
Chapter 144 He is too much to play, it looks funny

Chapter 144 He is too much to play, it looks funny
When he walked back to his room, Fang Muxian had already figured it out.

He took it easy.

"Have Liuyi, Wuli and Qilian left the mansion?"

"Godfather, they're all out."

Fang Muxian nodded: "You go to find Dazhong. After you close your business today, you will pretend to leave the city and go to sea from Tianjin Wei."

"Godfather, what happened? Then you..."

"I still have a task, you go find my second brother." Fang Muxian said calmly, "Wu Li and Qi Lian know what to do, you and Da Zhong still have time, I can delay it for one night."


Fang Muxian interrupted him: "Don't be a mother-in-law, hurry up and get ready."

After speaking, he opened the cabinet in the room and began to sort out the various account books and letters in it.

Worst case or not, some things that have only been started this year are already working.

In the next stage, I have to wait for the three fires added this year to slowly ignite.

As for his own safety... If the young emperor really wanted to do something with him, that would be a good thing.

It doesn't have to be up to me to make things happen in the end, which is why Fang Muxian is calm.

Fan Ting has gone back to the household department.

As soon as he returned to the household department, he was called to him by Yang Tan: "Where is he?"

Fan Ting was a little strange, because Yang Tan didn't seem to be doing other business, as if he was just waiting for him to summon someone back, and he seemed very anxious.

"...The next official arrived at the Hou Mansion and met Fang Muxian, the steward. He said..."

Fan Ting reported what had happened, and saw that Yang Tan's face was a little unhappy, so he asked cautiously: "If it's urgent, I'll go to the Hou Mansion and wait for Shouning Hou to come back..."

Yang Tan frowned and shook his head: "No need."

Now that this method has been decided, it must be enough to spread the word.

He thought for a while and said, "Go down."

After Fan Ting saluted and left respectfully, Yang Tan stood up: "Prepare the sedan chair and go to Cui Zuojun's residence."

Is it just to scare the snake away?

But that person would be so smart?

In the Jinyiwei government office not far away, Luo An has been sitting behind the desk, checking the short newspapers sent back from everywhere.

"It's less than five days today, isn't it? Which guests will the Marquis of Shouning entertain in these three days?"

"Every five days, the Hou's Mansion goes to Zhuangzi outside the city to transport fresh vegetables. It's true that there are only three days now, and there are not too many banquets in the Hou's Mansion."

"In the past three months, how many times have there been temporary closures like this?"

"There are four times in total, August 27..."

Next to Luo'an, there are two former ministers who were transferred to Jinyiwei after returning to Beijing with the Empress Dowager Jiang in September.

They have a special job to compile the data accumulated before the "Pomegranate Blossoms" operation.

While listening, Luo An watched the news from various throats around the Shouning Marquis Mansion: Fang Muxian was not seen leaving the Marquis Mansion.

Could it be that there is a secret passage in that silk and satin shop and in the Hou's mansion?
He frowned: the most important thing is this Fang Muxian.

Although Marquis Shou Ning was not in the mansion, how could he directly break into the mansion of this extremely sensitive state relative to take someone?

"Explore again!"

Luo An still decided to follow the original plan of the operation and only set up the net.

According to what Wang Zuo said, they did a very clean job, and some of the previous clues pointed to Qian Ning and Jiang Bin.

So many things have been done but there is no real evidence left, so it should be a fluke, right?

Wait for him to leave the house for business first.

Outside Beijing, Zhang Heling personally went to Tongzhou to receive a batch of silver and goods from the south.

In order not to cause trouble, Zhang Heling took the lead in cooperating with some of the Huangdian official stores that had to be withdrawn before.If it was last year, how could he be like this?But now, although there are still many family members who are still resisting, Zhang Heling knows that he is different.

But some commercial firms in the south are serious businesses, right?
Zhang Heling just came to receive this year's dividends, as well as the tribute from some people in the south - he is now a little short of money than before.

The end of the new year is approaching, and Fang Muxian also suggested that he be willing to spend more time this year, and make more connections with some officials in Beijing.

Now, a large convoy is approaching the gate of the city with a large convoy guarded by Ding of the Hou Mansion.

Outside the city gate, there are two people from the Hou Mansion who have been waiting here.

Seeing Zhang Heling from a distance, one of the two went to the city gate first to reply and report first.

The other person waited for a while, and then greeted him: "Master Hou! Master Hou!"

Zhang Heling showed his face from behind the curtain of the carriage, and tilted his head to look: "Siti?"

"Master Hou!"

The man in his thirties walked to the side of the carriage and said in a low voice, "Godfather asked me to wait outside the city. Lord Hou, godfather said that His Majesty is already looking for him."

Zhang Heling, who was sitting in the carriage, immediately changed his face, and then looked at him vigilantly: "What did you say? Master Ben doesn't understand."

"I don't understand either. What godfather said is very important. Master Hou, you will know it as soon as you hear it."

Of course Zhang Heling knew, but he wasn't sure if Fang Muxian's godson knew.

"What happened today?"

"Before noon, the Ministry of Household Affairs went to the Hou's mansion and said that it was the Kangling supervisor who made it, and three copies were missing, and the seal of Lord Hou was required."

Zhang Heling recalled what Fang Muxian had said before: The matter of Kangling's supervision has been handed over to the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Industry.

"You want Master Ben to go in person?" He thought of a possibility and was terrified.

"Godfather said, Master Hou had better make an excuse before returning to Tongzhou, and wait for godfather to go and find out the truth first."

Zhang Heling glanced at the city gate in the distance, and his heart beat faster.

Everything inside and outside the city gate is as usual, and there is no sign of any accident.

Can I gamble?
Zhang Heling was very scared, and scolded Fang Muxian bloody in his heart: Didn't it mean that no matter how hard he checked, he would only find out that it was Qian Ning and Jiang Bin who were causing trouble?

"...Ben...Ben Houye suddenly realized that the accounts were wrong." He didn't have time to think about it in a hurry, "Turn around and go back to Tongzhou!"

After going there, regardless of Sanqi 21, first find a boat to go south, and then find a place to hide on the shore to see the situation.

What if?
At this moment, Fang Muxian was also rewarded.

He was confident that Zhang Heling would be too scared to return to the city, and that was enough.

"Er Xin, go meet Hou Ye. Take him and hide as much as possible, the longer the better!"

There was a funny smile on the corner of his mouth, no one would have thought of doing such a thing.

"Wild Notes", a fire at Rijingmen, Dongnan's inexplicable two knives and four arrows, now it's up to him to ignite the last fire.

You should all feel that even if you are extremely smart and vigilant, you should have such a big plan that you must spare your life, right?

That would be wrong!
"Godfather!" The middle-aged man had tears in his eyes.

"It's enough for me to accomplish these few great things in my life." Fang Muxian smiled, "I play by ear with my fourth brother. If the situation is not right, I will leave him with a useful body and go to sea to find my second brother. Don't worry, Just seeing that the city is quiet now, it means that either I am just worrying too much, or I don’t want to cause chaos. As long as you leave the city, there will be a solution, godfather believes you. "

The middle-aged man knelt down, kowtowed a few times, wiped his tears and turned around to go out.

Fang Muxian began to arrange his clothes. After combing his hair in a slow manner, he looked at his appearance in front of the bronze mirror.

Afterwards, he walked out the door calmly, like a middle-aged scholar strolling leisurely, with a smile on his face, looking at the shops here and the pedestrians there from time to time.

Walked all the way to Chengtian Gate, but still nothing happened.

But he knew that there should be many people staring at him.

If Marquis Shouning did not enter the city and returned to Tongzhou suddenly, someone should be watching him.

But it doesn't matter, it's all the same.

Shou Ninghou is the younger brother of Queen Mother Zhang, and the emperor is the nephew of Queen Mother Zhang, and he was chosen by Queen Mother Zhang.

Difficult, right?

Thinking of this, Fang Muxian became even happier.

Marquis Shouning and Marquis Jianchang have been domineering for so many years, how many things has Fang Muxian participated in?

Tobe?Fang Muxian looked at the household department in the distance with disdain, but stopped by the Jinshui Bridge outside Chengtian Gate where officials were coming and going and people were always watching.

Afterwards, he solemnly and seriously straightened his sleeves, bowed and bowed, straightened his waist and yelled loudly: "The criminal, Fang Muxian, the steward of Shouninghou's mansion, has come forward voluntarily if he commits a crime!"

When he stopped there and started to salute, Luo An, who was secretly watching him, and Lu Song, who was upstairs at the Chengtian Gate, changed their expressions.

But it will take time for their people to rush over, and Fang Muxian's shouts have already resounded around the Six Departments and Five Mansions and Chengtianmen.

The sun had already set to the west, and a bone-piercing and icy storm suddenly emerged from his thin figure, sweeping away.


Fan Ting tremblingly looked at Fang Muxian who was escorted to the Jinyiwei. He didn't dare to go out of the gate of the household department to watch the fun, but Fang Muxian discovered him, smiled at him, and nodded slightly.

...Your mother, Fan Ting retracted his head, dripping with cold sweat, his face turned pale.

Do you want to go back and settle down after the value release?Although he was not involved in any way, he was just doing business, but what if?
damned!What happened?

This question lingered in many people's minds, until Liubu Jiuqing and Cui Yuan all appeared, telling them to do what they should do, and go home as usual after release.

But that's Steward Fang of the Marquis of Shouning!Does he have any crimes to come out, or is he kneeling outside the Chengtian Gate?

After the ministers of national policy came out to appease people's hearts, they went back to Chengtian Gate. Doesn't it mean that something big happened?
But the capital has not announced a curfew, and the city gates are still open!

Half a year has passed since the excitement of the vassal king's succession, isn't it over yet?
But in the imperial study room, the monarch and his subjects were relaxed and had strange expressions.

That ceremonial kneeling made the monarch and his subjects find it funny.

"If I and the ministers are determined, the officials and the people of the capital will be determined." In the Zhongyuan Hall, Zhu Houcong said, "Although it is indeed surprising, it is becoming more and more obvious now: the more that Fang Muxian deliberately does this, the more It proves that there is no already strong connection. His purpose is just to create suspicion and confusion."

Doubts also hung over the heads of the national policy ministers, Cui Yuan said: "Shouning Hou hurried back to Tongzhou, don't worry?"

"Don't worry about it, does he dare to make trouble? Isn't the Marquis of Jianchang still in the city?" Zhu Houcong looked strange, "Let's see what this Fang Muxian is going to do first."

Jiang Mian said solemnly: "The minister probably has some speculations. It seems that there have been fires everywhere in the past few months. Since the rebels only hope that my Ming Dynasty will be in chaos, these few things started from conspiracy, and the thieves are self-proclaimed."

Several people nodded in agreement, and then looked at the emperor with complicated expressions.

"Mr. Jiang Ge, tell me."

Now everyone is waiting for Luo An to present the content of Fang Muxian's surrender, but when Jiang Mian opens his mouth, it seems that the content of his presentation is not important at all.

"It doesn't matter whether Shouning Hou knows or doesn't know about the matter of Rijingmen." Jiang Mian sighed. , the monarch and his ministers seemed to be in a state of fire and water. The fire of the Rijingmen started on a thunderstorm night. Although it could be an excuse for natural disasters, since His Majesty didn't care, he naturally hoped that the court would be in chaos. Seeing him go out of the Chengtianmen today, this thief already has Death will, I am not afraid of His Majesty's anger to conduct a thorough investigation, I am afraid that I am looking forward to a thorough investigation."

In the final analysis, the identity of Queen Mother Zhang is detached.

"Unexpectedly, Your Majesty is extremely prudent." Mao Ji also opened his mouth, "Afterwards, in front of the Empress Dowager Cishou, there was nothing missing in the morning and evening, and the court gradually stabilized. However, His Majesty asked Fuguo, Qianning and Jiangbin cases to have twists and turns again. Posthumously Yu Zhongwugong, Wang Shilang dissected the scriptures at the Jingyan, and the undercurrents started again. When Zhang Fujing went south, His Majesty ordered the officials all over the world to discuss the sea, and the thieves thought they had found a good opportunity. They acted brazenly. What they rely on is that the murder of officials has to be investigated, and the officials and gentry in the southeast are already in panic because of cultural disputes, worries about the new law, and changes in the sea ban."

Yang Tinghe shook his head helplessly: "It's the same in the imperial court. When the incident happened in the southeast, the officials at that time also had a lot of scruples. The thieves think it's a conspiracy, because your Majesty has really been in a storm since the imperial court."

Zhu Houcong listened silently.

The secret reports of Wang Zuo and Zhang Zilin, and the deliberate killing of officials among the nine homicide cases in Dongnan, are indeed random actions with only one purpose: to make up the numbers in a short period of time, and it seems that Dongnan is about to explode.

Leveraging the concerns brought about by the new law, the sea ban, and the dispute over psychology and philosophy to the southeast, so as to provoke trouble.Only such a large-scale killing of officials could not be ignored by the imperial court anyway.The case is difficult to investigate, and it takes a long time to investigate.The longer the search, the more tense the nerves.

"As soon as they were summoned today, the thieves directly instigated Marquis Shouning to return to Tongzhou, and then went outside Chengtian Gate..." Wang Qiong's face was strange, "This Fang Muxian really has a long-standing desire to die. It seems that every link is linked. ...I am afraid that the Marquis of Shouning is really inseparable from the matter of the Rijingmen. Your Majesty, it is difficult. The frightened bird, I am afraid that Marquis of Shouning is extremely hard to believe in order to survive. Could it be possible to send troops to arrest him?"

So the entanglement point came back: Queen Mother Zhang's identity is detached.

"It can be seen that virtue and status do not match, and how harmful it is."

Many people looked at the emperor with complicated expressions: You are still making fun of this at this time, is it true that the selection of concubines next year is really going to change the ancestral system?

Are things not troublesome enough at the moment?

Zhu Houcong smiled: "I don't know how many assassins have been assassinated in ancient times. Since I am an emperor, I am afraid that I will meet them in this life. I will not lose my mind because of this anger. But if Marquis Shou Ning is really that stupid, how can Empress Dowager Cishou do it?" I don’t know the general idea? Many problems, in fact, often need to be solved through honest communication. Although I still don’t understand what Fang Muxian’s chaos is trying to do, I finally know that he has not secretly gathered unimaginable power, so what’s so scary of?"

After a pause, he became more serious: "After I ascended the throne this year, the new atmosphere of the government may be disturbing, so I gave the thieves a chance. However, as long as there is a new atmosphere in the government, it will eventually make some people uneasy. Harm the interests of some people. The gratifying thing is that I understand this, and the ministers also know that I do understand it. The reason why it seems to be stormy is nothing more than the background of the vassal king's succession and the new and old times. After the change of the Yuan Dynasty, It will gradually settle down."

After finishing speaking, Zhu Houcong looked a little sad: "Without Master Yuan, the situation today would be quite different."

Yuan Zonggao was seriously ill, and when the emperor mentioned him, Yang Tinghe also fell silent.

If Yuan Zonggao hadn't used his body as a security in the lobby of the Ministry of Punishment, so that Wang Qiong and others could still serve as Jiuqing despite their crimes and meritorious deeds, the incident would have gotten out of control at that time.

Then, if this national policy meeting cannot be established smoothly, without the increasingly different speaking and deliberative styles at the national policy meeting, will the central government and ministers have the current state?

This is probably the only thing that Fang Muxian missed.After all, at the national policy meeting, many things, especially the process, basically did not leave the Imperial Study Room.

If the center is not in chaos, Da Ming will not really become chaotic.

Yuan Zonggao has made great contributions!
At the same time, the young emperor also promoted the formation of this situation because of his extraordinary courage.

Although only temporarily.

After all, the new law is only in Guangdong to wait and see the effect, after all, there is no sign of Xinxue being widely advocated.

After all, this matter is related to the fire of Nijingmen, it is the safety of the emperor, and it is the bottom line.

Yang Tinghe stood up and saluted: "Your Majesty, the traitor's confession is not important. Since Marquis Shouning is not entering the city, I have gone to the Marquis of Jianchang."

Zhu Houcong nodded: "Mr. Gonggong."

There are so many inexplicable things in the past few months, and now there is only one question left: what did Fang Muxian want to disturb Daming by taking advantage of the various changes brought about by the emperor's accession to the throne?
This is definitely not what he wants to say first.

He will only pour dirty water on Brother Zhang Heling and even Queen Mother Zhang.

So right now, the possibility of subsequent turmoil is getting smaller and smaller.

Because Fang Muxian didn't know what was going on at the national policy meeting.

The national policy ministers who came to confirm the situation and the attitude of the emperor also nodded: "Your Majesty, since this is the case, it is better not to stay in the palace, so as not to disturb the officials and people in the capital."

"In the opinion of all your ministers, is the Ganzhou mutiny a coincidence?"

Wang Shouren hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I think it's a coincidence. Just like the Datian official said before, mutiny in border towns often happens..."

If you can intervene in the frontier army, what would you do if you foolishly surrendered?
Zhu Houcong let go of his heart.

So maybe it was a crooked attack, taking advantage of Fang Muxian's self-satisfaction that he thought he had provoked a crisis in all directions, and one action made him willing to jump out and use himself to light the last fire?

I thought it was another character like Yao Guangxiao, it was so scary before.

Seeing Yang Ting and them leave in peace, Zhu Houcong looked at Huang Jin: "I haven't wasted the past six months, right?"

"Your Majesty's majesty swallows the sky, and all the officials are subdued. The traitor is like a clown who doesn't know it. It's ridiculous."

Zhu Houcong thought about the dangers of the past six months, shook his head and said, "He is still very powerful."

Under normal circumstances, if it was just a real young emperor who came to Beijing with no foundation and became emperor, those actions would still be very powerful.

So here comes the question, how did the original Jiajing do?

No... It should be what he did before and after he became the throne, giving him a chance and making him feel that he has won.

He is not the original Jiajing, so there are new waves in Daming.

It's as if there is fog again in the place where the vision has been opened, and some things become more conspiratorial the more you look at them.

In fact, this is the norm: no matter how many eyes and ears the emperor has, he still relies on the information in front of him to make decisions.

No wonder emperors have always been suspicious throughout the ages.

What now?Zhu Houcong felt a little outrageous. In the past few months, he had mobilized a lot of energy.

Even if you open half of the full map, it is really not easy for the emperor to deal with all kinds of information and emergencies calmly every time.

Those who dare to let the bullet fly for a while have great concentration.

Zhu Houcong secretly warned himself, and turned his attention back to the farce in front of him.

Then in the original Jiajing Dynasty, what kind of troubles were provoked by these people?
Since the mutiny has nothing to do with him most likely, then they have some strength in the southeast.

Japanese pirates?Zhu Houcong thought to himself after opening half of the full picture.

Thinking of this, he hated Fang Mu Xian extremely.

(End of this chapter)

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