Chapter 781 The Emperor
It can't be said that everyone gets what they need.

Zhu Yuyao knew that no matter how much she disliked Mingzhu, she should not do it, so she gave in while being grounded.

Nalan Mingzhu has no feelings for the cuckold on his head. He is called his wife, but he is actually his master and the biggest master. He has to weigh the pros and cons and show his loyalty as much as possible.

Zhu You was angry, and he could only take Xia Wanchun to get angry.

Constant telegrams drove him from place to place.

Regarding the peace talks, you must first convince several flag owners, and then some of the generals who are leading the battle under the flag owners, especially those stationed at the border, and ask them to try not to move when the treaty is about to be established.

Otherwise, when it is about to happen, they all have the authority to attack, and they can just lead the troops to the opposite territory for a walk, and there is no need to think about peace talks.

It is easy to say, but difficult to say.

In the military group of the Qing Dynasty, the banner master had more control over the generals below, so most of the things were settled by convincing the banner master.

On the other hand, it was a bit difficult for Daming himself.

There is Huang Degong who never forgets the Northern Expedition.

There are Li Dingguo, who has just been recruited, Liu Wenxiu, and the new army of Longwu after the rearrassment, and the greatness of Daming, gradually giving up the separation, and began to obey the son of Zuo Liangyu, the son of Zuo Liangyu, who was dispatched by the court.

Fortunately, Emperor Longwu was rich.

Having money means having power.

He has some control over the soldiers and generals, and does not need to rely solely on the soldiers and generals to be voluntarily obedient to support the court.

And he pushed for peace talks.

Especially after receiving the information from the north.

After learning from Shi Kefa that Emperor Chongzhen was actually the current emperor of the Qing Dynasty, and that the owners of the black flags in the north were actually the surviving princes and daughters of Emperor Chongzhen, Emperor Longwu Zhu Yujian could be said to be extremely scared.

Without him.

Think about Wang Chengen, think about his own throne, and then look at everything he has seen after collecting all the information about the 'Wulte' in the past ten years.

Not everyone can accept that their success is part of someone else's plan.

Not to mention that the current Ming Dynasty seems to collapse rapidly as long as the unfamiliar Emperor Chongzhen in the north gives an order.

Zhu Yujian couldn't sleep the whole night.

Just after Zhu Youjian's birthday in the north, the mentally and physically exhausted Zhu Yujian fell ill.

Therefore, You Shoulong had to reveal his identity and go to see him on the emperor's order.

"I know you. Sure enough, the newspaper was run under his instruction. Since you are here to bring a message, I will tell you everything at once. I, I can bear it, cough cough cough!!"

Zhu Yujian, who had been on the throne for ten years, looked pale and obviously aged, and retreated to the left and right, with a look of death on his face.

You Shoulong knelt down respectfully: "His Majesty Chongzhen wants to have a conversation with you. In addition, he also said, 'This is a time when China is undergoing major changes that have not happened in a thousand years. Please take care of your health and don't worry about trivial matters.'"


Little things?

Is this a small thing?
Zhu Yujian was very surprised.

Thousands of miles away, even if he used the Express Tower to send messages, he felt that his physical condition could not handle such a 'conversation', and the people who came a few times would just leave.

Wouldn't it be better to just write a letter and explain it clearly?

"There is a telegraph station in the city of Nanjing, which can send messages thousands of miles away in a blink of an eye. However, there is a strait between the four islands and Liaodong, so it takes a day to send messages between His Majesty Chongzhen and you."


Fortunately, Zhu Yujian was not scared to death on the hospital bed.

However, he quickly recovered. He had been anxious for two or three months before, so he still had some mental endurance in this regard.

After knowing who the person in the north was, he had been thinking about these things for a while, and carefully read all the actions of the person in the north.

The most important one, Xia Wanchun, a double agent and double agent, also gave Shi Kefa what he saw as the true story of the God Emperor.

As long as Shi Kefa and Zhu Yujian looked at the vast empire in the north, where the country was rich and the people were strong, the fear and anxiety in the hearts of the two old men, who were already somewhat awed by the theory of gods and ghosts, could not be suppressed at all.

Thousands of miles of voice transmission?

Barely understandable.

"Then, how should we talk?"

"Your Majesty, please write a handwritten letter. Write down whatever you want to convey at the moment and give it to the humble minister. Tomorrow, the humble minister will present the reply to your majesty. His Majesty Chongzhen said that your majesty should not be in a hurry. You can ask slowly, think slowly, and talk slowly. , in the future, as long as your majesty wishes, the correspondence may be continued for a long time."

Without saying a word, Zhu Yujian asked someone to take a pen and paper to study ink.

There was so much he wanted to ask.

Originally, things were very simple. There were enemies in the north, the Tatars.

Now it has become Zhu Youjian.We are old enemies, but we are also a family.

In the past, he was always worried for fear that the Tatars from the north would attack him and make him uneasy on the throne.

I am even more afraid now.

Emperor Chongzhen.

Or was it suspected that the gods were protecting the Emperor Chongzhen who rose up in the north to drive out the Jiannu slaves, occupy the magpie's nest, and lay a huge foundation for the Qing Dynasty?
What the hell is going on?
The most important thing is what happens next?
Zhu Yujian was praying when he started writing.

It's best if things are simple, life and death is best.

Either Chongzhen fights down, or Longwu fights up. There can only be one China in the world. Just talk about how the two sides will end up, especially the children.

He did not accept that Chongzhen would reveal his name and then the Ming and Qing dynasties would become entangled.

China can be called anything, but the Ming Dynasty belongs to him, Emperor Longwu.

But when he started writing, Zhu Yujian's words were not so heroic. He didn't even mention much about the outcome of the two countries, but directly wrote about the most important things at the moment.

How do you calculate Wang Chengen?

This [-]-year-old man controlled the industrial lifeline of the Ming Dynasty and was also the oldest eunuch leader in the court. He commanded the Nanyang Fleet overseas and sailed across the sea, assisting the Ming Dynasty in controlling the newly incorporated colonies and the concessions established in many foreign countries. An existence below one person and above ten thousand people.

Even Donglin did not dare to actually attack Wang Chengen because of the large amount of wealth pouring in from overseas and the fact that Wang Chengen was far away from the Ming Dynasty and the center of the court.

If he makes any changes, the current good situation in Ming Dynasty will immediately collapse.

"How to calculate? Fan Bang is a minister of China, Wang Cheng'en is also a minister of China, and a minister of the Ming Dynasty, and what's more."

The letter changed hands and arrived at Zhu Youjian within a day. He grinned when he saw it: "I am also the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty."

Never mind who his true allegiance is.

In short, he is a 'loyalty'.

It's not harmful to you. Zhu Youjian can use Bai Ling to guarantee that Wang Chengen is fine. He may be greedy, abuse power, and be arrogant, but he is absolutely loyal.

Use it with confidence.

Zhu Yujian had been looking forward to the reply for a whole day, and when he saw it, his eyes twitched.

This was not his first conversation with Chongzhen, nor was it his first conversation with the Qing emperor in the north, but it was the first time he had a conversation with Zhu Youjian, the Qing emperor, after identifying his identity.

Whether it was Chongzhen in the past, the Qing emperor in the north, or Zhu Youjian as the Qing emperor.

He didn't even want to believe it.

But I have to believe it.

Wang Chengen is overseas and he can't move even if he wants to.

After reading it, Zhu Yujian gritted his teeth and picked up his pen again.

Still no mention of the future.

Instead, he asked about state affairs.

Regardless of the identities of the emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties, both wanted peace talks anyway, so during the next three years of peace, there would be inevitable interactions between the Ming and Qing dynasties.

As an emperor, now that he has a channel for private communication.

Let’s talk in advance about what these three years of peace can bring to the two countries.

It is better to use this in depth.

This is not in vain Zhu Yujian's push for peace talks.

 About the princess

  Let me explain the prerequisites for setting up this plot.

  These are all mentioned more or less in the previous articles.
  In the plot, the pearl is 19 years old and the princess is 25.
  Mingzhu was forcibly ordered by her father to chase the princess. If she couldn't catch her, she would be beaten and refused to go home.

  Pearl's desire for power as power ministers
  The princess rejects and even hates intruders, Manchus, and traitors. As mentioned in the previous plot, because these two types of people ruined her country and her family, the incident of the broken arm also angered these people.

  The princess is indecisive and an old girl
  After listening to the emperor's words, he recruited Mingzhu as his consort. There was no emotion at all, because Mingzhu was repelled by his status as a Manchu.

  Mingzhu only had respect for the princess, not admiration. It was her father's fate and the new Manchu forces who needed a Manchu who was related to the princess.

  The princess is somewhat passionate about power but can't do it well. She has a disability and is bound by female moral education.
  Pearl is young and powerful

  But in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, let alone being in power, the consort had to find someone to make an appointment in advance to see his wife. It was abnormal for him to have this right.
  In marriage, the relationship between the two is ordinary, so it is purely a superior-subordinate relationship.

  In the workplace, the two of them are in a black and blue flag. The princess is unqualified as the flag leader but takes power intermittently. The core of the flag affairs is still the princess, and there is also a superior-subordinate relationship.

  Because the emperor felt guilty towards the princess, he pampered, indulged, and cared for her.
  The princess who was educated in female virtue followed the emperor and left the Chinese public opinion circle.
  Xia Wanchun was inspired by Guo Weijing's guidance
  Mingzhu did not push for it intentionally, she just sat back and watched the situation without doing anything. She also took advantage of the situation to gain power.
  'Spread it out to prove that you didn't mean to be disgusting!Once the prerequisites are in place, my mind goes crazy!The plot is really bad!But please forgive me, gentlemen! '

(End of this chapter)

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