
Chapter 188 Foreign Envoy, Foreign Enemy

Chapter 188 Foreign Envoy, Foreign Enemy

Zhu Houcong only plowed but did not plant for more than four months, but he did not expect to fall behind the old man.

Sun Jiao didn't go south until after he got married, and it will take another month to reach Guangdong.

Cabinet ministers, head of the state, marquis... 70-year-old people, is this how they are activated?
For people in high positions, there is no need to hide this kind of thing-who doesn't praise and envy you when you are old and strong?

It was Sun Ming who was panicking with embarrassment and her eyes were red - her mother came to the palace and cried with her, so it is unknown how she blamed her husband.

"Plant in spring and harvest in autumn, don't lag behind, wash the fragrance tonight."

Zhu Houcong felt that Sun Jiao was making a different move to urge Sun: Can it work?It's been a few months!I have prepared a uncle or aunt for the grandson of the emperor.

Therefore, after several months of development and some "punishment" exercises, the young queen was able to let go, and began to experience more selfless happiness in the already higher sexuality during the "ovulation period". .

In the Forbidden Palace, major national events are gradually reaching their climax—unsurprisingly, in April and May, the news that Concubine Xian is going to give birth and the Queen is pregnant will also be confirmed.

The previous emperor already had a son of his own.

In March of Yangchun, Zhu Hou followed the etiquette procedures of his heir, and Empress Xia recovered again after another illness. Zhu Houcong sent her to Hengzhou with her heir to become a feudal vassal.

Empress Xia's eyes were dodged, and her posture was frightened.

Since the founding of the country, there has never been a queen with such an identity, but many years later she will become the mother of a feudal king.

After all, she has been in the palace for so many years, she knows what kind of dangers she might face when she leaves the palace now - are she and this Prince Rui bait?
But the emperor only nodded to the three-year-old child kneeling in front of him, and then said to Xia: "The emperor's sister-in-law, don't worry too much. I know that this case has never happened since the founding of the country, but as long as the emperor's wife lives in the palace and teaches carefully My child, be lenient and love the people, and there will never be any other disasters. The emperor's wife is still young, so taking care of your health is a big deal."

"... Thank you Your Majesty for your concern, I will definitely keep it in mind."

"I have always done things clearly, and I know what the emperor's sister-in-law is afraid of." Zhu Houcong sighed, "The emperor's sister-in-law, but remember, I will never think of defeating the emperor's brother. The whole family lived in harmony. After the Empress Dowager Cishou went to recuperate from her illness, the Empress often visited Huang's sister-in-law, and she must have said a lot of things. If someone wants to make trouble with Prince Rui, Huang's wife should believe me."

After hearing what he said clearly, Xia immediately replied: "I will definitely guard the palace well, and if there is any change, I will report it to Your Majesty immediately."

Zhu Houcong smiled and nodded: "I haven't been able to make good decisions in half my life. When I went to the palace, it was the emperor's wife who made the decisions. Raise the children well and enjoy the family happiness."

Empress Xia left Beijing with her son in a complicated mood. After Zhu Houcong pointed out the key to her, he felt no burden anymore.

He only did what he thought he should do, and now he is worthy of Zhu Houzhao.

As for what will happen in the future, that is everyone's choice.

Zhu Houcong continued to think about the imperial examination questions in the second year of Jiajing.

In March of Yangchun, several national leaders are in Guangdong.After two years of hacking and killing, the gentry became more and more timid after all.This year's corvee has been greatly reduced, and even if there is, it will be done by the commercial firm.

In order to make the new law go smoothly, the "New Party" does not allow apportionment to the people. Anyway, Guangdong got a lot of money from "ransacking homes" last year, and the finances can afford it for the time being.
The common people in Guangdong were able to have a spring full of expectations.

And in Nanjing, after Jiang Mian returned to Beijing, the Jiangnan officials felt a lot more relaxed.

Regarding Guangdong's new law, most of them dare not discuss too much first - how it will develop in the future will always depend on the decision made in the fifth year of Jiajing.

What's more, in the southeast today, who knows how many people Jinyiwei and Neichang have scattered here?
The palace examination question was spread to the south of the Yangtze River in early April: the year before last, the question was about how to make the country rich, but this year, the question was about the administration and education of officials.

The reason why the new party set off a new law is that the officials and gentry are corrupt and harming the country day by day.

The emperor wanted to enrich the country, but seemed to be asking for other solutions to these problems as well.After all, the administration of officials and enlightenment are inseparable from scholars.If officials and gentry can be considerate of difficult state affairs, wouldn't there be a need for such drastic new laws?
The center is a mystery, and the world is adjusting to prepare for the huge changes in the future, but everything seems calm at present.

Xia Yan is not calm, he has been promoted to Caojiang Censor.With Yan Song's reminder, he now knows that this is no different from His Majesty practicing soldiers all the time in Nanjing.

And Xu Pengju, the Nanjing defender, did not dare to neglect and refuse after returning from attending His Majesty's wedding in Beijing last year. Although the Nanjing guards are still in the old system, the construction has not been delayed.

The most powerful Xiaoling Guard is obviously also gradually replacing with new weapons.

Prince Rui's ceremonial guard was going south, and above the East China Sea, there was also a fleet of ships heading west.

One south and one north.

The fleet to the north has three ships.

There were more than 150 people on the largest ship.Now, most of the people are wearing swords, talking, laughing and having fun on the deck.

The vessel had a deep draft and was no doubt laden with cargo.

These people are all from Japan, and they are "tributary" missions sent by the Ouchi clan entrenched in Japan's Kyushu Island.

In the cabin, Zong Shiqiandao, the official envoy of the Ouchi clan, was talking with the deputy envoy Yuezhu Yongcheng.

This sect set up Qiandao as a monk, and the deputy envoy Yuezhu Yongcheng was actually the real retainer of the Ouchi clan.He held the three Kanhe issued by the Zhengde Dynasty in his hand and asked Zong Sheqian, "Zong Shesang, I heard that the Ming Dynasty has changed to a new emperor. The Shibo Secretary will not deny the Kanhe we hold, right?"

Zong Sheqiandao was actually from Daming himself, and his surname was Xu.He was able to serve as an envoy, and he was entrusted with the important task after he became popular in Japan based on his understanding of Buddhism.

"Yue Zhusang, don't worry. Didn't you use these kanhes in the past three times? The kanhes issued by Daming will definitely be recognized. As long as you maintain a good tribute demeanor, then you will get many rewards according to the kanhes. This year there is a new emperor, and Ouchi-sama, in addition to the tribute goods, prepared self-imported items and five geisha dancers are dedicated to the new emperor, and the officials of the Shibo Department will definitely pay a high price to make the emperor happy."

"Since Zong Shesang said so, there must be nothing wrong. When we arrive in Daming, Zong Shesang will have to negotiate a good price."

In Kanhe, the tribute items are stipulated.For Japan, it includes horse helmets, armor, swords, waist knives, guns, gold-painted makeup, color screen winds, gold-sprinkled cooks, wine and gold stations, gold-sprinkled hand boxes, gold-painted powder boxes, gold-painted pencil cases, gold-painted handles, and copper scorpions. , Sprinkle golden wood Chojiao toilet stickers, gold fans, agate, water essence, beads, sulfur, hematoxylin, cowhide and other various items.

For these regular tributes, the price is not discussed, and there are corresponding rewards given according to regulations.

But in actual operation, because of what else to give, there are naturally many ways.

In addition, there are autoprogressives.According to the rules, these self-imported items will be bought at a negotiated price.This price is often several times higher than the market price.

In Zongshe Qiandao's cognition, for the glory of being a courtier of all nations, although it is necessary to go through a procedure to present it to the emperor, but presumably the new emperor must need this glory to declare legal authority and status.

The Ouchi clan mission that set out first did not know that the Hosokawa clan near Kyoto had also sent a mission.

Under the persecution of the Hosokawa clan, the Ashikaga shogunate in Japan could only dig out the old Kanko issued by the Koji Dynasty and hand it over to the Hosokawa clan.Now, the Hosokawa clan's tribute mission on the sea is much poorer, with only one ship.

In the cabin, Luangang Ruizuo was even more worried about whether the old Kanhe of the Hongzhi Dynasty could be used, and the key issue was that they knew that the Ouchi clan's tribute mission had set off earlier.

"Song Sang, is it really all right?" Luangang Ruizuo was very worried, "Since the Kanhe who traded with Ming was robbed by the Da Nei family, they have been in charge of Kanhe for the past few years. The two If all the missions arrive, can we really succeed with the old Kanhe?"

The deputy envoy of the Xichuan clan was originally from Ming Dynasty, named Song Suqing.

Now he said with a smile on his face, "Don't worry Luangang-san. I helped Master Hosokawa to Ming Dynasty 12 years ago. I know a lot of officials in the Shibo Department. Over the years, I have traveled to Ming Dynasty and Japan a lot. And don't forget, I once received a flying fish suit from the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, this is a very remarkable honor, even the officials of the Shibo Department may not have such an opportunity."

"That's really great, as expected of Song Sang." Luangang Ruizuo felt relieved, "If possible, this time, please help Da Ming to hand over the new emperor's Kanhe to our Hosokawa clan. From now on, no matter what No matter what, you must control Xin Kanhe."

Song Suqing smiled confidently: "I can do this. It's just that, if that's the case, Master Hosokawa needs to build more ships and recruit warriors. Otherwise, the Ouchi clan will continue to rob them like many years ago." Kill the envoys and snatch the Kanhe ones."

"If you get a good reward this time, Master Hosokawa will certainly do it. Song Sang is so familiar with Daming, and I will ask you more for the tribute trade in the future."

Both missions rushed to Zhejiang Shipping Department with huge profits from the tribute trade.

Lai En, the eunuch who was promoted by Zhejiang Shipping Department, has been paying attention to the movements of Guangdong Shipping Department.

He is also learning new accounting methods and worried about his future.

Zhejiang Shipping Department is responsible for the tribute trade with Japan.

Although the regulations are like this, there are more and more maritime merchants, and it is actually more complicated.At present, eunuchs promoted by Zhejiang Shipping Department usually stay in Hangzhou. He only needs to go there when the Japanese mission arrives in Ningbo.

In the civil service sequence, the promotion of the Municipal Bureau of Shipbuilding is generally performed by officials of the science and technology department. The current Zhejiang Municipal Bureau of Shipping Department promotion is a very special person: Xie Changjie.

Because of accepting bribes in Guangdong, after he returned to Beijing, he was demoted by the emperor from Guangdong Youshenzheng to Nanjing Metropolitan Procuratorate's Youqin Capital Censor, and fell from the third rank to the fourth rank.

However, it is also considered a high match to serve as the secretary of Shibo, which should be the fifth grade.

However, Zhejiang Shipping Department is still in charge of eunuch promotion.

Ryan didn't dare to neglect the former minister of the hidden mansion.Although someone once impeached Xie Changjie for "bidding for a son-in-law" for the current eldest princess, he committed another crime in Guangdong, but what happened?
His Majesty didn't get angry and severely punished him, he just demoted his official position, and even sent him to be a secretary of the market to promote him.

The Department of Shipbuilding in Guangdong City is already in charge of the promotion, and the promotion of eunuchs only supervises the accounts.

A few days later, he received the news and immediately invited Xie Changjie over.

"Xieqian Capital, report from Ningbo, the Japanese mission has arrived, and is waiting for the Secretary of Shibo to arrange the tribute. Let's go together?"

Xie Changjie nodded: "As usual, Eunuch Lai is still in charge of the Shibo Department. I just accompany him and learn how Eunuch Lai handles tribute matters."

Along the way, Ryan is insinuating.

The case of Fang Muxian the year before last involved Japanese pirates!
Xie Changjie came to serve as the shipping secretary, whether it was to prepare for the Zhejiang shipping department to change the rules in the future, or the emperor made other arrangements, Ryan wanted to know more.

He is an old man in the palace, but he has always kept a low profile, so he has not been affected all these years.

The relationship with Wei Bin and the others is not deep, Ryan is really at a loss at this moment.

Ryan was scared for a long time when the Franji Mission became a prisoner the year before last—the two women from the Western Regions left behind by Pi Laizi, who he wanted to present to the palace, were so scared that they quickly sold them to a wealthy businessman's house. .

Fortunately it was not noticed.

But no matter what Ren Ryan asked, Xie Changjie was just perfunctory.

That serious and scheming look always makes Ryan tremble with fear—you are not here to handle some big case at Zhejiang Shipbuilding Department, are you?
Xie Changjie thought about what happened after returning to Beijing last year.

He followed the secret order from His Majesty, and he was right.

"This time I'm going to the southeast, I promise you to be greedy. How much you have been greedy, I will hand it over to you." The emperor said to him, "Guangdong city's shipping department will be restructured, and the southeast maritime merchants must be guessing. This is difficult for you. It is a dangerous matter, if you manage it well, you will have made a great contribution, and I will not care about your previous mistakes."

Xie Changjie wanted to cry.

He became corrupt in Guangdong, and those who gave him money would become rebels. Does anyone in the southeast dare to bribe him again?
Knowing that he is a bait and still biting it?Is it stupid to be a southeast sea merchant?
No, I have been in Zhejiang for a few months, and I am extremely lonely. Officials and wealthy businessmen are afraid of him, and his smile is false and deliberate.

But as Ryan gave him a detailed explanation after the arrival of the Japanese tribute mission, Xie Changjie gradually understood where the doorway might be.

After arriving at the Zhejiang Ships Office in Ningbo, all the subordinate officials arrived.

There are only four officials in the Shibo Department Youpin: the promotion of the fifth rank, two deputy promotions of the sixth rank, and the officials of the ninth rank.

Now the two vice-presidents are managed by Ryan. After the salute, the vice-president Zheng Shoujie reported: "There are 320 seven members of the Japanese tribute mission, and the official has arranged for the principal envoy and his entourage to stay in the guest hall. The deputy envoy, other attendants, and businessmen are arranged in Tianning Temple."

Ryan nodded: "Where are his swords and weapons?"

"It's all in Dongku."

Ryan explained the rules of paying tribute to Xie Changjie: the mission ships have not been allowed to enter the port yet, and are stopping outside the port.Submit the credentials and verify your identity first, and wait for the arrangement of the Shipping Department before you can enter the port to inspect the goods.After specifying the amount of tribute and self-introduction, it is necessary to report to the court through the Ministry of Rites, and how much reward should be given.

Xie Changjie just didn't listen and let him arrange it first.

Ryan looked at the credentials and Kanhe handed over by Zheng Shoujie, and then frowned: "There are only three Kanhe? Three boats?"

"Exactly. There are three ways to match, so naturally there are three boats."

"This..." Ryan hesitated for a moment, feeling a little displeased at first, and then he couldn't make up his mind.

During the Zhengde period, a total of [-] Kanhe were sent to Japan, but this time only three boats came, which means that the tribute is not too much.

Will His Majesty be unhappy about the lack of tribute?

Ryan was about to arrange for them to enter the port to inspect the goods, when the official Hong Yuanjin suddenly came in and said, "Eunuch Lai, another Japanese envoy ship has arrived. Please see their chief and deputy envoys."

"Why is there another mission?" Ryan looked at Hong Yuanjin in astonishment, "Do you have credentials, are you suitable?"

"I have seen it." Although Hong Yuanjin is a small official, but after all, he is a ninth-rank official, he replied respectfully, "It is an old Kanhe from the Hongzhi period, and there is only one. I don't know that the Japanese king Why did they arrange two missions. But their deputy, Zhengde, has been here for four years, Eunuch Lai, you already know him, that Song Suqing."

Ryan's heart skipped a beat, he had accepted Song Suqing's favor back then.Not only that, under the matchmaking, Song Suqing also gave Liu Jin 1000 taels of gold, which was a flying fish suit.

"Our family remembers that the Ministry of Rites ordered him not to serve as an envoy!"

Song Suqing was recognized when he came, and Ningbo officials even made a petition to punish him for impersonating a Japanese envoy.But his identity was indeed real, he was under "influence" at the time, and because Liu Jin was whispering in Emperor Zhengde's ear, he finally completed the transaction and warned him.

"Eunuch Lai, since compatibility is true, it is better to have four ways of matching than only three." Zheng Shoujie reminded.

"...That's true." Ryan said this first, then turned his head to look at Xie Changjie, "Xieqiandu, one holds Zhengde Kanhe, and the other holds Hongzhi Kanhe. I don't know how to arrange the two missions properly? Later, we will enter Hong Kong to inspect the goods and hold a banquet. The Japanese envoys have not yet made a pilgrimage to the new emperor, so this matter has to be arranged.”

Xie Changjie smiled slightly: "Eunuch Lai is familiar with paying tribute, you can arrange it."

After thinking about it, Ryan said: "Then please come here first and listen to what they say. Your Majesty ascended the throne, and this little Japanese country immediately rushed to compete for tribute. Xie Qian didn't even know that this country in Japan is now disorganized." , is fighting. The king of Japan has become like the emperor of Zhou, and the separatist regimes in various places are fighting endlessly..."

Two Japanese tribute missions were ushered in by the coast of Zhejiang, but Wei Bin from Guangzhou rushed to Zhang Fujing: "Futai needs to prepare quickly! Encountered the Portuguese fleet in the South Seas, and the Haiphong warships intercepted it in the rear, and life and death are unknown!"

Zhang Fujing was startled suddenly: "How many warships does the bandit have?"

"Seventeen warships, large and small!"

In the naval battle of Tuen Mun, Wang Hung's victory surpassed history.With the ensuing strengthening of coastal defense, the Portuguese "recovery" incident that would have happened last year was postponed.

This time, they mobilized more troops than before, reaching nearly 2000 people.

But Wang Hung has already gone to Fujian, but Guangdong is likely to face war immediately.

"Quickly go to the yamen and ask all the adults to come to discuss, as well as the Marquis of Jing'an!"

(End of this chapter)

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