
Chapter 192 Yan Song strikes again

Chapter 192 Yan Song strikes again

"Congratulations, Your Majesty! Congratulations, Your Majesty! The prince weighs six pounds and five taels, and the mother and child are safe and sound!"

In the Forbidden City, eight hours have passed since there were signs until now, and the good news has finally reached the Qianqing Palace.

Zhu Houcong stood up excitedly: "There are rewards, let's go to Chang'an Palace!"

The gender cannot be confirmed until the child is born. The son is born, and the country has been stabilized by half.

The child weighs six catties and five taels, which also shows the health of the prince.

One catty at this time is equivalent to one catty two taels 500 years later.In other words, the child weighed seven catties when he was born, was full-term and strong enough.

The good news has spread throughout the palace. When Zhu Houcong arrived at Chang'an Palace, Empress Dowager Jiang and Sun Ming were already there.

Seeing Zhu Houcong coming, there was another kneel down and congratulation inside and outside the house.

Sun Ming looked enviously at the fat boy who was carried out.It was not convenient for her to come before the baby was born.But now that the production has been completed, no one will say anything when she, the queen, comes to visit.

"Come on, let me give you a hug!"

Empress Dowager Jiang was taken aback: "Where can the emperor hold a child?"

"There's nothing wrong with that."

Zhu Houcong looked at his son who had been cleaned and wrapped, and the little guy was still crying.After he stretched out his hand, the nurse arranged by Empress Dowager Jiang could only be carefully handed over to him.

Empress Dowager Jiang and Sun Ming saw that Zhu Houcong shook his sleeves and rolled up his sleeves, and skillfully held the child in his arms, shaking his arms from side to side.

He really does hug.

The newborn baby couldn't see clearly, so Zhu Houcong said softly, "Are you hungry? Let's go to your mother."

After finishing speaking, he took a step, and when passing by Sun Ming, he smiled and said to her: "Don't worry, it will happen sooner or later. Let's go and see Qingping together."

I don't know if it's because he returned to his mother, or Zhu Houcong hugged him slightly, shaking his mouth and coaxing him, and the baby gradually stopped crying.

Lin Qingping lay weakly on the bed, her face was a little pale, but there was a happy smile on the corner of her mouth.

She was also surprised to see the emperor hugging him decently.

"Let him suck more, and you have to feed yourself more, it's good for your health."

Empress Dowager Jiang and Sun Ming only listened to the emperor muttering how to take care of the baby, including how to "massage" the baby with his hands.

Zhu Houcong had seen it in the hospital ward before crossing, and he had taken care of the baby himself. At this moment, the emperor who had "learned miscellaneous" knowledge could not help but give orders.

The maids serving in Chang'an Palace and the wet nurses who took care of the children were dumbfounded.

While talking, Zhu Houcong also recalled his original identity after traveling for several years, and his emotions were quite complicated for a while.

Looking at Lin Qingping, he said softly, "Thank you for your hard work."

"...Concubine..." Lin Qingping was already very touched when she heard that he cared so much for the child, and she was choked up at the moment, not knowing what to say.

"Have a good rest." Zhu Houcong looked at her son who was lying back beside her and said, "I have already thought of a name, let's call it Zailong."

According to the rules of the old Zhu's family, Zhu Houcong's son is from the generation of Zaizi, and his name must be a rare character next to the character Obitu.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for giving me the name. I don't know... what does the word "垺" mean?"

Zhu Houxuan smiled: "There is a saying in "Zhuangzi Qiushui Pian" that the husband is fine, the small is the micro; Also, the molds for firing bricks, tiles, pottery, and porcelain, I hope he can set an example for other princes in the future. I also share the meaning of the outer city, and I will protect my younger brothers in the future."

After saying one, two, three, Lin Qingping knew that the name had a deep meaning, and that His Majesty had thought about it carefully, and immediately nodded happily.

"When the empress gives birth to the prince, she should be like a city, protecting the country of the Ming Dynasty." Zhu Houcong said again, and then looked at Sun Ming, "When you are pregnant, you should be like a concubine when you are pregnant. Walk around. You see, she weighs six pounds and five taels, and Concubine Xian is safe and sound."

Sun Ming understood what he meant, and nodded enviously with An Xin: "The concubine will definitely come to ask the concubine Xian for advice from time to time."

"Good rest." Zhu Houcong stood up, instructed the others, and finally said, "Everything is rewarded, take care of the prince with your heart."

After finishing speaking, he brought Sun Ming back to Kunning Palace, and said on the way: "The more you care about it, the more you may backfire, just enjoy the boudoir."

"...Yes." Sun Ming was in a complicated mood, wondering if it was time to try those embarrassing methods.

Your Majesty said that the more she indulges in love, the easier it is to conceive.

Seeing that he has such profound knowledge on how to take care of babies today, Sun Ming felt that he still had to listen to the emperor.

The results of the war in Guangdong haven’t been reported yet, but Zhang Fujing said that the Portuguese still wanted to negotiate trade, and that he decided to make a false show of playing tricks with snakes to gather and annihilate them at the lowest price. The urgent report has reached the capital. Zhu Houcong believes in Zhang Fujing’s ability, so today can be described as double happiness. .

The next day, the news of the successful birth of the prince Zhu Zaiyu spread throughout the court and the capital, and there was joy inside and outside the palace.

Yang Tinghe and the others felt a lot more settled down.Just two years after he ascended the throne, the emperor already had a son, and heirs will certainly not be difficult in the future.

If another son-in-law is born, it will be stable and stable.

Ten days later, Lubu Feijie from Guangdong also spread to the capital.

"Guangdong and the whole army have used their lives to defeat the enemies from the West. They have captured countless warships and treasures, and killed more than a thousand people. More than fifty people including barbarians were captured alive. They are being escorted to Beijing to offer captives!"

The person who relayed the good news from Guangdong all the way to Beijing was held high by the summoner, and he galloped all the way to the palace, repeating the core content of the good news in his mouth.

The good news arrived in the palace soon, and the imperial study room has been transferred to the completed Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Overjoyed, the counselors all knelt down to congratulate the emperor, and at the same time thought that Zhang Fujing had won another big victory and the situation in Guangdong had stabilized again.

Zhu Houcong said yes repeatedly, and at the same time looked at the content of the battle report in detail.

The process of how Zhang Fujing asked Sun Jiao and others to convince the Portuguese that Daming really intended to trade with them was presented in detail. Zhu Houcong appreciated Zhang Fujing's shamelessness very much.

What etiquette should you tell the Portuguese?Solving them at the least cost is serious.

Even if I want to trade in the future, I have to conquer them first.The intelligence of the Foreign Inspection Office in Nanyang was also sent to the capital from time to time, and Zhu Houcong knew that these [-] ships were of great importance to the deployment of the Portuguese troops in India and Nanyang.

Once again there was no return, and the next time I don't know how many warships will be organized to come, or a completely different attitude will be changed.

For the time being, Zhu Houcong doesn't need the Maritime Trade Bank to make more money from trading with the Portuguese.In the future, if the throat is strangled, it will be a steady stream of cash machines.

General Alfonso of the Portuguese fleet and many useful people such as merchants and ship craftsmen were captured. Although the three fast ships escaped, they were harmless.

The warships, guns, ammunition, and goods captured this time are a great fortune.

Zhu Houcong was about to ask them to discuss the matter of rewards when another rush was sent outside the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Seeing Huang Jin holding the memorial to the emperor with a worried expression, Yang Ting and the others didn't know what happened.

After Zhu Houcong opened it, his face sank, and then he became more and more angry.

"...Your Majesty?" Yang Tinghe asked.

Zhu Houcong briefly finished reading the memorabilia and handed it to Huang Jin: "The Japanese missions are fighting in Ningbo, and more than a hundred people are in nowhere! Now they have fled from Ningbo to Shaoxing, burning, killing and looting all the way. Being hijacked, many soldiers from thousands of households, hundreds of households, and banner schools died in battle! There are only a few hundred people, what are the people in Zhejiang doing for food!"

Everyone's heart sank when they heard the words.

Great victory in Guangdong, but Zhejiang was messed up by a mere Japanese mission?
When Yang Tinghe opened the memorial, he saw that it was Xie Changjie who made an apology and described the cause and effect in detail.

After Zong Shiqiandao blatantly attacked Shibo Sidongku and retrieved his weapons, things got out of hand overnight.

It is true that the Shibo Division could not pursue this group of fleeing Japanese pirates, but the performance of local officials and generals in Ningbo was too eye-catching.

The Shibosi listened to Song Suqing's words, and returning the weapons to them was one of the incentives, so Xie Changjie had to plead guilty.

I heard that Zong Sheqiandao and his gang had already killed Luangang Ruizuo, but Song Suqing fled to Shaoxing, and Zong Sheqiandao led his men to chase and kill him.

"Your Majesty, give an order immediately..."

"It's too late! It all depends on how the local people in Zhejiang deal with it. When the decree arrives, either the person has already been captured or escaped."

What Zhu Houcong said was the truth.The news came back and forth, and it took at least half a month.As for how to deal with the chaos itself, it is too late to direct.There are only a hundred or so people on the other side, and they absolutely dare not stay in Daming territory for a long time.

Having said that, the decree of ordering the local government to capture or kill him must be sent first and sent to Zhejiang urgently.

Jiang Mian, who came back to Beijing, said after reading it: "Song Suqing pointed out the matter of the traitor Fang Muxian, which made the Shibo Secretary more scruples. Your Majesty, this person may also have hidden evil intentions to stir up trouble, so he must be caught and solved." Send it to Beijing."

Zhu Houcong nodded, and secretly scolded Xie Changjie for not being up to date and Ryan for being confused.

He is the emperor, after all, he can't think about it with the thinking of a courtier.No matter what Song Suqing's purpose was, Xie Changjie and Ryan were persuaded.

Although they gave weapons to Song Suqing and others, it was beyond their expectation that the sect set up modesty to be so rampant.

"It can be seen how the southeast guards and the officials and the people have been underestimated! There are more than a hundred people..." This is the most unacceptable point for Zhu Houcong, "What does the Ningbo Mansion do for chaos in the city? What does the Ningbo Guard do for food?" ? To let the thieves escape from the city, and even burn, kill and loot all the way to Shaoxing!"

Yang Tinghe coughed, and suddenly said: "Your Majesty... this matter involves the traitor Fang Muxian, and the Japanese pirates are so rampant, and Song Suqing and Zong Sheqiandao are the people of Ming Dynasty. This matter may be used to make a fuss in the southeast ..."

Zhu Houcong's emotions temporarily disturbed by the key information of Japan and more than a hundred people were calmed down by Yang Tinghe's words.

No matter what the reason was, Ming people served as envoys in the two missions from Japan to Ming Dynasty. The embarrassing Japanese invasion this time is indeed a reason.

He looked at Yang Tinghe, and then saw Wang Qiong and the others thoughtful.

The Japanese missions made trouble in Daming. With their current strength, other than capturing them, it is impossible to go on an expedition. Japan is a "country without conquest".

What they are thinking should be the new law.

Now that the country is firmly established, for Yang Ting and them, the new law is even more necessary.

Jiang Mian opened his mouth and said: "Guangdong is not a tax-heavy place. Zhang Maogong took advantage of the Tuen Mun war to promote important officials from Guangdong and Guangxi in one fell swoop the year before. Guangdong’s new law has been successful, but the obstacles to its implementation in other provinces should not be underestimated. This time, the use of Japanese missions to commit Japanese pirates and the lack of local defenses should be investigated and dealt with!"

Yang Tinghe said again: "We need to ask Fei Zi to make trouble."

"How dare more than a hundred Japanese pirates do this? If there is anyone in the southeast who relies on them, they should be found out!"

Zhu Houcong closed his eyes and meditated.

The southeast killed officials the year before last, and in the end it was mainly to appease the southeast.

After the hurricane disaster last year, Jiang Mian went south to appease and suppress the situation.

This year, how will Southeast face this matter?
Zhu Houcong opened his eyes: "Except for the previous decree, wait and see. The southeast memorial is no better than the urgent report. When their memorial arrives, let's see what Zhejiang and Nanzhili have to say."

Everyone saw the coldness in his eyes, and the uncontrollable anger of the emperor before fell into their hearts.

Just after the prince was born, something happened in Zhejiang that even hundreds of Japanese pirates couldn't control. How many heads will the southeast need to appease the emperor's anger this time?

Between Ningbo and Shaoxing, a village was in a mess. At this moment, the ground was full of dirt, and the cries shook the sky.

This is the village that the group of pirates went to Shaoxing to plunder, and now the villagers who came back are all the villagers who were not in the village that night, or their relatives and friends.

Every family is planning funerals.

"Paying food and money every year, the officers and soldiers can't stop even a hundred Japanese pirates?" A man in his early 20s had tears in his eyes, filled with grief and indignation, "Seven members of the third uncle's family! All were killed!"

"Damn it, I heard that those Japanese pirates ran away and left hundreds of people in the city. Why didn't the government arrest them?"

"Go and ask for an explanation! Those villains, why don't you catch them and kill them!"

In Ningbo City, many people gathered at the gate of the government office.

"There are so many officers and soldiers in the city, how did the Japanese pirates who killed thousands of knives come back and snatch our boat and escape?"

"There are still so many pirates, why don't you kill them? We don't agree!"

"Hand over the dog officer of the Shibo Department!"

The servants at the entrance of the government office all had faces full of anger: "What's the matter? The inspector has come, and the government office will deal with it! If you make trouble at the entrance of the government office, be careful that I will arrest you all and put them in prison!"

"Damn it, you dare to bully us! Why didn't you catch the Japanese pirates? How did you let them go out of the city and kill them back? Hundreds of people, even us common people went up together and caught them!"

"You don't understand the words, do you! They all copy guys, let me break them up!"

There was a lot of commotion outside the government office, and the person who went in to report the situation had just finished talking about the situation, and the Zhejiang inspector censor glared at the prefect of Ningbo, Lv Hongwu: "The people in your government office have always done things like this because of poor defense of the land?"

Lu Hongwu looked helpless: "Ou Xunyan, the imperial edict hasn't come down yet. After all, they are foreign envoys fighting for tribute. Those people are still members of the envoy. Are they really arrested and killed?"

Ouzhu was furious: "What's the use of keeping those people? Killing them first is the right thing to do to appease the anger of the people. As for how to deal with this matter, didn't the rules come?"

Lu Hongwu gritted his teeth: "Tell them to stop and go to Jingqing Temple to arrest and chop everyone up to make the people angry!"

Then he looked at Ouzhu with some hesitation: "Ou Xunyan, I don't know how Sun Fantai intends to deal with this matter?"

There is no governor in Zhejiang yet, and this inspector is the chief official of the provincial government in Zhejiang who goes directly to the imperial court.

Ouzhu said lightly: "Sun Fantai has made a claim on this matter, what about the officials of the Shibo Department?"

Lu Hongwu cursed him in his heart for not revealing the news, and said: "They are all going to be punished at the Shibosi Yamen."

With a sullen face, Ouzhu went to the Shibosi Yamen, where Xie Changjie, Ryan, and Zheng Shoujie were all pale and haggard.

After seeing them, Ou Zhu just said: "Xie Qiandu, that Song Suqing was supposed to have been captured by Shao Xing and brought here. Why did this matter happen, please tell the truth!"

Hearing that Xie Changjie had already made an apology to the emperor, his face changed: "Why didn't you discuss it first? This matter is just two missions fighting each other for authenticity. Why do you say it is a Japanese pirate?"

Ryan also nodded again and again: "It's just a fight between authenticity and falsehood!"

Xie Changjie knew the emperor better, and stopped talking after looking at Ouzhu.

Ou Zhu's face was uncertain, and then she said: "Xie Qiandu, I don't know if I should say something or not."

Xie Changjie looked at him: they are all in the ranks of officials of science and Taoism, and his grade as the censor of Youqian capital is indeed higher than that of the supervisory censor and inspector of the seventh rank.

Ou Zhu looked at them and said, "The Lord Lu has already told Sun Fantai what happened. You are all to blame for the way things have turned out to be. However, if you deal with it properly, you may be exonerated. It all depends on how you act."

Xie Changjie couldn't help but squinted his eyes slightly and looked at him: Does Zhejiang still think it's okay after such a big incident?

Maybe... this is also his turning point?
In Hangzhou Fuzhong, several wealthy businessmen gathered together and gritted their teeth: "How does the Shibo Division do things! If we do this, all orders for this year will be lost, and maybe the Shibo Division will be abolished because of this in the future, and the Japanese kingdom will not be allowed to pay tribute again!"

One person sneered: "Don't worry, how many people in the Ministry of Rites and the vassal office are related to the interests of the Shibosi?"

Inside the Yamen of the Chief Secretary of Hangzhou, Sun Xiu, the Zuo Chief of Zhejiang Province, and Liang Yao, the eunuch of Zhejiang Province, both looked distressed.

"The minister of the Ministry of Rites is Zhang Zilin, and this matter is not easy."

After Liang Yao finished speaking, she said with gloomy eyes: "Things are not easy to do, but they must be done! The envoys chased after Shaoxing City only to ask for Song Suqing. This matter was caused by their mutual identity struggle. After all, they haven’t invaded other places yet. Tell them, if they don’t want the Shibo Department to be abolished, they will pay some money to comfort the people and officers and soldiers, and suppress this matter!”

"But Najie Tiju... He was specially sent by His Majesty."

"Your Majesty sent him here to start with the Shibo Department. Guangdong is changing, so he should be the one who will accept the Shibo Department in the future. If Your Majesty wants to reap the benefits of the Shibo Department, he must first contact the various families! Concubine Xian Your Majesty is about to give birth, so how could His Majesty be willing to spoil the country's happy event with this incident in Zhejiang? At this time, Da Zong Bodang will not pursue this trivial matter in the southeast, and miss the new party's strategy of dividing officials and gentry! Since Haimao established Now, sooner or later we will go to Zhejiang, how can the deal with Japan be broken?"

Within a few days, many memorials from all over Zhejiang were submitted to Beijing one after another.

In the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Zhu Houcong looked at each letter.

Ouzhu, the inspector of Zhejiang Province, said lightly: The thing is that because the two dynasties of Hongzhi and Zhengde were about to come together, the two missions fought each other for their identities and got out of control.Zong She Qiandao led the crowd to Shaoxing, just for Song Suqing who fled there.Shibosi was inclined to them because the Luangang Ruizuo mission brought congratulations from the Japanese king, but Zongshi Qiandao brought more tributes and refused to back down.

Inside and outside the words, this is not a big deal, they all came here to congratulate His Majesty on his enthronement, the Japanese tribute is very sincere, but they are barbarians and rude, and now they know that they have caused a catastrophe before they escaped.

Sun Xiu suggested that the tribute trade with Japan should still be maintained. It is better to issue a new dynasty and let Song Suqing bring it back to Japan. At the same time, he strictly ordered the Japanese king to punish another mission and return the murderer.

Xie Changjie posted another memorial: Ouzhu was wooing him, and Zhejiang wanted to cover up the impact of this incident.

Zhu Houcong looked at Yan Song: "What do you think should be done?"

When it came to the memorials in the imperial study, Yan Song naturally read them all.

These days, he is also participating in the planning of the consultants on the southeast.

Why does Zhejiang want to cover up this matter?Because for so many years, the interests of the Zhejiang Shipping Department have basically involved most of the officials and gentry in the southeast.

He bowed and said: "I invite you to appoint a governor of Zhejiang. If I take the post as the chief of the imperial study, it will stir up the southeast and facilitate many future plans. Before Jiajing five years ago, I will be able to clarify everything in the southeast from Zhejiang."

 Recommend a friend's new book "Fairy, please help me live forever": Wen Zhixing traveled to the world of cultivating immortals, but was accidentally taken away to Wanmiao Palace.

  Because of her extraordinary talent, she has become a favorite in the eyes of all the witches, but her body is weak and her life is not long.

  There is no unparalleled road, and Wen Zhixing found that he could see the [Fragments of Creation] on other people, as long as he consumed his lifespan, he could collect fortune.

  So far, Wen Zhixing has been transformed and reborn.

  【Eternal Life Dao Body】, 【Heaven and Earth Oven】, 【Delusion-breaking Immortal Eyes】, 【Selfless Appearance】...

  All kinds of good fortune are condensed in the body.

  The road to immortality is long, so Wen Zhixing only asked one question: How deep is the witchcraft?

(End of this chapter)

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