Chapter 798 Outside and Inside

In the face of the overthrow of a dynasty and the rise of a new dynasty, the choices before the new aristocrats and the old aristocrats must be somewhat different.

Black Flag Qing Dynasty gave Mu Tianbo quite good treatment.

Seeing that he truly accompanied Daming to the last moment of despair, Zhu Youjian allowed him to continue to guard Yunnan and become a local prince as long as he surrendered, but this blessing was only for him.

When he is gone, the title of Duke will still be there, but the real title will definitely be gone, and there will only be a fixed salary.

But this condition is completely unacceptable to the entire Duke of Guizhou and the many Yunnan-Guizhou forces, chieftains, and local officials who are attached to the Duke of Guizhou.

There were many policies going on, which made Mu Tianbo feel complicated and mobilized tens of thousands of troops to stop the black and yellow flag from marching into Yunnan and Guizhou.

But pulling it up will pull it up.

Mu Tianbo knew that he had no chance of winning this battle.

"What if King Song doesn't want to go east?"

As soon as the attendant, who was trying to speak Mandarin, spoke, Mu Tianbo dropped the meteor hammer on the ground in frustration.

What can we do?

The current posture is just to bluff people.

To delay.

From the bottom of his heart, he was definitely unwilling to betray Ming, but he was also unwilling to risk his life to fight for Ming.

So it was just like when the capital was in trouble and Emperor Longwu asked him to contribute in the Northern Expedition.

He wasn't going to push it.

I don't plan to leave this three-acre land in Yunnan and Guizhou in the south. I will go to Bashu at most.

"My letter from the king made it very clear. Didn't the two princes also say that they would spare one of the horses on the opposite side? There are three armies in the north. As long as King Song goes east, the situation will be very favorable to him."

Mu Tianbo's words were a little confused, and his heart was even more confused.

What is this thing that Lao Zhu's family is doing?
If you say you want to fight, then fight, and fight to the death. In a sense, it is also a good thing for the noble forces who are loyal to the Ming Dynasty and are deeply bound to the Ming Dynasty.

It's neither up nor down, tepid.

How can we improve the status of the grassroots without breaking the bones?
There is no chance for him to use military force in exchange for benefits.

This is also what worries most people on the outside during the war.

After people who originally didn't want to be a wallflower found out that this was just a struggle between two emperors of the Ming Dynasty and two royal families, they had some thoughts in their hearts to protect themselves, so that they would not have to sacrifice their lives for the country at this time.

Even if there is a group of people who are die-hard loyal to Long Wu.

While their emperor was preparing for a retreat, they were unlikely to be able to carry the banner of righteousness and have the consciousness to die generously.

After the war started, the balance of victory gradually tilted towards the Black Flag Qing Dynasty.

But a large number of Ming's wallflowers found themselves defecting to the Qing Dynasty. According to the fact that the two countries were originally one country, they could not get anything in return for surrendering. They would only suffer losses for their own interests and had to accept many of the black flags of the Qing Dynasty. New Deal.

And Zhu Youjian knew that the war had entered the second stage at this time.

"At this point, the Ming royal family will no longer directly confront the Qing army. The main force that will continue to confront the Qing Dynasty is the Ming gentry, landowners, and aristocracy who want to safeguard their own interests, and this war will Extraordinarily durable.”

Zhu Youjian knew that his eldest son was hesitating whether to march eastward. He also knew that Lao San's situation was not dangerous, just troublesome, and Lao Ba and Zheng Heiqi could not easily approach Nanjing by land.

But the Ming army's defense line was really torn apart.

So the war will also start to change from this point on.

"Just record it here, record it in the 'inside', and record the next part in the 'outside'." "Hey."

The government affairs were quiet, and the general situation in the world began to rumble and turmoil again. Zhu Youjian had enough time to build an information room for himself.

The entire hall is covered with maps and papers. People are constantly coming and going at the sticky pole. The information sent here is immediately placed in front of the emperor and added to the map.

At the same time, Zhu Youjian will also have people record some of his words.

Textbooks, newspapers, specially compiled into books, these sentences will always have a suitable place for them.

Just like Zhu Youjian arranged some people and places.

After seeing the current war situation in China, he had to continue drawing lines on the map.

Dividing land is a mental job.

In particular, for the long-term planning of hundreds of years to come, the spheres of influence of various regions and nations in the entire world must be divided, and the results of this division must be conducive to China's long-term development.

For at least the next 300 years.

The princes of the Ming Dynasty who were driven to the sea must be allowed to join forces and suppress the barbarians.

It is necessary that all the countries in the entire eastern world that are difficult to control by China's land and people cannot pose a major threat to the Chinese world.

We have to prepare for the future disagreements in this vast land.

It is necessary to arrange names in advance for the colonies in various places when the Sun Never Sets Empire falls, so that it will be difficult for them to completely escape the influence of the Chinese cultural circle.

A thin line on a map determines the future of millions of people in a country.

Of course, an approximate time must be added to these lines.

Determined what period of time the land should best look like this within the scope of Zhu Youjian's expectations. In addition, he would also say a few words about why drawing the line in this way is beneficial to China during the picture, which was recorded by the author.

The most underlined areas are actually the Americas, which are farthest from the Chinese cultural circle.

The colonies did indeed take root in the Americas, but they only caught up and failed to take the lead. In the future land competition, they will inevitably suffer from geographical disadvantages.

After all, Europe is so close to the Americas that one Pacific Ocean is about to catch up with two Atlantic Oceans.

The most important Chinese colonists landed in the western part of North America. The western part is not considered a good land except for coastal areas. North America is divided into two halves, and most of the good places are in the eastern part.

Most European colonists also took root in eastern America.

So this line must be drawn carefully.

"By the way, how many colonists have recently signed up to sail to America as subordinates of the King of Korea and the Tokugawa clan?"

"Returning to the master, according to the Tokyo Metropolitan Telegraph, there were 390 and seven people who went to serve the King of Joseon last month. There were quite a lot of people who went to serve the Tokugawa clan. There were actually 720 people."

After hearing the eunuch's reply, Zhu Youjian nodded and started writing.

Knowing that the Qing Empire was almost unshakable, most people in the two regions who harbored restoration aspirations would choose to go to the Americas and fight with their identified masters.

North Korea has agreed to take them to have a collision with the Spaniards. It would be best if they can directly point their swords at Mexico City and knock Mexico down. By then, the furthest thing from heaven will be this new North Korea.

As for the Tokugawa clan, they are doing very well in Central America right now.

Work with the indigenous people first, and then if you have the opportunity, you can push forward to compete with many European colonists in eastern America.

As long as they do a good job, Zhu Youjian doesn't mind granting another Japanese king.

The fiefdom was chosen in the northern part of North America.

(End of this chapter)

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