"Emperor Zhengtong committed suicide, it has nothing to do with me, what does Yong Le want to say?"

Zhu Houzhao opened his eyes and spoke nonsense.

Some things are fine if you are clear in your heart, but it is not good to tell the truth.

His eyes fell on Zhu Zhanji, and he said lightly: "Please Emperor Xuande's condolences."

Zhu Di and Zhu Zhanji's faces became more gloomy, and they didn't like Zhu Houzhao's attitude very much.

"Since you are here to help the orthodox dynasty kill traitors, then, now that the matter is over, should you take your people out of the orthodox dynasty's territory?"

Old Zhu said in a deep voice, his eyes flashed, thinking about his own wishful thinking.

Zhu Qizhen will die if he dies, but Zhu Houzhao must not be taken advantage of.

Even if you find an idiot to preside over the orthodox dynasty and maintain the balance of the sixteen dynasties of the Ming Dynasty, you can't let Zhu Houzhao swallow the orthodox dynasty.

Once Zhu Houzhao annexed the orthodox dynasty, it would be a bad start. With Zhu Houzhao's wolf ambition, he could not bear to attack other dynasties.

If there is one, there are two, and if there are two, there are three. Ambition is the most difficult thing to be satisfied.

But, will Zhu Houzhao be willing to spit out the fat in his mouth?
With a sneer, he glanced at Lao Zhu. Zhu Houzhao had been prepared for a long time, took out a will, and said cheekily:
"The orthodox emperor favored and trusted the treacherous Li Tianhe, which led to the corruption of the orthodox dynasty, a miasma, and remorse in his heart. Before committing suicide, he left an imperial edict, asking me to manage the orthodox dynasty on his behalf, and return the peace to the world."

Everyone was speechless!

Zhu Qizhen passed the position to Zhu Houzhao before committing suicide, what joke are you talking about?
Having worked with each other for many years, who is Zhu Qizhen, can they not understand?
Zhu Qizhen is a villain through and through.

Zhu Houzhao forced Zhu Qizhen to commit suicide. If he didn't hate Zhu Houzhao to death, even if he had a broad mind, he would give up the great country because of guilt and self-blame.

Even if he wanted to give up, his father Zhu Zhanji was the first choice, and Zhu Houzhao couldn't turn to him anyway.

A three-year-old would not believe such an absurd reason, not to mention all the members of Lao Zhu's family, who belonged to the old fox.

"Zhu Houzhao, do you think we will believe it?"

Old Zhu's face was indifferent, and he didn't believe the half-word that Zhu Houzhao uttered from his mouth.

A man's mouth, a deceitful ghost, and the emperor's mouth are even talking about people, and talking about ghosts.

Zhu Houzhao is one of the best.

Zhu Biao, Zhu Di, Zhu Gaochi, Zhu Zhanji and others all expressed their suspicions.

Zhu Houzhao's personality, they knew what kind of guy Zhu Qizhen was, and they also knew that with Zhu Qizhen's personality, passing the throne to Zhu Houzhao was simply impossible.

Unless there is something wrong with Zhu Qizhen's brain.

"Since you don't believe it, why not test the truth?"

"Everyone here, such as Emperor Xuande and Emperor Jingtai, should be familiar with Emperor Zhengtong's handwriting."

Zhu Houzhao handed out the imperial edict without hesitation, and let everyone check it.

Real gold is not afraid of fire, as long as the edict is verified to be true, everyone has no reason to prevent him from annexing the orthodox dynasty.

If you insist on entanglement, you will have to turn your face completely.

Zhu Houzhao is confident, everyone still dare not turn against him, even if they want to fight, it will take time to prepare, right?

"Is it really Qi Zhen's handwriting?"

Zhu Zhanji was dumbfounded when he took a look at the edict.

The handwriting on the edict was completely written by Zhu Qizhen, and even the spirit contained in it was exactly the same.

The handwriting is easy to imitate, but the spirit contained in the handwriting cannot be imitated no matter what.

"It is indeed the handwriting of Emperor Zhengtong."

Zhu Jianshen and Zhu Qiyu also confirmed the authenticity of the edict.

With the verification of Zhu Zhanji, Zhu Qiyu, and Zhu Jianshen, the three people closest to Zhu Qizhen, there is no need to question the authenticity of the edict, but a new problem has arisen?

What kind of medicine did Zhu Qizhen take to be willing to be controlled by Zhu Houzhao?

It was too late for Zhu Qizhen to hate Zhu Houzhao, so of course he would not write down the imperial edict to hand over his country.

However, Zhu Houzhao's methods are too clever. Once "All beings are of one mind" comes out, there is no injustice. He will do whatever he is asked to do.

"You guys have nothing to say now!"

Zhu Houzhao smiled lightly, and there was another meaning in his words:
I am already the legal heir of the orthodox dynasty, and you have also verified it, it is time to go!
Everyone was silent.

Let's go, I'm not reconciled, just watching Zhu Houzhao annex the orthodox dynasty, and his power has risen to a higher level, but they can't even drink a sip of soup, and their hearts are extremely unbalanced.

If you don't leave, Zhu Houzhao is not easy to provoke. It will not benefit them to turn against Zhu Houzhao before they are ready.

The mind is like a super computer, quickly analyzing the pros and cons.

After a while, Lao Zhu snorted coldly and said, "I hope you won't be held alive."

After saying that, he took Zhu Biao and walked away.

The orthodox dynasty was annexed, and Zhu Houzhao's wolfish ambitions have undoubtedly been revealed, and he should have made preparations early.

Emperor Hongwu, who started from a humble beginning, would not wait to die, let alone hope that one day he would be pulled down by his descendants.

"Eating too much is not necessarily a good thing. Too much ambition can easily capsize and self-destruct."

Zhu Di put down a harsh word, and left hand in hand with Zhu Gaochi, Zhu Zhanji, and Zhu Qiyu.

The same goes for Zhu Houcong's family, who left together in a tacit understanding. The Big Three are too powerful. If they want to survive the cruel civil war in the future, they can only hold together to keep warm.


Zhu Youtang sighed, didn't say anything, just patted Zhu Houzhao on the shoulder, and then disappeared.

Zhu Jianshen wanted to say something, but he didn't say it in the end.

In fact, Zhu Jianshen's current position is quite embarrassing.

Yu Shang, because of Zhu Houzhao, it was difficult for him to integrate into the small circle of Yongle.

Yu Xia, because of the existence of Mrs. Wan, her son Zhu Youtang and grandson Zhu Houzhao didn't like him very much.

So much so that, like Zhu Qizhen, among the emperors of the Ming Dynasty, he belongs to the sequence of the lonely family.

The four major factions of the Ming Dynasty: Lao Zhu and Zhu Biao belonged to the Hongwu School; Zhu Di, Zhu Gaochi, Zhu Zhanji, and Zhu Qiyu belonged to the Yongle School; Zhu Youtang and Zhu Houzhao belonged to the Taiwu School; Zhu Houcong’s family belonged to the Jiajing School.

Only Zhu Qizhen and Zhu Jianshen, one is annoying, and the other is in an embarrassing position.

"The storm is coming."

Looking back at the blue sky, Zhu Houzhao seemed to have seen the flames of war coming.

The figures of Lao Zhu and Zhu Di were reflected in the pupils, and his face gradually became dignified.

Most of the sixteen emperors of the Ming Dynasty were ignored by him, but Lao Zhu and Zhu Di made him deeply troubled.

He has annexed the orthodox dynasty this time, and with the dispositions of Lao Zhu and Zhu Di, he will never let it go, after returning, he will definitely make big moves.

"If you want to fight, you can fight. It just happens to be a big riot. Let me feel the sharpness of Hongwu and Yongle."

There is great pride in the chest, and the fighting spirit is like a raging fire.

It is self-evident that Emperor Hongwu started from the humble beginning, and Emperor Yongle served Tian Jingnan. His level of power is self-evident, but he, Zhu Houzhao, did not believe in evil and wanted to compete with Hongwu Yongle.

Tang Zong and Song Zu are a little less coquettish.A generation of arrogance, who only knows how to bend a bow and shoot a big eagle.

Count the romantic figures, but also look at the present.

But in this era, whether Hongwu or Yongle, they are all the past, just a foil.

This will be the era when his Taiwu Emperor Zhu Houzhao dominates.

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