
Chapter 186 The Emperor's Mathematics Manuscript

Chapter 186 The Emperor's Mathematics Manuscript

The counselors all understood that the emperor had a game of chess in his chest, and the chessboard was the whole world.

The counselors also know that they are all kinds of chess pieces: if they can't charge forward, they will be exchanged by the opponent.

Are the participants willing?

Not reconciled!If everything remains the same, they can still enjoy high positions in peace.

But times have changed, and the emperor has changed.

Zhu Houcong already knew how to use the monarchy, so the counselors were overtaken by him and could only move in one direction.

But he will not pin his hopes on the consultants themselves. His country and his Beijing camp are all unparalleled weapons in this era.

From the end of October of the 16th year of Zhengde's enthronement to December of the first year of Jiajing, Zhu Houcong did not leave the palace many times.

This is for the sake of the stability of the throne, and also because he has no intention of seeing the sufferings of the people.

Traveling through the era 500 years later, he knows what kind of folk suffering might be like now.

Those bloody realities were in front of him, and he couldn't remain indifferent; those bloody realities were in front of him, and he knew that many things would be powerless.

Therefore, he warned himself that he was already the most important political figure in the empire, and he needed to calmly make a correct judgment.

In his current opinion, one of the correct judgments is: he needs a strong army!

But he was just an accountant in his previous life, he didn't know the specific principles of technology, and he didn't have any other golden fingers.

The common sense and knowledge he knows must be based on people in order to function in this time and space.

Relying on his attention and the resources he gives, these talents will be valued, motivated, and able to study something without distraction.

Some technological breakthroughs in history are often completed in units of years, decades or even centuries, and Zhu Houcong can't be in a hurry.

He can only make good use of these people.

Just like Deming, who grew up in Nanyang at the beginning, worked in the Portuguese fleet, and was finally "persuaded to surrender" by Ming.

At the request of Zhao Yunfa, the eunuch in charge of the Bingzhan Bureau, one of Yang San and Dai Ming, who were persuaded by Wang Hung, the procurator of Guangdong, came to the capital to assist the Bingzhan Bureau in improving Western firearms and guns.

Dai Ming is a descendant of Ming Dynasty, but he grew up in Nanyang.

He had heard stories about Daming, and knew that Zheng He had led a fleet across the oceans and spread far and wide, but he had no contact with Daming.

Later, he was persuaded by Wang Hung to surrender, and he helped Guangdong Haiphong to drive the Portuguese out of Tuen Mun Island, and he came to the capital.

He has the status of an enshrined in the Wanfa Pavilion, he works in the Military Bureau, and he also knows what Daming is.How big is the Ming Dynasty, how many people, and how powerful the people are.

Today, he met the emperor.

On the outskirts of Beijing, in the Beijing-run school grounds, in a big tent, he knelt down in front of a person.

"Deming." The voice in front sounded, easy-going and relaxed, "I have heard about you for a long time, but every time you go to Wanfa Hall, you are always busy at the Gunpowder Bureau of Bingzhan Bureau."

"...Since I have been ordered by the emperor, I dare not slack off." Dai Ming kept in mind the etiquette taught by Zhao Yunfa and the others.

"Get up and talk, there is no need to be polite." Zhu Houcong looked at the person in front of him, and when he stood up, he said, "If it weren't for you, my soldiers would not be able to use better muskets and more powerful artillery."

"...I dare not take credit for it."

"You are enshrined in the Wanfa Hall, and no one under me can order you." Zhu Houcong emphasized his identity, and then asked kindly, "In your opinion, if the Daming Firearm wants to become more powerful, what should I do?" How can I support you?"

Deming was actually terrified.On the Portuguese ship, he was just an ordinary crew member, at most because the experience in firearms was not equal to that of the lowest crew.

However, the emperor invited him to enshrine the Wanfa Hall, and the capital had no worries about food and clothing, and everyone obeyed orders when it came to military battles.

So Dai Ming replied: "I have told you everything I know. I am an ordinary person. Your Majesty's question...I don't know how to answer..."

"If you don't like it, you can't have such experience in the way of firearms." Zhu Houcong looked at him and the other gunpowder masters under the Bingzhan Bureau. If it is beneficial to the country, it can be enshrined in my Wanfa Hall. Salary, honor, and descendants, I can do my best to satisfy. Dai Ming, Zhao Yunfa, today I will review the achievements of you and others for more than half a year, and I will wait and see."

"I will do my best to live up to your Majesty's entrustment!"

Zhu Houcong smiled.

How exactly does gunpowder improve the formula?How should firearms be designed and manufactured?How should soldiers use the new weapons?
Zhu Houcong knew nothing about it.

But he is the king!
All he needs is a sentence, an order, and he can always inspire some people to move in the right direction.Slower perhaps, but not a missed opportunity.

Not far from the big tent, Guo Xun'an was sitting on a horse. In front of him were the five armies of the Shenji Battalion, namely the Central Army, Left Ye, Right Ye, Left Whistle, and Right Whistle.

"I went to suppress bandits last year, but I didn't go this year!"

Guo Xun rode a horse and patrolled the Shenji Camp Wuqian, roaring at his loudest volume.

"But this year, Your Majesty is here to inspect how well you practiced!" Guo Xun blushed, "All of you are paid talents! Your money is fixed every year, have you got it?"



Guo Xun said viciously: "I am Lord Marquis, the generals in your camp, who deducted your salary, who took your money? Your Majesty is right there, tell this Marquis!"

The question was a bit silly, so there was only one reply at the bottom: "No!"

"The salary is sufficient, concentrate on training, His Majesty is coming to patrol the camp, do you dare to embarrass Lord Ben Hou?"

"Don't dare!"

"Your Majesty spent several 10 taels of silver on you in a year. What kind of behavior you will see later depends on how well you gangsters perform!" Guo Xun hoarsely said, "Which battalion, which rush, which Heng, whoever rides crooked melons and cracks dates, Master Ben will stare at him with wide eyes!"

He paused, and shouted in a hoarse voice: "Master Ben has been training you for two years! Lord Ben has not returned to the national policy meeting yet! Next year will be the last year to reset the three battalions. Lord Ben, take a look." Who is blocking the way of Lord Ben Hou! That is a sworn enemy!"

Marquis Wu Ding used his "special" method to boost morale, and the voice spread into the big tent, and Zhu Houcong's brows twitched when he heard it.

Forget it, he can't care so much.

The battalion tour ceremony was nothing more than to allow the generals to confirm His Majesty's presence in person, and to know how much His Majesty attaches importance to the Beijing Camp.

Zhu Houcong didn't know the effect of marching in line, how effective the weapon drill was, and where the teams fought against each other.

Looking lively and lively, it looks decent.

But he also has what he wants to convey.

At the end of the drill, Zhu Houcong got on his horse.

It's nothing. When the accountant went to the grassland to travel, he rode it, and he came to this time and space. It's not new.The emperor wanted to ride a horse, so the camp had already prepared a good horse.

But after all, Zhu Houcong did not rely on others to lead him, he led the rein to the soldiers.

The emperor, who was about to enter the age of 17, was full of blood. He held down his horse's hoof, and was surrounded by Guo Xun and others, and stopped in front of the vast Beijing soldiers.

"It is said that raising soldiers for a thousand days and using them for a short period of time, how long has it been since we re-established the three major battalions?"

The emperor asked in one sentence, and the soldiers in the camp were still nervously calculating, and the emperor said in another sentence: "If you can't figure it out, don't count it! The soldiers in the Beijing camp are all my own soldiers! As long as there is an order, you must dare to fight. Those who can fight, can fight and win!"

In the ears of the soldiers, there was no sharp voice of the eunuch when he relayed the emperor's oral instructions.

The emperor himself said: "A hundred years ago, the Beijing camp was the most feared elite soldiers in the world! For decades, the frontier soldiers laughed at you as wine bags and rice bags! Today, I have provided you with enough wine and food. Do you want to do it? Wine bags and rice bags?"

The young emperor's hissing question resounded throughout the school grounds.

"Don't do it!"

"We are not!"

"It will be fatal!"

Hearing all kinds of voices, Zhu Houcong put his feet between the horse's belly and pulled the rein to stop the horse's hooves, and shouted with all his strength: "They are all men from Ming Dynasty! Some came from the border town, and some watched the capital camp pay a lot of money. , and some don’t know what to do! It doesn’t matter, stay here, and I will tell you when I see you!”

There were no other voices on the school field, Zhu Houcong spoke in the shortest possible language.

"Practice, wait for the emperor's order!"

"Kill the enemy and make meritorious service!"

"I used to be a feudal lord, and you are soldiers!"

"I am the emperor now, what will you do in the future?"

"What do you want to do?"

Don't fix those bells and whistles, say the clearest words to them, and bind the clearest interests.




Is it the distance between the vassal king and the emperor, or the distance between the soldiers and the general?Who can tell?
Zhu Houcong yelled to them so directly. Hearing the deafening shouts on the school grounds, he turned the pier slightly, stabilized his posture, and shouted again: "I want to comfort my ancestors! I will definitely create a new one. , Wealthy and powerful Daming! I am going to prepare enough food for the soldiers and create opportunities for you to make great achievements, what are you doing for me?"

The topic is a bit esoteric, and Guo Xun can answer such superficial questions.He came up to the emperor with the reins in hand, raised his arms and shouted hoarsely: "Train soldiers! Kill the enemy!"

"Training! Kill the enemy!"

"Training! Kill the enemy!"

Thousands of generals and soldiers shouted this sentence together with the flow.

"Listen to the general first, and finally become a general!" Zhu Houcong finally shouted, "I can't remember each of your names now, but I hope I can remember some of your names in the future! Great Ming wins!"

"Da Ming Wansheng!"

"Da Ming Wansheng!"

That's all there is to camp.It would be great if Shengjia could come and show his face in front of the soldiers.

Whether the demeanor displayed by the soldiers is in line with His Majesty's wishes is up to the generals first.They were unhappy, and then came back to punish the soldiers.

But today, His Majesty rode a military horse and came to speak in front of the soldiers.

Your Majesty is telling the truth.

He was a feudal lord, now the emperor.If he wants to establish a career, can the soldiers use their lives?

In the Golden Temple, which soldier will become the general?have no idea.I don't know where the battlefield is, and I don't know how many soldiers are returning.

But after all, the emperor yelled these words in front of the soldiers on horseback.

These words, roaring out from the mouth of a teenage boy, are easier to convince the soldiers after all.

With the shouts of "Da Ming Wan Sheng", His Majesty returned to the place where he should be.

The generals and officers of the three major battalions are all gathered together.

Zhu Houcong drank hot tea to moisturize his throat, and looked at the crowd.

Cui Yuan is here, Yao Mao is here, the governors of the Five Armies, including Guo Xun, are here, as well as important officials from the Bureau of Military Warfare and the Bureau of Ordnance.

Zhu Houcong finished his tea and didn't say much.

After he glanced at everyone, he only left one sentence: "Half of my achievements in my life are based on the capital camp, and you and others will encourage each other."


The emperor sharpened his knife, and the counselor brandished the blunt knife.

It took more than a year for the new law to proclaim unstoppable with His Majesty's sword in the court hall, starting from the question of how to make the country rich, but many stubborn stones will not give way voluntarily because of this.

The Empress Dowager Cishou was "ill", the Zhang brothers were imprisoned, and the case was under trial by the Three Courts. At the end of the first year of Jiajing, there was a message that the coming year was destined not to be peaceful.

The magnificent era always starts from the ordinary moment.

The emperor in the palace no longer needs to declare his existence outside the court.

Although no one dared to comment, the temporary relocation of the Empress Dowager Cishou to the Longevity Palace in Xiyuan was news that could not be concealed.

The empress's mind does not belong and cannot be hidden from other people.

But His Majesty is really kind to the Empress.

Apart from putting more effort into Chang'an Palace, the harem concubines have been selected for so long, and His Majesty has never visited anyone other than the empress.

Sun Ming did not expect that after she made such a big mistake, the emperor would never neglect her.

Although he still said things like punishment from time to time to remind her to learn the lesson, but after all, he expressed his love for her personally.

Except for one thing: it has been the second year of Jiajing, and His Majesty still avoids her so-called "sunset and easy to conceive" day.

In the first month, a banquet was held in the palace.

Sun Ming knew that the emperor was entertaining his relatives and worshiping in Wanfa Pavilion in Qianqing Palace, while she was talking with Wen Suyun in Kunning Palace.

"Your Majesty must have known about your coming here. Your father is there. If Your Majesty is willing, he will let you father and daughter meet more often." Now Sun Ming dared not rashly ask the emperor any more.

Wen Suyun pursed her mouth and looked at her.

"You have already entered the palace. Although the head of the curator is not a courtier, but His Majesty attaches so much importance to the Wanfa Hall, you can't easily meet your father, lest you harm your father!"

Yes, at the imperial banquet in the first month, the worshipers of the Wanfa Hall were able to sit with their relatives. Isn't this important?
As a queen, she must remind Wen Suyun.

Wen Suyun said whatever was on her mind, "You know who my sister is, I'm not jealous, or I'm in the palace all day long, it's so boring!"

Sun Ming squeezed her hand nervously: "Don't have any other thoughts! Your Majesty has his own arrangements, and he hasn't gone to your palace yet. In fact... he is thinking of you, not just pampering me."

"……What's the meaning?"

After thinking for a while, Sun Ming shook her head: "When I am pregnant, I will tell you. Suyun, Your Majesty is currently facing heavy state affairs, so you must help me restrain all the concubines and make no troubles, understand?"

"...My sister doesn't understand."

Sun Ming recalled that His Majesty sometimes sleeping next to her would make it difficult to sleep again due to state affairs, and said with some distress in his heart: "Curator Wen, please publish "Lingnan Floating Life". Your mother should have told you when she entered the palace, right? Your Majesty pretended to be The billions of people of Ming Dynasty, you and I... will do our best to appease His Majesty."

Wen Suyun came to her today because she really wanted to see her father more, but after hearing what she said, she couldn't help being stunned.

Mother did mention this matter to her when she entered the palace, but Wen Suyun didn't understand what "Floating Life in Lingnan" was.

But in just a few months, he suddenly felt that the queen was much more mature than himself.

... Naturally, it's not just because she is already a woman.

In Qianqing Palace, the Zhang brothers are missing from the list of relatives.

The Empress Dowager Cishou was ill, and she did not accept the pilgrimage of the wives on the Zhengdan Festival. No one dared to say what this meant.

The relatives did not dare to "sorrow the rabbit to death and the fox" because of what happened to the Zhang brothers. After all, before the end of the year, Huangmingji sent a sum of money to each of their families.

Not much, but it's only the first year after all, and it's only been in business for a few months, isn't it?

How many people dare to really check Huangming's detailed accounts?
Zhu Houcong raised his glass to the three great talents, Wang Wensu, Dai Ming and others at the Wanfa Museum and smiled: "The Lingnan party, the three enshrined poems and paintings are completely reasonable. Mr. Wang devoted himself to writing books, and I have read the first eight volumes. Dai The improved firearms were enshrined, and the officers and soldiers of the Beijing camp praised them. All the agronomists tried to plant new products in Huangzhuang, and they worked hard. I thank you very much."

On that side, the poor literati and down-and-out civilians who made many of their relatives look down on stood up together, saying that they didn't even dare.

Zhu Houcong raised his glass again to his relatives: "It's the second year of Jiajing, I hope you will remember my teachings. I welcome you to make meritorious deeds and ask for money. I also expect you to obey the law. I called you together today and I also want to tell you If among your nephews and nephews you are interested in miscellaneous learning without making meritorious service, do not reprimand them, and send them to Wanfa Hall. I am not the emperor you are familiar with, and I value miscellaneous learning. I will not hesitate to reward."

Question marks popped up on the heads of the three great talents: How did poetry, calligraphy and painting become miscellaneous?
Learning is exclusive to the rich, and Zhu Houcong understands this very well.

No matter whether he was a relative or a vassal, he did not use cruel means to persecute him.

The situation of succession to the throne is so special that the vassals of the world only received a ban on mourning for Zhu Houzhao, and none of them was degraded, expelled, or cut any benefits.

The Zhang brothers are full of crimes, and they haven't been convicted yet.Among the nobles of the Manchu Dynasty, who has been expelled in the past two years?not a single one.

Huangmingji is helping them earn money without any burden, if you still feel dissatisfied, you might as well take a step forward.

Now there is another Wanfa Pavilion—although they don't understand why.

But the Zhang brothers were on trial after all, and the Empress Dowager Zhang went to "recover" outside the palace.

"...The minister leads the decree." The relatives replied with different thoughts.

After Zhu Houcong finished giving the banquet, Wen Zhengming and Wang Wensu were left behind.

After summoning Wen Suyun, he just smiled and said, "Go to Xinuang Pavilion and have a chat with your father."

Wen Suyun was overjoyed, and after saluting gracefully, she walked briskly to the West Nuan Pavilion of Qianqing Palace.

In the East Nuan Pavilion, only Wang Wensu, who was somewhat at a loss, was left.

Zhu Houcong took some of his own manuscripts and said, "I heard that you have been in the capital for half a year without distractions, and because of my expectations, you forgot to eat and sleep, and you have finished compiling this great work in advance. I have been studying for half a year, but now I have some experience. , I want to hear your opinion."

After being modest for a while, Wang Wensu respectfully accepted the manuscript handed over by the emperor, and after reading a few pages, he looked up at the emperor.


(End of this chapter)

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