wasn't for money, who would join the Black Tiger Gang?

Especially Ye Liuyun, he is the deputy head of the bloody battle hall, he licks blood with the knife head, and he even lifts his head on the waistband of his trousers.

"There are many ways."

Shi Xiang smiled slightly, and said: "Actually, you will know later, your little boss, and He Dou, whatever they do, will share a profit with you."

Hearing this, Ye Liuyun was a little excited. It's so cool to get money for doing nothing.

Shi Xiang saw Ye Liuyun's thoughts and said, "You deserve this. How do you think the vice-master of the Bloody Battle Hall died?"

Hearing this, Ye Liuyun also reacted.

"How did he die?"

Shi Xiang explained, "He was beaten to death when he was robbing the Qinglong Gang for territory."

As soon as this word comes out.

Ye Liuyun was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Didn't you say that the chassis are all divided, why did you grab the site?"

Shi Huan looked at Ye Liuyun strangely, "Territories are all built, as long as you can fight, it is not difficult to dominate Yancheng."

Ye Liuyun said hesitantly: "I thought the gang forces in our Yancheng had already been divided. Don't you think there are any big figures asking for stability?"

"Yes, I have."

Shi Xiang explained, "The Golden Dragon Chamber of Commerce really asked us not to cause trouble and not to hinder them from making a fortune, but they also know that this is unrealistic, so they just let it go after a few times."

Ye Liuyun was a little surprised.

This Golden Dragon Chamber of Commerce, like Red Moon Zhai, is a well-known chain organization throughout the Great Xia Dynasty.

Unexpectedly, the four major gangs in Yancheng were created by the Golden Dragon Chamber of Commerce?

"Don't put gold on your face," Shi Xiang said with a smile, "It's just that they just need to use us, and we are not their people."

Ye Liuyun thought for a while, and finally sorted out these clues for the time being.

"You are the deputy head of the Bloody Battle Hall of our Black Tiger Gang, you should understand these things, who can be messed with and who can't be messed with, you must figure it out, otherwise it doesn't count if you die, and you will cause trouble for our brothers. "Shi Xiang warned.

After all, Ye Liuyun's performance before was completely stupefied.

"I know."

Ye Liuyun explained, "Aren't I forced to be helpless? If possible, who would want to fight with their lives?"

Shi Xiang nodded.

For this point, no comment.

He really didn't believe that there were good people who joined the Black Tiger Gang.

At this time, Ye Liuyun said: "My remaining 400 taels of salary, please also replace it with Qi Xue Pill."


As Shi Xiang said, he got busy and gave Ye Liuyun eight Qi and Blood Pills.


A spacious yard.

This is a three-entry courtyard, very large, and it can be regarded as the most luxurious in this Yancheng territory.

The deputy head of the Bloody Battle Hall of the Black Tiger Gang really lived up to his reputation.

This place is enough to accommodate hundreds of people. If the rooms are divided according to the way Ye Liuyun used to do in the slums, there is no problem to accommodate thousands of people.

But now, there are only dozens of people in this yard.

"Master, I am the housekeeper of this house, and my name is Lai San..." A middle-aged man in his 60s and [-]s nodded and bowed to Ye Liuyun.


Ye Liuyun nodded.

"Are you all servants of this mansion?"

Lai San replied: "Yes."

Ye Liuyun thought of something and asked, "Do you get paid?"


Lai San looked at Ye Liuyun cautiously, and said, "Master, you need to give us monthly money every month."

Ye Liuyun understood, "How much does it cost?"

Lai San replied: "There are 53 people in the house, and they need 800 taels of silver every month."


Ye Liuyun was speechless.

"I don't have that much money, keep one or two, and the others..."


Lai San quickly said: "Master, you are actually very rich."

Ye Liuyun was a little taken aback.

"I have a lot of money?"

Ye Liuyun wondered why he didn't know that he was rich.

Lai San hurriedly took out the ledger and said: "You are the deputy head of the Bloody Battle Hall of the Black Tiger Gang. Every month, you will have tribute money from Yancheng West City, 1000 taels of silver. Many restaurants, tea shops, and gambling houses in our West City, The monthly filial money is 3000 taels of silver, and..."

Ye Liuyun was dumbfounded watching this scene.

"What about the money?"

Lai San quickly said: "It's all in the warehouse. I have always taken care of these things. Master, you are busy with your affairs, so you don't need to worry about these. When you need money, just tell me."

Ye Liuyun hurriedly said, "How much money do I have in total now?"

Lai San said cautiously: "The money left by the deputy head of the Bloody Battle Hall before was 500 taels in total. According to the rules, 1000 taels of silver was given to his family for settling expenses, and 500 taels of silver was left. , are all yours, sir."

Hear this.

Ye Liuyun was a little taken aback.

"His money has become my money?"

Lai San nodded, "His family members are all ordinary people, and they have no ability to keep such a large wealth."

Ye Liuyun was a little dumbfounded after thinking about it.

Didn't expect to make a fortune?
"Give me the money."

Lai San was a little surprised when he heard this, and said, "Master, how much do you want?"

Ye Liuyun said lightly: "I want them all!"

Lai San was a little hesitant, and said: "Master, can you keep some for household use, the whole family needs to eat, and if you want to spend money, you can tell me, I..."

"Are you teaching me what to do?"

Ye Liuyun's voice resounded.


Lai San immediately knelt on the ground.

Ye Liuyun said indifferently: "Leave 500 taels of silver for household use. Also, I want to buy Qixue Pill. What kind of connections do you have?"


Lai San quickly said: "I can contact the people from the Golden Dragon Chamber of Commerce. The Qi and Blood Pill can be sold for 30 taels of silver, and there are also medicines that are more useful than the Qi and Blood Pill. You can buy them at a low price."


Ye Liuyun was stunned.

"I exchange it at the Black Tiger Gang, and it costs 50 taels of silver each. How can you be cheaper?"

Lai San cautiously said: "My lord, what you exchanged from the Black Tiger Gang is already at the cost price, but the alchemists of the Golden Dragon Chamber of Commerce have higher standards and lower costs. Your identity is here, and they will give you some money." Face is also normal."

Ye Liuyun was thoughtful.

"In this case, wouldn't there be no one to exchange the pills from the Black Tiger Gang?"

"Not really." Lai San explained, "No one is qualified to contact this channel. Master, you are an eighth-rank warrior and the deputy head of the Bloody Battle Hall of the Black Tiger Gang. Naturally, you have this qualification."

"Well, you can buy me 3000 taels of silver first, that is, 100 pieces."

Ye Liuyun still didn't quite believe it.

After all, 3000 taels of silver can only be exchanged for 30 at the Black Tiger Gang Exchange Hall.

Is the gap too big?
"Okay sir." Lai San hurriedly went to do it.


After half a day.

When Ye Liuyun got the elixir, he had to swear, this Shi Xiang is simply too bad.

The elixir from the Golden Dragon Chamber of Commerce is actually better in quality and cheaper in price.

Shi Xiang didn't tell him?

Ye Liuyun immediately said: "Take 9000 taels of silver and buy 300."

"Yes." Lai San was about to leave, his usefulness to Ye Liuyun had already been shown, and his position was stable.

"Hold on."

Ye Liuyun immediately stopped Lai San.

Lai San stopped quickly and said, "Master, what are your orders?"

Ye Liuyun asked: "I want to buy a Xuan-level exercise, can you get it?"

"No." Lai San shook his head hastily, "Master, you should exchange this exercise at the Black Tiger Gang. The Golden Dragon Chamber of Commerce can only buy exercises of the Huang rank."

Thinking of this, Ye Liuyun frowned.

"My lord, kung fu is linked to aptitude. Those who can practice Xuan-level kung fu are people with medium aptitude and above. These people are the targets of big forces. You must join a power to get them, and you can't buy them easily." Lai San explained. road.

Hearing this, Ye Liuyun took a deep breath.

It is really a deep calculation for these big forces to use this method to let those qualified practitioners fall into the trap.

It's just that it doesn't matter, Ye Liuyun is also a member of the Black Tiger Gang now, and he is also the deputy head of the Bloody Battle Hall.

"I see. You go and buy 3000 taels of Qi and Blood Pill, that is, 100. I will use the rest of the money."

Ye Liuyun has not forgotten that no matter how many potential points there are, one must have martial arts to display them.

"Yes." Lai San withdrew.


After half a day.

Ye Liuyun got 100 qi and blood pills bought by Lai San.

Including the previous 100 and the 20 exchanged from the Black Tiger Gang Exchange Hall, Ye Liuyun has a total of 220 Qi and Blood Pills.

After Ye Liuyun took it, his potential points increased by 22000.

【Name: Ye Liuyun】

[Shouyuan: 16/80 (+)]

[Talent: 100 (genius) (+)]

【Realm: Eighth Grade (Bone Tempering)】

[Occupation Mastered: None]


[Potential Points: 32800]

It can be called getting rich overnight!
With such a huge sum of money, Ye Liuyun's mind became active.

"I would like to see, what is the aptitude above genius?"

 Thank you Gray Brother C for the monthly pass.Thank you all for your votes.

(End of this chapter)

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