
Chapter 183 The Two Brothers Will Be Neat

Chapter 183 The Two Brothers Will Be Neat

Ever since Fang Muxian's incident happened and he came back after urinating his pants in front of the imperial study, Zhang Yanling has really kept a low profile for the past year, living in fear every day.

Of course, it's just that he himself feels very low-key.

In the mansion, there are places to vent anger and indulge in pleasure.

As for some businesses that seemed reasonable to him, he also felt that he had done enough with the land properties that he had "purchased" in the past: Huang Mingji paid a considerable amount of money to buy peace of mind. All the official stores were also handed over.

They are all so "good", so what else?

So people from the Wanping County Yamen faltered and said that the unscrupulous man had filed a lawsuit again, and when the county magistrate had to accept the case, Zhang Yanling was furious.

"It's unreasonable! It's too much to bully people!" The grievances of the past year broke out, Zhang Yanling threw things wildly, "It's only six acres of land, didn't Ben Hou give you money?"

The steward could only remind him with trepidation: "Master Hou... the current situation, don't show up. Last year, the son of the Sun family was seriously ill, and the money we gave was less..."

"That field can't be returned! Without that field, Wanping's thirteen hectares of land would not be contiguous." Zhang Yanling was still furious, "Then why did the county magistrate dare to take your money last year, but dare to come here this year? The heirs of the Hou Mansion go to respond to the lawsuit?"

Regardless of whether the woman regretted the marriage or what, all in all, Xu Jie's reputation will not be damaged, and he will be a good candidate.

Guo Xun eagerly organizes the soldiers to practice and invites him to patrol the camp. Isn't it because he wants to show off in front of him more, and because he is worried about the future salary after hearing that so many officials have been added to the new Guangdong law?
The tax-heavy areas in the south of the Yangtze River were hit by disasters this year, and several severely affected counties were exempted from the annual land tax, and the rest were also exempted by half. The fiscal revenue in the first year of Jiajing must have decreased somewhat.

Too many calculations.Although he also had political purposes in establishing Sun Ming as the empress, his three views and cognition can guarantee that he is an emperor who knows how to love his own woman.

The menstrual time of different concubines is not the same.

After sullenly for a long time, he slapped the table hard: "I have to order again, so I couldn't buy it at the real price!"

The Empress Dowager Jiang looked at Zhu Qingyuan, who was on the side, and nodded her head: "After the wedding, when do you want to come to see the Queen Mother? Isn't it up to you? Now I don't want to see you dangling in front of my eyes, so go find Qingping and teach Huanger Ask about the secret method!"

Zhu Houcong raised his head to look at her back when he heard the footsteps fading away, and then moved his wrist.

So Zhu Houcong frowned and looked at Yan Song: "Since that's the case, why do you still mention him?"

It will take a long time for the Wanfa Museum to recruit talents, and the Military Weapons Supervisor of the Military Warfare Bureau to improve the firearms.

Xu Fan frowned.

Zhang Yanling was dumbfounded: "Mr. Xu, this Marquis... I have already arranged for the steward Jia in the mansion to go to the mansion to wait for the arrangement?"

In the letter, Xu Fan sincerely advised: what time is it now?It's still time to take care of things.The Hou Mansion is so big, is it short of more than six acres and five cents of land?
The steward didn't admit it, knelt down and let him beat him, but he could only shout: "Master Hou, you are wronged! The man surnamed Tian clearly took 180 taels, and I just handed over some broken silver to the county government. Now they swallowed it. But the money is beaten up, this is to deceive Lord Hou's current situation and blackmail!"

Huang Jin said aggrievedly: "The Empress Dowager reprimanded the servants and said, why did you lead your Majesty to Kunning Palace? The other concubines are often neglected, and there will be resentment after a long time."

"Your Majesty, do you want this servant to tell Commander Luo to conduct a secret investigation?"

Yan Song said embarrassingly: "I am afraid that I will delay His Majesty's important affairs, so I should report the truth."

"what happened to you?"

Sun Ming, who had just tasted human affairs for the first time, was actually looking forward to it.

The work of "translating" "Baojian of Mathematics" is quite time-consuming, but many major events in "physics" are related to a set of efficient mathematical work, and Zhu Houcong can only do it himself.

The group of people closest to the emperor knew his attitude, and if things were not handled well, it was their incompetence.

"No one's life!" Wanping Zhixian replied immediately, "It's only six acres of five-point land. The next official has persuaded the Jianchang Marquis to take charge of the affairs, but the Jianchang Marquis only wants to add more money to buy the land, and the sufferer refuses to agree. After all, he is the younger brother of Empress Dowager Cishou, how can the lower officials judge him?"

After a year and a few months, the situation in the court is now under control, and Yang Ting and they have to do everything with heart.

"Then you go to the Shuntian government office again and ask Xu Fan what he means? He also knows that it is only six acres and five cents of land? Ben Hou has been angry for more than a year, and the six acres and five cents of land still have to be bought. No way! How much does it cost, Master Ben will admit it!"

When Wen Jingyi passed by Chang'an Palace, she looked inside with a little envy, and then continued to return to Qingning Palace in a dignified manner, and reported the emperor's intentions.

This Wen Jingyi was obviously found by the Empress Dowager Jiang after she entered the palace and discovered that her son was too focused on state affairs and not close to women. If Zhu Houcong hadn't met Lin Qingping, I am afraid that Wen Jingyi would be stripped clean by the Empress Dowager Jiang and sent to the palace. Come to Qing Palace.

"...The minister obeys the order."

"... How can it be reasonable, how can it be reasonable!" Zhang Yanling asked sharply, "What you said is true?"

Now Empress Dowager Jiang is worried about the marriage of Zhu Houcong's sister, Princess Yongfu, Zhu Qingyuan.

I don't know what will happen one day, what relatives and important officials will be involved.

"Empress, Madam Hou said that the secret recipe, do you want to ask the Supreme Hospital?" Zhang Qiaomei, who grew up with her in the mansion, asked in a low voice.

How comfortable is it to be the left chief envoy of Shanxi?It's too tangled to be the governor of Shuntian Prefecture.

How could he remember which year Xu Jie was a Jinshi?All I know is that Xu Jie and Yan Song had played against each other for many years, and finally "eliminated" Yan Song.

If His Majesty can make such a promise, what are you worried about?Even if it's the eldest son of the emperor, it's fine, after all, he's a concubine.

Sun Ming quickly shook his head: "Just follow His Majesty's arrangement."

It's just that Yu Chengye, Xu Jie, and Zhu Houcong have all been ruled out in their own hearts.

No matter how busy he is, he tries to go to Lin Qingping's side as many times as possible every day.

Zhu Qingyuan is extremely twitchy, but she is getting older and older, and now she is indeed looking forward to her own husband.

After Yan Song mentioned three names, he hesitated for a while before saying: "If you say that the minister is most satisfied, it is Xu Jie, the son of Huating County, Songjiang Prefecture, Nanzhili."

But for other people in this era, he doesn't have too many expectations.

Among the nine concubines, except for Zhang Qinghe, everyone else will practice hard.

After Zhu Houcong finished the national policy meeting, he took time to visit Chang'an Palace: According to his common sense, the better the mood of pregnant women, the better for the fetus.

Zhu Houcong actually wanted to take his time.

Who knew that this time the sufferer would just refuse to agree.

"Don't make random arrangements. Your Majesty said, just eat what you usually like."

Xu Fan stood in front of him and asked: "Zhang Hou, I sent someone to send a letter this morning, did Zhang Hou not receive it?"

"Return to Your Majesty, that's right." Huang Jin who went to inform Cui Yuan said sincerely again, "Your Majesty has a good memory!"

Zhu Houcong waited for him to leave and said to Gao Zhong: "Go out of the palace, wear ordinary clothes, and take a look at the appearance, conversation, and character of the other three people that Yan Song said."

Zhu Houcong had a bit of a headache, and after calling her in, she heard her say: "Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager sent servants over, and would like to invite your Majesty to go to Qingning Palace to discuss the important matter of Princess Yongfu's marriage."

Zhang Yanling shuddered even more immediately, and said repeatedly: "Absolutely not! Absolutely not! Master Xu, tell me, how much money do you need? I don't want Tian anymore..."

"Go, go to Kunning Palace!"

Then he prayed that Concubine Xian was pregnant with a princess, so scared that Sun Ming quickly covered her mouth.

"100 taels?" Zhang Yanling felt like jumping up and down, "Now the land price has started to drop! 100 taels can buy six acres of good land!"

For more than a month after the big wedding, how can the appearance that His Majesty only dotes on her make her feel happy?Mother came into the palace and wept with joy after knowing the current situation in the harem.

It is a female official in Qingning Palace, also surnamed Wen, named Wen Jingyi.

Daming is not on the right track yet, for example, he feels short of money now.

The new law is terrible. Does Yang Tinghe not sleep well every day?

After pondering for a while, he suddenly murmured: "Yu Chengye...Huang Jin, is Yang Tinghe's eldest son-in-law Yu Chengxun?"

He looked at the emperor helplessly, and Zhu Houcong listened to the music: Isn't this just reprimanding himself?But it's not easy to tell him directly.

"... Queen Mother!"

"Yes..." Wen Jingyi could only salute politely, and looked at the emperor who was writing with complicated eyes.

The current arrangement is appropriate, if you really want to go to this palace today and go to that palace tomorrow, if you get pregnant with several at once, you will really be left out in the cold.

Xu Fan couldn't help shivering: "Marquis Zhang, the person in charge in your house is not the remnant of the rebels from the Shouning Hou's house?"

...After all, she is worried, after all, she is her own sister, and Empress Dowager Jiang can't bear to help her find a suitable person slowly; if she looks for it randomly, won't it be troublesome in the future?

The expression is a little weird.

"You report back to your mother first. I am paying attention to this matter and have already made arrangements. I am still busy here. I will visit my grandmother and queen mother in the evening."

Is it not what it used to be?Zhang Yanling was furious.

Empress Dowager Jiang said melancholy: "It was said last month that the arrangement will go on, why haven't there been any news? I heard that the new imperial examinations from many provinces have arrived in Beijing!"

The county magistrate of Wanping went to the Shuntian government office and found the Yin of the Shuntian government. He knelt down and obediently took out 70 taels of silver: "Fu Zun, I really don't know what to do. The people sued the Marquis of Jianchang for taking the land, In charge of coercion and temptation, and the matter involved the state, the lower official wanted to turn the big thing into a small one, but the bitter master refused to obey, so the lower official can only come to ask the lord of the government. The lower official is light-hearted, can the lord of the government return the silver on his behalf, and persuade the Marquis Return Mintian?"

"Arrange what? Hurry up and arrange for me to inspect the Xinjing camp!"

But Yu Chengye must be good in all aspects, otherwise Yan Song would not be so courageous.

But Zhu Houcong didn't have a good impression of Xu Jie, after all, Hai Rui judged "Qingliu" with hundreds of thousands of acres of fertile land.

Zhang Qiaomei only felt that the empress believed in His Majesty too much, it is always better to be more prepared.

"Okay, don't worry, Lord Hou, I will take care of this matter."

It is the princess who does not worry about marrying, but the "old lady" will be criticized after all.

As soon as Zhang Yanling saw the letter, he couldn't hold back anymore, and called the supervisor to scold him: "You paid 200 taels, but only gave 70 taels to that surnamed Tian? You told me that the matter has been settled, what is this?"

"I'm pissed off, I'm pissed off!" Zhang Yanling dropped two more vases angrily, and then said, "You go to Wanping, pay 200 taels to the account room first, and make an appointment with Si Cong for me on the way! "

But Zhu Houcong didn't look at them much, and said: "You must keep it in winter, don't be lazy."

Now the palace directly refers to the Empress Dowager, that is Empress Dowager Jiang.If you want to call Empress Dowager Zhang, it is Empress Dowager Cishou.

Unexpectedly, Yan Song actually recommended Xu Jie now.


At this stage, one's age is actually not too old, and it would not be good to indulge in the harem.

The steward was overjoyed.

Therefore, Xu Fan could only draw up a letter for people to send to Jianchang Marquis Mansion.

One Xun and one Ye are all from Qingshen County, Sichuan. Zhu Houcong clicked his tongue: "I don't know if Yan Song and Yang Tinghe have discussed it."

His Majesty would only go shopping with Concubine Xian, or draw pictures and play chess with the Empress in the garden.

Who knows where the steward of the Jianchang Marquis Mansion went during the day?

Yan Song is naturally eager to be a matchmaker for the emperor.

200 taels, I'm afraid I can get more than half of it.How could it take so much money to cover the matter of six acres of fields?
Zhang Yanling was very angry. Since last year, he has been dealing with all kinds of trivial matters, but his income has become less and less.


It would be even more outrageous if the emperor asked him to withdraw his marriage.

In the imperial palace, although all the six palaces in the east and west have owners, except for the empress and concubine Xian, everyone else can only see the emperor in the morning when they practice the ten fitness techniques.

"It's absolutely true! How dare I be so bold?"

Zhang Yanling thought of Fang Muxian's wild words at the door of the imperial study that day, and felt a chill in his heart, so he faltered.

"Master Hou, you can't be caught by the officials!" The steward was heartbroken, "100 taels... I don't know what to do. Even if it is 200 taels, this matter must be pressed down. If Tianzhi County hadn't met Hou Ye and last year Lord Shouning has been reprimanded, how dare you do that?"

"You have been wronged, please continue to suffer."

"I entrusted you with the matter of Princess Yongfu, do you have any clues?"

Zhu Houcong glanced at him: "I'm not in a hurry, it's okay to wait another two or three years. I just want you to keep an eye out, don't think about anything else."

Sun Ming's face had been cultivated so delicately, but she still nodded with secret joy when she heard the words.

But is the matter of six acres of five-cent land worth this manager Jia's risky absconding?

"Your Majesty, since you have the secret method, the slave thinks that you can arrange the time well."

The tempo slowed down, knowing that this was a good time to do some long-term preparations.

Wen Suyun was a little confused: If it wasn't for lust, why did that guy choose so many concubines at once?
She's fine, she thinks it's very interesting to watch the emperor practice the ten physical fitness techniques. After all, he is a majestic emperor, and he makes so many poses in front of them...

Wen Suyun felt that their movements were becoming more and more strange, too stretched, and even a little ostentatious.

"Check it out." Zhu Houcong said calmly.

How can she blindly eat the secret recipe for childbirth that her mother begged for?His Majesty told her not to take medicine indiscriminately, but to concentrate on strengthening her body and eating better.

It is not easy for the emperor to stand the test. It is better to be out of sight temporarily.

In the eyes of Empress Dowager Jiang, it would be outrageous not to marry again.

But Yan Song replied: "It's just that although Xu Jie is not yet married, he has already negotiated a marriage. No matter whether he resigns from the marriage in the future or what, it will eventually attract criticism, and it also shows that his character is worrying."

Is Marquis Jianchang stupid about six acres of fields?Is it too long since the lesson of Shouning Hou "absconding in fear of crime" was eunuched by thieves last year?
He didn't know that the magistrate of Tian was planning to suppress the common people, so he took the money solidly.

This Wen Jingyi was originally in the palace. After entering the palace, Empress Dowager Jiang liked her a lot and was promoted to be a female official.

Xu Fan, governor of Shuntian Prefecture, looked at the magistrate of Wanping with complicated emotions: "What is the case?"

Zhu Houcong couldn't help being a little surprised: "Xu Jie?"

He immediately replied: "Your Majesty, I have been keeping an eye on this under your Majesty's order. If you don't come from a Jinshi, the military officer is not a good match if you are not quite capable. Besides, Princess Yongfu's life is important, and the character of the son-in-law is especially important. I am ashamed, new Although the imperial examination candidates have taken care of four people, the military officer is inconvenient to make friends with them, so he has to entrust them to Commander Luo."

Anyway, it's just a candidate list, and it depends on which one Zhu Qingyuan likes in the end.

When Zhu Houcong passed by the Kunning Palace, he told Sun Ming: "Wash the incense at night and wait for me!"

The two stared at each other, and Zhang Yanling cursed after a while: "Old Jia who is a dog!"

Zhu Houcong didn't care about how Luo An operated it.

"...Then I will send another 1000 taels first? After all, Mr. Fu Yin is no different from the governor-general..."

"You can't lose big because of small things, Lord Hou." The steward only persuaded, "Even if it costs 100 taels, we can't let the news of Wanping County spread."

Zhang Yanling vented his anger in the mansion, but waited until night for the guests to arrive.

"Which four people?"

"Your Majesty, let's be more careful. Do you want to order the servants to prepare some for lunch..."

With Cui Yuanzhuyu in front, it may become a rule that a son-in-law can be an official.If Xu Jie abandoned the girl who was engaged for the sake of being a son-in-law, what good would that be?

"...Master Hou, this matter can only be settled as soon as possible, and it should be used as a waste of money to eliminate disasters. I will definitely keep the six acres of land, that is, the county magistrate and Sun Ming. I'm afraid I still need to take care of it."

The 1 taels of silver that Sicong released for him will be recovered at the end of the year.

If the emperor was interested and satisfied with Xu Jie, then he would naturally make arrangements so that Xu Jie would receive information from his hometown completely unknowingly during the Jinshi examination period.

He, the person responsible for helping the emperor to record the time of the queen's menstrual events, naturally already knew a thing or two.

After finishing speaking, I went to Kunning Palace—maybe out of respect, the empress did not practice with them.

Or meet by chance in the imperial garden.

... It's not surprising that the bosses of the two brothers' houses are people with bad intentions.

I don't know how much he earned for himself this year?

After counting the days, has His Majesty's so-called "fallow period" passed?

One cannot overestimate one's own self-control, and if one enters the Sixth Palace of East and West, one is really looking forward to it and asking for whatever one wants.What's more, they are all colorful and have their own charm.

It's just that after Huang Jingang went to arrange for the emperor to visit the camp in a few days, someone came to Qianqing Palace to see him again.

It was just a small case at first, but when the magistrate of Wanping received the money, he saw a letter nailed to the lintel with darts when he opened the door in the early morning, and things developed in a wonderful direction.

Zhu Qingyuan, who was born in the first year of Zhengde, is now eighteen years old, and nineteen years old after the Chinese New Year.

But seeing Zhang Yanling's angry and frightened expression now, Xu Fan knew that things were not so easy to handle.

"The slaves obey the order."

Yan Song thought to herself that Princess Yongfu would be nineteen years old, so wait two or three years?

But on the way back to Qianqing Palace, Huang Jin said: "Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager scolded the servants yesterday."

Naturally, her appearance is also quite outstanding, but Zhu Houcong found out in the summer, she is quite tolerant - the Empress Dowager Jiang may have broken her heart for the emperor's grandson, even though there is actually a special wet nurse organization in the palace.

Adjust it first.

If it was two years ago, where would there be so many bad things?


Zhu Houcong nodded, understanding what he meant.

The Beijing Camp had only listed three years' salary in advance, and next year will be the third year.

If Yu Chengye became a son-in-law in the future, wouldn't Zhu Houcong and Yang Shen have a relationship by marriage?
Yan Song is also a matchmaker and a student of Yang Tinghe.

Zhu Houcong had already called Yan Song at this time.

As an emperor, he would be considered a benevolent king if he gave a few kind words from time to time, rewards such as festivals and the like.

Zhu Houcong knew what Yan Song meant.


King Yiwei Beizhen Fu Wang Zuo, who is proficient in human nature, knew what was going on, and nodded with a smile: "Take care of people first. After Sun Ming gets the money, he will take a good break in Beijing, so that those who have been bullied by the Zhang brothers will be bold. go sue."

Si Cong, the commander of the Jin Yiwei in front of him, was sweating: "...wait until he comes to force me to ask for money?"

"Yes, after he forces you to ask for money, you can go to His Majesty to plead guilty."

 Thanks to the lord of the secular world and Sug for their rewards, the lord owes more = 9.It’s been getting worse now, and I can’t afford to add more, and I’ll still do it later (tears)
(End of this chapter)

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