
Chapter 148 I am the rule

Chapter 148 I am the rule

But Zhang Yong waved his hand without hesitation: "How big is the mutiny? If you don't know the severity and obey orders, you have the face to cry? Kill!"

The generals in Gansu Town in the far northwest did not expect that this time they would be so straightforward to kill upon meeting.

"The rest, take them all back to the city! If you are disappointed, you might as well try plotting against them again. Although Ganzhou is far away, do you dare to forget Wang Fatianwei? When there is a war in the South China Sea, all those who are greedy for money and forgetting the country are all killed. The rest are indeed powerless to stop and have not participated in the agitation, Your Majesty has always been able to give you the opportunity to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds, life or death is all in your mind!"

Only then did Zhang Yong hand over Li Long's head and the knife in his hand to others, and after wiping his hands, he walked to Chen Jiuchou's side, "Futai, has the food and salary supervisor arrived?"

"Eunuch Zhang, don't worry, if the army arrives to calm the chaos, the food and pay will be sufficient."

"Thank you, please!"

"Eunuch Zhang's style can only be seen today, please!"

When Chen Jiuchou received the urgent transfer order to Shaanxi, he already knew the opinion on how to deal with this time, and he knew that Li Long would die.

So before, what did you care about with the dead?After all, not all the soldiers were involved in the trouble, and the pay was still paid out first to wait for Zhang Yonglai.

But he didn't expect such a thunderous method without hesitation.

But in the future, no matter how difficult it is, will Bian Town not be made difficult?Did Ming Dynasty really have such sufficient salary and food?
"Your Majesty, double your annual income...Since it is calculated in ten years...you must not worry about it anymore!" Yuan Zonggao's face was strangely red, although his eyes brightened at this moment, but his breath was already a little fluttering, "Things slow down ...Zeyuan, this time...it was really...a fluke...a fluke. The old minister's note...Your Majesty must...must listen to it!"

It was snowing at the end of the twelfth lunar month in Beijing, Zhu Houcong sat on Yuan Zonggao's bedside and shook his hand and nodded: "I will definitely remember."

"...Your Majesty...Shengming...Definitely...Definitely able..."

Zhu Houcong didn't know that although Yuan Zonggao had survived the winter, he would still pass away in April next year.

Now, Zhu Houcong only felt that Yuan Zonggao had really worried too much about himself who had just ascended the throne, so much so that he heard of the Ganzhou mutiny after he became ill, and he ran out of fuel like this.

There was a burst of crying in the room, and Zhu Houcong silently let go of his hand and stood up.

Although he never regarded the throne as a game, the fast-paced way of doing things from the depths of his soul still made him anxious after ascension, even though he felt that he was patient enough.

The criteria for judging are very different.

This is actually a very slow era, and many things will not change for decades or even hundreds of years.

"Master Yuan posthumously presents the Taibao, Zuozhu Kingdom, and then discusses the posthumous posthumous title." Zhu Houcong spoke slowly, looking at Yuan Zonggao's family, "Yin's son, Jin Yiwei, is in charge of affairs, and Yin's son is in the Imperial College."

"Thank you, Your Majesty Long..." The Yuan family cried and began to thank them.

When he walked into the courtyard, Zhu Houcong looked up at the sky, and reached out to catch a few flakes of snow.

"Your Majesty, don't catch a cold." Huang Jin choked up and advised him to sit back in the imperial chariot first.

In the slight shaking, Zhu Houcong gradually calmed down as he heard the sound of gongs and drums that cleared the way ahead, as well as the sound of "Long live" that the people on both sides shouted through the curtain and came to their ears.

It will be the first year of Jiajing soon, and he will become a more mature emperor.

Slowly or urgently, he has to adapt to this era.

But in this era, we have to gradually adapt to him.


The Minister of Rites passed away and left the dynasty.

Zhu Houcong returned to the palace and came to the Flower Viewing Hall again.

There is a charcoal stove next to him, and he is wrapped in a cloak, so he won't feel cold.

But the door facing north is open, and the wind blows in.Huang Jin and Zhu Qingping stood aside, and after looking at each other, Zhu Qingping persuaded softly: "Your Majesty, it's windy here, why don't you go back to Qianqing Palace? You can also go to Qingning Palace..."

Zhu Houcong actually looked to the north, wondering if there really was an old crooked-neck tree there.

Originally, a hundred years later, an emperor would hang himself there.

Zhu Houcong wanted to change something, but his core engine was too powerful, and many parts of this machine of Daming couldn't bear it.

Yuan Zonggao's death made Zhu Houcong feel sad, but it was not that kind of grief.

He doesn't have a deep relationship with Yuan Zonggao, how does Yuan Zonggao treat him?In fact, there are often more scruples.

Zhu Houcong glanced at Zhu Qingping who was full of worry, and smiled slightly: "Okay, go to Qingning Palace and have dinner there at night."

Zhu Houcong has already read Yuan Zonggao's legacy.Like Zhou Zhao, he felt that his move after ascension to the throne this year was dangerous and urgent, and he felt that since he had already made a good start in the center of the court, he would have to slow down later.

Zhu Houcong agreed, as he said at the national policy meeting after Zhang Zilin returned to Beijing a few days ago: "The three-year national policy has been agreed, and in these three years, there are only three major issues for me. The prince is one, the Beijing camp is one, Guangdong's new law is one of them."

Daming, a giant, can only adjust slowly to change its rhythm.

After he walked down the Flower Viewing Hall, he thought for a while and said, "Go to Renshou Palace first."

In the heavy snow, the emperor still knelt down to welcome him when he came to Renshou Palace.

Zhu Houcong arrived in the hall and walked to the small Buddhist hall on the side.

Empress Dowager Zhang knelt there, chanting scriptures in a low voice.

She knew the emperor was coming, but she couldn't get up.

This is naturally because of Zhang Heling.

Zhu Houcong was silent for a while before he opened his mouth and said: "The intention of the traitor is to keep Marquis Shou Ning, make him hate, and make the emperor's aunt hate. As I said, I will deal with it like that, and I will deal with it that way. Auntie, Ni The thieves fanned the flames, and my teacher also died of illness. The Japanese sect is on fire, and the southeast kills officials, don't I hate it?"

Queen Mother Zhang's back trembled.

Zhu Houcong said calmly: "Family harmony and harmony is always my expectation, and I will set an example to do so. The emperor's aunt should know that although he kept it from you, he did set a fire in my palace. Now the children have grown up. Cheng, if he still can't figure it out in the future and does something else, even though I am merciful, I won't forgive him again and again."

"I've just eaten vegetarian food and recited Buddha's name!" Empress Dowager Zhang was in a very unstable mood. "Although His Majesty still comes every day, I feel sad in my heart. Do you really want me to accompany you with a smiling face?"

"Chinese New Year is coming soon." Zhu Houcong said bluntly, "I just thought that things always have to be divided into right and wrong. When this incident happened, the emperor's wife was frightened and seriously ill. Doesn't the emperor's aunt think about her?" Think about it, why don't you think about the fact that Brother Huang will have an heir to be raised in the future?"

Empress Dowager Zhang sobbed with her back to him, Zhu Houcong asked: "Auntie Huang is so trapped in the palace to eat fast and chant Buddha, it seems like she was punished by me. In a few days, I will order my wife to see you on Zhengdan Festival. Is Auntie Huang going to do the same?"

"...would not worry His Majesty."

"The imperial aunt is taking good care of her, so I will go back first."

Empress Dowager Zhang's reaction to Zhang Heling's castration made Zhu Houcong lose a lot of superficial respect for her.

Even though her younger brother was closer than her nephew, she still made this gesture, showing no gratitude to Zhang Heling for participating in the assassination and not being sentenced to death.

After being castrated, Zhang Heling was afraid that his psychology would become distorted, and Queen Mother Zhang had already acted inexplicably.

Zhu Houcong was not in a hurry, but he was unwilling to pretend to be in front of Empress Dowager Zhang ever since.

Gradually becoming an emperor, Zhu Houcong passed by the Hall of Mental Cultivation, which had been repaired for a while, and suddenly asked, "Are all the pre-selected Shu people in Guangdong and the southeast teaching the rules first?"

"Yes. Does His Majesty have any will?"

Zhu Houcong shook his head, and then ordered: "Go to the Minister of National Policy and Guo Xun's residence, and pass on my will. I will have a banquet in the palace on New Year's Eve, and the couple will come together."

Huang Jin didn't understand why he asked the pre-selection lady first, and then the next sentence was this purpose.

But he immediately went to arrange it.


After Guo Xun returned to Beijing for his "business trip", he actually felt anxious for many days. He brought back the eunuch Zhang Heling, and many people looked at him strangely for many days.

That look seemed to be: Did you do it, or did His Majesty ask you to do it?
Can't tell.It doesn't matter if it was done by the two who were caught after being chased by Jin Yiwei.

What matters is the fact that Zhang Heling was eunuched.

The interrogation of Fang Muxian and his group is not over yet, and most of the people in the capital only know that Shou Ninghou ran to the south of Tongzhou for some reason, and when he was brought back, there was no one there.

Then someone from the palace announced the decree, and Guo Xun was very moved: "Just the Minister of National Policy and me?"

"Yes. Your Majesty Long En, Lord Hou, let's make arrangements first." The eunuch who delivered the decree smiled all over his face, "In the past, there was only the first court meeting in the junior high school. Lord Hou has made great achievements in suppressing bandits. Congratulations to Lord Hou first. It's an early year, Lord Hou."

"Father-in-law is polite, Cheng-gong-gong auspicious words! Come here!" Guo Xun hurriedly called the butler to bring him a thank-you ceremony.

There are already many places in the capital hanging colorful lanterns, but the Yuan Mansion is holding funerals.

There were many people who went to Yuan's mansion to pay their respects. The emperor came here specially to see him for the last time. He gifted Taibao and Zuozhu Kingdom as presents, and also gave birth to two sons. His kindness is evident.

In addition, there is a major event: Yuan Zonggao passed away, and the post of Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites was vacated.After the Spring Festival, there will be a big change in the court, right?
Taking advantage of the opportunity to walk around each other openly during the Spring Festival, many people are thinking.

That is one of the nine officials who can participate in the national policy meeting!

Even Cui Yuan's mansion had a lot of people coming to visit, and after he saw Guo Xun coming, he understood his intention and accepted it: "Master Hou, have you thought too much? The banquet on New Year's Eve is a banquet, how could there be more than five houses?" A seat? Which yamen is it for?”

"... Besides the Minister of National Policy, why did His Majesty summon me alone?"

"The bandits have been suppressed for more than two months. Seventeen soldiers were lost and more than 200 were injured. I went to persuade Marquis Shouning, and I persuaded a father-in-law to come back." Cui Yuan teased him, "Let's train with peace of mind first. Your Majesty said, Within three years, he only cares about three things, the prince, the Beijing camp, and the new law in Guangdong. Your Majesty is not in a hurry anymore, what are you in a hurry for?"

Guo Xun sighed, and then asked: "Then His Majesty asked the relatives who had no intention of making military exploits to send their heirs and stewards to Beijing, saying that they would lead them to earn money in a law-abiding manner. Brother Cui, do you know what it is?"

Cui Yuan stared at him, "I don't know, this matter was not discussed at the national policy meeting. You entered the palace on New Year's Eve, if you are brave, ask yourself."

Guo Xun hesitated: "Since His Majesty planned it himself, I don't know if I can also send a steward. I have pleaded guilty for taking money, and now I am focused on training the Beijing camp... My Marquis Mansion is also expensive."

He doesn't dare to mess around with money now, but he dare not ask the emperor if he can be a high official and make a lot of money at the same time.


If Yuan Zonggao is still alive, then this Zhengdan Festival may be very festive and grand.

After all, it was the year of the Yuan Dynasty.

Now, in fact, it is still being handled grandly, but the people around the emperor dare not be too happy.

The heaven and earth monarchs, relatives and teachers, the leader of the emperor's hidden residence, and the emperor's teacher passed away, and the emperor also appeared silent.

Only Empress Dowager Jiang was very dissatisfied.

"Mr. Zhongde has worked hard and made great achievements, and the emperor is very kind. It is right to feel sad, but the emperor is the lord of the world! What a big deal to change the Yuan Dynasty? It is time for the whole country to celebrate and welcome the new year! Even under the nine springs of Zhongdegong, I also hope that the emperor Let go of your grief!"

Zhu Houcong was a little embarrassed: "...the queen mother, if the son doesn't smile, they are all trembling. If they want them to welcome the new year, will the son laugh?"

"Didn't the emperor scare them before?" The Empress Dowager Jiang frowned, "Heaven's family is a close servant, so it's not appropriate to treat them harshly. The empress mother doesn't understand state affairs, whether it's cutting the power of the ceremonial supervisor or punishing them, the emperor has his own concerns. But It's a big Chinese New Year, the emperor said a few words, rewarded some money and property, and made the palace happy and lively, can't it?"

"...Mother taught me well, and my son will give orders when he returns."

In fact, it's not hypocritical at all, but just thinking about the adjustment of the court after Yuan Zonggao's death, and how the state affairs will be implemented by the national policy meeting in accordance with the old rules in the next three years. A wealth generating system has been established.

There are many new ideas that no one can help him think about as a staff, they don't understand.

But in the next three years, apart from playing in the harem to have children and paying attention to the military training in the Beijing camp, how can he use Guangdong as an excuse to make the new law rich country better?
When the emperor was silent, the eunuch trembled.

On the way back to Qianqing Palace, Zhu Houcong looked at the palace that had been decorated with lights and festoons, and asked Gao Zhong, "How did you spend the New Year in the palace in previous years?"

"...Your Majesty, it depends on what you mean. In previous years, the Qianqing Palace would light the whip every night, but this year, the Rijingmen..."

Zhu Houcong smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth: "It's good to be careful. Are you only burning the whip in Qianqing Palace?"

"The harem is only spacious in front of the Qianqing Palace. I remember that in the past, many concubines in the harem wanted to see it. But there is no order from His Majesty, so they are only allowed to watch the burning whip during the Lantern Festival."

Zhu Houcong thought for a while and said: "In this case, prepare more tomorrow night, give a feast and lanterns in Qianqing Palace, and set up a stage. Outside Renshou Qingning Second Palace, other old people are also invited to celebrate the New Year. Huang Jin, I will go to Zhang Jin later and discuss the rules of rewards for the slaves and maids in the palace. Pass it on, and everyone will be at ease. I will let the inner school teach me to learn. Minister, I still have great use .”

Gao Zhong and Huang Jin were all overjoyed, and the other eunuchs and court ladies around them knelt down and thanked them in unison.

He was an ordinary person, but he had just become emperor.

Knowing his arrival, Zhu Houcong actually made the palace feel colder than the snowy day at the moment.

After all, all the negative emotions he accumulated from state affairs can be felt by the eunuchs and maids in the palace, and he is the emperor who can decide his life and death with one word.

Thinking of the white silk on Jiajing's neck, Zhu Houcong felt that he would really change in the future.

Is psychological stress a form of abuse?
Spend it, spend it.

Although money is the only thing that matters, if you want Daming to become rich, you can't rely on what he thinks can be solved without extravagance.

The decree spread from Qianqing Palace, some of the silver sent by Zhang Fujing from Guangdong and Guangxi, and the money that the Zhang brothers were fined in several old cases this time were distributed to the eunuchs and maids in the palace.

The laughter and laughter are mainly from the old people on the northwest side of the Forbidden City. The life that has been bleak for many days has brightened in this winter night.

The emperor allowed them to go to Qianqing Palace tomorrow to have a banquet, enjoy lanterns, and watch a play.

The atmosphere changed quietly. In the East Nuan Pavilion of Qianqing Palace, Zhu Houcong finally smiled relaxedly, holding a small brocade bag in one hand: "I'll give you an extra reward."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness." Huang Jin happily took it over, glanced at Zhu Qingping before smiling, "Qingping has other secret orders, so I don't know what to do with Your Majesty, an extra reward should be given, slaves can I am ashamed of it.”

Zhu Qingping couldn't help staring at the weirdness in his words: "Are you just asking about His Majesty's arrangement?"

Zhu Houcong saw Huang Jin showing an aggrieved expression: "Your Majesty, the servant does not want to inquire. Even if the servant knows, she will never talk too much. But... Your Majesty, if you really have something with Qingping, the duty of the servant needs to be remembered. Pen."

Zhu Qingping, who was still covering up just now, couldn't hold back anymore: "What nonsense!"

Zhu Houcong laughed dumbfoundedly and looked at Zhu Qingping who was embarrassed and disturbed.

After the yuan change, spring will also come.

So when he was about to start studying the scriptures as usual, he shook his head: "It's Chinese New Year, rest."

"...The servant will leave."

"Help me warm the bed first."

Zhu Qingping froze there immediately, and said helplessly, "Your Majesty...Your Majesty, this is not...not in accordance with the rules..."

"Whether there are rules or not, I am the rules."

Zhu Houcong held her hand directly for the first time: "Master Yuan is gone, what do you think I am going to do today? Talk to me, so that I will fall asleep while chatting, and I won't be thinking about it all the time." state affairs."

Although Zhu Qingping's heartbeat was fast, her tone of voice was complicated: "Your Majesty, you really can't be so troublesome..."

"So change, start today."

When Zhu Qingping went out again after a long time, Huang Jin raised her finger and pointed at her in surprise: "You...you..."

After all, Zhu Qingping's hair was a little messed up, so she could only say with a blushing face, "No! Your Majesty...let me put him to sleep, otherwise he will always think about state affairs..."

Huang Jin thinks about it too... If there is something, she shouldn't be able to move around so neatly.

But then he put on a smiling face again, even a little flattering: "Your Majesty, you need to take care of your slaves in the future..."

"...Nonsense again!"

Although nothing has happened yet, but her background, her age, how can she be famous?

But Zhu Qingping remembered that sentence again: I am the rule...

(End of this chapter)

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