Simulator: Start Day Prison Death Row

Chapter 489 The Lord of the Bloody Battle Hall, Son of Destiny

Chapter 489 The Lord of the Bloody Battle Hall, Son of Destiny (for subscription)
The next day.

Ye Liuyun went back and forth to the Yanyang Mountains several times and hunted four monsters.

Back in Ye Mansion, Ye Liuyun looked at the butler Lai San, and asked, "How much can these four monsters sell for?"

Butler Lai San quickly said, "My lord, selling these four monsters to the Golden Dragon Chamber of Commerce will probably earn 2 taels of silver."

"Enough." Ye Liuyun nodded, "Hurry up and ask them to give me cash."

"it is good."

Butler Lai San quickly took action. At noon that day, the members of the Golden Dragon Chamber of Commerce came to Ningfu to transport the corpses of the four monsters away. At the same time, butler Lai San also brought Ye Liuyun a silver ticket of 2 taels. .

"Get me 5000 taels of silver from the warehouse," Ye Liuyun ordered.

"Yes." Butler Lai San quickly complied.

Ye Liuyun gathered enough 5000 taels of silver, without a word, went to the exchange hall of the Black Tiger Gang, found Uncle Fu, the little leader of the exchange hall, and smashed the 5000 taels of silver notes on the table.

"Twenty-five thousand taels of silver, exchange it for "Scorching Sun Gong" for me." Ye Liuyun said.

As soon as this remark came out, Uncle Fu was a little surprised. He didn't expect Ye Liuyun to gather up 5000 taels of silver so quickly. Uncle Fu hurriedly said: "I want to report to Hall Master Ye, you must report to the Master for the exchange of Xuan-level exercises." , please wait a moment."

Hearing this, Ye Liuyun's face turned dark immediately. Unexpectedly, he still wanted to alarm the gang leader Chu Wan. Will it succeed in this way?
"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"You didn't ask..."

Uncle Fu looked at Ye Liuyun innocently.

Ye Liuyun could only give up, waved his hand, and said, "Go and ask."

"Yes." Uncle Fu hurriedly ran to the lobby where the leader Chu Wan was located to ask.

Soon, the gang leader Chu Wan and Uncle Fu came to the exchange hall together.

"Brother Liuyun, why do you..."

Chu Wan looked at Ye Liuyun helplessly, and said, "I've said it all, the exercises will be given to you sooner or later, why do you need to spend such a large sum of money?"

"Guangzhu, you don't know, I want something, if I don't get it, I feel itchy in my heart, so I'm sorry." Ye Liuyun clasped his fists and said.

"Okay." The gang leader Chu Wan nodded, "I'll give you the "Scorching Sun Art", and you don't need any money, and starting today, you will be the head of the Bloody Battle Hall of our Black Tiger Gang!"

As soon as these words came out, Ye Liuyun was stunned.

"Hall Master? Then..."

Chu Wan waved his hand, sighed, and said: "Today, our brothers from the Black Tiger Gang found Lao He's body in the Yanyang Mountains. It is said that he has been eaten by monsters. It's just that I didn't expect Lao He to leave so suddenly..."

Ye Liuyun nodded, with a silent expression.

You know, in this world, human life is worthless at all. Although warriors are powerful, monsters are not weak either, and monsters still have an advantage in numbers. It is actually normal for He Dou to go deep into the Yanyang Mountains this time and be killed by monsters. things.

Chu Wan didn't go deep either. After all, even if Ye Liuyun could beat He Dou, it's not impossible for He Dou to escape. Chu Wan didn't think about it in this direction at all.

"Let's go, I'll get you "Scorching Sun Gong"." Chu Wan patted Ye Liuyun on the shoulder.

"Okay." Ye Liuyun followed behind Chu Wan, without saying a word, just followed.

This is a mysterious skill, and Ye Liuyun has been waiting for it for a long time.

In the main hall of the lord, this Chu Wan took out a book of exercises, handed it to Ye Liuyun, and said, "Don't spread this exercise outside, or I won't be able to explain it."

"Yes." Ye Liuyun nodded.

"Guild Master, does our Black Tiger Gang have any other profound skills?" Ye Liuyun asked.

"Why, you just got the "Scorching Sun Kung Fu", and you want a new Xuan-level kung fu?" Chu Wan rolled his eyes, Ye Liuyun must be too impatient.

"I just have a thought and motivation to work hard." Ye Liuyun said lightly.


Chu Wan didn't hide it either, and explained, "This mysterious-level exercise is very rare, so I only have this one."

Ye Liuyun frowned slightly.

Chu Wan said seriously: "Only by joining a super powerful force can it be possible to obtain earth-level exercises, or more mysterious-level exercises."

"Super power?"

Chu Wan nodded and said, "For example, "Red Moon Zhai", "Golden Dragon Chamber of Commerce", "Golden Sword Guard", "Hu Benwei", and other organizations. "

After hearing this, Ye Liuyun fell silent.

"What are the requirements to join the "Golden Sword Guard"? "

Ye Liuyun's words made Chu Wan slightly stunned, and said, "The Golden Sword Guard is the most difficult to join. The first thing they have to consider is their innocence. Brother Liuyun, you..."

Ye Liuyun was a little taken aback, "I'm not innocent?"

"Haha," Chu Wan laughed dryly, "Our Black Tiger Gang has never been clean."

As soon as these words came out, Ye Liuyun's face darkened. He didn't expect that if he joined the Black Tiger Gang, he would be unclean?
It's just that "Red Moon Zhai" and "Golden Dragon Chamber of Commerce" don't make people interested in joining at all.


Chu Wan nodded, ""Red Moon Zhai" and "Golden Dragon Chamber of Commerce", although these two superpowers can get high treatment, but after entering, the restrictions are also very heavy, and there is no freedom at all. Let us help There is a lot of happiness here. "

Ye Liuyun thought so too.

"Okay, brother Liuyun, now you are the head of our Bloody Battle Hall, and there are many things in the gang that need you to worry about. You will work hard in the future, and I am optimistic about you." Chu Wan said.

Ye Liuyun asked, "What is my job?"

Chu Wan pinched his fingers, and said: "Charge some prescribed fees from some merchants, show off your muscles to some forces who want to occupy our territory, and then go hunting in the mountains. This is actually a task. You can't let the monsters The beast grows without limit."

As soon as these words came out, Ye Liuyun also understood a little bit, it was nothing more than charging fees, grabbing territory, and hunting monsters.

"I understand."

"En." Chu Wan nodded, "The work content of Blood Battle Hall is very simple. As long as you are strong enough, you can usually do a good job."

"Master, then I'll go first." Ye Liuyun stood up.

"This "Scorching Sun Kung Fu" is a mysterious skill, and it's not that easy to practice. Don't be impatient, and be careful of going crazy." Chu Wan reminded.

"I see."

Ye Liuyun left the Black Tiger Gang resident.

Chu Wan looked at Ye Liuyun's back and sighed a little. This Ye Liuyun was already at the late stage of the eighth rank, and he had improved too fast, and he would soon catch up to him, the peak of the seventh rank.

In the future, if Ye Liuyun is promoted to a higher level, he hopes to give Chu Wan a hand.


Ye Fu.

Ye Liuyun told the housekeeper Lai San: "Two thousand and five thousand taels of silver, go and buy Qixue Dan for me."

As soon as these words came out, the housekeeper Lai San was shocked.

That's a lot of money.

According to the calculation of 30 taels of Qi and blood pills, that is more than 800 Qi and blood pills. Ye Liuyun is really generous.

"My little one obeys." Lai San didn't ask any more questions, he just had to do the errands that Ye Liuyun ordered.


Ye Liuyun is very satisfied with Lai San.

This guy seems to be very professional, and I don't know how many people he has served.

Ye Liuyun didn't think much, and went directly to her room.

"Directly upgrade this "Scorching Sun Technique" to perfection!"

"Scorching Sun Skills" (Fifth-Rank Furnace Pure Green Realm 100%) (Cannot be upgraded)

To upgrade a Xuan-level martial skill to perfection requires 6800 potential points. Ye Liuyun's aptitude is a natural saint, and he can get a 2720% discount, so it is [-] potential points.

Ye Liuyun still has potential points left——

[Potential Points: 10360]

More importantly, after this "Scorching Sun Art" was upgraded to perfection, Ye Liuyun's strength began to advance by leaps and bounds, his whole body was burning hot, his eyes were red, as if a flame was burning.

The repair base has risen in a straight line.


With Ye Liuyun's long howl, Ye Liuyun made a breakthrough in his cultivation.

【Name: Ye Liuyun】

[Shouyuan: 16/80 (+)]

[Talent: 2000 (Natural Saint) (+)]

[Realm: Seventh Grade (Refining Viscera)]

[Physique: Body of Thunder]

[Occupation Mastered: None]


[Potential Points: 10360]

Ye Liuyun's cultivation has finally broken through to the seventh-rank viscera refining realm!

The improvement can be described as very significant.

"very good."

Ye Liuyun was very satisfied.

Now, Ye Liuyun's strength is considered to be at the upper level in this city of Yan.

It's still a little short of being the overlord of Yancheng, at least at the sixth rank, but with the strength of the seventh rank, Ye Liuyun can come and go whenever he wants, and no one can do anything to Ye Liuyun.

Even if there is a beast horde, Ye Liuyun doesn't have to worry about dying, he can escape if he can't beat it.

"Master, the Qi and Blood Pill has been bought."

Butler Laisan's voice resounded outside the door.

Without saying a word, Ye Liuyun took a step forward, opened the door, and saw the housekeeper Lai San carrying a burden.

This baggage contains many porcelain bottles, all of which are filled with Qi and blood pills.

"Master, there are a total of 834 qi and blood pills, and 5000 taels of silver have been spent." Butler Lai San reported to Ye Liuyun.

"Yes." Ye Liuyun nodded.

"You go down."


After the housekeeper Lai San retired, Ye Liuyun started taking drugs.

These qi and blood pills were put into Ye Liuyun's mouth, and they melted in the mouth, which gave Ye Liuyun a great energy supplement.

[Potential points +100! 】

[Potential points +100! 】

Ye Liuyun's ears resounded with a graceful voice.

But soon, Ye Liuyun's face darkened.

[Potential points +80! 】

[Potential points +80! 】

"what happened?"

Ye Liuyun's face turned dark, feeling that he had been deceived, why can the potential points be reduced?

"Is it the quality of the elixir? Because the quantity is too much, so you just shoddy it?"

Ye Liuyun's face was gloomy.

However, upon careful inspection, Ye Liuyun found that the quality of this batch of elixirs was not a problem, and they tasted exactly the same, and slight differences did not affect them.

However, the acquisition of potential points has indeed decreased a lot.

"The diminishing marginal effect..."

Ye Liuyun sighed.

Simply put, drug resistance.

Even if it is delicacies from mountains and seas, if you eat too much, it will become tasteless.

Ye Liuyun's Qi and Blood Pill can get a lot of potential points at the beginning, but if he eats so much at one go, the potential points he gets will naturally become less and less.

"80 is fine..."

With a dark face, Ye Liuyun continued to swallow the Qi and Blood Pill.

However, continuing to eat, Ye Liuyun found that the potential points brought by this batch of Qi and blood pills dropped again.

[Potential points +60! 】

[Potential points +60! 】

"I can't take it anymore."

Ye Liuyun was furious.

These blood qi and blood pills were bought with real money. How hard it is to make money. At the beginning, it could bring 100 potential points, but now there are only 60 left?
Being chopped off in half, Ye Liuyun couldn't stand it anymore.

Ye Liuyun discovered that he had eaten almost 300 Qi and Blood Pills.

Obtained [-] potential points.

In other words, the remaining [-] Qi and Blood Pills can bring him almost [-] potential points, or even less, or in other words, there is a high probability that it will be even less.

"Lai San, Lai San..."

Ye Liuyun quickly called Lai San.

"Master." The butler, Lai San, was respectful.

"Help me replace these qi and blood pills with other pills similar to qi and blood pills." Ye Liuyun ordered.


The housekeeper Lai San looked a little hesitant.

Ye Liuyun frowned and said, "Will the Golden Dragon Chamber of Commerce change it?"

Butler Lai San quickly said: "It is possible to exchange, but it needs to be depreciated. The remaining 500 Qi and Blood Pills were originally worth 5000 taels of silver, but after depreciation, there are only about 1 taels left." silver……"

"Depend on."

Ye Liuyun was furious.

However, he still gritted his teeth and said, "Change!"

"Yes." The housekeeper Lai San looked at Ye Liuyun in surprise, not knowing what Ye Liuyun was doing, but he was just a housekeeper, and he just had to do his own job well.


Ye Liuyun closed the door again.

At this time, Ye Liuyun looked at his system panel.

[Potential Points: 30360]

With a full [-] potential points, he can do a lot of things.

"Perhaps, I should improve my talent again."

Ye Liuyun has tasted the sweetness.

"Talent" has been upgraded to a natural saint, and he directly obtains the body of thunder.

Ye Liuyun's combat power can actually be regarded as invincible at the seventh rank.

For the sixth rank, I haven't played before, so I don't know, but if I can compete with one or two, there should be no problem.

The improvement of qualifications is very huge.

The key is that you can get a discount when you add points.

In fact, Ye Liuyun also knew that he was born with the aptitude of a saint now, and Ye Liuyun could learn the ordinary ordinary and yellow-rank martial arts at a glance, but it was useless to learn it.

The improvement of cultivation is very limited, which is why Ye Liuyun didn't learn more mortal and yellow rank martial arts.

"Give me some points, [-] potential points, add to my talent!"

Soon, Ye Liuyun's potential points became numbers, added on top of his talent.

[Talent: 3000 (Natural Saint) (+)]

The talent has increased by 1000 points, reaching 3000 points. Ye Liuyun's talent can be said to be rare in the whole world.

However, it is still at the level of a natural saint.

"Depend on……"

Ye Liuyun was a little speechless, wouldn't it be the same as not adding anything?

"Come on, add [-] potential points to your talent!"

[Talent: 4000 (Natural Saint) (+)]

Ye Liuyun's talent directly reached 4000 points, but nothing happened.

No metamorphosis.

"Depend on!!!"

Ye Liuyun's eyes were red.

This is a full [-] potential points, and there is no splash at all on the talent.

Ye Liuyun now only has a little over 1 potential points left.

"I don't believe it anymore!"

Anyway, you can still get potential points in the future, Ye Liuyun gritted his teeth, without saying a word, he added another [-] potential points, on top of talent!

【Talent: 5000 (Son of Destiny)】

Ye Liuyun's body seemed to undergo some kind of transformation, and Ye Liuyun's spirit seemed to merge with the heaven and the earth.

At this time, Ye Liuyun experienced a mysterious state——

Heaven and man are one.

After a long time, Ye Liuyun withdrew from this state.

Then, I found that I didn't improve anything.

"There is no ability to give birth to new ones, but there is a faint feeling, like a strong premonition. Is it a warning from God?"

Ye Liuyun discovered that the improvement of his "Son of Destiny" was not so obvious, but rather subtle, invisible and intangible.

Maybe the luck will be better in the future. When you walk on the road, you will kick gold, fall off the cliff, and get an adventure.

"Now, my intuition tells me that Yancheng is in big trouble..."

 Thanks to wbp for the monthly pass.Thank you book friend 20190107004104300 for the monthly pass.Thanks to Beiqingxuanji for the monthly pass.Thank you all for your votes.

(End of this chapter)

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