Chapter 784 Too short
Mediate the war.

How to mediate?

Of course, you can do whatever you want.

Nanyang Company and Zheng Chenggong's troops fought a battle in Luzon and won thousands of taels of gold.

Ming Dynasty quickly adapted to this rhythm of war.

It is planned to reproduce it in Annan. At the same time, there is also a saying in the DPRK and China that it is to get familiar with it and warm it up to prepare for the war with the puppet Qing Dynasty.

The war in Indochina has never stopped.

The Nanyang Company was not the first external force to intervene in the peninsula.

The Netherlands and Spain both have very promising arms businesses here.

It’s just that Nanyang Company is very big.

Industrial production capacity has increased, and more new weapons have been produced, but it has not yet reached the point where recycling and transporting weapons is more expensive than manufacturing a batch of new ones.

A large number of Ming-style weapons fell on the Indochina Peninsula. Although they are not advanced, they are large in quantity and can be obtained with worthless people and prisoners of war.

The war lasted for two years, causing the price of slaves in Ming and Liaodong to drop significantly.

The war raged southward in Indochina, successfully affecting the Sultanate of Johor, which was controlled by Portugal and the Netherlands.

The Ming Nanyang Company targeted Malacca.

It is difficult to break through at sea.

Then we can only find a solution on land.

In 1657, in the name of the suzerainty, the Ming Dynasty repeatedly ordered the countries in the Annan region to truce, but the countries still mobilized troops aggressively. So in the early autumn, the Ming Dynasty sent [-] troops. At first, they were only stationed in the territory of Annan and Mo Dynasty under the leadership of Li Dingguo, the Marquis of Xining in the Ming Dynasty to urge the countries. armistice.

However, the other countries did not respond, so the Ming army went south, and Li Dingguo fought with the Li Dynasty army in Annan. He defeated the Li Dynasty army in a row and attacked the capital of Li Dynasty, Tokyo, in just one month.

The Emperor of Li led his ministers to tie themselves in front of the city gate and knelt to welcome the Ming army into the city.

The Guangnan State in the south was dissatisfied and believed that the 'Great Wall' they built could withstand the Li Dynasty and the Ming army.

The earthen city wall, which was barely half a person tall, made Li Dingguo laugh.

Some areas are made of piled stones, but these stone walls are not as effective as earth walls in the face of heavy artillery.

"The Ming Empire is proving that they have the ability to destroy the indigenous barbarians, but we do not, so the indigenous people can only turn to the Ming Empire and become hostile to us in exchange for benefits and support."


In the Dutch Parliament Hall, the faces of all the congressmen were very ugly.

In other words, in the past two years, there has been basically nothing good about the Ming Dynasty.

"Not only the Sultan of Johor, but all the small kingdoms on the peninsula have paid tribute to the Ming Dynasty. This is very dangerous. The Nanyang Company obviously wants to use them as a cover. If the Ming army successfully lands in Johor, gentlemen! Can we stop it!?"

As soon as the question came up, everyone looked even worse.

Obviously not.

The elite army of the Ming Dynasty was equipped with a large number of advanced flintlock guns and artillery, especially heavy firepower, which was particularly brutal. They had experienced this with the Dutch before.

They also have a military advantage.

The Netherlands and Spain had suffered heavy losses before, and they no longer had many of their own troops in East Asia.

For the Netherlands right now, if Malacca cannot hold on, everything will be lost.

The atmosphere of despair gradually spread in the conference hall. The governor of Batavia, who was also the speaker, said with anxiety on his face: "There is always something we can do. You can't be silent when you need your opinions most!"

At this time, some people stood up and said a few words.

But after a while, someone stood up and said something powerful that attracted the attention of the audience: "Now we can only wait!"

"Waiting for the war between the Ming Empire and the Qing Empire!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked much better.Just wait another year.

It's not that long.

Even a little too short.

Due to civil strife and war with the Qing Empire, the Ming Empire had no momentum to expand to the sea. In recent years, the Nanyang Company was established, and the relationship between the two empires was subtly easing and the war ceased.
But war always comes.

The speaker's words are like a beacon in the dark night.

The congressmen suddenly became enlightened, and countless clever ideas suddenly popped up in their little heads.

War, war can pull the empire out of the quagmire and make the Ming Empire lose its overwhelming power on the sea.

It was possible for the Qing Empire to do it, but the congressmen felt that they had to let the Qing Empire do it better.

Although the former Governor Geranziah and a large number of Dutch people were trapped in the Qing Empire and became slaves, the cooperation between the Dutch East India Company and the Qing Empire was considered necessary by the parliamentarians.

There are too many people who expect Ming to die.

The same reason.

There are also many people who hope that the Qing Dynasty will die.

But the two countries are generally united internally.

The gentry of the Ming Dynasty may have thought that the Ming Dynasty would die when it died, but they were iron-clad masters anyway.

But it really costs the lives of the old men to spread the law.

The Qing Dynasty was in the early stage of the feudal dynasty and was internally united. Moreover, the Ming Dynasty did not allow slavery to be openly practiced, which is something that the Qing Dynasty absolutely cannot tolerate.

The war has not yet begun, but it seems that it will last for more than ten to twenty years and may not end.

This makes peace even more short-lived.

It also started from this second year.

It’s time for the two most powerful empires in the world to raise bright and glorious banners.

The city of Nanjing in the Ming Dynasty.

The new issue of Daming Weekly has been released.

"It has stopped. It has stopped. The newspaper said that many refugees from Guangzhou came over and were sold into slavery. Most of them were children. Although they are Annan natives, the pictures they painted were really pitiful!"

At this time, young gentlemen and young ladies in Nanjing gather together to have a small tea party, read newspapers and chat a few words.

"I bought two for my family. Among them, the little girl was defiled by thieves at a young age. The natives of Annan are really inhumane! Although it will not be better if they don't fight, it is best if they don't fight."

The nature of young people is to get whatever they want.

It is easiest to be led around by the nose.

Newspapers praised the Ming Dynasty for stopping the war between the Annan kingdoms, the sect leader's responsibility, the benevolence of the Celestial Dynasty, and the Ming Dynasty's power throughout the world.

The people of the Ming Dynasty are also proud of it, and they realize that they have their own kindness and merits.

Intellectuals have always liked to occupy the moral high ground.

"The Book of Changes" says: There is a way of heaven, a way of human beings, a way of earth, and the way of establishing people is called benevolence, it is called righteousness, it is called sincerity!The sage has a saying: Be kind to people by being close to relatives, be kind to people by loving things!I, the Ming Dynasty, have given me enlightenment in Annan and put an end to strife and chaos. This is the way of heaven!Sidewalk!This is a sign of great prosperity!I have a bright future and will unite all nations with righteousness!Bless all nations! '
Such a paragraph made its debut in the newspaper, and scholars in the Ming Dynasty followed suit!
As long as the Ming court does not dislike the strong winds at the commanding heights, then with the cultural influence of the Ming Dynasty and the theoretical documents accumulated by the sages for thousands of years, the outbreak of humanitarian thoughts will only happen in a blink of an eye.

Although the cruelty of war cannot be changed by an ideological trend.

Humanitarian law and treaties cannot completely restrain the war machine.

But rules and order always have to be initiated and established by someone.

This time, it was the Ming Empire and the Qing Empire that were in a brief peace in the second half of the seventeenth century that determined the rules of world order.

(End of this chapter)

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