
Chapter 146

Chapter 146
Fang Muxian, who was bombarded with boring questions all night, had no rest until dawn the next day.

He was carried to the Central Palace, and Zhang Yanling, Marquis of Jianchang, stood beside him with a pale face.

Fang Muxian was very sleepy, but the dog emperor who had a good night's sleep in the hall directly in front pointed at him, and said, "This is the person. There was no torture and interrogation, and he insisted that it was the Empress Dowager Cishou, Marquis of Shouning and Marquis of Jianchang." Instigated, he was dissatisfied with my lack of succession, so he ordered him to use the old man in the palace to light a fire at Rijing Gate."

Zhang Yanling knelt down with a thump, kowtowed and kowtowed: "Your Majesty, I have been wronged! This traitor is full of nonsense, and I never know about it!"

"I know. Telling you to listen is to make you feel more at ease."

After all, Zhongyuan Hall is much smaller than Qianqing Palace and Fengtian Hall. At this time, Fang Muxian and Zhang Yanling were kneeling at the door, and they could hear what was said inside.

It was the first time for both of them to see the Imperial Study Room and how the national policy meeting was held.

Fang Muxian looked at the map of Ming Dynasty behind the dragon chair, at the eighteen chairs in a circle, and at the fifteen pairs of eyes of the ministers of state policy.

Zhu Houcong sighed: "Now that the truth has come to light, it is meaningful to reflect on what happened before. Once Tuen Mun was defeated, I ordered Zhang Fujing to go south and start a massacre. It was also because Mr. Yang Ge, you insisted on showing me some local color. I was worried afterwards. Haizhao imprisoned you here for a whole day to discuss, forced you to agree to try out the new law in Guangdong, and ordered the officials all over the world to publish "On Hai Ce", this is really impatient, I will remember it."

Fang Muxian's eyes widened when he heard this: The minister wants to show the emperor some color, can such words be said so lightly between the emperor and his ministers?
I only heard Yang Tinghe complaining in his tone: "Your Majesty finally knows that it's not easy to be a paperbacker! State affairs affect the whole body. If it weren't for this, how would people in the southeast be panicked? If it weren't for knowing that the southeast is unstable, how could Ganzhou be confident and rebellious? Salary? In the past six months, I haven't had a good night's sleep, and Mr. Zhong De is also bedridden from exhaustion and serious illness!"

"It's all difficult, it's all difficult." Zhu Houcong chuckled, "You don't know that I'm capable and broad-minded, and I'm open-minded. It's a good thing to quarrel a little more. After one thing after another, isn't this getting more and more harmonious? Just wait for the good news about the northwest affairs, and I will celebrate the new year with peace of mind. After the Yuan change, I will have a major event in the harem next year. I have vented my energy, and most of the state affairs will be handled by Qing and others. I will continue to learn, there is no rush, Qing and others can Get more sleep. Shengshi, take your time."

Fang Muxian felt that he was kneeling here like a clown.

This is the state policy meeting where the Yang Party, the Royal Party, and the Wenchen Xunchen are constantly arguing?

Can the emperor vent his energy in the harem as a joke?

What's the matter with Yang Ting's complaining tone like that of the little daughter-in-law?

Is it a lie that his fifth-rank Qinggui son of the Hanlin Academy was "relegated" to Guangdong to serve as the magistrate under the "imperial party"?
Wang Shouren turned his back on Fang Muxian, and now there is a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Since Li Long's report is here again, it's good to put all the blame on Xu Ming and Dong Wenzhong. He only has the ability to kill good people After two years of war, Alak Khan had just regained the Khan throne. Although he led the left-wing Chahar, Khalkha, and Wuliangha [-] households, but Khalkha, Wuliangha, etc. are unable to use their lives, and the [-] households on the right wing have not yet returned. In fact, the little prince can only let the Chahar department do his best. In addition, there is Yang Dutai in the northwest , Your Majesty does not need to worry about the invasion of northern captives this winter."

Zhu Houcong nodded: "Cui Yuan escorted the Empress Dowager Cishou to Tongzhou, but there was news from Tongzhou that Shouning Hou secretly fled south in a small boat last night. He was like a frightened bird, and he couldn't catch him with great fanfare. How to deal with it?"

Wang Qiong snorted: "It looks like he is fleeing in fear of crime. Your Majesty, since you have ordered Marquis Wuding to return to the north, why don't you ask him to invite Marquis Shouning back to Tongzhou? Does Jin Yiwei know where Marquis Shouning is?"

"That's natural." Zhu Houcong glanced at Zhang Yanling who was trembling, "Guo Xun's gang of small thieves have broken some hands, and he himself broke his leg. I'm afraid he is worried that he will have no face to see me. I just hope that Shou Ninghou will not faint. Resist with your head up, or you will suffer a lot."

Mao Ji complained unceasingly: "You are not strict with your subordinates, and you are incapable of discipline, so that you are deceived by the rebels. Your Majesty, when the Empress Dowager Cishou persuades Shou Ninghou to come back, you still have to persuade the Empress Dowager Cishou. It is a little bit of arrogance on weekdays." Little boy, if you really committed a heinous crime, how will His Majesty deal with it?"

"I've persuaded you!" Zhu Houcong pretended to be helpless, "I'll be careful in the morning and evening, and I persuade you from time to time. Now it's clear that the Empress Dowager Cishou can't do anything about it. After all, Marquis Shouning is surrounded by this lowly servant every day..."

Fang Muxian couldn't take it anymore: "Yang Tinghe! How much good land did your Yang family have in Sichuan by usurping it? Mao Ji! I grew up in Shandong. Do you know what the people in Laizhou say about your Mao family? And Wang Qiong! In front of Zhang Heling in the past, how did you shake your head and tail, forgetting that I was by the side?"

When the imperial study room became quiet, Zhang Yanling collapsed to the side in fright, and looked at Fang Muxian in amazement.

"What are you pretending to be a virtuous ruler and virtuous minister! The people of the Ming Dynasty have been living in dire straits for a hundred years, isn't it all caused by you pious people?" Fang Muxian's face flushed strangely, with an incomparably loyal appearance, "What kind of ignorant and stupid woman is the Queen Mother Zhang? What kind of greedy and arrogant brothers are you? Just like you, these mediocre kings who won the wrong position, and the hypocritical ministers who flatter their superiors and seek profit, are you talking about a prosperous age without shame?"

He held his head proudly: "If I die today, I will die. The Ming Dynasty is not upright, and it has long been a generation full of selfish desires. When the country is destroyed, you will all be awarded the head. I will not wait long under the nine springs! The clan is greedy. , the relatives are insatiably greedy, and all the officials are also insatiably greedy! Do you really think they are all sincere?"

After seeing Zhu Houcong's sneer, Fang Muxian's eyes were full of teasing: "I have figured out your temper, and you are just pretending to be loyal to the emperor. Aren't you going to implement a new law? Try moving their fields?"

Zhu Houcong looked at him with admiration: "So, I really want to thank you."

Fang Muxian suddenly felt like something was swelling in his heart.

Zhu Houcong acted as if he didn't exist: "Don't worry about this bastard with blood on his hands. What he wants in his life is to serve his family and serve the country. Officials and gentry are exempted from taxation and corvee. If there is no incentive method, who wants to be frightened? What about companions like tigers? Gentlemen love money and get it in a proper way. What I want is that the benefits that Qing and others bring to Daming are far greater than the benefits that Qing and others receive, so that Daming will become better and better. Don’t listen to him arguing, I have said long ago that the fire of the Rijing Sect will not scare me."

Fang Muxian was gagged and dragged away in this way, he only felt his blood qi surge up, he couldn't breathe smoothly, and his body and spirit after a night of exhaustion rushed, and he screamed in a muffled voice and became more and more depressed.

This bunch of dog emperors and flattering courtiers who talk about benefits naked!

In the imperial study room, Zhu Houcong looked at Zhang Yanling, who was sitting paralyzed by the door: "Marquis Jianchang, are you at ease now? I and all the ministers have heard that Fang Muxian is a lunatic. But you guys, you must never do it again in the future." I was deceived by such a traitor. I want to burn me to death, which is a crime against the nine clans!"

"Your Majesty understands, I must be vigilant, I... I thank Your Majesty for not killing... Your Majesty's sage..."

Zhang Yanling kowtowed repeatedly at the door, speechless incoherently in fright.

If there was any smell coming in, Zhu Houcong frowned: "Go back and think about how to do things in the future. Huang Jin, discuss the matter behind closed doors."

Zhang Yanling continued to kowtow, and the gate of the Central Palace was slowly closed in front of him.

Afterwards, Gao Zhong walked in front of him and said lightly: "Marquis Jianchang, stop knocking, Your Majesty wants you to go back to the mansion, and this servant has to clean this place."

"Yes... yes... I'll go back right now... please trouble Eunuch... I made Eunuch laugh..."

Gao Zhong raised his sleeves to cover his nose, seeing Zhang Yanling, who was domineering and domineering in the palace back then, staggering away like shit, he couldn't help but feel a little happy.

Then there was some exclamation and resentment: If it wasn't for a sister who got lucky, such a waste would have killed so many times!
In the imperial study room, the ministers who tacitly performed a scene that made Fang Muxian break the defense, only now felt that they had also been played by the emperor with Fang Muxian.

Fang Muxian, who was outspoken, how many naked things did he say?

Although the intention was still to provoke the emperor and ministers, the emperor heard those words after all.

Zhu Houcong was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "It's just that the vassal king is succeeding, and he just wants to implement new laws to enrich the country and seek governance. These ignorant and rebellious people can take advantage of the situation to fan the flames and make the monarchs and ministers deal with it for several months. It can be seen from this , How stubborn the Ming Dynasty’s ills are, I know, and so do you. Once the report came, before the truth was found out, we could only infer this way, so we fell into this person’s so-called conspiracy.”

All fifteen people were silent.

If it is not really clear how many problems there are in the local area, how can it feel that there is a huge and incomparable interest group because of the killing of officials in the southeast?

Can this be said to be a new law?
Although they all felt that what Yuan Zonggao said was reasonable and those people in the local area were not so courageous, but what if?
In other words, they actually have the strength to make troubles, it depends on whether they have the courage to make troubles.

The benefits of the Ming Dynasty have indeed fallen into the hands of so many people, and the common people are indeed in dire straits.

A little bit of natural and man-made disasters, easily millions of refugees, and from time to time there will be mobs mobilized into bandits, and even raised flags to rebel.

Zhu Houcong laughed again: "This matter is not without benefits, in my opinion, it is a drill instead."

Yang Tinghe looked at him, only to see him say with bright eyes: "I asked why the country is rich, I think Lai Qing and others can think more about it now. There is a little new move, and the world will panic when this person provokes it. In the final analysis, it is because of money. Now I can see more clearly where the benefits lie and who will do what actions because of what. In the future, if there are such reports in the local area, I will not be easily led to make any will. If the new law in Guangdong is really effective five years from now, it is good to make thorough preparations when it is implemented in the future.”

After a pause, Zhu Houcong said: "It is not easy to find a way to reconcile the contradiction between self-interest and national interest. If the people are exploited too much, more and more people will eventually go into exile. The more people there are, the more grievances will be felt in the hearts of the world. I have already found out some of Fang Muxian's origins, and will continue to interrogate him. One thing is certain, they are in Daming, but they have connections with Japanese pirates. Among them The key point, I don’t need to say it, Qing and others are also aware of it.”

Under the ban of the sea, businessmen and robbers are also involved, how can those who can sit here not know?

Another word of profit.Under the sea ban, those who are protected by someone dare to go to the sea to take advantage of the huge profits.Since it is forbidden to go into the sea, how can you dare to appeal for grievances if you are robbed?
The more courageous they are, the more they dare to collude with each other, invade ashore, grab something, and destroy something.

"I'm not in a hurry, I know." Zhu Houcong said again, "Just as Zhang Heling lost his head and used Fang Muxian's plan to set a fire in Rijingmen, I can't deal with him now. But what should we do in the future, Zhengdan Before the festival, when discussing the national policy for the next three years and the national policy for next year, Qing and others need to think carefully."

He looked at the ministers with sharp eyes: "I don't hope that in five or ten years, Daming will still be able to give these bastards such an opportunity."

"...The ministers will spare no effort to relieve His Majesty's worries."

"After the investigation of this case is clear, the report will be reported to all provinces." Zhu Houcong nodded, "I will only order Jin Yiwei to settle the matter involving the Empress Dowager Cishou, so as to keep a face. In addition, these people are good at deceiving people's hearts, and the provinces have promoted officials." How should I admonish the scholars in this province in the future? If you haven’t learned how to straighten your mind, cultivate your morals and regulate your family, you’ll be teaching the country every day and discussing how to govern the country and the world.”


After all, this case was used by him as an excuse again, but who let the scholars in the south of the Yangtze River make Taizong, Yifang, Xiaoru and ten clans talk a lot?

Empress Dowager Zhang has not been out of the palace for many years, but this time she has to go because of her own brother.

But who would have expected that after arriving in Tongzhou, Zhang Heling ran away as early as last night, even though the Zhang family's motorcade and servants were there?
Empress Dowager Zhang looked at her "brother-in-law" Cui Yuan, and said in panic, "Mr. Cui, He Ling is just cowardly. You must not report that you are absconding in fear of crime!"

Cui Yuan didn't know how His Majesty forced her to "persuade" her in person, so he could only say helplessly: "I don't know where Lord Hou is hiding now. Queen Mother, it's freezing cold, your phoenix body is important." Why don't you rest for one night, and tomorrow I will take you back first."

Empress Dowager Zhang was afraid that they would be found behind her, so her younger brother mobilized his sword in panic and became an assassin and rebel.

"Prince Cui, Yongkang was brought up by me since I was a child." She begged, "Tell him no matter what, His Majesty has found out the truth, He Ling was just deceived by that low servant. I will wait here , after finding him, if he doesn't believe me, I will go over and tell him in person. Never use force, absolutely not!"

"How can Luanjia live here for a long time? Don't worry about the Queen Mother. Your Majesty has told your ministers not to hurt Lord Hou."

Empress Dowager Zhang burst into tears: she was afraid that when the situation was unclear, that idiot would use force, and even be afraid of being tortured and committing suicide.

"Daiping, you must help me. I still have a few Huangzhuang, which can be given to Yongkang later..."

"Empress Dowager, how can I not do my best? Why is this?" Cui Yuan's head is big, "Your Majesty is a benevolent and filial monarch. If you really want to ignore it, why should you come to invite Lord Hou to return to Beijing like this? Please don't worry about it, Empress Dowager. Before the festival, Lord Hou must be found to return safely."

"Bodhisattva bless, Bodhisattva bless..." What can Queen Mother Zhang do?
In the cold driving outside the palace, she was worried about the bumps on the road last night, and the reminders after tonight and tomorrow started, she was destined to suffer.

But what can I do?That was her own brother.

The fire was really set by that idiot, so what can I do?
The emperor can say that, Queen Mother Zhang can no longer demand anything.Without Zhang Heling giving the lowly servant the seal badge, how could the lowly servant spread the news to the palace?

Empress Dowager Zhang knew this, maybe some of the group of court ladies and eunuchs who were investigated together with Yuan Jinsheng had already confessed.

If Zhang Heling didn't know about it, no matter how stupid he was, he would have killed that low servant earlier!
With Queen Mother Zhang's limited intelligence, she couldn't figure out many of the subtleties.

She only knew that the emperor must be very sure, and felt that only when she came, would that idiot dare to believe it, instead of desperately resisting arrest and fleeing.

孽 孽!
In the future, both myself and the two brothers are just chickens waiting to be slaughtered—if the emperor wants it.

In fact, Cui Yuan had already received the news that he had rushed here from Beijing on a fast horse before noon.

He knew where Zhang Heling was hiding.

But the order was for Guo Xun to arrest him.

It's not in the capital, not many people saw the officers and soldiers attack Shou Ninghou, did they?
As the commander of the left army, as a military minister participating in the national policy meeting, as the "general officer" who was supposed to go to the southeast to suppress bandits, Cui Yuan sent people to send the general order and the pass defense along the way.

But Guo Xun won't be red-eyed, he really took the credit for Zhang Heling, right?

Empress Dowager Zhang is like this, and Zhang Heling has such a handle, and in the future, he will be dealt with by His Majesty at the right time.

Anyway, I stayed in the imperial study for more than a month, so I need to improve a little bit, and know how to measure it!
In Jinyiwei Prison, the preferential treatment Fang Muxian received finally disappeared.

And three of his "godsons" have been arrested.

"One of them committed suicide simply, and the other two stayed beside Shou Ninghou. I don't know if he will encourage him to fight to the death." Luo An asked him with a smile, "Jin Yiwei's method of torturing you without letting you die is too much. Too much, you want to bite your tongue, that’s not easy. The commander doesn’t need to ask you anything now, His Majesty said that he knows everything he should know, and forget about the remaining little thieves. But you are so eloquent and upright The remnants of the Fang family, my commander will raise you fat and fat, and show the people in the southeast who have been harmed by Japanese pirates. Such a loyal Fang Xiaoru, there are some descendants who have lost their conscience."

Fang Muxian's eyes were about to burst, and he was no longer as chic and calm as before.

Luo An felt that he had learned two points of the essence, just keep chatting with him until his heart collapsed.

But the premise is to talk about his pain.

"I'm afraid you don't know that Zhu Yunming, who wrote "Wild Notes", left from Guangdong at the end of last month. You are one of the four great talents in Wuzhong. You guys are good at picking people. But I don't know that the scholars in Jiangnan know that you are deliberately building up momentum to harm Since then, His Majesty has been prejudiced against scholars from the south of the Yangtze River, and the imperial examinations and promotions will be difficult in the future, so how will you talk about your ancestors? Your Majesty said, you understand people's hearts. You understand, right?"

"By the way, what's more, Mr. Shige is presiding over the compilation of a volume of "Da Ming's Loyalty Mirror". Now that you have made such great achievements, there will still be a mark in the history books. This commander is very envious." Luo An shook his head, " It's just that your big son, named Zhong, is not loyal! I recruited you before, saying that you have a son, and you will have a township test next year. I heard that he is just a unicorn, tsk tsk, he is full of loyalty. !"

"No!!! No!!!"

Fang Muxian, who had been needled and stuffed with wooden walnuts, could only endure the pain all over his body, and roared angrily.

"I want to learn from you. You are obviously a person without conscience, why do you feel that you are doing justice for the sky? When you stop the pain, tell me, okay?"

Fang Muxian couldn't speak, he just wanted to die soon.

The fast horse galloped in the south of Beizhili, heading for the temporary camp of the Chinese army in Shenji Camp.

Zhang Yong had already arrived at Xuanfu, and he had to continue walking west for many days before reaching Ganzhou.After killing Li Long and finding out the truth, spread the word to Nine Sides, His Majesty wants this deterrent!

Zhu Yunming had already entered the canal, and it was getting colder and colder.

Zhang Fujing wrote the most important memorial in warmer Guangdong.

Clearing up the land is just the beginning, and the hidden fields that have been cleared out account for only a very small part.

A large amount of land is sold with black and white sales documents, how can it be forcibly seized?

Officials, clerks, juzi... All kinds of intricate people are exempted from corvee. With so many things to do in Guangdong, do we only need to use so few poor people?

There are also vacancies in the guards, and the silver needed for recruiting soldiers...

Things in the southeast are still unclear, Zhang Fujing knew not to add trouble to His Majesty.

But since the Tuen Mun victory at the end of September, Zhang Fujing has become more aware of the difficulty of the new law.

All the difficulties, ultimately boiled down to a word of money!
 Let me explain again that both Rijingmen Huohuo and Fang Muxian are just my own interpretations, and do not represent my true views on Fang Xiaoru.The plot requires that the choice of the protagonist will bring about a chain reaction, the reform will face great difficulties, and the emperor can only make decisions based on known information when he is far away. The real emperor's perspective is full of conspiracies.

(End of this chapter)

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