760 The Way Forward
Before, the Yellow Sect didn't care about the emperor's will at all, and no one in the Western Regions and Uzang could have a higher secular status than them.

But now.

It's very different.

A strong and wise emperor is not a good thing for the development of religion, even if the emperor's belief belongs to a certain religion and even makes it the state religion
Not to mention that Zhu Youjian did not choose Buddhism as the state religion.

The Yellow Sect in the Khalkha Mongolia was severely 'suppressed'.

Every slave is a registered population in the Slave Department, and the population status of each tribe must be reported regularly. When the government funds the construction of a city or settlement, it will build temples for the monks, and then issue a tax-free but exempted from corvee. Degree of ultimatum.

It's okay outside the city, but any major activities in the city must be reported to the government.

The act of voluntarily dedicating one's life to become a material for a ritual weapon is absolutely prohibited, and the ultimatum will be immediately confiscated if discovered. Lamas who are not recognized by the government will be arrested and imprisoned by the government for "pretending to be a monk and insulting the monks and ministers" if they show up everywhere.
All kinds of things are locked tightly.

That is to say, the monks can still maintain their original temples and land assets with the support of most tribes, otherwise the good materials they raise at home will have to flow back to the secular world.


Huang Jiao gave Galdan time to go home, but it was hard to talk about the so-called training with hair.

When Galdan returned home, he felt that his already strange home was even more strange.

He remembers things very early, otherwise he would not be able to remember how he was arranged when he was a child.

The tribe was very small at that time.

There are only more than 1 people, and about a thousand people can be drawn out to fight without affecting the tribe's production.

While eating meat by the campfire, his father proudly told his brother that in the early years, he led only 200 people on Lake Amesh and hunted down the Cossacks who were collecting salt there, with great success.

Today's tribe has tens of thousands of people.

The tribes of Junggar united and annexed Huite. Galdan's father, who had assumed the status of 'alliance leader' when signing the Mongolian Oirat, gradually became more and more powerful.

Even in Galdan's eyes, today's Junggar tribe has no shortage of elite soldiers and generals, but its equipment is far behind.

And he thought that from the small tribe back then to the present step by step, his father, whom he had not seen for many years, must be in high spirits at this time.

But when they met, his father, Troros Hedo and Qin, was sitting slumped on the big seat with a sick look on his face, trying to force a smile at him.

"Come forward and let me take a good look at you."

Raising his hand to greet him twice made his face paler and his tone extremely weak.

Galdan took two steps forward and stared at his father for inspection. It was hard to imagine that he was the leader who had swept through the Huite tribes with the Eight Banners in the past few months, allowing the Junggar tribes to completely unify the Western Regions.

He Duo and Qin were not annoyed by his son's somewhat offensive gaze. Instead, he smiled and said, "Although you look like a Han Chinese, your eyes have not changed. I knew you were extraordinary when you were still an infant, so I gave you Named Galdan, Tushita Heaven. Looking back now, you are by no means as simple as becoming the Panchen Lama."

Galdan, who first became a small living Buddha and then studied in Han for several years with only two or three guards, really had no feelings for his father.

But when He Duo and Qin said: "Your brother will continue to use the name of Taiji, and the most suitable person to become the first Khan of Junggar is you."

His heart still throbbed.

Nature is inalienable.

The worldly bond cannot be broken up easily.

After all, he misses his tribe and relatives.

But what should be given up will eventually be given up.

Scatter some of the story books he brought, the iron pots and cotton cloth he bought, and give them nice clothes and jewelry for his mother who held him while laughing and crying for a long time, as well as the things he saved from doing business while quietly studying in the Imperial College in the capital over the years. half of the family wealth.He knew the leaders of the tribe, and even performed a small demonstration of archery and equestrian skills in the school grounds.

Except for the unusual bun and net scarf on his head, Galdan lived a very good life in Tulza Tucheng. He wandered around the tribe every day and became the most popular existence among his peers. It seemed that It allowed him to regain the freedom and uninhibition that he had lost as a young Mongolian boy.

But Huang Jiao rushed to his father's place.

It was Galdan's destiny to become a Living Buddha, and he could not escape from it no matter what.

Fortunately, the matter of leading Fa to practice has been completed.

Let Galdan, who falsely preached the imperial edict, feel a little comforted.

You can let him shave his hair back to the Mongolian style, but he can't shave it all off. After all, he is young and still cares about his appearance.

If he had lost his hair, he would no longer be the Imperial Prince Supervisor when he returned to the capital.

Naturally, Zhu Youjian would not specifically mention in the order that Galdan was allowed to lead the practice.

He has no time for that.

The telegraph line has been extended to Geoje, North Korea. On the four islands side, the lines that have been prepared have been quickly pretended to be extended along the paved cement official road from Fukuoka to Osaka and then to the capital.

The only thing that can hinder the communication between the capital and the four islands of Tokyo is the Korean Strait and the Tsushima Strait.

The clippers at Sticking Station kept going back and forth every day, and finally controlled the information difference between the capital and the four islands of Tokyo within two days.

Because of this, Zhu Youjian was able to mobilize nationwide efforts in Tokyo to prepare for large-scale colonization.

The faster the information is transmitted, the less negative impact the emperor's departure from the political center will have on the empire. The nine-nine-sixth blessing work system that Zhu Youjian had previously arranged for himself would not be realized.

Not to mention that the ships returning from Hawaii arrived in Tokyo, bringing back the news that the previous fleet had sailed smoothly and headed straight to America.

That day, Zhu Youjian galloped his horse all the way to the port to greet him in the Tokyo market. Along the way, the people saw only smoke and dust billowing, and several horses galloped past. Everyone was frightened and gave way!
When a patrolling samurai came to stop him and was immediately driven away, everyone realized that it was the emperor and his guards who had just passed by.

There was a little fuss, and people in the court were also curious about why the emperor was so out of sorts.

After asking, I found out that I had just discovered another small overseas island. The small indigenous countries came with the ship and wanted to surrender to the Celestial Empire.

People are even more puzzled.

News of the Great Colonization was not public.

But the four-island court knew exactly who their emperor was.

Recently, the four islands have been levied food and grass supplies, and a new flag has been set up. The news that shipyards across the Qing Dynasty are going all out to build ships cannot be concealed. The three flags of black and yellow, black, black and red, and black and blue are all trained by the Black Flag Navy. Training navy.

This is a clear signal of war.

And there is only one person in the world who is worthy of the Qing Empire mobilizing the power of the whole country to accumulate strength.

The treaty that divided the world did not include an armistice.

Ming Dynasty also took advantage of the fact that there were only border frictions between the two sides and there was no large-scale war to accumulate troops.

Zhu Youjian was not worried about Daming's misunderstanding.

Because before he was busy organizing a fleet to go to Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, another rebellion broke out within Ming Dynasty, which was quite large.

(End of this chapter)

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