Chapter 796
Western Region, Uzang.

Of these two places, the Western Region is relatively better. It has been under the actual rule of the Central Plains Dynasty as early as the Han Dynasty. Not to mention legal principles, it is relatively easy for the Central Plains Dynasty to bring the Western Region under its rule, and there are huge profits in it.

Once the Silk Road was well managed, it had a profound impact on the Western Regions, Central Asia, and the Middle East.

Uzang is different.

The Central Plains dynasties rarely conquered the plateau, and most of them enshrined the plateau regime as a foreign state. The plateau people were not overly influenced by Han culture and retained their original innocence, firm beliefs, and sturdy folk customs.

Now for Zhu Youjian, this plateau is not unreachable.

But the Qing Dynasty invaded. What is the difference between a slave empire and a slave khanate?

To enslave the local lower class people in a more 'civilized' and 'reasonable' way?

After that, he paid a huge price to maintain the doomed turbulent rule in Uzang and carry out enlightenment?
Or it could just be the same old way, canonizing, enfeoffing, and finally taking over a legal basis. For the local area, the difference is that there is an empire above their head, but the local area is still controlled by an iron-clad master.

If Zhu Youjian did not dig the grave, it would be okay to say that he ignored the local people for the time being because of the local culture, and just ensured that the plateau was included in the jurisdiction of the Central Plains Dynasty.

However, the turmoil that is bound to come in advance, fueled by the Qing emperor, may make the future of the plateau full of uncertainty.

But now Galdan has come up with a better plan.

This is a plan that can still allow the Western Regions and Uzbekistan to be steadily integrated into China even though China may be in turmoil.

After all, there will be earth-shattering internal turmoil after the Junggar Khanate.

It turns out.

Galdan, the last ruler of the nomadic empire, was truly possessed of great wisdom, and his so-called reincarnation of a living Buddha with innate wisdom was not nonsense.

It’s a simple demolition effect.

Junggar was responsible for the demolition, and then the Qing Dynasty was responsible for opening the skylights.

Only Zhu Youjian, the Qing emperor, sent the 15-year-old Galdan to the throne of Junggar.

It is different from the original path of the rise of the Junggar Khanate.

Since the Black Flag Qing Dynasty had earlier sent troops to effectively control the Western Regions, the current Junggar regime was completely formed under Zhu Youjian's instructions and with the support of the Eight Banners.

It was also the Qing Dynasty that pressed the heads of many Dzungar nobles and made them recognize the status of the current Dzungar Khan.

But this cannot change that in today's Junggar Khanate, the so-called Great Khan is actually just the chief of one of the tribes.

Compared with Zuo Mengeng, who is living in Hubei as a warlord and emperor with his "million-strong army", and now wants to turn against the trend and ask for the king's title, Galdan wants more, but he is willing to become a pawn of the Qing Dynasty. Wu Zang beat it down and handed it over.

The end of the excerpt does not say how the relationship between the Junggar Khanate and China ended after Uzang was defeated.

Galdan just said that he wanted to complete his unfinished studies and hoped that Zhu Youjian could send a gentleman from the Imperial College to teach him.

"It seems that after seeing the vastness of the world, I really can't stay in that temple that tortures my body and mind."

I shook the book in my hand. I originally wanted to think about it again, but after reading Zuo Mengeng's book, Galdan, who was already pleasing to my eyes, suddenly became even more pleasing to my eye.

"That's right. In addition, the Eight Banners will also be replaced. Haven't they been talking about returning to the center of the court? Summon Nikan, Yue Le and other Eight Banners stationed on the border, as well as the banner owners and nobles living in Liaodong. , on duty in the DPRK.”

After that, Zhu Youjian thought of something again, waved his hand and said: "Forget it Azig, there is no need to force it out."

The true identity of the Qing Emperor was revealed to the world, which was also breaking news for the Eight Banners.

Several high-level banner owners had known about it for a long time, but there were still some people who loved their families, and many middle and lower-level Eight Banners were shocked by the news.But there’s nothing unthinkable.

It is even said that Dorgon's banner when the Eight Banners entered the country was to avenge Emperor Chongzhen. The Eight Banners still serve the Qing Dynasty and support Emperor Chongzhen, which can be said to be just right.

People who love their home dare not make any changes.

I don't have the ability to make any changes.

But since the Eight Banners are to be instructed to assist Galdan to completely unify Junggar Mongolia, and then send troops to Uzang, it is best for those who love their families to stay at their feet during this turbulent period.

During this civil war, most of the affairs of the Qing Dynasty were left to the decisions of the court ministers. Some special or important issues would be handed over. Galdan's issue was the final decision. Once it was dealt with, it was time to get off work.

Zhu Youjian stood up and asked the eunuchs to come around and tidy up his clothes and appearance in preparation for receiving reporters from the Ming Dynasty.

He said that he would not deal with government affairs for the time being, so the envoy from Ming Dynasty could not see him.

But reporters can.

General Zhu Youjian had to express to the Ming Dynasty his attitude towards the Ming court and the future arrangements of the Central Plains dynasty, and respond to the demands of the people, the common people, and the Ming clan, as 'Zhu Youjian, Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty'.

This interview happened more than once.

This time the reporter kept asking questions about hot topics and wanted Zhu Youjian to talk in depth about why he did not accept the Ming Dynasty clan and always regarded himself as the Qing emperor.

"Your Majesty's words are very different from the actions of the three armies that invaded our country, the Ming Dynasty. The three armies, two banner leaders, and a prince all treated the Ming Dynasty clan very favorably."

"There is a treaty between the two countries, but in accordance with the treaty, those who surrender will be given due treatment. However, my words will not be too harsh. If the Ming Dynasty clan sincerely surrenders and abides by my Qing Dynasty laws, the clan title will not be possible, but The lower titles can still be given."

Zhu Youjian spoke easily and firmly.

The reporter was quite excited.

During the civil war between the two emperors, when Emperor Chongzhen revealed his true identity, the war balance that had been leaning towards the Black Flag Qing Dynasty suddenly collapsed. Public opinion circles in the north and the south felt that the final winner of the civil war must be Chongzhen in the north.

The one-sided public opinion is quite boring.

Big reversals are exciting.

As soon as the talk of forgetting one's ancestors and cutting off one's ancestors appeared in the newspapers, the north and the south were quarreling recently.

Explicitly refusing to accept many princes and nobles of the Ming Dynasty clan is no small matter in this Chinese cultural circle.

This is almost unprecedented.

It's like not giving Zuo Mengeng the title of king.

It will inevitably affect the war.

Zuo Menggeng did not get the prince he wanted. It was difficult for a marquis to satisfy his desire, so he naturally led his army to fight against the black and red flag army led by Zhu Cijiong. Little did he know that as a local snake warlord, he had been in Hubei for too long, and he and his troops Some have failed to keep up with the changes of the times.

Full of confidence, he will rely on Xiangyang City to block the black and red flags so that he can continue to seek benefits from both the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

But when the war started, he climbed up the city wall to boost the morale of the soldiers. As a result, he was shot by several sharpshooters from the Black and Red Banner Army with shotguns. He was shot three times and was killed on the spot. The Xiangyang city wall was also blown open that day!
Two days later, his nephew Zuo Yuanyin led his troops to surrender.

And this also means that the Yangtze River fell into the hands of Black and Red Flag.

In the past, Zuo Liangyu threatened to go directly to Nanjing along the Yangtze River. Now Zhu Cijiong's Black and Red Flag can really go to Nanjing by water.

(End of this chapter)

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