
Chapter 112 Evolution Begins

Chapter 112 Evolution Begins

Two major events have been decided.

The abolition and re-establishment of the three battalions was led by Jiang Mian, sponsored by the Ministry of War, co-organized by the five government departments and Yang Yiqing, the minister of the National Policy Conference, and supervised by Xia Yan and Zhang Yong, the head of the Yuma Supervisor, from the military department.

The affairs of cleaning up the Huangzhuanghuangdian were led by Yang Tinghe, sponsored by the Ministry of Household Affairs, and assisted by the Supervisor of Rituals and the Clan Mansion.

On the surface, it is very different: Wenlou and Wulou have been activated.

The two attics on the left and right sides outside the Fengtian Gate, except that the Wen Building is a place for reading papers for the palace examination every three years, they are almost useless.

But now there is a new change: a national policy implementation team will be set up for the affairs decided at the national policy meeting, and the leading cabinet ministers and host ministers should convene relevant ministers to discuss and hold meetings every month to arrange, arrange, summarize and report.

Every time this meeting will be attended and recorded by the eunuch of the Internal Archives Department and the accompanying bachelor of the imperial study.

Now, Yan Song came to Wenlou, and Liu Long went to Wulou.

Yang Tinghe sat at the head, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs Yang Tan sat beside him, Zhang Jin sat silently at the side, while Cai Zhen, the head of the clan's mansion and captain consort who had just been summoned, was at a loss.

Yan Song felt a little sympathetic to Yang Tinghe.

Although the clean-up of Huangzhuang Huangdian was written in the enthronement edict, and Yang Tinghe has been promoting it as one of the good governance, but now that it is really settled, it has given Yang Tinghe a headache.

Because of the specific affairs, there is a difference between leading the cabinet ministers.

Mao Ji shirked because of fear, Fei Hong shirked and left the court for a long time without getting familiar with him, and Jiang Mian already had another matter to handle.

And Yang Tinghe couldn't even refuse: After all, you have urged so many times before.

But cleaning up the Huangzhuang Huangdian is to mobilize the interests of the emperor's internal treasury, which will offend the royal family and involve many courtiers.

Now in the national policy implementation team, Yang Tan is still "on the job" because of the Qian Ning and Jiang Bin cases, Zhang Jin is in the hands of the supervisor of ceremonies, and Cai Zhen's son-in-law captain is still super high-ranking.

How to implement it?

Looking at Yang Tinghe who didn't know how to speak to so many bigwigs of the same level, Yan Song felt a little pity in his heart.

Yang Tinghe, who seemed to have "greatly won" in the Qianning Jiangbin case and the Wenhua Palace debate, has actually become more and more authoritative in the short period of a month or so as the important minister who elected the new monarch. small.

From today on, he is named Shoufu, but he is just an ordinary cabinet minister.


On the Wulou side, the atmosphere is quite harmonious.

Jiang Mian is not to be underestimated now. After all, after the new king ascended the throne, his low-key and decisive jump in the hall of the Ministry of Justice made people marvel at his clear mind.

On that day, he advocated that the Jiuqing involved in the case should stay in office, and Wang Xian, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, had to sell his face.

As for Guo Xun, Yang Yiqing, and Xia Yan, they drank together last night.

After the rest of the left governors of the five mansions arrived, they first secretly gave Guo Xun their thumbs up, and then they began to actively participate in the discussion of the division of labor.

Yang Yiqing and Zhang Yong are still old acquaintances and old friends.Now that Qian Ning and Jiang Bin's family properties have been taken out, and there is a secret treasury with a lot of silver reserves, this small meeting is not limited to the abolition and re-establishment of the three major battalions, but also many matters related to military equipment.

"Everyone, Your Majesty is not in a state of chaos, and all the officials are convinced. The Beijing camp, although there is no need to rush because of internal worries, but your majesty has high ambitions and careful consideration. After the three battalions are formed, they can defeat the enemy. Your majesty's expectations are even higher. !"

Jiang Mian bowed his hands to the north and continued to say: "In order to solve the worries of the king, we will work together and put the national policy first! Taiwan-making, you have experienced side affairs for a long time, and those who know soldiers here are the most important. Xia I have been running around for many days to investigate the matter, and I must have a plan in my mind. You princes are highly respected, and the generals respect you. This national policy, Mian and Da Sima will rely on you to implement it together."

His face was full of smiles, Yang Yiqing said modestly that he didn't dare, and at the same time admired Xinjun's move.

After today, the cabinet as a whole is no longer limited to the nature of participating in the maintenance secretary in the past, but actually leading some major national policies in person.

Jiang Mian's jump in the lobby of the Ministry of Justice before, although he failed to put Yang Tinghe on the spot and finally resigned and left, he became the most suitable person to lead the military affairs: among the four cabinet ministers, the emperor knew that he was more active and more active. I want to win the trust of the emperor.

Now, at this small meeting to promote the national policy, without Yang Tinghe by his side, Jiang Mian finally showed his all-round and exquisite side without restraint.

From the selection of the new monarch's chief assistant to the current passiveness, Yang Tinghe is really difficult, and in fact, the prestige of the "chief assistant country" has also declined somewhat inexplicably.

Now that the National Policy Council has been established, and the subtle existence of the Royal Study Room accompanying the bachelors, although the emperor has not revealed that he will start to implement new laws, the change has come.

This first change, however, will be welcomed by all the officials in the capital and above the third and fourth ranks!

There are temporarily three bachelors in the imperial study room, one chief and two companions.

Among them, Yan Song and Liu Long have already served as two accompanying readers, and the remaining chief is extremely important: directly entering the national policy meeting.

The emperor's standard was given: first of all, it is natural to be profoundly knowledgeable, and secondly, to be selected from other than the cabinet ministers and Jiuqing. At the same time, the emperor also said that he may be an old man who has become an official, an official in the court, or a new scholar. .

"Uncle Da Zong, I think this seat is specially designed for you!" Wang Qiong has a very good relationship with Yuan Zonggao now, "Since you can no longer join the cabinet and become the chief of the imperial study, your Majesty can consult Uncle Da Zong for any matters big or small. In view of this, I will approve the proposal of the cabinet as appropriate!"

Yuan Zonggao shook his head: "How can I talk about profound learning? Besides, I am old. If you want to invite me, I will refuse. The chief of the imperial study, you might as well ask Wang Bo'an to be the chief."

Wang Qiong frowned, and then said worriedly: "The reason why Bo'an's achievements are difficult to describe is because of his knowledge. If he is invited to be the chief of the imperial study, it may cause an uproar, and the competition for knowledge will intensify, which will make His Majesty Worried about state affairs being delayed."

The next time at the Jing Yan, people from Neo-Confucianism will still be speaking. Wang Shouren has won the title of Bachelor of Attendant Lecturer, which has already added another topic to the debate between Neo-Confucianism and Psychology.

Wang Qiong continued: "If Uncle Da Zong enters the imperial study, the position of Minister of Rites will be vacant again. After the court is postponed, Bo An's meritorious service is enough for any position of Shang Shu, and the worst is Zuodu Yushi. Uncle Da Zong , Your Majesty, the chief of the imperial study must be set up for you, you should not refuse!"

Yuan Zonggao shook his head decisively again: "Since I have promised, how can I secretly pass through Chencang and take up a prominent position again? Both the Chief of the Imperial Study Room and the Jiuqing can attend the national policy meeting, and I cannot damage your majesty's prestige. De Hua, please invite Wang Boan to enter the Imperial Study Room. You can cast stones to ask the way! Looking at your majesty's arrangement today, there must be some calculations, so that the debate on Neo Confucianism and Xinxue will not be chaotic. Continue to debate, Yu Gong's posthumous posthumous title is Zhongwu, and your Majesty's questioning on Xinxue is not all for the courtiers and scholars to think deeply Now, how should I learn, be an official, and do things?"

Only then did Wang Qiong become thoughtful.

Yuan Zonggao said again: "Your Majesty is still young. You only need to see that Yang Jiefu is still retained and the new policies mentioned in the enthronement edict are gradually implemented, so you know that His Majesty will use him. Not only to use his prestige, but also to gradually have a new look in the court. Three years Your Majesty will be [-] years later, and there should be a new situation by then. In the past three years, except for the Beijing camp, Your Majesty will not rush for success in other state affairs, but the foundation must be solid before the court forms a new situation!"


Compared with the candidate for the chief accompanying bachelor of the Royal Study Room, it is obviously a more important matter for the other two cabinet ministers to complete as soon as possible.

The closest to these two positions should have been the most important officials, households, and rites in the six ministries.As for these three ministers, two of them are now serving as "devils", and one of them has stated that he will not join the cabinet.

The remaining Ministry of War, Ministry of Punishment, and Ministry of Industry, as a rule, have to move up the order before they can join the cabinet.

But in this situation, there are two positions in total, so there may be many more people who have the opportunity.

Among them, Shi Ping, who is in charge of the Hanlin Academy, has sufficient qualifications and a good grade.

The emperor said that these two candidates will be selected at the national policy meeting.

First come up with a shortlist: choose two out of four.

After the Wen Lou and Wu Lou meetings were over, apart from Xia Yan who knew he could only seize this opportunity to get things done first, Jiang Mian, Yang Tinghe were more worried about the other two cabinet ministers.

In the capital city that night, there was a lot of walking among the officials.

But Yan Song went to visit Yang Tinghe's mansion again "according to the order", "It is better to resolve enemies than to tie them together".

The emperor was in a bad mood yesterday, so Yan Song waited and watched all night, instead of visiting on the night after the sutra feast was over.

But he knew he had to go today.

He is one of the closest people to the chief of the Yushufang. Although his prestige is not enough, the chief of the Yushufang himself has no rank!
And now that the emperor wants to retain Yang Tinghe and at the same time suppress the authority of the chief minister of the cabinet, wouldn't Yang Tinghe help himself in order to prevent Wang Shouren from becoming the chief of the imperial study?
This "misunderstanding", presumably Yang Tinghe will be willing to solve it, after all, there is a teacher-student friendship.

"... But this way please, father has been waiting for a long time."

Sure enough, Yang Shen took him directly to the flower hall with a complicated expression.

The phrase "I have been waiting for a long time" is very intriguing.

Jin Yiwei and Dongchang paid attention to the movements in the capital, and they collected them and sent them to the emperor as usual.

"Let it go first, I'll read it later." Zhu Houcong first continued reading "Chapter and Sentence of the Mean in University".

Give up a little power first, and let more of them fight for it.

In the process of fighting, the pattern will be reshaped.

For the young emperor who has just ascended the throne, it is enough to keep an eye on a few major events.

No matter who sat on those eighteen chairs, they all surrounded him who was on the throne.

He didn't say anything dead, and when he advances to a higher level, this pattern can also be changed in the future.

Wang Shouren's method of instilling conscience, Zhu Houcong thinks it makes sense: first control the risks, and try it out.

Just as the important ministers in Beijing were thinking about this national policy meeting and the newly established imperial study, Liang Chu, who had already retired from his official position and was about to leave Beijing, was very emotional.

"You might as well concentrate on studying your books first, your luck hasn't arrived yet."

He taught Huang Zuo: "Regardless of whether Shi Bangyan can enter the cabinet or not, this book will be edited by him. If he really can't do what he wants, can he still blame you?"

Huang Zuo was quite worried: What if something happens to Shi Pang this time?
All kinds of tricks and black materials have been constantly shaking in the competition for some important official positions.

Huang Zuo was really scared.

Liang Chu smiled and shook his head: "You have come through so many ups and downs, you! Don't worry, whether it's the Imperial Study Room or the National Policy Conference, it's nothing more than His Majesty's classroom after all."

"...Classroom?" Huang Zuo was surprised when he said that.

"Yes. So don't worry. Don't forget, after three years, His Majesty will only be eighteen!"

Liang Chu was very satisfied with the result.

Come on, let's go, if you continue to be a cabinet minister, you will have to deal with many difficult things with your old bones.

But the emperor had so many ideas, tricks, and so much boldness to let the civil servants share the power of the ceremonial supervisor, and to introduce the academic dispute first so that Yang Tinghe had to stay in the court, but he still felt that he was not strong enough.

How much will the emperor learn and what level will the emperor progress to in the national policy meeting where the important ministers who have made up their minds have substantive quarrels over many state affairs and use their wrists?
Liang Chu made a sad face for Yang Ting and this old "friend".

 Today is another day, with a word count of 1.05, so it doesn't count as an addition.Ask for votes!
(End of this chapter)

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