
Chapter 175 Fake drama becomes true, the general trend finally becomes a reality

Chapter 175 Fake drama becomes true, the general trend finally becomes a reality

When the emperor drew out his knife and walked towards Zheng Cunzhong, Yan Song's scalp began to tingle, and his blood couldn't help but agitate.

Your Majesty has seen through, I am afraid he has already seen through!

So what if so many officials were managed under the guise of "partisan struggle" in the court?The process of reshuffling the cards is also the process of redistributing those invisible powers by the ministers!
But are the backbone of the group of officials and gentry officials?

No, Juren!

At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, the total number of surviving Jinshi was about [-]; after Chenghua, it was only about [-].

And what about juren?There are more than [-] more Juren in the world.

Most Jinshi are in official positions, and the dignity of officials and the low-key required for promotion do not allow them to show off.

It is a link between the past and the future, connecting Jinshi officials with scholars and wealthy households, and playing a key role in various interest chains such as local fields and shops.

Jin Juren, Silver Jinshi, do you know?
You know the truth!

"Party struggle" for several months, implicated a person in the opposition?


Now Zhang Fujing sent a "clean" Juren who committed only one crime.

His Majesty personally slaughtered him!
Yan Song looked at Yang Tinghe and Fei Hong, their dignified expressions were not abrupt.

The shock brought by the emperor's killing in the palace made every court official look like this.

But the emperor well known by the counselors was not like this.

He is always easy-going, frank, tolerant, and prudent, and has the same pure youthful passion for Daming.

Liang Chu, Wang Qiong, Chen Jin, Wei Bin, Guo Xun, Zhang Heling... which one is not involved in more crimes than Zheng Cunzhong?His Majesty did not kill.

Now, the counselors of the geriatric theory seminar, which had a very harmonious atmosphere for several months, suddenly faced this scene.

The emperor returned to the throne, and the first reaction inside and outside the Fengtian Hall was to kneel together.

Zhu Houcong saw the fear in their eyes.

No matter what intelligence, cunning, or temperament they have displayed in the past, there was never such a natural fear in their eyes.

That knife was like a coming-of-age ceremony.

At this point, the political animals in the court will completely forget his age.

They didn't kill people in a fit of rage, they killed people calmly and purposefully.

"Get up."

The emperor opened his mouth, the ceremonial officer shouted, and everyone inside and outside the hall stood up.

The ground has been washed clean, and there are no prisoners here.

No one knew how to speak, and no one knew what the emperor was thinking right now.

Many officials standing in the sunlight outside Fengtian Hall felt cold and their legs trembled.

"How many officials and gentry in the world are like this Zheng Cunzhong?" Zhu Houcong said.

"Your Majesty, the outrageous words of rebellious thieves have covered the sky with their selfish desires. They have a family but no country. Such rebellious people are rare in the world. It is better to spread their crimes of disloyalty and disobedience to the world. The three tribes of Yiqi warn everyone Province!"

Fei Hong was the first to answer, and many people nodded inwardly: "That's how we define it!"There's no end to madness!How dare you hint at such words as a flowing dynasty and an iron-clad family?
We really don't have that much guts!

"No, what I'm asking is how many officials and gentry in the world have committed the crime of evading taxes like this Zheng Cunzhong."

Fei Hong's heart sank: It's going to be real.

Yang Tinghe was in dizziness.

Who played whom?

Yang Shen's recklessness made him have to play the party leader, and the emperor cut off the possibility of him playing a good person again.

So the emperor also let them act first, let them shout slogans so loudly that there is no way out anymore?

This time, the emperor has expressed his determination to fight on, and there is no chance of luck.

Yang Tinghe could only bite the bullet and say: "The sage taught for 2000 years, and the imperial examination for nearly a thousand years, and now a mere examinee dares to speak such wild words! There are really few rebellious people like him, and there are people with such a rebellious heart." ? Fei Zichong, why don't you dare answer your Majesty's question!"

This play can only be performed for a lifetime.Fortunately, when Fei Hong compiled this script, he didn't just hope that the emperor would retreat in the face of difficulties and take the initiative to mediate.

If the performance continues, the consultants will have at least one more layer of guarantee in the future.

So the dignified chief minister of the cabinet knelt down and said in shame: "The land given by the minister, the land purchased by the minister's family, the number of people in the minister's family, and the officials did not take the initiative to urge the tax and labor! The minister is still like this, and the world knows it!"

Then he raised his head and said decisively: "Since ancient times, the reform of the law has required the unity of the monarch and his ministers! If His Majesty has made up his mind, the ministers will take the initiative to apply for the payment! The new law must be urgent, and the old system of taxes and services must be easier!"

Zhu Houcong asked Fei Hong, "Old Fei Ge, what do you think?"

Fei Hong also knelt down and choked with sobs: "Your Majesty, the old minister is ashamed! If Your Majesty only seeks to enrich the country, then the world's officials and gentry are really guilty. However, the way to govern the country is not just to enrich the country! Honor and order, etiquette is the fundamental Your majesty has been in power for one year and four months, and the traitors talk about reforms to shake the foundation of the country. What is their intention? Your majesty, the stability of the country is the most important thing, and the most important thing is to lighten the corvee and thin the endowment! Why don't you plan it slowly for the future?"

Yang Tinghe scolded angrily: "There are such traitors in Guangdong. Fei Zi pretends that the old man is a power traitor. Do you want to give the traitors in the world a chance to recuperate? How many scholars in the world have forgotten the teachings of the saints, are you not ashamed? Dogs can't bear corvee All the suffering fell on the common people, and the gentry in Guangzhou called him Yang Buxiu! Who didn’t cultivate his body? Whose heart was wrong? Did the Fei family have too many fields, so they ignored the real situation of the world?”

During the personal attack, Fei Hong just cried again and again: "Your Majesty, for the policy of exempting taxation and exempting Ding, it is enough to strictly order officials not to go beyond it. The new law and policies have not yet been agreed, and Guangdong is already concerned. Yang Tinghe is advocating the new law, so why is it prudent?" The good policy is presented to His Majesty? The loyalty of the veterans is only for the stability of the Ming Dynasty, Your Majesty has learned from it!"

As the emperor killed Zheng Cunzhong in his "furious anger", the direction of the court seemed to have settled down. Fei Hong could only admit the existence of the facts, and he could only persuade the emperor with the danger of turmoil.

And he has also accepted that the change of tax and service can be directed to the appointing officer.

Zhu Houcong sighed with extreme disappointment: "A hurricane blew out the devastation of Ming Dynasty. For more than a hundred years, scholars have been recruiting scholars, and every article written by scholars is loyal to the emperor and loves the people. With fame and fame, the teachings of sages and sages are forgotten. How many people are honest and loyal ministers? They have a family but no country, treat the people like slaves, respect the emperor and father and seek their property, and a little admonishment is like an enemy. What is the law of heaven if people want to be like this?"

Just like when the story of Yang Shen was introduced to the imperial study, the emperor's words shocked the hearts of other court officials.

Your Majesty... seems to have lost his mind.The recognition of Confucianism is shaking.

Yang Tinghe really wanted to open his mouth to add an extra layer of protective halo for himself, but he knew that now he really needed "allies" to bear the firepower together.

Then Yan Song came out and knelt down, prostrating and prostrating: "My minister, Yan Song, dare to kowtow to ask Your Majesty to give you the special grace to welcome Duke Zhongwu to enjoy the Taimiao, and to set an example for officials and scholars in the world! Loyal to the emperor and love the people, there must be a lot of people in the world! currently!"

The reaction was exactly the same, but there were more people, and many people looked at Yan Song in disbelief.

And Zhang Zilin also came out to join the team: "My minister, Zhang Zilin, has the courage to ask your majesty to order the Ministry of Rites to discuss the posthumous title of Emperor Jingdi's temple! He was ordered to turn the tide in the face of danger. Although Emperor Jing succeeded the king, he has made great achievements in the Ming Dynasty! Your Majesty has the ambition to make the country rich." Aspirations, love the people like a son, and now the world is full of selfish desires, Your Majesty wants to rebuild the Ming Dynasty, and the ministers will do their best!"

Wang Qiong changed his lines: "If the officials and gentry in the world do not distinguish between each other and forget the teachings of the sages, they should have their fame and reputation ordered to be tested again! Your Majesty, please set this precedent, and people with lofty ideals will gather here. His Majesty Tong Zuo created a prosperous world."

The new party and the imperialists merged, and Fei Hong seemed to be alone.

This play has come to this point after all.Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the emperor will never back down again.

He is really not afraid of this difficulty.

So Fei Hong also wanted to express his last loyalty. He kowtowed and cried and remonstrated: "The old minister has the courage to speak out! The new law has not yet been decided, and His Majesty must not act rashly. If it continues, officials will be greedy for merit, and subordinates will harm you." People, His Majesty must take the past incidents of Xining as a warning!"

After finishing speaking, he straightened up and glared at Yang Tinghe and the others: "An invitation to a chaotic country! A man who is greedy for merit! Invite a traitor! Yang Tinghe, you are planning everything, and you are doing everything you can to help His Majesty create a prosperous world. What magic trick do you have to make the world implement a new law? Not chaotic? It’s been vague for more than a year. Could it be that in the end it’s just the restructuring of the city ship and ordering the officials to apply for payment? With these two, you also want to enjoy the Taimiao in vain?”

The contradictions intensified, Yan Song, Zhang Zilin, Wang Qiong and others seemed to have become Yang Tinghe's accomplices who wanted to open the gate of the Taimiao.

The new law has made the whole world panic. So far, it has only cleared the land first, then carried out a city ship reform in Guangdong, and then Yang Ting and the officials who firmly expressed their position today applied for tax payment.

At that time, Wang Anshi was still clear about the "Zhizi of a Hundred Years of Nothing in This Dynasty", which set up three divisions and regulations to coordinate finances. Tax Law, Market Exchange Law, Exemption Law...

Yang Tinghe took a deep breath and replied in a deep voice: "Of course! Your Majesty, after more than a year of discussion at the national policy meeting, all the counselors gradually became united, and now there is a tendency to reform and rebuild the Great Ming with His Majesty. Fei Zi is filled with the heart of a villain To save the belly of a gentleman, I don't bother to care about it! Now that I ask about it, I will directly present the general outline of the new law and all the new laws."

After he stood up, he talked to the ministers with eloquence: "The general outline is: separation of taxation and labor, unification of departments, sharing of rich and poor. All purchases, agriculture and business simultaneously, draw points and regulations. Permanent tax inspections, pre-determined financial accounts, rates It belongs to the imperial court. Revise laws and regulations, clarify salaries, and officials will abide by them."

"There are three steps to the law. First, it will be tried out in Guangdong. After three years, it will be revised and perfected based on its effectiveness. After that, all laws will be established, and new government offices will be established in each province. Officials will be selected and announced to the world. After three years of experience in Guangdong, it will be practiced. Promote it all over the world, inspect it all over the world, supervise and observe it, and rewards and punishments all follow the new regulations."

"There are nine laws, accounting law, budget decision making method, mining method, treasury law, tax law, commercial law, examination law, official treatment law, and Ming regulations. I invite you to read out their main points one by one."

After finishing this series of words, he took out a thick book of memorials from his sleeve, and held it up cheekily: "All the ministers and others have gained from joint discussions, all in this "Book of Laws on the Wealth and Planning of the Great Ming Dynasty", please Your Majesty to read it! "

As a result, it became a scene where the new party and the imperial party's several counselors took the results of several months' deliberations as their own merits and announced them to the public.

The emperor accepted Fei Hong's advice, and he had to leave room.

Zhu Houcong doesn't need these many ideas to come from his reputation, he only needs these things to be implemented.

On the throne, the emperor looked down at the memorial.

In Fengtian Hall, counselors generously explained the new law.

The Secretary of the Ministry of Finance explained the "Account Law", and the officials were slightly shocked by the double-entry bookkeeping method.

The Minister of the Ministry of Officials explained the "Testing Law", and the National Policy Conference made decisions every year or every three years, and then arranged the dismantling to various ministries and provinces. From now on, officials will have some quantifiable and inspectable annual tasks.

The Minister of Rites explained the "Law on the Treatment of Officials", which everyone liked to hear, because the salaries of low-level officials have increased a bit, and they will be uniformly converted into silver in the future.And each government office also stipulates some treatment that is borne by the finance, such as some staff expenses, travel and entertainment expenses that the officials themselves had to bear in the past.

Li Chongsi, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishments, explained the "Laws of the Ming Dynasty". This point only said that the Laws of the Ming Dynasty and the Regulations on Penalties will be revised in the next few years, and they will be unified into express laws, and the penalties will be clearly defined thereafter.The most notable change will be to change the original five punishments of whipping, staff, imprisonment, exile, and death into three types of punishments: death, prison, and silver.The prison includes servitude, and there will be labor during the prison period.The specific strategy will be refined later.And the principle of atonement will also be changed to incomplete atonement for felonies.

The most important ones are "Budget Determination Law", "Tax Law", "Acquisition Measures", and "Commercial Law". These all determine whether money can come.

The "Budget Decision Law" involves the management of financial expenditures from the Ministry of Households to the chief ministers, capitals, and guards. The most significant change will be that the departments of the Ministry of Finance will be included in the provinces, and the houses of the prefectures and counties will also be controlled by the Ministry of Finance. The Ministry of Households will continue to manage directly, although ordinary direct management only involves tax revenue and expenditure at the financial and account level.

The "Tax Law" involves land tax, commercial tax, salt tax, etc., and the tax collection will be handled by the Ministry of Households and local officials. However, in the future, the Metropolitan Procuratorate will establish permanent patrol offices in each province to supervise the collection of various taxes. It is also only for the imperial court. Responsible.

In addition to purchasing the yearly office required by the palace and the court, the most important difference in "Caifa" is that the local government will directly collect money after the unified department rules, and the money will be collected according to the "field right" of the land, that is, Taxes are levied on the area cultivated or leased, and the number of people.The preferential exemption for officials and gentry is still the same as before, but the excess must be paid.With these silvers, the localities can purchase all the local needs, whether it is in kind or labor services.

The highlight is "Commercial Law".The government has so much demand for purchases. In addition to paying land taxes and food, ordinary people will also need to sell a lot of other outputs for silver.The previous budgets and final accounts, taxes, procurement, etc. all reduced the powers of local governments in disguise, but the Commercial Law gave them a new power, that is, the unified management of registration permits and accounting laws for all business names.

A very important point is that clansmen and relatives used Huang Mingji to do business, and the imperial court would also prepare some business houses in the fields of salt, mining, iron, water transportation, etc., and incumbent officials and their descendants were not allowed to do business.

There are naturally many workarounds behind the scenes, but at the same time, what Yang Tinghe affirmed is the importance of commercial law to tax law, and the severe punishment of businessmen after violating the "Laws of the Ming Dynasty": this is the beginning of supporting larger finances in the future. Those who evade taxes and are corrupt will be severely punished.

"Your Majesty! How to implement all the laws one by one in Guangdong, I have to discuss it again. But there is one thing, all the commercial firms set up by the imperial court should abide by the laws and regulations, but the old rules for crimes of honor and relatives are determined by His Majesty. Your Majesty please." If this law is approved, the three judges will be given the power to determine the sentence."

After this performance, the eyes of many people looking at Yang Tinghe changed.

This fellow is not acting, he is here for real, and his ideas are all on the heads of the relatives, and they are also on the heads of all the officials, gentry and wealthy households in the world.

Nowadays, who is a businessman in the world without a background?Although many firms did not state it clearly, which one does not have so-and-so's dark shares?
After setting this example, Yang Tinghe cut himself off from his relatives, and cut himself off from the officials and gentry in the world.

If the emperor approves, then the new party is really powerful, and I am afraid that it will have to use harsh methods to implement it, and it will maintain stability.

How could Yang Tinghe not think about his own life?
Fei Hong is still trying to persuade: "Your Majesty! Yang Ting and other laws are different from the current practice. How can we encourage merchants to be cunning? The imperial court competes with the people for profit, and many purchases will eventually come from the imperial court and be returned to the imperial court. Although this accounting method New, how can the left and right collusion prevent people from embezzlement of the country's money? In addition to the accounting law, it is full of chaotic laws, fearing that when the annual revenue does not increase, the imperial court will run out of money. If there is a natural disaster on the border, is it possible to plunder the people's wealth again? Ke Ze So what if the silver is folded uniformly, the common people sell food, and the merchants hoard the market?"

Zhu Houcong was silent for a long time, put down the memorandum and looked at Yang Ting and them: "Unexpectedly, Qing and others have discussed many new laws. Although they can't be said to be perfect, they have been very careful."

The court officials clearly saw that Fei Hong's body was trembling slightly, and he was extremely depressed.

"Guangdong's love and evils are vivid, and the world's officials and gentry have families and no country. Since I am enthroned as the emperor, if I can't recreate the Ming Dynasty, what will I look like in the future to meet my ancestors?" Zhu Houcong's calm expression finally faded, let the officials see Seeing his anger and reluctance, "Three years are not enough, then five years! I am not a dull king. Whether the new law will work or not, I should decide whether to act or not based on its effectiveness. Yang Tinghe!"

"Chen is here!"

"I order you to take charge of the trial implementation of the new law in Guangdong. The three judges who have violated the law will be punished first and then submitted to me for a ruling. Let the world know that five years before Jiajing, the rest of the provinces will wait and see the effect. If someone Use ingenious power to obstruct it, and those who find out the facts will be regarded as treason!"

"... I will live up to your Majesty's trust in taking orders!"

"Fei Hong!"

"Chen is here!"

"Since I have made up my mind, the court can no longer argue. I order you to serve as the governor of Sichuan and still serve the country."

Seeing Yang Tinghe's excited expression, the officials froze, while Fei Hong could only cry and thank him.

The tone was set, but firstly, the emperor still held the final judgment on his relatives;

Today's situation is really intriguing.

"Yan Song Zhang Zilin Wang Qiong."

"Chen is here!"

"Please, please! I want to see if there are any ministers who are honest and upright in the Jiajing Dynasty! If I have no way to govern the country and chaos, I will have no face to enter the temple! If I recreate a prosperous and powerful Ming Dynasty, it will last a hundred years." In the future, I hope that my humerus good minister will accompany you and share the blood and food of future generations!"

"Your Majesty is holy! There must be a good minister who is loyal to the king and serves as the country!"

Zhu Houcong stood up and looked down at the ministers: "Gentlemen are honorable, officials are exempted, and the laws of the country have long been in place. The teachings of sages and sages, loyalty to the emperor and love for the people, how can we tolerate or forget it? Today, I will tell the world that my vassal king will succeed. Longevity this month, big wedding next month, the whole world does not need to make offerings or disturb the people."

"...Your Majesty is generous and caring for the people, I am grateful to you."

Zhu Houcong smiled at last: "The big wedding is coming soon, and I have also followed the order of the queen mother to practice the ceremony of the Duke of Zhou. Not long ago, the female official Lin has conceived a dragon fetus, and I intend to be the concubine first when choosing a concubine. In the future, I will make a queen And when my son-in-law grows up, I hope that a prosperous and powerful Ming Dynasty can be passed on to him in a hundred years."

The amount of information in one sentence exploded, and the consultants all glanced at Sun Jiao.

Although it is not known whether it is a male or a female, the emperor has already saved the seed!

The female official who is currently pregnant will only be a concubine.

And it is clearly stated that the throne will belong to the legitimate son in the future.

As long as there is a species, it will do.

Yang Tinghe was overjoyed from the bottom of his heart.

Step by step, he became the real leader of the new law party, and he has no way out.

The emperor can have a queen, this is the real guarantee.

Immediately there were voices of worship inside and outside the Fengtian Hall: "Congratulations to Your Majesty, congratulations to Your Majesty! There are successors in the Ming Dynasty, long live Your Majesty! Long live! Long live!"

The rising sun outside the hall is getting stronger, and the foundation of the Ming Dynasty has stabilized!
This really is the perfect time to make this announcement!
(End of this chapter)

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