
Chapter 150 Change your surname to Lin, Maosheng!

Chapter 150 Change your surname to Lin, Maosheng!
Sun Jiao already had a premonition.

He felt something was wrong when the emperor started talking about this topic. After all, the Empress Dowager Jiang often called his daughter over on the way to Beijing.

But after arriving in Beijing, the emperor hasn't seen Ming'er yet, can't he?
Zhu Houcong really said: "This is not the point, but I just want to change the burden of the family of relatives in this country, so I have to find another way out. If there are prominent people in my queen's family and imperial concubine's family, the favor will be reduced." It also seems reasonable."

Qiqi's heart was shocked.

Yang Tinghe suddenly thought too much, and asked seriously: "Your Majesty, I would like to hear the details, this case also involves the clan..."

Listening to the emperor's meaning, it is not just about making new regulations on the queen's family and the imperial concubine's family, but on the relatives' family.

In addition to the "five big" honored officials' families established at the founding of the country, the families of relatives of the state are seven categories: the queen's family, the imperial concubine's family, the prince's concubine's family, the princess's family, the county princess's family, the son-in-law's family, and the Yibin family.

The House of Honored Officials is a title system of honored officials, while the other seven families are all based on marriage, and all follow Zhu Yuanzhang's regulations: they are selected from ordinary families whose foundations are average or even poor.

The key question is what the emperor meant. After that, the concubine's family, the concubine's family, the prince's mansion and the son-in-law Yibin's family of the county's mansion will all be included in the new regulations?
If their in-laws can also serve as officials or even hold high positions, it is not an easy matter.

Zhu Houcong nodded and said: "When the Taizu set the ancestral precepts, the number of relatives in the country was very small. After a hundred years, the burden on the clan has become heavier. I set an example first. My queen's family only bestows marquises, second-generation descendants, etc. hereditary inheritance, and the imperial concubine's family only Granted three generations of hereditary earls. However, the family of the relatives of the state can then enter the court to serve as real officials, and the interpretation and selection follow the established rules."

"Your Majesty, I am worried about the Wangfei's family..." Yang Tinghe said worriedly, "And the old system of bestowing nobles on the family of the country's relatives will be changed, and the clan may be uneasy."

The emperor was able to start to think of a way to deal with the burden of the clan, and Yang Ting and them really welcomed it.

Although Cui Yuan is also a relative of the state, he has now successfully become an honorary minister, and this knife cannot cut him down.

But if the treatment of the relatives of the clan is reduced, it will be understood as a precursor to the reduction of the feudal clan.

Zhu Houcong said frankly: "I am the successor of the vassal king. It is an opportunity and necessary to make changes in my dynasty. How to prevent chaos, Qing and others have to think about it."

According to the ancestral system, the annual salary of the prince is [-] shi, the county king is [-] shi, the general of the state is [-] shi, the general of the state is [-] shi, the general of the state is [-] shi, the lieutenant of the state is [-] shi, the lieutenant of the state is [-] shi, and the general of the state is [-] shi. Lieutenant two hundred stone.

In addition, the clan's family also has a large number of land grants.

After more than a hundred years, although Emperor Hongzhi has only one son and Emperor Zhengde has lost his heir, other princes and county kings from many years ago are still alive.

According to Zhu Houcong's current statistics, there are nearly 8000 people in the clan receiving salaries, and the annual salary needs to be paid is as high as nearly 60 taels, which is nearly 200 million shi when converted into grain.

This is the result of 20 years ago, when the direct lineage was halved, and the clan in-laws were [-]%.

Otherwise, that number would have doubled by now.

Of course, it depends on whether they can see the layout related to the implementation of the new law and cutting down on scholar-officials in the future.

In Zhu Houcong's view, there is only a direction that remains unchanged for a century, and there is no specific policy that remains unchanged for a century.

can be a tool.

Be cautious about short-term matters, and plan boldly for long-term matters!
Yang Tinghe tentatively asked: "Your Majesty, if only the concubine's family, the county concubine's family, and the Yibin family's salary are reduced, it may not reduce the burden of the clan. It will be even more hidden danger if it is prescribed for him to serve as a real official in the court."

"I have my own calculations on this matter." Zhu Houcong smiled, "Wait for me to promise new benefits first. The relatives of the Zongzong should not be abandoned. The new rules for the relatives of the country began with me. This matter is also for the clan at present. If it is beneficial, they will welcome it. As for the family of the concubine, the family of the princess of the county, and the family of Yibin, it will take ten years, right? After ten years, the situation will be different."

"Emperor, concubines and concubines can be selected from important families, but the clan still follows the old rules?" Yang Tinghe confirmed.

"Naturally, strong stems and weak branches are already a new favor to the vassal kings."

As for whether the vassal king selected the concubine from an ordinary family, and whether the in-laws' family can go up the civil and military paths, is the promotion and promotion in the hands of the emperor?
But your feudal lord can't say that this is not a kindness. After all, the restrictions on the relatives of the country were very strict before, and the vassal king was completely raised as a pig.

Yang Tinghe felt numb: Are you fishing?
But it is safer than Emperor Jianwen, at least not directly stating that the chariots and horses are going to cut down the vassal.But today's vassal kings are not as powerful as those sons of Taizu.

The current approach seems to be to start with the treatment of foreign relatives first, to see if any vassal princes have "cultivated" in-laws who will take up important and real positions, and then plan some "major events".

Is the emperor looking for a reason to cut down the feudal clan in the future?

Yang Tinghe couldn't refuse. Everyone knew what the situation would be like if the clan's burden continued. This is a very important area of ​​"throttling expenditure".

When the emperor did this, emotionally, they could only think that the emperor was making room for his future heirs. After all, the lineage had already been transferred, and there were still more than thirty vassal kings in Ming Dynasty.

Otherwise, it would be too profound to choose to cut expenditure from this field: cut off the clan.

This is definitely fishing!

In Zhu Houcong's view, if something really happened, it would be good if the current clan didn't breed ambitions, it wouldn't help him at all, but would only continue to consume the state's finances.

As for the family relationship... I can't talk too much about it.

Besides, he has his own idea of ​​clan reform, so he can't keep raising pigs in the future, right?

"...Although it doesn't matter who your Majesty's concubines choose from, does your Majesty have any..." Yang Tinghe still asked.

Seeing that Yang Tinghe didn't continue to ask questions, Zhu Houcong didn't know if he saw the connection between this matter and the new law in the future.

It shouldn't be hard to deduce, right?It’s just that if you understand it, you should start telling yourself now: Another red line has been discovered, and the future situation must be determined in the future.

So Zhu Houcong said with a smile: "You don't know, my father wanted to marry Mr. Sun Ge when he was here. On the way to Beijing, my mother was also very happy with the daughter of the Sun family. Sun Ge's family has a long history and is highly respected. Now it is even more important." It is not a minister who is lucky enough to be promoted by the court first. Is Mr. Yang Ge willing to be the envoy of the Empress Dowager, and Marquis of Jingshan willing to be the deputy envoy?"

After the emperor is elected, there will also be a matchmaker.

But now this sentence shocked everyone present.

The draft has not yet started, is the queen so settled?So next year will you still be drafted?

Now there are only some pre-selected ladies from Guangdong and Southeast China.

Yang Tinghe heard that the emperor wanted him to be the official matchmaker, and immediately looked at the emperor with a complicated expression: You are really playing with the balance, and the big wedding is also full of political color.

For the past few emperors, their big marriages were just big weddings.

Yang Tinghe looked at Sun Jiao, and asked meaningfully: "What is the opinion of Jiufeng Gong?"

Sun Jiao's expression is wonderful.

Back then, half of them thought that since he had resigned as the Minister of the Household Department, why should he still make a bad name for the emperor's relatives?The other half also do not want the future of their children and nephews to be affected.

Now he is a cabinet minister, and there are new rules for foreign relatives to be officials.

Nodding at the moment, it can be said that he is a very special one among the court officials.Even Yuan Zonggao, the former emperor teacher, can't compare with him as the head of the country.

Cabinet minister and head of state...

If the nephew succeeds in the imperial examination, he will be able to serve as an official in the future...

He looked at the emperor: Could it be that he agreed to use me and is preparing for today's event?
Wang Qiong looked at Sun Jiao expectantly: promise!I recommend you again!

Yuan Zonggao, who used his own future to protect Wang Qiong and others, passed away, and no one knew whether Yang Ting and the others in the court would attack Wang Qiong and others again.

One more layer of security is one more layer!
"...Your Majesty, I am inexplicably terrified." Sun Jiao's tone was twitching, "I have already been enlisted in the cabinet. If I am granted a Marquis again, I am afraid that the Holy Grace will be too great..."

"Isn't Cui Yuan still here?" Zhu Houcong replied with a smile, "My uncle, Marquis of Jingshan, is in charge of the Governor's Mansion of the Left Army, and participated in the national policy meeting. In terms of holy grace, Cui Hou is the most important."

Cui Yuan was very embarrassed: I am indeed too dazzling, so please promise, Lao Sun, that I will not be the only one who will be stared at by many officials and colleagues.

Sun Jiao didn't want to be a concubine's family back then, but now the emperor means that it is the queen's family, and Sun Jiao's sons and grandsons are also hereditary earls.

"...Mr. Thank you, Your Majesty, Long En."

Sun Jiao found out that there is a limit to being entangled with fame, and now His Majesty has given too much.

I can be an important minister, and my descendants will have titles.

Cui Yuan grinned: Sure enough, he still became the head of the state, but both of them are important ministers.

The way the emperor achieved this goal was to use it as an introduction to future clan reforms.

With this prospect that all the officials are looking forward to, as well as various restrictions after the establishment of the National Policy Conference and the Imperial Study Room, the trouble of foreign relatives may not be so easy to appear.

Besides... Maybe it will change in the future?
Unless the emperor's life is short.

But he has frightening energy and runs to keep fit.

Facing the future father-in-law, Zhu Houcong continued to say: "The successor position is the most important, so the intentions between the queen mother and me are determined first. And the prince's country is important, the emperor's twelve daughters, two concubines and nine concubines are still the same. Let's choose. It's just next year's draft, and there is no need to suspend the marriage of the world, so as not to miss the marriage of other women. The concubine's family can be an official, so I don't think it will be as fearful as before."

Every draft, because of the secluded life in the palace and the high death rate, many people are very afraid.At the same time as the draft, it also includes the selection of court ladies and reserve female officials, so some widows are scared to remarry.

He looked at Sun Jiao, and Sun Jiao obviously didn't make a fuss about the fact that his future son-in-law continued to find other women at the same time, but nodded his head instead: "This is good governance."

Zhu Houcong said again: "The ministers and maids serve the royal family loyally, but they have no heirs, and most of them are lonely in their evenings. I have other plans. In the future, there will be a large number of people who need to be used. We can make the local almshouses specialize in supporting orphans and widows, and all the places Most of the orphaned children can be sent to the capital city. In the Emperor’s Manor, there will be another nursery under the supervisor of ceremonies. In the future, they will be used as adopted sons of many ministers and court ladies who have no rights and no money, so that they can be supported and enjoyed. Blood food."

All the little eunuchs and maids who were preparing to serve at the scene trembled slightly.

In the huge Forbidden Palace, only the eunuchs and female officials who gained power and power may be able to recognize the adopted son from the original clan or outside, so there is hope in the future.

The vast majority of eunuchs and court ladies, in the future, the only fun is probably to be a vegetable household, a little spiritual sustenance and other unspeakable comforts.

But now listening to the emperor's intentions, it seems that a large orphanage will be set up in Huangzhuang, so that a large number of low-level eunuchs and maids in the palace can have hope?

Yang Tinghe was also quite shocked: "Your Majesty, is it supported by the grain and rice produced in Huangzhuang?"

How many eunuchs are there in the palace?This is to feed thousands of young children.

The emperor said it was a child, so naturally he couldn't let these children go to work again.Moreover, it is said that it will be used in the future, and it involves some future plans of the emperor. Can it be used for ordinary purposes?Should I be taught to read?
"It doesn't take much food to eat, clothe, and build some houses." Zhu Houcong nodded, "I tried it out in Huangzhuang first, and if it succeeds in the future, children who are orphaned in this world need to find a proper foster care." The method of saving money. Since my great wish is to enrich the country and create a prosperous world, how can there be many orphans who die of hunger and cold in the world? At this time of changing the Yuan Dynasty, I just chatted a few more words first, let’s do it slowly.”

Yang Tinghe and others immediately left the table and knelt down together: "Your Majesty loves the people like a son, and I am very grateful to you."

"To get to that point, we need the wealth of the country after all, and you have a long way to go." Zhu Houcong smiled and asked them to get up and go back to their seats. "Today, I won't talk about state affairs anymore. The friendship between monarchs and ministers always requires more contacts besides state affairs. Although I am young You, Qing, etc. don’t need to worry about it. Old news and anecdotes can be freely narrated.”

Seventeen Arhats and Guo Xun Hanhan laughed together: Who can think you are young?Dealing with you is no different than dealing with middle-aged people.

But old anecdotes, can we really talk about anything?
After all, the restraint is still there, but after all, it will no longer talk about state affairs.

In the main hall of the Qianqing Palace, the banquet began when it got dark, and the same was true at the Qingning Palace.

The wives of these 18 people can clearly see that the Empress Dowager Jiang is more cordial to Sun Jiao's wife, but they only think it is because of their fellowship.

When it was You time, I went back to the mansion and heard about the situation. Immediately, many houses burst into the roar of the mistress: "Why don't you mention your daughter (granddaughter)?"

"...Your Majesty brought it up on his own initiative, how can you still say such things? Is it a national policy meeting or a meeting of relatives?"

In the Sun residence, Sun Jiao's wife was dumbfounded: "...is this really possible?"

"It seems like a destined marriage..."

At that time, the prince's son became the emperor, and no one could resist the temptation of the honor of the mother and the hereditary earl.

In the Sun Mansion, there was indeed a daughter who was born in a beautiful country.As the name suggests, Sun Ming of the House of Shangshu is as elegant and quiet as a delicate tea bud.

She has grown up, and has been summoned by the Queen Mother Jiang many times. When she was puzzled, she also heard stories from her parents.

But back then, the son of the prince had already become the emperor, and her father was in the cabinet. She never thought that she would have such a fate with him again.

Now... queen?
Sun Ming pinched the corner of her mother's clothes uneasily: "Mother...you have to do what daddy said...Your Majesty is so scary..."

"What's so scary? Don't listen to your father's nonsense! He is uneasy because of state affairs, how can it be the same in the harem?" Sun Wang's face was already full of joy, "Your Majesty is smart! Heroic! Extraordinary! He is in good health The Empress Dowager treats you very well, since it has been settled long ago, I will take you often to meet and get familiar with the etiquette in the palace, the wedding will take a long time!"

"I..." Sun Ming was full of uneasiness, "I'm not married yet, and I want to enter the palace first? Then won't His Majesty be displeased when he sees it?"

If Sun Jiao can become Shangshu, how can his tutor be poor?Sun Ming knew that this seemed more like a matter decided by court disputes, so she, who broke the ancestral system, might be at the forefront of the storm.How decent is it if you often enter the palace before you get married?
Thinking of this, she felt more and more uneasy and sad: How much of the man in this life really has affection for her?Probably all out of national considerations?
"Why don't you like it?" Mrs. Sun Wang took her little hand and smiled all over her face. "My Ming'er is so lovely and well-educated! If Your Majesty sees her, he will be the happiest!"

The "supreme best son-in-law" in her mouth is now pulling Zhu Qingping to lie on the dragon couch again.

Today, he drank more wine with the minister of state policy, and he doesn't think much about state affairs now.

Zhu Qingping's heartbeat was naturally still fast, it had been like this for the past few nights, and it was even worse tonight.

Zhu Houcong's face was hot from drinking, and there was heat under the skirt where he could hear his heartbeat.

His hand also touched Zhu Qingping's waist naturally and began to feel restless again: "Anyway, the surname is given, and tomorrow I will change the yuan, and I will change your surname... Lin, Maosheng!"

Zhu Houcong felt that he had no scruples in doing whatever he wanted, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "If my eldest son wants to be safe, I still have you, lest other concubines are young and give birth to a child. As for the future, there is no need to worry about the dispute between the eldest son, I have it care about."

After turning his head, he sighed again: "The child doesn't seem to be hungry either."

Zhu... oh no, how can Lin Qingping listen to the emperor's dirty words?

What is lush, what is not hungry... She is already dizzy now, and her whole body is tense.

The Empress Dowager had arranged for her a small task, but now I feel the little emperor's... tricks... ventriloquist... what do I need to teach?
Although I have been mentally prepared since the first day of "coaxing sleep", who knows it will be today?
On New Year's Eve, break the old and welcome the new.

Zhu Houcong began to work hard for his national affairs, starting with his eldest sister.

As for where the eldest son comes from, of course it depends on some providence.

Even if this familiar Lin Qingping is not the queen, Zhu Houcong is not too worried about the future succession.

There are many ways to go.

In the Qianqing Palace, Huang Jin, who always remembered his important task of keeping watch over the year and night, finally heard Zhu Qingping's strange voice faintly.

He has a strange look on his face.

Do you want to remember this?
And Zhu Qingping spent a long time "coaxing her to sleep" today, and didn't come out after midnight.

Huang Jin looked serious: I really have to remember now.

Tomorrow, the first major event after the yuan change is to give a blow to Empress Qingping.

 I recommend a new book by a friend, "My Farm Leads to the Ming Dynasty". This is the story of more than 200 modern people who took a state on the shore of Lake Baikal in Siberia to travel through the early Ming Dynasty to engage in industrial assistance.There are farmers, engineering teams, and overseas students, and the group wears farming articles. If you are interested, you can take a look.


(End of this chapter)

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