
Chapter 128 The earth is a ball?

Chapter 128 The earth is a ball?
Pi Laizi returned to Beijing again, but he did not receive the same courtesy as last time.

He knew that the war had begun, and from the attitude of those people towards him, he also knew that this eastern country, which was now in the Ming Dynasty, had not defeated Simao.

But the question is, why did it start?Did Andrea not take care of his younger brother?

This Ming Dynasty is not comparable to that small country in Malacca!

Look at this magnificent royal palace!

Not to mention Malacca, in India, in Europe, have you ever seen such a large-scale palace complex?

When Pi Laizi was in Beijing last time, he was not so lucky to come in.He had seen it from a distance not only from the south side of the palace, but also from the west side of it.

After entering, I especially felt its huge size!There are multiple doors, and when passing by the tallest palace, looking at the huge pillars that need two or three people to hug together, it is like a temple.

It is said that it was not a stone pillar dug out, but the trunk of a whole giant tree polished!

Oh, God!How many years does it take for such a huge tree to grow?There are so many identical pillars!

Pillai, who cursed the barbarians in Canton, of course knows that this is also a great civilization, but look at their cumbersome and inefficient bureaucrats!Look at how backward and proud they are!

Just like the old Roman Empire!

Those aristocrats who claim to be noble, they eventually fell into this kind of arrogance and endless internal struggle.Those elegant ladies have become exciting playthings!
So even though he is a prisoner now, Pilaizi still has suppressed greed in his eyes when he looks at this palace that pays too much attention to luxury and splendor.

This is a palace that can only be built by an incomparably rich empire. It looks like it is made of gold coins!

When he arrived at another palace cast on a stone platform, the people who escorted him stopped, and Pi Raiz knew that the new emperor of the empire was inside.

He tried to stand up straight, raised his shackled hands with great effort, straightened his hair, and rubbed his face.

As the envoy of His Majesty the King, he had to stand in front of another emperor with as much dignity as possible and question why he didn't have the most basic diplomatic etiquette and started a war with the Portuguese Empire!

"Be honest!" Two armored warriors clasped his shoulders, one left and one right.

As a result, a series of three-character scriptures for barbarians in Portuguese fell into the ears of the general who was transferred from the Siyi Pavilion by the Ministry of Rites. His expression changed immediately, and he stared at Pilaizi fiercely and said: "If you dare to swear again, Today is your day of death!"

"What should I do if I am surprised or bump into Your Majesty?" Nie Shiping, the host and guest of the Ministry of Rites, turned pale, and then looked at Pi Laizi with a fierce look in his eyes, "If you want to survive, you must be obedient and don't talk nonsense! Your Majesty Whatever you ask, answer humbly and honestly!"

"As the king's envoy, honorable baron, I don't need you to teach me diplomatic etiquette. To humiliate me is tantamount to humiliating His Majesty the great Portuguese Empire and the entire Portuguese Empire!"

Nie Shiping was a little puzzled and asked Du Haiqi, the general manager of the Siyi Pavilion: "What did he say?"

After finishing speaking, he frowned and looked at Pi Laizi: "Don't you know a little bit of Ming Dynasty official language? Did you understand what I said?"

"Now as a diplomatic envoy, of course I speak Portuguese!"

Du Haiqi had no choice but to translate this sentence, but Nie Shiping was relieved: "Since you understand your identity, you should understand that His Majesty Tianwei is not something you can offend!"

Although he had repeatedly warned him before coming here, Nie Shiping was still very worried standing under Majesty Dan in the Qianqing Palace.

The first consequence after a memorial was submitted was the defeat of the Ming Dynasty. During this period of time, Nie Shiping was also in great fear, scolding the officials and officers and soldiers in Guangdong over and over again.

Fortunately, more than a month has passed safely. Now if this Frangji still remembers his identity and still behaves like this, at least he is not a fool who has been dazzled by the treatment of prisoners.

"Xuanqin's envoys go to the palace for committing crimes against Franz!"

When the voice came, Nie Shiping's face turned serious, and he said in a low voice, "Go! One last reminder to kneel!"

Pilaizi scoffed inwardly, but didn't show it.

The next step is to deal with the emperor who is said to be only 15 years old with all his attention.

No!It should be the right and left hand of the emperor who was also afraid of Mr. Jiang last year and finally beheaded Mr. Jiang!

Walking up the stone steps, Pilaizi first saw the ministers standing on both sides of the house, wearing gorgeous silk.

Everyone's age is not too young, and they are all frowning at this moment, looking at themselves with disdainful and arrogant eyes.

Pillais was familiar with that look, the look of a savage.

He was angry: Portugal was not invaded by Iberos, Tartisians, Phoenicians, Greeks, Celts, Carthaginians, Romans, Visigoths, Arabs in turn country!
"Franji envoy, kneel down and pay homage to His Majesty!" Nie Shiping finished speaking solemnly, staring nervously at Pi Laizi.

"Honorable His Majesty the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty of the Khitan Empire, I, Baron Tome Pillazi, the court pharmacist of the Portuguese Empire, and the envoy of His Majesty the Great King Manuel I, am honored to meet you in person!"

Pilaizi just bent slightly, then raised his hands and looked up at the young emperor on the sculpture-like throne in front of him: "The story of the Eastern Khitan Empire has been circulating in Europe, and this ancient country treats it with sincerity and respect. A friend from afar? Please forgive me for not being able to exercise complete noble etiquette."

The eighteen ministers only felt that he was talking about birdsong, and frowned even more tightly, looking at Du Haiqi.

Xiaotong was sweating on his forehead, kneeling on the ground and was about to translate, when His Majesty said: "I know you understand, King Manuel I of Portugal is dead. So, you can no longer represent Portugal, It’s not counted as the king’s envoy. The two countries have already gone to war, and you are one of the ordinary war criminals. You don’t need to continue to speak your language to maintain your dignity.”

The heads of the eighteen ministers looked at the emperor in astonishment, with question marks around their heads: Portugal?

But Pi Laizi immediately changed his face, and uttered the mandarin that he had been practicing for his life for more than a month: "His Majesty the King has passed away? This is impossible!"

Zhu Houcong didn't care about this, he just looked at Pi Laizi calmly.

Can he remember that there was a great victory in which the Franco cannon was seized? How could he not remember that the rulers of both the East and the West passed away in just this year?
Although I don't know if that Manuel I is dead now, but for Pilaizi, he has already died.

It was impossible for Pilaizi to go back, and it was almost impossible to see another Portuguese.

Although it might be interesting to let Yang Ting and them confront this Pilaizi first, and then let them know that Frangji is not in Nanyang, but it is unnecessary.

After drinking a glass of wine in the Zhongyuan Hall, now they have to adopt a new strategy to let them expand their horizons as soon as possible, and at the same time be more afraid of the emperor's supernatural powers and "the strength of the Jinyiwei".

Use words and speaking methods that are easier for Pi Raiz to understand, and create in the minds of the ministers the feeling that the emperor knows far more than they imagined.

Sure enough, as he thought, in the eyes of Yang Tinghe and others, the emperor was too calm when he saw the barbarians for the first time.

How did he know that what what I was dead?Did the Jin Yiwei over there in Guangdong hear any secret news?

However, the new censor of Zuodu went too far: "I wait to congratulate Your Majesty! The barbarians are dead, and the remnants of Tuen Mun will collapse without a fight!"

Zhu Houcong: ...

Do you want face?Is this little thing worth celebrating?
He also knew that after drinking in the Central Palace that day, the mentality of these ministers changed a little, but this flattery was not done well.

"Be flat." Zhu Houcong waved his hands, "Remove the shackles for him, and give him a seat."

"Your Majesty!" Yuan Zonggao hurriedly came out and said, "This barbarian is rebellious and disrespectful, he refuses to worship when he sees his driver, and he is a prisoner, how can he give him a seat!"

"All seats." Zhu Houcong looked at him, "Don't Da Zong want to know why I say he is Portuguese?"

Under the tribute mindset, they pay too much attention to these diplomatic etiquettes, and they always want to maintain the majesty of the heavenly kingdom from etiquette.

But now Zhu Houcong just wants them to know how big the world is.

Pilazi was still in shock and dazed by the news of Manuel I's death. It was not until the shackles on his hands and feet were removed and a stool moved behind him that he felt the young emperor's respect for him. A sense of friendliness and respect was released.

This made Pilaizi feel the rare warmth in the past month, so he still bowed with a nobleman without his hat: "Thank you, Your Majesty the Emperor."

Now he doesn't speak Portuguese, and after sitting down, he asked again: "My Majesty the Emperor, is the news of His Majesty Manuel's death true? Do you know the exact time?"

"Bold! Your Majesty didn't ask questions, so don't speak!" Yuan Zonggao stopped again.

"Uncle Uncle, Uncle Uncle..." Zhu Houcong raised his hand to press down, and then looked at Pi Laizi, "I also know that there is a man named Magellan in your country, who just arrived at the Spice Islands after he set off to sail around the world I know news like this, do you believe the news of your king's death now?"

"What?!" Although it took him a moment to remember who the emperor pronounced and circumnavigated the word, his shock was palpable, "Magellan really got help and started circumnavigating the world? From the West? When did he reach the Spice Islands?"

Eighteen ministers:? ? ?
What Wheat Wheel?Ring what ball?Where are the Spice Islands?
The nouns used by His Majesty are too different from the way they speak now, and they couldn't turn the corner for a while.

Zhu Houcong didn't know that his question was a coincidence, because Magellan began to prepare for the circumnavigation of the world after returning to his hometown of Portugal in 1515, and he asked for sponsorship in front of Manuel I, but was rejected.

When Pilaizi left Portugal for the East in the summer of 1517, Magellan was still working hard in Portugal, and did not go to Spain to try his luck until the end of the year.

Pilaizi really knew this guy who claimed to prove that the earth is a sphere when he was in Portugal.

Zhu Houcong nodded: "He got help from Spain."

Pi Laizi's expression changed, and the number of question marks on the heads of the Eighteen Ministers increased again: Troupe Bud?

no!Why is the news that Jin Yiwei inquired so different?The report in Guangdong did not mention these things!
Zhu Houcong finally sneered: "He sailed all the way to the west but also arrived at the Spice Islands. It seems that the shape of the earth has been proved. In front of me, you don't have to pretend or hide anything. Get to know your current situation clearly. Identity, you are a war criminal from an enemy country who has already started a war with me. You can’t represent anyone to negotiate terms now, and I didn’t ask you to negotiate terms. Do you understand?”

It was Yang Tinghe's familiar block.

If he is no longer an envoy, what kind of posture does he, a barbarian, put on?
"... Your Majesty the Great Eastern Emperor, I understand."

The emperor in front of him could know that Magellan had reached the Spice Islands, it seems that Manuel I really died.

"Now I ask you. You Portugal and Spain have divided the world into two halves under the mediation of the so-called pope, and each of you is going to use your strength to carve up and occupy those lands that do not believe in your dogma. Facing the huge Ming Dynasty, although you are negotiating trade It started at the beginning, but your king and the governor of India, do you want to turn my Ming Empire into an overseas territory of your Portuguese Empire?"

Pillay swears!He has never been bombarded with such accurate and professional information since he came to Daming!

I don't know why, but the people of Ming Dynasty called them Frangji people after hearing their pronunciation.

But now that he heard the new pronunciation of Emperor Ming, he felt that it was closer to the pronunciation in Portuguese.So does Spain, though still a little bit worse.

But he knew that Portugal and Spain divided the world colonial scope under the mediation of the Pope!Know the existence of the Viceroy of India!Know that Portugal has overseas territories!

Not to mention him now, Yang Ting and them, including Huang Jin and others, were all in a daze.

According to His Majesty, some of these Francois have been sailing in different directions, and they have all arrived at the same place?
This is all good, it is nothing more than another proof of what Hun Tian said.

The most important thing is, how madly are the servant Taoya and the troupe bud that His Majesty is talking about, and they want to carve up the world?Want to embezzle Daming?

The courtiers who prided themselves on the kingdom of heaven first looked at Pi Laizi fiercely and disdainfully, and then remembered the report on the details of the Tuen Mun naval battle that had been postponed until today by the Empress Dowager Jiang's arrival in Beijing.

More than fifty Ming warships fought against only four ships at first.Even though Wang Hung was not afraid of death so far, the Ming soldiers collapsed after seeing the enemy reinforcements.

The enemy only damaged one ship, and Ming was defeated!
Looking at the emperor who directly interrogated this barbarian from the beginning, Yang Tinghe felt a chill in his heart.

Perhaps Jin Yiwei did have some secret information channels that they could not imagine, and His Majesty knew these things before or after the Tuen Mun naval battle?
If it is said that after the Tuen Mun naval battle was defeated, the reason why His Majesty is so dignified is not because he faced his first defeat after ascension to the throne, or because he continued to rectify the court with Guangdong as a situation?
(End of this chapter)

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