
Chapter 156 Yang Futai, Someone is going to kill your father

Chapter 156 Yang Futai, Someone is going to kill your father
The Secretary of the Ministry of Justice is in charge of the world's criminal names, so it is naturally impossible for someone with no experience to take this position.

And this position is the second grade, and only those who have reached this grade or a little lower can have hope.

The people who worked secretly in the capital were disturbed by a strange promotion: Xia Yan was promoted to the censor of Youqian Capital of the Nanjing Metropolitan Procuratorate with the military department.

The Nanjing Metropolitan Procuratorate does not have a left post. As a rule, there are only Youdu Yushi and Youfu Duyushi. The right deputy Duyushi of the fourth rank is the third person in the Nanjing Metropolitan Procuratorate.

But now the Nanjing Metropolitan Procuratorate still has a special person: Hu Zan.

Because he himself is the censor of Zuoqian Capital of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, he still holds this position as Admiral Caojiang in Nanjing.

Last year when Zhang Zilin went south, Hu Zan and Li Quanli, the Boss of Xiangcheng, had been fighting bandits in the Yangtze River, which was quite creditable.

Xia Yan also participated in the abolition of the official army in Beijing and the resettlement of the three major battalions.

The narration of Xia Yan immediately disrupted the rhythm of many Beijing officials: Hu Zan may be about to be promoted.

He is also the fourth grade, he can't be the minister of the Ministry of punishment.He might go up one more rank in Nanjing, and then there will be a third rank in Nanjing who will have to move.

Where will the third grade be moved?

Sun Jiaotou is big, so Yang Tinghe couldn't help but look at Zhang Zilin: Is there any secret arrangement in the southeast that I don't know about?

In the preliminary stage of court push, in the process of nominating candidates, Zhang Zilin finally spoke: "Governor Yingtian, Shangshu Li Chongsi of the Nanjing Ministry of Industry, successively served as the head of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, the general judge of Guangdong Province, the magistrate of Suizhou, the inspector of Shaanxi Province, Inspectorate of Yunnan Province. When he was in charge of Nanjing's prefectures, Li Chongsi also contributed to the Chenhao Rebellion, but he had not yet been rewarded. Li Chongsi served as Minister of Nanjing Ministry of Industry and was also in charge of water conservancy affairs. Hong Kong. In the past three years, there have been water conservancy problems in the national policy, and Li Chongsi also has a lot of experience."


If he went to Beijing to be Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, two positions would be vacant: Governor Yingtian and Minister of the Ministry of Industry of Nanjing.

Before that, Li Chongsi was concurrently in charge.

Both Wang Qiong and Sun Jiao looked at Zhang Zilin, then at Li Wei, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, then at Wang Shouren, and finally at Yang Tinghe.

The Ministry of Industry in Nanjing and the Ministry of Industry in Beijing are naturally close in business, and Li Chongsi and Li Nai can naturally take the lead in water conservancy and flood issues in the next three years.

When the Chenhao rebellion was suppressed, this Li Chongsi and Wang Shouren can reminisce about the old days.

In addition...he is from Chengdu, a fellow villager of Yang Tinghe.

As for his qualifications, Li Chongsi had been doing criminal work before being the governor of Nanjing, and his experience at the grassroots level is extremely rich...

Wang Qiong and Sun Jiao looked at each other in blank dismay: This candidate is absolutely perfect.

Sun Jiao, the host of Tingtui, coughed: "I can choose one, do you have other candidates?"

He looked at Jiang Mian, Shi Yan, and Fei Hong: Don't you three have any enterprising spirit?

But now everyone is thinking about something else.

Is Hu Zan going to be promoted to the right deputy capital imperial envoy and governor Yingtian?Who will be the Shangshu of Nanjing Ministry of Industry?
Xia Yan, who was the first person to be promoted by the emperor, what was he going to Nanjing for?

Xia Yan's promotion was not unpleasant.

Bing Kedu is a Genuine Seventh Rank, although his actual influence is easily concealed by the official rank.

Nanjing is not considered a center, so Nanjing's fourth-rank doctor is not necessarily more prominent than the fifth-rank doctor in a certain department in Beijing. What is the Metropolitan Procuratorate in Nanjing?
Among all the yamen in Nanjing, the Metropolitan Procuratorate is the one with the least work to do.The so-called: "The courtyard is outside the Taiping Gate, but Cao Jiang and the whole courtyard come to the same room. Four or five censors, graceful and polite, well-organized, have nothing to do."

The actual status of Cao Jiangdu Yushi is the highest.

But the grade has gone up, which means a lot.

After Xia Yan accepted the congratulations from his colleagues, he was thinking about His Majesty's encouragement to him.

The Youqian capital censor of the Nanjing Metropolitan Procuratorate may not have any other powers, but he can play.

He was personally promoted by the emperor, that's enough.

But when he went to Nanjing, His Majesty didn't say much, but asked him to continue to observe things carefully, offer advice and suggestions, and never forget his job as an official.

Is the phrase "Your Majesty is lenient and caring for the people" reminded by Huang Jin the most important?

What is most directly related to the common people?When Xia Yan thought about it, he only thought about taxes, corvee, banditry, natural disasters, and official misfortunes.

Xia Yan naturally wants to get more things, new law, rich country, Beijing camp...

He was a little melancholy: this trip to Nanjing is going to Longtan and Tiger's Den!

In the morning of spring in Guangdong, Yang Shen looked at Gui E with a sneer on his face, but said in astonishment, "Isn't Gui's speech serious?"

Gui E shook her head again and again, her words were full of provocative tone: "I asked Yang Futai, Panyu, Nanhai, Shunde, Xiangshan, Xinhui, Yangshan, Lianshan, Dongguan, Xin'an, Sanshui, Zengcheng, and Longmen under your jurisdiction. , Qingyuan, Xinning, Conghua, these [-] counties plus Lianzhou, do you know the ins and outs of each county and prefecture? In the fifth year of Zhengde, the imperial court allowed the households of the seamen along the coast of Guangdong to fry sea salt privately in lieu of a supplementary levy. Do you know it?"

Yang Shen was dumbfounded.

"The original quota of Haibei Salt Department was 480 and 490 catties, but it was reduced to [-] and [-] catties during the Hongzhi period, and there are still more than [-] yuan to be exchanged. You know that? Why?"


"In the 18th year of Hongzhi, the quasi-stove Ding can be calculated according to the number of acres of land. For one to three Dings, each Ding will be exempted from [-] acres of land. For four Dings to six Dings, each Ding will be exempted from [-] mus of land. Seven Dings to Ten Dings will be exempted from farmland. , Fifty mu of farmland per Ding. From [-] Ding to [-] Ding, each Ding will be exempted from [-] Mu of land. From [-] Ding to [-] Ding, each Ding will be exempted from [-] Mu of land. From [-] Ding to [-] Ding, the whole household will be exempt .How many Zao Ding and You Mian you have in Guangzhou Mansion, does Yang Mansion know?"


Gui E's small eyes were full of contempt: "In the whole of Guangdong, the commercial tax is collected by your Guangzhou government tax department. Yang Futai never thought about how much it has to do with it?"

Yang Shen was almost numb.

"During the Hongwu period, there were 23 hectares and 340 mu of land in Guangdong. In the 56th year of Hongzhi, this number was only 15 four hectares, 220 mu and 46 per cent. You have been busy for several months since you participated in politics. , What is the number of acres of land in Guangzhou Mansion now, does Yang Futai have this account in mind?"

No matter how stupid people hear this, they will know that there is a big problem, not to mention that Yang Shen is not stupid.

"...The reason for this is that Zhang Futai has already reported to the court. Please approve the new law and regulations. There are many mergers, and I know it..."

Gui E let out a long sigh: "The Imperial Academy is so good, even if Elder Yang Ge wanted you to go there to experience a few years, why did he let you go to Guangzhou Mansion? Yang Mansion Terrace, in my opinion, you are almost done."

Yang Shen couldn't help shaking, and bowed to him with a troubled face: "It's only after Bucai came to Guangdong from Guifutai, but he is more familiar with the situation in Guangdong than Bucai, I'm ashamed, I hope Brother Gui will teach me. "

When the talented man heard "You are almost finished", Gui E smeared his face with data, and he couldn't feel proud.

Gui E looked at the expression of the pig teammate, and said after a while: "The amount of Guangdong summer tax is 970 eight stones, the amount of agricultural mulberry silk and zero silk is 130 five pieces of six feet, two inches and five cents; the amount of autumn grain 780 rice, six stones, one bucket, seven liters, six spoons, and Kesi folded rice, twelve stones, five buckets, four liters, five spoons. 40 taels. Last year, Zhang Futai won the favor of Tuen Mun naval battle. The food and salaries requested by Guangdong can be deducted from taxes. Brother Yang, do you know what the situation is now?"

Yang Shen continued to be confused by the data, and could only listen nervously.

Gui E sneered: "Everyone in Guangdong is staring at the 10 taels and other taxes that have not been paid in the past few years. The counties and prefectures under your rule still don't know how to increase them in the name of payment! Those counties respect the counties. I’m afraid they don’t know what they are plotting against the secretaries of the prime minister’s book, and those officials, gentry and rich families who have just been cleared of their fields! Master Futai asked me to take Guangzhou and Huizhou as examples to clean up the disciplines and discuss the other Harmful, I'm afraid I will poke a hornet's nest immediately! Besides, what are those people in the center doing?"

"...Center? What does Brother Gui mean by that?"

Gui E glanced at him: "Someone is going to kill your father!"

Yang Shen was terrified all of a sudden: "Brother Gui, please speak frankly."

Gui E blew his beard and stared very irritablely: "Guangdong pays for taxes these days, and the higher-ups are also watching Guangdong! This year, His Majesty is getting married. There are pearl ponds, sacrificial vessels, big trees, and rare treasures in Guangdong. The palace, the Ministry of Rites, and the Ministry of Household It is not uncommon for the Ministry of Industry to send materials to Guangdong. However, knowing that Guangdong is clearing the land and people are in panic, if this office is added to Guangdong and then sent to the counties, it may not be more than doubled! In addition to other additional dispatches, the gentry and wealthy families in Guangzhou Is there any reason not to take the opportunity to stir up trouble among the people? If there is a civil uprising under your rule, will your father be implicated? Will your father resign after dissuading His Majesty not to adopt the new law in Guangdong?"

"... Zhang Futai is here, how dare they make trouble?"

Gui E shook her head exhaustedly: "I have a bad temper, and it's not good to say it harshly. Just look at who are these people in Guangdong today? The governor of Xinke Jinshi, the prefect of the Hanlin Qinggui, lives in seclusion and patrols, and the palace is idle. Ministers participate in politics, and Xinke Jinshi participates in the council. I am light-hearted, and you all belong to the court, so hurry up and make clear the situation, and don’t drag me into the troubles of Huizhou Mansion!"

When he came to Yang Shen, he made a lot of complaints here, and then he resigned and went to Huizhou Mansion to take up his post, leaving only Yang Shen who fell into an ice cave.

"...Hurry up, go and ask where Huang Canyi and Zhang Futai have gone? I want to see you!"

The jurisdiction of Guangzhou Prefecture is really not small.

Lianshan County, Yangshan County, and Lianzhou in the northwest are already half mountainous.The core Qingyuan, Conghua, Zengcheng, Panyu, Nanhai, etc. are rich lands, and the coastal areas of Dongguan, Xin'an, Shunde, Xinhui, Xinning, Xiangshan, etc. also have their own output and prosperous business.

When Gui E first arrived, she revealed to Yang Shen some cruel situations in Guangdong, which were details that Yang Shen hadn't seriously thought about before.

It is not surprising that the number of acres of taxable land is only [-]% of that at the beginning of the country, but the amount of taxable land is still a bit more.

There are more and more hidden households fleeing households, and the stoves are free. So many land taxes that have not been reduced are produced on [-]% of the fields in the junior high school.

The yearly office of the Haibei Salt Department has been reduced by half. Over the years, what roles have the officials at all levels and local gentry and wealthy businessmen played in it?
It was only Yang Shen who cooperated with Xie Changjie to clear the land in Guangzhou, and Gui E used the data to unravel the bloody reality that may exist at the bottom of Guangzhou.

Last year's war, this year's additional dispatch, Yang Tan from the Ministry of Households, Li Wei from the Ministry of Industry, and Yuan Zonggao from the Ministry of Rites.
Yang Shen hadn't heard the news of Yuan Zonggao's death yet, the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became.

Could this be His Majesty's order?
Knowing the situation in Guangdong, His Majesty intends to stir up a popular uprising, and then to plow the territory with a large army to solve the problem of the wealthy family in one fell swoop?

Yang Shen guessed wildly that in a restaurant called "Yuanyinglou" in Guangzhou, sitting in the private room on the highest floor could indeed see the distant view of the Pearl River Estuary.

At this moment, there are five people in loose Taoist robes sitting in this private room.

Naturally, none of them were Taoist priests, and it was very common to wear Taoist robes.

Although it was only in the first lunar month, some of them held ivory folding fans, and some wore brilliant and restrained gemstone rings on their hands.

They are having morning tea.

Around the private room, there are four young girls standing on the left and right, ready to help them make tea at any time, or pass in freshly steamed refreshments from outside.

The people at the table spoke Cantonese, and they didn't shy away from the four girls.

"Zhang Detou is still there, but the tea from Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, and Fujian can't be missed this year. I stayed in Shaanxi for a year last year, and I spent nearly ten thousand taels of white money, which is how I got so much. Cha Yin!" The person who spoke was obviously just a wealthy businessman, "If you all go to this year's sitting party, will the salt be fried or not, and the tea leaves still be picked?"

"Brother Lei, don't worry." The person waving the folding fan became much more refined, "Although Zhang Futai's sword is sharp, he is not good at practical work after all. It's nothing to do with felling big trees, fetching pearls from pearl pools, and casting ritual vessels in Foshan. During the busy season of farming, all these need to be transported to Beijing. By that time, the spring rains will be rapid and the roads will be rough, how many porters, carts, boats and boats will be needed? If the farming season is delayed, summer and autumn grains will be a problem, and the people will not agree."

He said the last sentence with a smile.

"...his grandma, that Xie Changjie, fifty hectares of fertile land in my family have been cleared! Fifty hectares!" Another person was indignant, "Brother Luo, your cousin is in the capital, join him! "

"What are you talking about? Last year, His Majesty let go of so many eloquent officials, how can I participate in impeachment now?" Another person shook his head while eating steamed chicken feet, "I want to participate, and I am also the censor of Guangdong."

"What did the Huo family say?"

"The Huo family?" He sneered, "The Huo family's business in Nanhai County, which one of us has no contact with it? This Huo Wei used to hide from fear of trouble, and now he is in trouble, so we can't count on him! The Huo family would rather not make money now. We must also protect him from this wind!"

"Is there any response to the tribute to Cantonese Fragrant Tea?"

"Don't worry." There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, "Your Majesty is so majestic, there are too many things that you want to change the old system. This year, His Majesty will be married, and you will be surprised. This tea, I am afraid that it will be tributed everywhere. We Zhang Fu Taiwan may keep a tighter eye on the other offices, but he will supervise the Cantonese Fragrant Tea no matter what. This one, is the one who helped His Majesty pre-select ladies last year!"

(End of this chapter)

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