
Chapter 162

Chapter 162
"Futai didn't tell His Majesty the truth? You didn't tell your father well? Corvée is the root cause! What's the use of using a city bureau?"

Gui E's beard was about to explode: "I don't have a plan to deal with the additional dispatch? I just arrived in Huizhou Mansion. What's the use of spending more than a month to clean up all the magistrates and subordinate officials? Everyone follows me. Crying for father and mother, it's time to plant early rice in April, and they are all serving!"

"...the imperial court has its own rules and regulations." There are some things that Zhang Fujing can't say to Gui E, "step by step, since the imperial court has a decree, then first finish the matter of clearing the land. Make it clear to the gentry and rich households, Guangdong The focus of the new law is currently only on Shibo. Yintian’s national law does not tolerate it, and just re-registration is an extrajudicial favor. If the villagers are still incited to riot, no wonder I am ruthless under the sword.”

Gui E squinted her eyes but seemed to be staring at him: "At present? Or just say no to tax and labor, Qingzhang Tiandi and talk about the present, gentry are not stupid! Is the court deliberately trying to stir up a civil uprising in Guangdong?"

Yang Shen is not as tough as Gui E, he can only look at Zhang En, the chief minister and left envoy, very worried.

Today, the prefects and prefectures directly under the central government of Guangdong came to the governor's office to listen to the order. The imperial court's order on the next step of the new law in Guangdong came down, and it was the end of March in Guangdong.

Among the magistrates, only Gui E is so fierce.

In front of so many people, why didn't I talk to dad about it?Yang Shen was a little embarrassed.

Now, Gui E has also uttered such sharp accusations that "the imperial court wants to stir up civil uprisings in Guangdong".

But many prefects frowned and quite agreed.

It will be the season to start planting early rice in April.There are two seasons of farming in Guangdong. Early rice is planted in April, early rice is harvested in July, late rice is planted in August, and the harvest is in October.

Starting from next month, or starting from March, we have entered a series of busy farming seasons, and we must pray for good weather and good weather.

"Gui Zishi! Don't talk nonsense!" Zhang En reprimanded Gui E with a downcast face, "Uncle Da Zong recommended you to Guangdong, not to let you mess around, but because he valued your ability to do things!"

"...The lower official has a bad temper and a straight temper. Uncle Da Zong is afraid of recommending me to Beijing to make a big fuss. Leaving me in the southeast will definitely make the southeast uneasy!" Officials come to Guangdong, isn’t it because Guangdong wants to implement a new law? Knowing that corvee is fundamental, knowing that Guangdong’s two seasons are rice, unlike northern summer wheat and autumn rice farmers can be staggered, and more can be sent to Guangdong. This is not to provoke What is a civil uprising?"

He said to his colleagues: "Brother Taiwan's Lianzhou Mansion, how many servants have been recruited to help Zhuchi collect pearls? Brother Taiwan's Qiongzhou Mansion, how many servants have been recruited to go to the mountains to pick rosewood? Xiqiao Mountain in Guangzhou Prefecture Yunwu tea, Dinghu Baiyun tea from Zhaoqing Prefecture, Caoxi cold dew tea from Shaozhou Prefecture, Jinshiyan tea...Fantai, even if Guangdong does not need to send food to Beijing this year, the people will live on!"

Gui E snorted coldly: "Could it be that this year only official farmland, official households, and wealthy households grow grain? Then in summer and autumn, wouldn't it be just sitting on the ground and raising prices?"

Zhang Fujing said indifferently: "The price of grain in Guangdong can't be messed up. There was an incident in the southeast last year, and my governor has ordered new grain from Cochin Champa to be put into the warehouse."

Gui E was furious: "Don't you know that there are grain subordinates in the warehouse? The subordinates know that they are gentry, wealthy households and grain merchants! Futai and Fantai, don't blame the lower officials for speaking bluntly. At that time, the superior officials will know the methods of the other generation! "

"Benfu came to Guangdong last year, and his purpose was mainly to pay tribute and trade. Now that the governor is acting temporarily, I am only a place to inspect the constitution." Zhang Fujing ignored Gui E, and only said to Zhang En, "Fantai, there are three things this year. For major matters, clearing up the land, various offices, land taxes, and Guangdong provincial examinations, I will ask you to arrange them properly."

"Don't worry about Futai." Zhang En replied him calmly.

Zhang Fujing came to preach his will, so he didn't stay any longer.

After Zhang En sent him back to the lobby, he said to the chief officials of the prefectures and prefectures under his jurisdiction: "Which year is there no yearly office, sitting office, and miscellaneous office? What year is there no need to pay attention to the two grains in summer and autumn? But if there is Disasters, which one is not in danger of civil uprising? Prefect Gui, don’t be alarmist. I only have one sentence: all prefectures and prefectures keep an eye on the people under their rule, and it is your duty to protect the land and keep the people safe!”

Gui E was furious: Am I alarmist?

Either use corvee directly and let some bold people jump out before there is any problem with the summer grain and autumn grain, or stop clearing the land and send more corvee!

Boiling will only bring about a big change!
At the beginning of March, the second step of the new Guangdong law, which was made in the imperial study room, came first. At this moment, Zhai Luan, the newly appointed Deputy Envoy of Guangdong Provincial Inspection, Admiral Xuezheng, and Zhu Yunming, Tang Yin, and Wen Zhengming were slowly boarding the boat together. go south.

"The three priests deserve to be of Jinshi background, and they deserve it." Zhai Luan did not dare to underestimate the people around him who were personally promoted by the emperor. Guangdong is studying politics, and I want to take this opportunity to revitalize Guangdong's academic reputation when I go to Guangdong."

The three talented scholars knew that he was trying to test their errands to Guangdong, so they were a little embarrassed.

The enshrining of the Royal Wanfa Pavilion may be different from what you think, really.

But there is no way, the Imperial Study Room newly set up by His Majesty is too prominent, so it makes the Royal Wanfa Hall look very mysterious.

Zhu Yunming was the only one among the three who had been an official before, so he could only reply humbly at this time: "It's absurd to mention learning, Your Majesty Long En, and the three of us deserve it. At this time, Guangdong's elite gathering , the number one scholar in Yang Zhifu, the second place in the new academic rankings, Tanhua are all there, and there are also famous local scholars such as Huo Weixian and Fang Shuxian, how dare the three of us come from the same Jinshi background to talk about education and politics."

"Did the four great talents in Wuzhong gain their fame? Ketu is hard to say. Didn't Zhang Futai also fail in seven tests and soar to the sky?" Zhai Luan smiled all over his face. The three worshipers are walking together, and I want to ask the three for a lot of benefits."

"...Where is it? Last year, Tixue followed Da Zong Bo to supervise the southeast, and his demeanor spread all over the south of the Yangtze River. I need to ask for more advice."

No matter how he asked, the three people's errands couldn't be said, and they were too embarrassed to say so.

Anyway, after arriving in Guangdong, they just listened to Zhang Fujing's arrangements.

What I have to do... It's really just traveling everywhere, seeing the customs of Guangdong, reciting poems and paintings, and writing more prose.

This is really not an official with an important mission.

If it's just reciting poems and painting, wouldn't it be nice to have a leisurely time in my hometown?

Even if the emperor felt that the three major talents were kept in captivity as court poets and painters, it would be a little more leisurely than this to stay in the Xiyuan and help His Majesty's beautiful ladies to present portraits for review.

Zhu Yunming looked at Tang Yin whose health was getting worse: Don't bump and die in Guangdong.


Wei Bin is saying goodbye to his majesty.

The framework of Huangmingji has been set up, and the seven major guilds to which it belongs, food, salt, cloth, and department stores have all been sorted out for the time being, and the operation still relies on the original staff of the various families, but some adjustments have been made.

The newly established Haimao Bank will start to build after going to Guangdong.

As for transshipment and labor service, that is the next step.

"When you pass by Huguang, meet Gu Dayong." Zhu Houcong instructed him, "Let him secretly tell Zhenyuan Hou again, and make preparations in case."

Wei Bin obeyed with awe.

Guangdong is now a powder keg. When the early rice is about to be planted, most of the people have already joined the army since November last year, right?
If you are in a hurry and need to hand over to Beijing's year-end office, the sitting office has not been completed, and the farming season will be missed.

Now it is not a matter for the common people to find ways to raise money to go to the army. After all, too many things need to be done by people.

Another point is the most important: the various tributes completed in Guangdong have to be transported to Beijing in June and July at the latest. At that time, a lot of manpower will be used to escort them, but it is the season for harvesting early rice and planting late rice.

If the early rice is hopeless, you can still count on the late rice. What if the late rice is also hopeless?
Let Huguang General Soldier Zhenyuan Hou Gu Shilong be prepared to deal with what might happen at that time, right?
Wei Bin couldn't help asking: "Your Majesty, when the slaves arrive in Guangdong, should they also prepare for the transfer? It's just that the manpower..."

Zhu Houcong looked at him approvingly, as expected of him with the best mind among the ministers.

"The Marquis of Funing suppressed bandits and trained soldiers in Guangxi, and the barbarians took many prisoners. Liang Chu is in Guangdong, and there is no shortage of ships and goods, and there is no shortage of refugees in Jiaozhi."

"The servant understands, the servant must hurry up."

Zhu Houcong nodded: "Go ahead. Tell Mai Fu again, the ministers sent to Guangdong Shipping Department, teach the person who proposes and arranges to do the accounts, and just check the accounts routinely. Don't point fingers and keep the accounts yourself."

"The servant will definitely bring His Majesty's will to you."

Another important force set off for Guangdong.

And at this time, all over the country selected the best girls for the emperor's wedding and a new batch of palace envoys also embarked on their journey to Beijing one after another.

As for the direct selection of female officials and envoys in the palace, it is another line, usually only selected in the south of the Yangtze River.Female officials mainly choose widows, and the age requirements for female envoys are much more relaxed than that of beautiful girls.

Zhu Houcong's draft this time, because of the new rules, has made the efficiency much faster-after all, there are many more active people.

Among the many convoys and fleets going to the capital, they are clearly divided into several levels.

The daughters of official families and scholarly families belong to one category, the daughters of wealthy and wealthy families belong to one category, and the daughters of ordinary civilian households belong to one category.

Among them, they were divided into various small groups due to many reasons such as personality and willingness to enter the palace.

For them, this is the turning point of fate.Some are apprehensive, some are looking forward to it.

It won't be soon.

At the beginning of February, the decrees arrived in various places one after another, and in March and April, various places sent beautiful girls to Beijing one after another.After arriving in Beijing, each round of screening will take another three to four months.

When everything is settled, it will be September, right?
At this moment in the palace, Huang Jinbu woke up and went to Zhu Houcong after learning about the day's events.

"Your Majesty, the girls selected from nearby places such as Beizhili have arrived. Should the servants arrange the first round of selection first, or wait until all the places arrive and then arrange together?"

He didn't shy away from Lin Qingping who was still on the side, and at the same time felt a little strange: It's been almost four months, doesn't Madam Qingping's belly seem to be very uplifting?

Zhu Houcong asked with great interest: "How do you choose the model?"

"...The ones who are too tall, too short, too fat, and too thin, should be selected first. This selection will cost more than five thousand and four thousand."

"What about the next round?"

"That's her voice and appearance. You have to listen to how well Xiunu speaks, as well as her facial features, hair, and neck. After this selection, there are only two thousand left."

Zhu Houcong nodded and asked him to continue.

"Afterwards, the gait and energy are reduced by half. Among the thousands of people, the female officer has to test the skin and innocence. Oh, and also to identify whether there is any unpleasant body odor."

Zhu Houcong clicked his tongue in amazement: "How can you tell?"

"I heard that the maidservant is letting the show girls walk a short distance."

Zhu Houcong understood, and checked for body odor after sweating.

"After this election, there are only 50 people left." Huang Jin smiled. "After that, it depends on talent and etiquette, and 50 portraits will be left. The empress dowager said that your majesty has a big idea, and you will be elected at that time. In the past, it was the empress dowager." The concubines select three people for His Majesty to choose one empress and two concubines, this year His Majesty said that one empress, two concubines and nine concubines will fill the East and West Six Palaces, and His Majesty will choose from [-] people at that time."

There is no doubt that there are actually only ten places among the 12 people, but there are still a few more people than in the past when only three people were appointed.

As for the beautiful girls who have studied etiquette in the palace, the remaining 250 people will depend on the situation, some will stay in the palace as palace maids, and some will be sent back to their hometowns.

Those sent back to their hometowns under normal circumstances are also sweet pastries.

Zhu Houcong remembered the women that Lin Qingping had told him after the Rijingmen incident, so he asked, "Are all the ladies who were pre-selected by the Empress Dowager Cishou for me also included in the official roster?"

"That's the case, it's just His Majesty's holy order." Huang Jin said respectfully, "Commander Luo has checked secretly, and they are all unremarkable and good families. From the end of March when Renshou Palace had this idea, to early May After discovering this, the vast majority of them had no conspiracy at all. Only five were civil and military families who had been supported by the Zhang family, and their official ranks were all below the sixth rank. But after Fang Xun pressed the bullet, these families were already in a state of panic It's been a year. Although Your Majesty can't help marrying, there are still 29 families where no one dares to propose marriage."

"Since it's an innocent house, then we can do things as usual." Zhu Houcong thought for a while and said, "When you arrive at a batch, let's select a batch first, and you don't have to keep them waiting in the capital."

"The servant girl will arrange for experienced courtiers to screen the body shape, voice, and gait tomorrow." Huang Jin hesitated for a while and asked, "Is the physical examination also arranged first, so that some beautiful women can be selected into the palace for inspection earlier?" Ask about talent, learn etiquette?"

"Is it because I'm afraid it's unfair to those who arrive in Beijing later? Screening out more than half of them first can save a lot of expenses. Let's wait until the medical examination arrives."

Huang Jin sighed with emotion: "Your Majesty, you don't have to save money so much, do you?"

"Why delay if you can't pass the first few levels? Go back early to discuss marriage."

Tragedy is brewing in Guangdong, while happy events are steadily advancing on the emperor's side.

Sorrow and joy will always be intertwined in every corner of Daming.

Zhu Houcong was not hypocritical about his harem affairs. As an emperor with great strategies and responsibilities in state affairs, he may only have these adjustments in his future life.

The arrangement that Guangdong should arrange, the expectation that the draft should look forward to.

It's a big deal for the country.

 Recommend a friend's new book Seedling "Is there something wrong with making food a beast":
  This is a world of magical powers.

  The elves born in the dishes, the competition between delicacy and power, the journey under the stars, the challenge of being bonded...

  With the memory of the former super chef, a young man came to this world full of courage and dreams.

  "Gourmet food that hides magical power, show me your true power! I order you in the name of your imperial chef, Qin Lang—the birth of a food spirit!"

  "...Eh? Why is there no response?!"


(End of this chapter)

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