
Chapter 158 I don't like this kind of trouble

Chapter 158 I don't like this kind of trouble
"These are the overseas products that Westerners know?"

In the Qianqing Palace, Zhu Houcong looked at a stack of drawing paper with great interest, compared the shapes, and then looked at the name Zhu Yunming marked on it.

"My servant asked all the Westerners a question, so that they can recall it well. After the drawing comes out, let them read it again and make corrections. That's all."

Wei Bin and Zhu Yunming waited aside.

Zhu Houcong nodded, and after reading it, he handed it to Gao Zhong: "Collect all these and print them into a booklet."

Wei Bin knew what to do, His Majesty said it before.After the Maritime Trading Company starts operating, it will begin to assume the responsibility of collecting overseas products for His Majesty.

Zhu Houcong looked at Zhu Yunming again, only to see that he looked quite tired.

I don't know if he was frightened and stimulated in this specific work, maybe it was Wei Bin's way of asking those Europeans?
"It will take some time for them to come by boat when the decree arrives in the south." Zhu Houcong smiled, "It's a grand event for the four great talents in Wuzhong to meet again in the capital, but it's a pity that one of them has already gone."

Zhu Yunming was terrified every day, and he didn't know how the emperor would deal with the "Wild Notes".

"Your Majesty, the ministers have little talent and learning, and they are just chatting with others, and let the ministers bear this false name."

Zhu Houcong was noncommittal, and asked Wei Bin: "How is Xiyuan cleaned up?"

"According to His Majesty's will, everything has been cleaned up." Wei Bin replied, "North of the Longevity Palace, the Tiger City, the Sheep House, the Leopard House, and the Tianpeng House have all been cleaned up, and the built palaces and houses have been cleaned up. Refurbished and ready for living.”

"Zhu Yunming, you can live there first. Gao Zhong, you take him there and let him choose an elegant residence, and make it simple with whatever furnishings you want."

Zhu Yunming didn't know what it meant at all, but he heard the word Leopard Room.

Anxiously led by Gao Zhong to the west, after leaving the palace gate, he saw the Taiye Pond, so he couldn't help asking: "Eunuch Gao, I wonder what your Majesty's arrangement is for me to live in Xiyuan?" ?”

Gao Zhong replied with a smile: "Congratulations, Mr. Zhu, you are the first celebrity who is lucky enough to live here. Last year, the courtiers asked the emperor to dismantle the leopard house set up here. Use it for other purposes. After Eunuch Wei was transferred to be an internal officer, he spent more than half of his time cleaning up here. Now our family does not know what His Majesty will use this place for, but since His Majesty planned it himself, it is naturally very important. I did not expect Your Majesty actually let Mr. Zhu live there, it seems that the answer to this mystery is about to be revealed."

Zhu Yunming followed him across the Yuhe Bridge in a daze. Gao Zhong pointed to the right hand side and introduced: "This is the Yuxi Palace. In front is the West Shiku. The wine room and flower house are also here. On the left hand side is the Guangming Palace, Longevity Palace. Our family heard from Eunuch Wei that in the future, the imperial city and the Xiyuan area will be used.”

Staring at the huge royal garden in a daze.In terms of the area covered, the West Garden plus the water surface is larger than the three Forbidden Cities.

What is His Majesty going to use this Xiyuan for?
Zhu Houcong also left the Forbidden City now, and the place he arrived was outside the west wall of the Forbidden City.

Adjacent to the palace wall here are many straight rooms, and the Shangshan Supervisor has set up a dessert room and many other pastry rooms that do not require hot food.To the south of them is the imperial prison, which is specialized in making various utensils for the imperial palace, and to the north of them is the military battle bureau.

As one of the Twelve Supervisors, Four Divisions and Eight Bureaus, Bingzhan Bureau is known as "Little Imperial Supervisor".

In the eyes of ordinary people, the Bingzhan Bureau and the Military Weapons Bureau of the Ministry of Industry are the two major arms manufacturing departments of the imperial court, but in fact the Bingzhan Bureau is also responsible for the manufacture of other copper and iron utensils in the Forbidden Palace.

Such as hammers, pliers, scissors, needles...all the sharp tools that are convenient for killing people.

Another example is the locks, gongs and drums, bells and drums in the palace...

The site of Bingzhan Bureau is actually not small, and now this location is only the office of Zhang Yin and others and the manufacturing site of some small objects in the palace.On the east side of the Forbidden City, the Bingzhan Bureau also has a site spanning six alleys, and the Gunpowder Bureau under its jurisdiction is also there.

"The servant asks His Majesty for his holy peace."

When the emperor arrived, Zhao Yunfa, who was in charge of the military battle bureau, knelt at the door to greet him with his subordinates.

"Get up, come in and talk."

After Zhu Houcong entered the room and sat down, the accompanying eunuchs of the Qianqing Palace silently put the refreshments on the table beside him regardless of the date.

Zhao Yunfa stepped forward and bent down and said: "Your Majesty needs the ritual vessels for the wedding, and the slaves are ordering the servants and craftsmen to make it quickly..."

"...Okay, you can arrange these as usual." Zhu Houcong asked, "I heard from Zhang Jin that it would be troublesome for you to imitate the Westerners' guns and ammunition brought from Guangdong?"

Zhao Yunfa replied respectfully: "Reporting to Your Majesty, that is exactly the case. In fact, since Xuande, there have been more and more escapees from artisan households, and the service of military artisans has become increasingly unusable. If it weren't for this, during the orthodox years, there would be no openings on all sides." An example of self-made bronze general guns. In the fourth year of Hongzhi, Huguang and Guangxi were allowed to make their own. In the sixth year of Zhengde, Qingzhou Zuowei was allowed to make it. In the seventh year, Xuzhou. In the 12th year, Liangzhou."

He seized the opportunity to show off his expertise first, and then said: "Your Majesty, non-slaves can't use their heart and soul. If it weren't for the Bureau of Warfare being allowed to send Yu Ding, a young soldier from the 47th Guard in Beijing, to learn the skills of making firearms and other warcraft In the future, most of the military equipment will be left to the locals to make, and the slaves will only be able to make some daily-use copper and iron wares for the palace."

After Zhu Houcong heard it, he thought about it first.

Zhao Yunfa waited anxiously, complaining is very unflattering.But His Majesty has arranged the task of imitating and improving Westerners' guns and ammunition. If he just agrees but fails to do it well, the consequences will be even more serious in the future.

"It's just a counterfeit first, and the problem is also big?"

"Your Majesty, the slaves and master craftsmen have all read the secrets sent by Commander Luo." Zhao Yunfa replied carefully, "The guns and ammunition are delicate work, and the measurement used by Westerners is different from that of our Celestial Dynasty. The slaves need a lot of time Let's explore. These captives only know how to use them, but they don't know how to make them. I beg Your Majesty's permission, at least two people from Guangdong who persuaded them to surrender will come to the capital one by one."

He quickly added: "Slaves can roughly imitate it with the usual methods, but I'm afraid it will be a little worse. I'm afraid it will cost more copper, iron and manpower. The servants know that His Majesty is re-establishing the three camps. In the future There must be a lot of firearms needed. For the long-term plan, the servants are afraid to play."

"Then what do you think, tell me."

Zhao Yunfa boldly said: "Slaves don't know much. From the humble opinion of slaves, the root cause of this lies in the policy of craftsman's registration, carpenter's salary, and preferential exemption. Only in this way can the carpenter's family not flee and have no successors. At the very least, craftsmen serving in Beijing need to be given more salary."

Zhu Houcong nodded: "I will ask the courtiers to discuss it. If you dare to say these words, you are capable of doing things. First, pay more attention to this matter. There are not many seized this time. You should try to build a door first, and then compare Let's improve."

After rewarding Zhao Yunfa with some silver to reassure him, Zhu Houcong continued to walk towards the Longevity Mountain in Taiye Pool.

Looking at this elegant royal garden scene, everything seems quiet and peaceful.

If you have nothing to pursue, being an emperor is really very comfortable.

But as long as you have some sense of responsibility and something you want to do well, it will be difficult every step of the way.

The artillery and ammunition seized in the Tuen Mun naval battle, from standardization of measurement to casting technology, from gunpowder formula to future manufacturing capacity, the Bureau of Military Warfare and the Bureau of Ordnance all talked about the same problem.

The root of this problem probably lies in Zhu Yuanzhang's ancestral system of dividing the people of the world into various household registration types. After the stratum has solidified, the only way to ascend is the imperial examination.

If there are no military households, artisan households, and kitchen households, then judging from their current income level and social status, the source of soldiers and craftsmen will become a problem.

The current situation is still stable under the circumstances that military households and artisan households have a certain policy of preferential exemption from corvee.

The biggest and biggest problem is actually money and food.Ordinary people cultivate very little land and bear huge pressure on land tax and corvee allocation.

And the huge class of officials and gentry is a strong supporter of him, the feudal emperor.He himself is the biggest landlord in the world.

Zhang Fujing killed so ruthlessly in Guangdong, why do some people still have nothing to worry about?Because in their view, it doesn't matter which official is killed, it's just a low-level official, but they are the foundation of Daming Iron.

The butcher's knife cannot solve the fundamental problem, but there must be a very hard butcher's knife, which can withstand counterattacks in the future.

Looking at the original location of the Leopard House not far away, Zhu Houcong ordered: "Go to Xuan Luo'an and come here to see me."

Time passed quickly, and it was already the end of February in a blink of an eye, but with the start of the draft, and as Guangdong's new law was approaching the stage of "real action", the world was restless.

Zhu Houcong is in the Forbidden Palace in the capital, and he understands the dynamics of the world through the returns of various lines.

He can imagine certain situations in the future, which have all been played out in history.Fang Muxian really did him a favor last year, allowing some things to be revealed so easily.

If not, there are at least nine methods in the local area, so that the emperor can't figure out what happened.Even if the Secretary of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs went to investigate, it would only take a few months to find out a plausible and difficult result.

If the emperor can overturn the old chessboard of court power struggles, can he overturn the old chessboard of the people's livelihood of Ming Dynasty?
Zhu Houcong could only look for opportunities to break the game, and made a few more tricks to kill the game.

"Your Majesty!" Luo An came.

Zhu Houcong withdrew his thoughts and looked at him: "What are the results of those people I asked you to visit?"

"According to His Majesty's order, I ordered Jinyiwei to visit all places carefully, but I don't know whether the people I visited are in line with Your Majesty's wishes."

"You don't need to worry about this, just have the first batch." Zhu Houcong said with a smile, "pass it on and let them declare my will. I like miscellaneous learning, so I set up the Royal Wanfa Hall in the West Garden of the Forbidden Palace. It is necessary to show courtesy Wait, please continue to enshrine it for the royal family, and prepare for me to ask for advice."

"...Your Majesty, those old farmers and skilled craftsmen?" It was really difficult for Luo An to associate the word royal worship with old farmers.

Zhu Houcong just glanced at him, and Luo An lowered his head: "I know."

It is difficult to destroy all the ascending passages at once, so take advantage of being young and still able to "play around" and use your Huangzhuangzi silver to do something.

The emperor is just curious, and his knowledge is mixed, so it's better than big brother Zhengde building a leopard house, right?

Yan Song was reminded by Huang Jin.

Pay attention to the memorials handed over by the governors and governors of various provinces. Some of them mentioned that they sent servants indiscriminately due to the change of yuan, drafts, and weddings. Sort out the names and provinces.

Therefore, the matter of His Majesty's draft wedding is a pole and several lines.

He also noticed that Wang Shouren and Zhang Bi didn't get this reminder.

So Yan Song, the caring person, understood the emperor's intention of reminding: Your Majesty still has Jinyiwei and the inner factory, can you really only know how the place is through memorials?

This is to know who is honest, who is greedy and stupid, and who has malicious intentions.

The most important thing is to give him Yan Song a chance to remind those loyal courtiers who are loyal to the king with a few words when criticizing Zhu, and to accumulate his own team early through the status of the chief of the imperial study!

His old Jiangxi cousin Xia Yan went south with this clearer purpose.

Yang Tinghe also just received a letter from his son, and now looking at his colleagues at the national policy meeting, his face seems to be suspicious of who is going to make trouble again.

In March of Yangchun, Li Chongsi, who had just arrived in Beijing, walked into the imperial study, looked up and saw the plaque of the "Nanyang Maritime Great Wall", which is an eternal national policy, and was in a trance for a while.

"The details will be known gradually, let me talk about the rules first. You can speak freely in the imperial study room, and don't leak the maintenance outside the imperial study room." After a pause, Zhu Houcong looked at the others, "but the banquet on New Year's Eve is not because you are not in the imperial study room, so Now all the places are so dedicated to the offering of fragrant tea? Why did I ever say that I would set up a hundred tea gardens in the Imperial Garden, so that some places are still digging century-old tea trees for offering?”

Li Chongsi was at a loss.

He can't understand.

Cui Yuan found that he liked to see this look more and more: there is another one who can't keep up, and there are many lessons to make up.

But now it is Yang Tan who is embarrassed, because he was the one who asked to play the offering of fragrant tea.

Flattering the emperor and befriending the cabinet ministers by the way, to Yang Tan who is expected to become a cabinet minister in the future, it is not a shame.

The Minister of the Ministry of Officials has too much power, and basically he will not join the cabinet. The second only to this official position is the Minister of the Ministry of Households.

Even if the new law is only tried out in Guangdong within three to five years, its impact is so great that it will definitely change the central government.

Cui Yuan looked at the emperor and sighed silently in his heart: Even if he is already one of the eighteen ministers, there are still too many open and secret fights under the surface of this national policy meeting.

"...The local government presumes what it wants, and the ministers will definitely reprimand them more." Yang Tan can only express his attitude in this way first.

Sun Jiao was frowning, he, like Yang Tinghe, was also suspicious of who had created the momentum to make him appear on the cusp ahead of time.

Why did Yang Tan do this?
Zhu Houcong said lightly: "Tell the governors and inspectors everywhere that my wedding is a happy event. Anyone who takes advantage of my happy event to extort people's wealth and harm the local area is pouring blood on my happy event. If you make me happy like this, I will I don't like it very much."

Zhang Lun, the new Zuodu censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate who succeeded Chen Jin, immediately replied: "The minister leads the order."

After saying such things as pouring blood on happy events, the emperor's anger can be imagined, although his expression did not change.

Yan Song thought about some of the lists he had carefully recorded...

Li Chongsi only felt that the atmosphere at the current national policy meeting was very strange.

The chief minister of the cabinet is full of worries, and the rest of the important ministers are also quite nervous.

Listening to what the emperor said just now, some news that should not have been spread has been spread?Something to do with the emperor's wedding?

Before he had time to think about it, he heard the emperor continue to say: "Li Qing has also arrived, let's start discussing what to do next in Guangdong. It's just clearing up some fields, and you have caused so many troubles. Always talk to me What did you say that the monarchs and ministers are united, and you all agree to reform and strengthen yourself. Is this the way? Or is it really like what Fang Muxian said, I will try to move your fields?"

Li Chongsi was terrified, could he say such a thing?

Fang Muxian knew that at the end of February, it was published in the mansion newspaper that the descendants of Fang Xiaoru, who was hiding in the Shouning Marquis Mansion and was planning to disrupt Ming Dynasty, were the behind-the-scenes manipulators in Jiangnan biography "Wild Records" and instigated the killing of officials by his fellow party members and colluded with Japanese pirates.

What did Fang Muxian say?Let the emperor try to move the field of the important minister's house?

Yang Tinghe felt aggrieved, and said something that made Li Chongsi even more frightened: "Last year, the battle in Tuen Mun was based on taxes and payment. The important officials from Guangdong and Guangxi were subduing the law, and the local officials and people were waiting to be appeased. But this year, His Majesty is getting married." From the end of last year to the beginning of this year, it is unusual for each ministry to send materials to Guangdong, with an increase of [-] to [-]%. The Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Households, and the Ministry of Industry should all understand the situation in Guangdong! Guangdong reported that public grievances have arisen!"

He said righteously to the emperor: "Yuan Taibao was seriously ill at that time, and he might not be able to think carefully about the official affairs of the Ministry of Rites; however, the Ministry of Household Affairs, the Ministry of Industry, Yang Shangshu and Li Shangshu all understand the practical affairs. I don't know why they sent Guangdong more to hinder Zhang Fujing. !"

(End of this chapter)

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