Simulator: Start Day Prison Death Row

Chapter 506 The real backer behind Yan Shu turned out to be

Chapter 506 The real backer behind Yan Shu turned out to be (for subscription)

In the main hall of the governor's office, the other three golden knife patrols all showed displeasure on their faces.

Meng Xuan, titled Aurora, looked at Kuang Lan and said, "Master, who is Ye Liuyun? I've never heard of it. I'm afraid it's inappropriate for him to be the Golden Knife Patrol?"

Zhuo Bi, whose title is Dunshan, nodded, and said: "Master, our Golden Sword Guards have always ranked seniority and meritorious service, who is Ye Liuyun? One of the top ten golden knife guards, I am afraid it will cause an uproar in the whole world."

Liao Gu, nicknamed Mo Zhu, echoed: "Master, I have a silver knife patrol under my command, I think..."


Kuang Lan's voice resounded, shocking the audience.

The three Golden Knife Patrolmen present hurriedly shut up, not daring to say anything more.

Kuang Lan, who is titled Canglong, has reached the third rank, and even the entire Great Xia Dynasty is ranked as the top powerhouse. How dare they be presumptuous?

Kuang Lan said indifferently: "This Golden Knife Guard, I have the final say, let alone Ye Liuyun is a fourth-rank strong man, even if he is a ninth-rank, as long as I let him serve as the Golden Knife patrol, then he can Take charge!"

The voice fell.

Aurora Mengxuan, Dunshan Zhuobi, and Mozhu Liaogu all shut up.

At this time, Xuejian Moyang said: "Who said Ye Liuyun is an unknown person? He is the hero who saved the entire Yancheng, and he is the strongest among the fourth rank!"

"Who said that Ye Liuyun didn't accomplish anything, but he solved a demonic disaster. Is this enough?"

After the words fell, Meng Xuan, Zhuo Bi, Liao Gu and others were a little shocked.

"Why haven't we heard of it?"

Blood Sword Mo Yang snorted coldly, "You don't deserve to know!"

After all, this is to solve the entire evil disaster. This kind of thing is very shocking and very heavyweight.

But it is not appropriate to make a public announcement, otherwise someone may want to capture Ye Liuyun and use it to solve the evil disaster.

But those who should know know, so if Meng Xuan, Zhuo Bi and Liao Gu don't know, then they are not qualified.

Meng Xuan, Zhuo Bi, Liao Gu, the three of them looked at Ye Liuyun with some hesitation. They didn't expect this guy to be a fourth-rank powerhouse. They really couldn't tell.

"Ye Liuyun," Kuang Lan's voice resounded.

Ye Liuyun took a step forward, cupped his fists and said, "The humble job is here."

"Do you have the confidence to take the position of Golden Knife Patrol?!" Kuang Lan asked.


Ye Liuyun gave a loud shout.

He knew that the Golden Knife Patrol Officer could lend more silver taels from the Golden Dragon Chamber of Commerce.

"it is good."

Kuang Lan made a final decision, "That's the deal, you take over all the affairs of the former Yuchi Gorge."

"Yes." Ye Liuyun took the order.


Leave the governor's office hall.

In the corridor of the Golden Knife Guard headquarters.

Ye Liuyun and Mo Yang stood side by side, walking forward slowly.

"Is this the Golden Knife Patrol?" Mo Yang was a little speechless. He worked so hard at the beginning, step by step, to become the Golden Knife Patrol.

Fortunately, Ye Liuyun became a silver knife patrol directly, and only a few days later, he directly became a gold knife patrol.

It is simply ascending to heaven!

"You only know that I walked the path of half your life in three days, but do you know how much effort I put in in the previous half of my life?" Ye Liuyun asked back.

Mo Yang nodded, as if he did too.

But in the next moment, Mo Yang came to his senses.

"That's not right, your strength is entirely obtained by adventure, what does it have to do with hard work?"

Ye Liuyun: "..."

"Speak less if you can't speak."

Ye Liuyun rolled his eyes at Mo Yang.

Soon, the two arrived at Yuchixia's office hall.

At this time, no one came, Ye Liuyun and Mo Yang sat down.

Mo Yang said: "Originally, it still required a lot of tricks, but now you are directly promoted to the Golden Knife Patrol, filling Yuchixia's vacancy, and taking over his affairs, then it will be too easy for us to get rid of Yan Shu."

Ye Liuyun nodded, "Find a mortal mission and stuff him there. If he dares to resist the order, he will be killed on the spot. If he dares to escape, chase him for thousands of miles. In short, he is doomed."

Mo Yang laughed, "Do you think he will regret it?"

Ye Liuyun snorted coldly, "It's useless to regret, and he may only regret that he didn't kill me back then, not regret that he shouldn't have concealed the information about the beast horde."

"Let's agree that if you kill Yan Shu, you must accompany me to solve the evil disaster." Mo Yang said.

"It depends on your mood." Ye Liuyun said lightly.

Now he is a gold knife patrol, not a silver knife patrol under Mo Yang, Mo Yang has no control over what Ye Liuyun wants to do, and Mo Yang can't force Ye Liuyun to do anything.

They are equal.

"I knew it..." Mo Yang was a little speechless, Ye Liuyun's wings are stiff.

"You dishonest guy, pay back the money!" Mo Yang directly demanded the debt.

Ye Liuyun said lightly: "What's the hurry, shouldn't we talk about it next month?"

Mo Yang had an ominous premonition.


After half a day.

In front of Ye Liuyun stood a silver knife police officer.

"I have seen my lord, Yu Che, who is humble, is your silver knife patrol, what's the mission?"

Yu Che was in a bad mood.

He used to be Yuchixia's confidant with a bright future, but now that Yuchixia is dead, all future is gone.

Although he is now under Ye Liuyun's command, Ye Liuyun will definitely not continue to treat him as favorably as Yuchixia.

Ye Liuyun will train his own team, and Yu Che, an old man under Yuchixia's command, will be dispatched, or he will find a random place to plug him in. In short, it is impossible to make a fortune.

"Call me Yan Shu." Ye Liuyun said lightly.

Yu Che nodded upon hearing this, "Please wait a moment, my lord."

Soon, Yu Che called Yan Shu over.

At this time, Ye Liuyun and Mo Yang sat on the main seats, looking down at Yan Shu from a high position.

Standing aside, Yu Che felt that the atmosphere was not good.

"My lord, I will retire from the humble position first."

Yu Che left.

In the main hall, only Ye Liuyun, Mo Yang, and Yan Shu were left.

Ye Liuyun said indifferently: "Yan Shu, have you ever thought about today?"

Back then, when Ye Liuyun entered the Yancheng Golden Sword Guard branch, Yan Shu was like this, looking down on him from a high position.

Now, the offensive and defensive momentum is different!
Yan Shu is the character who needs to look up to others.

"Ha ha."

Yan Shu suddenly sneered.

"A pickle-like thing, even if it becomes a golden knife patrol, it still can't change its stupid appearance. It emits a disgusting sour smell from all over its body..."

As soon as this word comes out.

Ye Liuyun: "..."

Mo Yang: "..."

You know, now they are facing each other with two big golden knife patrols, while Yan Shu is just a small silver knife patrol.

How dare he?
Ye Liuyun said lightly: "So you are desperate, have you broken the jar?"

Mo Yang nodded, it seemed that Yan Shu knew he was going to die.

At this time, Yan Shu said calmly: "You guys did Yuchixia's death, right?"

Ye Liuyun and Mo Yang didn't say much.

"I hope you can still laugh later." Ye Liuyun said lightly, "I found out that there is a task that has been put on hold for a long time. You are so good, why don't I let you do it."

Yan Shu said coldly, "Don't come here."

As he spoke, Yan Shu directly took out a token.

"If you want to teach me how to do things, you are not worthy!"

The voice fell.

Ye Liuyun didn't hit a single point, "Disobedience to the superior, no respect, I'll teach you a lesson today!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Liuyun was going to clean up Yan Shu, and then send him a death mission.

However, he was held back by Mo Yang.

"What are you doing?" Ye Liuyun frowned.

Mo Yang said with a gloomy face, "His token is the imperial gold medal."

"What do you mean?" Ye Liuyun frowned.

Mo Yang didn't say anything yet.

Yan Shu laughed arrogantly, and said: "It means, this is the gold medal given to me by His Majesty, and I have a hidden identity, that is, His Majesty's imperial guard. I am only a temporary post in the Golden Knife Guard. !"

The voice fell.

Ye Liuyun was stunned.

Mo Yang said with a gloomy face: "No wonder he is so arrogant. It turns out that this guy's backer is not the Third Prince, but... Your Majesty."


Yan Shu sneered at Ye Liuyun and Mo Yang, "You think your calculations are impeccable, but you don't know, in my eyes, you two are just clowns."

"When I free my hand, it will be your death!"

After saying this, Yan Shu walked away in a huff.

in the hall.

The atmosphere froze for a while.

Ye Liuyun's face was hot, "Damn, I failed to pretend, I am so embarrassed that I can dig out three rooms and one living room with my feet."

Mo Yang couldn't understand what Ye Liuyun was talking about, so he just frowned, and said: "This is troublesome, this guy was not recruited by the third prince at all, but was recruited by His Majesty, he was able to speak in front of His Majesty, and he said he wanted to kill him." We, that's really possible."

Ye Liuyun's face also darkened.

It seems that the matter of borrowing money must be paid close attention.

"I'm going to run away after getting a vote." Ye Liuyun said.

After all, this matter seems to have no solution.

Although they were patrolling with golden knives, they couldn't even see the face of the emperor.

But Yan Shu can go straight to Tianting.

If you blow the wind in your ears in front of the emperor, then Ye Liuyun and Mo Yang will surely die.

"Give me a few days, I will prepare, then kill Yan Shu and flee to the end of the world, you will be fine." Ye Liuyun said to Mo Yang.

This was originally the grievance between Ye Liuyun and Yan Shu, but now that it involves Mo Yang, I feel very sorry for him.

Ye Liuyun planned to settle the matter in his own way.

"At that time, if the Golden Knife Guard wants me, you can take the mission, and then I can sit back and relax." Ye Liuyun teased.

"What do you say?"

Mo Yang rolled his eyes at Ye Liuyun, this guy is a teenager after all, he doesn't even know what a city is.

"The relationship between the two of us, do you think you are really wanted and will let me catch you?"

"Also, if you dare to kill Yan Shu, you won't be able to get out of the imperial capital at all."

Mo Yang took a deep breath, and said: "Although the fourth rank can be regarded as the number one powerhouse in the world, but in this imperial capital, the fourth rank is like an ant."

Ye Liuyun smiled without saying a word.

Mo Yang didn't know his true strength at all.

You must know that Ye Liuyun's body refining cultivation has reached the third rank, and his Qi refining cultivation is only one step away from the third rank.

Ye Liuyun is now undefeated at the third rank of Hard Gang, but he can still go if he can't beat the second rank.

Ye Liuyun's strength is actually very strong.

"Don't worry."

Mo Yang began to think, "Why do you think His Majesty values ​​Yan Shu?"

Ye Liuyun heard the words, "What do you think?"

Mo Yang rolled his eyes, it was like playing the piano to a cow.

"Yan Shu is valued by His Majesty, and it should be through the matchmaking of the three princes. Yan Shu must have some special ability and is of great value to His Majesty, so he soared into the sky."

"Yes." Ye Liuyun nodded, "It makes sense."

Mo Yang said lightly: "What if we make Yan Shu lose this ability?"

"Huh?" Ye Liuyun raised his eyebrows.

Mo Yang said indifferently: "If we kill Yan Shu, that would be a great crime, but if we make Yan Shu incapacitated, then it will be different."

Ye Liuyun asked: "Are you treating His Majesty the Emperor as a fool? Yan Shu is his tool now, and if you spoil his tool, do you think he will let you go?"

Mo Yang shook his head, and said, "Then we have to give it a try, do you think we still have a choice?"

Ye Liuyun fell silent, recalling Yan Shu's arrogant face just now.

"Then give it a try."

In fact, Ye Liuyun didn't take this matter seriously.

He is still ready to grab a ticket and leave at any time.

Although I feel sorry for Mo Yang, there is nothing I can do.

"I'll do it."

Mo Yang left immediately.

Ye Liuyun also felt that it was time to go to the Golden Dragon Chamber of Commerce again.


Golden Dragon Chamber of Commerce Headquarters.

When Ye Liuyun came here, he was immediately received by the store manager Yang Ling.

"Master Ye, you are here this time..."

Yang Ling was actually a little surprised by Ye Liuyun's arrival.

Ye Liuyun just borrowed [-] million taels in exchange for a large amount of natural materials and earthly treasures.

Now, does Ye Liuyun still have money to spend?

Is it to borrow money again?
"Store Manager Yang, I'm here to borrow money." Ye Liuyun said bluntly.

As soon as these words came out, Yang Ling was a little embarrassed, and said: "Master Ye, your quota has been used up, and if you want to borrow again, I'm afraid you need to pay off the debt first."

As he said that, Yang Ling smiled, "It's just that if you are willing to do something for our Golden Dragon Chamber of Commerce, you can also increase the amount."

Upon hearing this, Ye Liuyun waved his hands and said, "Look at this."

With that said, Ye Liuyun took out his identity token of the Golden Knife Patrol.


Yang Ling was dumbfounded.

Ye Liuyun explained, "Isn't Yuchixia dead? Now that I'm taking his place, it's the Golden Knife Patrol. Can the amount be increased again?"

After the words fell, Yang Ling took a deep breath.

"Congratulations, Mr. Ye, for his promotion."

"Hmm." Ye Liuyun was full of anticipation.

Yang Ling murmured, and said, "If you are the Golden Knife Patrol, we can give you a quota of one billion taels of silver."

As soon as these words came out, Ye Liuyun's eyes lit up, "Just exchange the money for heavenly materials and earthly treasures for me."

Yang Ling was a little surprised, "All?"

"All!" Ye Liuyun said seriously.

"Yes." Yang Ling started to do it immediately.

Ye Liuyun was received by two beautiful maids.

"Master Ye, please wait a moment."

"Master Ye is a golden knife patrol at a young age, the future is boundless..."

"Master Ye, you are so handsome..."

Ye Liuyun asked, "Apart from your Golden Dragon Chamber of Commerce, is there any force that provides loan business to others?"

Beautiful maid: "???"

What is Ye Liuyun borrowing so much money for?
Pay it off?

"In addition to our Golden Dragon Chamber of Commerce, there is Red Moon Zhai, which is more reasonable."

"The rest of the Hall of Stars and Peony Pavilion are very unscrupulous, and the interest is very high."

Ye Liuyun's eyes lit up.

"I'm just looking for this, the more black-hearted the better."

Ye Liuyun is an upright person, after all he feels a little guilty for bullying an honest person, but he doesn't have any psychological burden at all for bullying a black-hearted profiteer.

Soon, Yang Ling arrived with a storage ring.

"Master Ye, all the things you need are here, a total of [-] million taels of natural materials and earthly treasures."

Ye Liuyun directly accepted the storage ring.

Seeing Ye Liuyun's straightforwardness, Yang Ling always felt weird, and said, "Master Ye, according to the regulations, you need to repay 12 billion taels after one year."

Ye Liuyun nodded.

"I know."

After speaking, Ye Liuyun left.

Looking at Ye Liuyun's leaving back, Yang Ling always felt something was wrong.

At this time, the beautiful maid said: "Lord Ye was just asking about other places to borrow money, so does he want to borrow money again? What is he borrowing so much money for? Can he afford it?"

Yang Ling's heart skipped a beat.

Ye Liuyun should pay back the money, right?Will it?
The beautiful maid continued: "It doesn't matter, anyway, if he can't afford it, then he is the dog of our Golden Dragon Chamber of Commerce."

"..." Yang Ling looked at this beautiful maid with a speechless expression on his face. Of course a policeman with a silver knife can be a dog, but a policeman with a golden knife wants to be treated like a dog?Who gave you the courage?
(End of this chapter)

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