
Chapter 164 Yan Song is the best player in the audience today!

Chapter 164 Yan Song is the best player in the audience today!
"Don't worry about elders, Yongxiu is just investigating the situation first." Jiang Mian comforted.

Yang Tinghe felt a pain in his heart.

"Don't worry about the elders, you have a plan in mind. All the officials in the Guangzhou government are there, and no one can be so bold." Fei Hong also persuaded.

Yang Tinghe's heart felt cold.

"Don't worry, Mr. Chen Jin, governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, Liang Shuhou has great prestige, and there will be no chaos. Didn't Zhang Fujing say that? Wang Hung has sent additional soldiers from the yamen to look after him."

Yang Tinghe's eyes were a little dark again, and he looked at the emperor with difficulty.

Zhu Houcong sighed: "The Ming Dynasty has supported scholars for more than a hundred years, and there is nothing better than doing this to serve the country!"

Yan Song: ...Your Majesty, my master is not young anymore. Don't really faint him again with such a big hat on his son's head.

Yang Tinghe really regretted it, really.

I can only choose you. After I choose you, I shouldn't want to change my shortcomings. I should learn from Liang Chu and run away quickly.

As everyone knows, the disappearance of more than [-] hectares of fertile land in Guangzhou represents the interests of millions of taels of silver every year.

So in the final analysis, it is not the words "with the temperament of the magistrate Yang"?Is your son a fool?
"Little Zongbo, he used to be the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, and now he is the Minister of the Ministry of Rites. Do you know that he has no good plan?"

It's hard to refute the critical remarks at this moment.

Yang Shen is the best player in the game today!
I left my seat, arranged my robe solemnly under the inexplicable eyes of others, and then made a small salute to the emperor.

If Emperor Jing and He fainted when they heard Yang Ting question Tianmu and Ding in detail on the gentry?
Check it out: Gong Lianghe!The minister who decides the policy, chooses a new monarch, and firmly ranks as the chief assistant!
"Don't panic! Don't panic! Drink some ginseng soup first..." Zhu Houcong looked concerned.

Your Majesty said: Confucian disciples are eating people.

I looked at the emperor with amazement and determination.

Emperor Jing and his eyes were full of aggrieved: Your Majesty, stop talking, stop talking...

Zhu Houcong did not expect that Yang Shen, who shouted "the country has supported scholars for a hundred years", really has this family and country feeling in his heart, or is it just to prove himself?
It is the work of the world...

Yu Zhongwu said in a dispirited manner: "It's sad...it's a pity...you, Xiaoming, have Zhang Fu respecting the public, being particularly honest and honest, and daring to be a good minister?"

Who the hell is that stupid!

Yu Zhongwu was still feeling emotional: "It's strange that Wang Qing said at the time that if the source can be rectified, there will be no difficulty in doubling the annual income..."

Few people realized at that time that last year's pursuit of Yu Qian's posthumous title was the end!

From today onwards, we must pay close attention to Yang Tinghe's body, so as not to let him fall ill.

Yan Song nodded: "I think it's impossible."

Gong Lianghe choked up and said, "Your Majesty..."

Now the one who speaks later will get more credit, Yan Song hurriedly joined the queue: "It is useless to accept the teachings of the sages! If the officials and gentry understand even those, they should have their merits and reputations re-examined! My minister Yan Song seconded, please Your Majesty Let's welcome Wang Qiong into the temple, and welcome Zhang Fu Jinggong to accompany him to sacrifice!"

Kill, solve is the problem.What should I do?
Gong Liang was shocked all over, feeling blessed to the heart.

Yu Zhongwu said meaningfully: "Welcome Gong Liang into the temple, and scholars in the sky will definitely discuss it."

Yan Song also said with a tingling scalp: "It is so slow. Your Majesty, all provinces are now watching Guangdong. This move by the prefect Yang is different from telling the provinces that the new law will not only change the rated land taxes in various places, but also clean up the land in a small way. Hidden household, remake the fish scale book and the yellow book, and reiterate the order of officials and gentry to be exempted from it. Your majesty, the capital camp has not been completed..."

So, is Gong Liang not his own biological child, or is Yang Ting's number one in the exam really ignorant?

If the purpose is only to control the people's summer grain, autumn grain and this year's land tax, it is understandable to use too much force and even ask for donations.

Didn't the hot-blooded middle-aged angry youth have such a wonderful development before they went south to Guangdong?

... Who can Yu Qian worship with?
It was the smallest hat ever worn by an emperor.

I shouldn't have provoked the show in Guangdong.

Sitting in that position, I am not supported by the people in the sky, but I can do it temporarily, or I can do it forever to protect every common people.

The gentry in the sky knew who to stare at that time.

Yu Zhongwu shook his head again and again: "Govern the country well, so that the people under the rule suffer from hunger and cold; the Qi family has no skills, and they collect good land everywhere to raise their children and grandchildren. It is easy to move, and the country will perish if you move, that is what the sages and sages really treat me It's a forced palace!"

Gong Lianghe immediately glared at me without losing his composure.

However, I gritted my teeth, walked up to Yang Shen, knelt up, and whispered: "Minister Zhu Houcong! Dare to ask your majesty to order the Ministry of Rites to discuss the posthumous title of Wang Qiongmiao! He was ordered to turn the tide in the face of danger. Although Gong Liang succeeded the vassal king, Yu Xiaoming's country is really not a worldly achievement!"

Zhu Houcong was speechless when asked by the emperor.

What is the rated land tax for the whole of Guangdong now? A million stones are in the early days.

Yu Zhongwu accepted his emotion, and said repeatedly: "Yongxiu didn't intend to be so loyal to the emperor and serve the country. I am really relieved. Don't worry, Mr. Ge, all my lords, let's discuss how to deal with this matter slowly. The Guangzhou government has finished dealing with that problem. In my eyes, firstly, it can show the intention of making concessions in Guangdong, and seventhly, it can make people in other provinces panic. The strategy of repairing is not the proper and comprehensive method that the imperial court is discussing."

... Did he think of a solution?

That is the difficult problem that there is no way to balance the bad even hundreds of years ago, and that is the bargaining chip for the reason why the gray area is gamed out: he governs the country by himself?
The imperial study room was in chaos for a while.
Just by erecting a model who has not died for decades, you can regain your majesty's confidence in Confucianism, inspire these cold-hearted officials and scholars, and stop countless people who want to make trouble from the moral point of view to confuse the people excuse!

feudal lord...

Let Yu Qian... deserve to enjoy the Taimiao?
And Yang Ting is just Yang Ting, the son of me, Gong Lianghe!

People can't be stupid, but they can be stupid to that extent.

My own son, no different from an imperial envoy?
"Sihe, quickly draw up the decree and send it to Guangdong, and Zhang Zilin announces Zhang En, Huang Zuo, Gong Liang, and Wei Bin to listen to the decree." I emphasized again, "It's a secret decree!"

Yes, Gong Liang didn't poke such a small basket in cold blood.

Reduce the frequency of senior study classes.

The current situation is very turbid: Your Majesty and the chief assistant are working together, and your Majesty and your relatives are working together.If Huang Mingji only makes profits by lowering the price of "suppliers", who would dare to oppose His Majesty and all the honorable relatives?


Yu Zhongwu said with a smile: "Don't worry, Mr. Yang Ge, Zhang Zilin, Zhang En and others must have reminded Yongxiu to be very important. If this is the case, since Yongxiu is eager to serve the country loyal to the emperor, I am afraid that he is only observing the people's feelings and dealing with it."

Although Jingdihe was still very worried, Yang Shen's suggestion was indeed convincing.

The others also thought of that point in their simple expressions, and then looked at Gong Liang who was still kneeling on the ground.

In that case...it really fits.

If Guangdong was only caused by Yang Ting's "foolish young man", then other provinces would probably do the same and brazenly raise troubles, right?

How could the center be so ruthless by the decision?
All of us can be the gravediggers of Confucianism.

Yu Zhongwu can understand Emperor Jing and his current mood, so my concern now comes from the bottom of my heart.

The emperor's strength probably didn't come from this.

No play?

Thoughts should be talked about occasionally, so Yu Zhongwu continued: "Now in Guangdong, Zhang Zilin, Zhang En, and Gong Liang all understand the intention of the court. Guangdong is on the verge of public dissatisfaction because of the withdrawal of [-]-[-]% of the court's minorities. The imperial court and the local apportionment have not suppressed the common people to what extent. They have already told all places not to spill blood on my happy event, and how many people in our provinces will hear it?"

Confucianism is also ruined now, and Xiao Ming's operation depends on scholars who are good at learning and become officials.It is true that the law of the country is allowed to evade taxes and servitude, but... there are too few people who do.

Cutting off people's money is like killing their parents, slow cutting is the best way to go, and if there is a rebellion, no less people in other provinces will die in military disasters.

"...Your Majesty, the old minister is afraid that the dog will not get the court's order..."

Selfish desires are eternal, and ferocious innocence is the cruelest.

There is a mistake, Emperor Jing and himself hate that they have to slap me a few times.

Could it be that His Majesty really has the heart to fish in Guangdong first?Or is it because the new Guangdong law actually involves the interests of all officials and gentry in the world.

Just be honest!

Yes, yes, Xiaojia is still learning more comprehensive methods...

How did you come up with that approach?
The emperor asked me first!
Gong Lianghe's eyes became simpler.

"Only in this strategy is a little good."

Yang Ting has always stayed in the Imperial Academy. I am a stunned young man, and that image can indeed be used.

yes!Still not, that means that Xiaoming's elder brother and the elder seven have a low degree of agreement, their thoughts are unified, and their will can be moved!
In the face of Yang Ting's determination to retreat, if anyone under the National Policy Conference dares to stand up and support Gong Liang in a clear-cut manner, the leaders of the reform faction fainted on the spot!

The result is that there will be small disturbances in other provinces.

What about Guangdong Province?What about Xiaoming's two capitals and eighteen provinces?

Now, Guangzhou Yifu can reduce that number by eight times in the blink of an eye.

No matter what, it was a favor from Yang Shen that time.

son hit?

Suddenly hearing such a temporary situation, I can think of the layout of Huangmingji, and start to solve the problem from Yang Ting's character image...

Wang Shouren, who always said he wanted to show his conscience, went home to Ding You, but today's light facts are not: how many officials in the sky have no conscience in their hearts?

And at that moment, the emperor just expressed my disappointment with Confucianism.

Keep 70 shi, and [-] shi will be transported to Jingku, which can be the main output provided by the whole of Guangdong to the imperial court every year.

Gong Lianghe: ...Stop talking, stop flattering me.

The little guys are all picking up the slack, and the emperor is saying those words again.

"As for the additional tributes in Guangdong this year, since Huangmingji has already gone to Guangdong, it is better for Huangmingji to purchase the remaining tribute." Gong Liang said, "Governor Zhang and Huo Xun can be ordered to strengthen the supervision of the constitutional area." In addition to apportionment from the imperial court, the prefectures and counties also extorted more money and enriched their own pockets for corruption, so as to end the suffering of corvee labor in Guangdong as soon as possible, and to make an example. If there are no local gentry and wealthy households to incite the villagers, then it will be difficult to punish."

The Taizu once made a rule that if you are corrupt for 80 taels, you will peel the skin and pull the grass, but so what?In the Hongwu Dynasty, there was no such thing as a grand occasion of being convicted of a crime several years ago.

As for the small households of officials, gentry, and small households in Guangdong who rely on land production for profit... as long as they incite public opinion and make troubles, they will get burned, and young people will be wise to protect themselves, right?
Everything in the sky is real, next year Xiao Ming will be able to double his annual income.

Emperor Jing and his mood were simple.

Zhu Houcong hated that he had to slap himself twice.

"It's too late, Your Majesty..." Yang Shen reminded him.

Except for Emperor Jingdi and Zhili, all the eighteen arhats present were in a simple mood, and the little ones all heaved a sigh of relief.

Damn him Jingdihe with thick eyebrows and small eyes!He elects a new king, he can be used to play with that little boy!

But at least go in that direction.

"Low Ming!"

The atmosphere in the imperial study room became weird, and Zhu Houcong, who was able to stand up, was in a dilemma.

Eleven Arhats and the next two companions in the royal study were pale.

Even if Yu Zhongwu has cultivated immortality at this time, and the state has reached the level where he can cut across the whole country in a single thought, so what?
Yu Zhongwu said with emotion: "One mu of land produces two or eight stones of grain in an abnormal year, plus other output. Although the land tax of the people's fields is the heaviest in the next dynasties, it should have allowed the people to have enough food and clothing. The court asked the local government to pay a tribute. Two teas, local governors, chief envoys, magistrates, county magistrates, subordinate officials, and whether they are greedy for ink, how many taels will be added to the consumption level by level? Adding such a little bit to each level will become the burden of the people. Twice, eight times or even less."

Why did Jingdihe faint when he heard the news?For such a small benefit, Yang Ting might die accidentally!

What if Ran Xiaojia slowly and hurriedly tried to remedy and appease?
Yan Song put it more bluntly: Jingying is still fully practiced, and Yang Ting really ignited the fuse of Xiao Ming's huge explosive package.

Emperor Jing and Myocardium: Didn't it mean that someone must be dragging Yang Tingneng to be executed in Guangzhou Mansion?

I stood up, took a step, but stopped here again.

The savior of the emperor's confidence in Confucianism!Divide the lore of the scholars in the sky!

"Your Majesty!" Jiang Mian said with a righteous face, "According to the laws of the country to investigate and evade taxation, it is not like reforming taxation, and what's more. The amount of land tax has changed since the founding of the country. Is it a rule to accept such a small amount of food? Your Majesty needs to issue an order quickly, not to use it to fix the small situation. The bad thing is that the use of the repair is only to investigate the people's situation, and has not said how to deal with it."

This means that almost every scholar and official in Xiao Ming should be executed. Now what?

I sighed dejectedly: "Nowadays I am mourning the hardships of the people's livelihood and forgetting you in anger, but I want to persuade me to stop first, which will chill my love for the people and my cold blood. Dear dear friends, Hypocrisy, honesty, and self-cultivation, you Xiaoming has so few officials, all of whom have read the teachings of sages, how few people can do it like Yongxiu?"

When those thoughts flashed through his mind, Yang Shenneng was suggested: "I think, let Zhifu Yang continue to do it."

Emperor Jinghe hadn't looked at Jiang Mian so gratefully for a long time.

After watching you drink the golden cup with you, you should not ask Yang Shen to go to Guangdong.

Which Miss Angel gave me that idea?

What can I do if everything in the sky is against each other?
Zhang Bi and Gu Dingchen were dumbfounded, they still knew it when the ink dripped from their brushes.

Xiao Ming has never had civil servants... an imperial temple that can retreat?

However, Gong Liang took it for granted, and continued to say to the emperor: "With Yang Zhifu's temperament, as long as it is not true that the gentry in the Guangzhou government should immediately pursue the land tax and corvee apportionment, this is at least an extraordinary act at an extraordinary time. Huang Shenyi is from Guangdong. People, you can come forward to appease them, persuade them to rent less official land, and donate some money and grain to serve on behalf of civilian households, so that the matter can be calmed down first, and the Guangzhou civil uprising will also lose ground."

Everyone pondered.

Before finishing those words, Gong Liangang was not depressed.

Among them, Qiqi, the fourteen civil servants present, felt that Tianling Gai had been struck by lightning, and the hairs all over his body gradually stood up, and suddenly a trace of electric current shuttled back and forth.

Are you stupid or crazy?

As for the whole of Guangdong, it must be Huangmingji, the emperor and the community of interests of his relatives, who will come forward to purchase the remaining unfinished tributes. Firstly, the supply channels of Huangmingji cannot be opened up, and seventhly, it is to spend manpower to purchase new products but It only buys stock, and the local clans who do not rely on the sea for profit will hate it more. Seven years ago, the operation of Huangmingji can pay a tax in Guangdong.

Yes, there is not more than [-] hectares of fertile land that have disappeared in Guangzhou Prefecture alone.It must be included in the book, and every mu is expropriated. According to the highest standard, it is two million less than ten thousand stones.

——How can a small number of local officials, especially the gentry, know what is going on between the two courts?
Although Gong Liang is in a safe situation at the moment, I must be full of pride.

Emperor Jinghe whispered all his life to be loyal to the emperor and serve the country, but he suffered this retribution in his later years...he was still his own son.

Gu Dingchen hurriedly obeyed his orders and came to the side to draw up an order.

After beheading, he can be immediately retreated into a state of government by the little chaos in the sky.

"Your Majesty, Yang Shen! Dare to ask Your Majesty to give you the special grace to welcome Zhang Fu to respect the public and enjoy the Taimiao, and to set an example for the officials and scholars in the sky!"

We stared dryly at the emperor.

You want to live a long life, please be sure.

... His Majesty is actually not thinking about it.

And although Yu Zhongwu knew that it was not cruel to the common people to catch these gentry and wealthy households who were preparing to incite public opinion in Guangdong, but even if I am the emperor, even if these people did not evade taxes and violate the law, I would not be able to go directly and wipe them out.

(End of this chapter)

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