Chapter 719
The Hexi Corridor is difficult to manage.

It's not a good place to enjoy yourself.

The Zhengbai Banner guarding Jiayuguan can indeed make money for the teams passing through the pass, but it also has to deal with many forces in the Hexi Corridor and the Western Regions.

Outside the customs, Turpan, Junggar, and Yarkand initially saw the Black Flag Qing sweeping across Khalkha, and were quite afraid of the White Flag.

Over the past few years, the situation has become increasingly turbulent.

The main reason is that Jiayuguan has returned to the hands of the Central Plains dynasty, and the trade routes have been unimpeded. The Silk Road, which was originally in decline due to natural disasters and wars, seems to be revived and even prosperous.

A large amount of goods exported from the Qing Dynasty left the customs at Jiayuguan and became rich in the Western Regions.

After the Khalkha Mongols surrendered to the Black Banner Qing Dynasty, they built cities and roads on the grasslands, and many Mongolian tribes were all incorporated into the banners. Recently, their household registrations were also divided into various Black Banners and even the Eight Banners.

There is also a railway that goes directly from the customs to the important commercial town of Zamyn-Uud. Although it does not directly reach Ulaanbaatar, it definitely has full control over the entire grassland.

In recent years, assimilation education has also been arranged.

Once the school was built, education became popular.

Mongolian culture may have some foundation compared with Manchu culture, but it is inevitable that it will be rejected by Han culture. After all, the vast Mongol Empire will be assimilated wherever it goes.

The area outside Jiayuguan is different.

They surrendered in name only and paid tribute.

However, the Qing army only stayed in Jiayuguan and never extended outside the pass. The defenders were still Zhengbai Banner, one of the Eight Banners, and did not stay in the pass and encounter the experience of "breaking and then establishing" that the other Eight Banners experienced.

A relatively complete system has been retained, and some of the bannermen and servants may still be harboring thoughts of the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

Azige didn't want to get involved in the mess in the Western Region, and he wanted to avoid suspicion.

Of course he doesn't have the brains.

But Jirharang has it.

"Prince Zheng is very wise and knows things like a god, but he can't defeat that man no matter what."

Azig was on his way back to the capital.

He should have arrived a long time ago, but on the way he got the news that the Black Flag Wuerte asked Fulin to move out of the palace so that his family and children could live in it. He stopped halfway, found a yard in Taiyuan to complain that he was sick, and made We are ready to escape back to Jiayuguan via the original route.

The imperial court invited him to attend the abdication and altar ceremony, as well as the new emperor's coronation ceremony, but he did not go.

The bones of the King of Heroes who used to rush and fight on the battlefield were bent.

The restaurant next to the courtyard was full of celebrations. It was because news of the reform of the Slave Division had spread. It was even more lively than when the new emperor ascended the throne a while ago.

Azige, who had a slightly sparse gray hair stubbornly tied into a braid and put on a jacket, showing his age, heard what was said in the restaurant, and the sound of celebrations started loudly, and he became very angry!He threw the cup!

"Shut them up! Shut up! Damn it!"


Azig took a musket and fired at the restaurant opposite. Soon there was a loud sound of panic in the surrounding area. Zhengbai Qiding went over and yelled and announced his master's name, and soon the market became quiet.

Then, Azig stopped as soon as he was ready.

"Let's find someone to write a confession. Just say that I need peace and quiet to recuperate. It's really helpless to send someone to shoot."

It is difficult to stand up after kneeling down.

Especially recently, Azig has figured out some things.

Jirhalang also mentioned it before.

The princess with a broken arm, the nephew who suddenly appeared, and the fact that he was so kind to the former prince, that is to say, it is difficult to fully understand the situation due to the lack of information these days, and there is no reasonable explanation. In addition, the savage magic is said, so it can only be said that it is Something is very fishy.

Now that there is a reasonable explanation, many pieces of information can be pieced together at once.

But for Azig, this answer is much scarier than the so-called 'savage magic'.If it is said to be a witchcraft, then you can still think of letting some guru and Taoist master break it. In the past few years, I have devoted myself to worshiping Buddha in Azige, Jiayuguan, and I have received many blessings. Otherwise, I would not dare to talk to Jierharang who is hiding in Turpan in the Western Regions. Secret communication.

I thought that the magic had never occurred in me because the eminent monk had suppressed it.

Maybe it was all seen by the black flag Wuerte.

Then the problem is coming.

Do you want to go back to Liaodong for retirement?

"Master, do you want to use the flag owner's exclusive express line?"

The guard reminded, pointing in the direction of the bell tower in Taiyuan City.

The Express Tower became popular, and different lines were separated with different codes, which could be used by civilians and officials. They could transmit messages quickly and attracted more and more attention from all parties.

The operation is non-stop every day, the code book is changed frequently, and there is no fear of someone seeing through the operation rules.

This sentence made Azig even more afraid.

The Eight Banners were rolled into one, consistent with the black flags, and had constant internal exchanges.

I also met some old people in Taiyuan recently and inquired about the overall situation in the court.

But he heard two rumors that made him particularly concerned.

The prison at Niangan in the middle of the capital was run by a marquis who had founded Black Flag. He actually learned the thunder method and often performed it in the prison. The sound of thunder and the wails of the tortured people were often heard. All over the prison.

When the body is brought out, the skin is often torn apart, the flesh is scorched, and it is horribly inhuman.

The prison sentence was already shocking, but now people in the market gradually dare not even mention these two words or that person's name, for fear that if something goes wrong, thunder will strike.

Also, within the black flags, there seems to be a frequent saying of 'sound transmission across thousands of miles', which means that several flag owners often communicate in this way whether they are traveling outside or in the capital.

Azig would have scoffed at these changes before, and would at most send someone to pay attention.

It's different now.

He can't believe it.

Because the Eight Banners already used telegraph.

Nalan Mingzhu is definitely the consort and is going to be the princess. There have been rumors before that it was officially decided when Zhu Youjian ascended the throne and he was given a title. Now he is preparing to get married. The princess asked for simplicity in the book, so there is no need to prepare for three to five years. The marriage can be completed before.

When his father Niyaha got the news, he would not lose his composure during the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven and enthroning the throne. On the way back, he laughed and set up a running water mat on the street in front of the house for three days.

When Nalan Mingzhu came to power, one person directly took charge of the Two Yellow Flags Gushan Zhangjing. He had the same limelight and power for a while, but he had the reputation of relying on women to get to the top.

It was also because he settled in Lianghuangqi that Lianghuangqi could use the telegraph.

For this reason, Zu Dashou angrily slapped Zu Zeqing and retreated to his own house to retire.

"My ancestors have been working hard in Jinzhou for many years. Returning to the old place is like a duck to water, and they even hold the power of the Black and Red Flags. The old Shanhaiguan Guanning Cavalry Department is among them.

Jinzhou is closest to the Han Dynasty. His Majesty has long implemented good policies to attract Han people to go north to cultivate land. Jinzhou has benefited the most. Although the land is not as flat and rich as Liaodong, the trade routes within and outside the customs are interconnected. Mongolia has also learned wisely now and knows that Liaodong is richer and trade goes to Liaodong. If you run, you must pass through Jinzhou on the way."

Xia Wanchun looked at Guo Weijing in front of him and told him why the boy from the Zu family could not rise to the top.

The noodles have mixed flavors.

The education he received in the early years was extremely effective, but in the past he was determined to help the Ming Dynasty and found that he had suddenly become a double agent. It was hard to change his original intention. He gritted his teeth and wanted to be a loyal minister who was loyal to both sides.

But how to develop this mentality?

"So you kid must seize the opportunity."


(End of this chapter)

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