
Chapter 199 Real knowledge comes from practice?

Chapter 199 Real knowledge comes from practice?
Xie Changjie's life can be roughly divided into three stages.

In the first stage, Han Chuang studied hard for more than 30 years, and he was born in the top three and Jinshi in his [-]s.

After waiting for a long time, Hou arrived at the vacancy, and after he became the head of the Ministry of Rites, he made up the right long history of Xingwang's mansion, and his future was cut off.The wasted nearly ten years is the second stage of his life.

During this period of time, he often regretted it, and felt that it would be better not to dislike the lack of the county magistrate.At any rate, he was born in the top three, and it is not bad to be able to make it to the top of the whole family.

Then fate played a trick on him.Since Zhu Houcong ascended the throne, his life has entered the third stage.

First there was Yuan Zonggao, then there was Sun Jiao, and Xie Changjie couldn't help it: Who made those things happen after he took office in the palace at that time?
First from the fourth rank of the Metropolitan Procuratorate Youqin Capital Censor because of the "meritorious service" in the Qianning Jiangbin case, he was promoted to the third rank Guangdong Youshenzheng, and then he was demoted to the Nanjing Metropolitan Procuratorate Youqian Capital Censor for accepting bribes. The Shibo Division has fallen back to the fourth grade.The post conferred is still a fifth-rank one, and it is not like the Guangdong Municipal Bureau of Shipbuilding.

After bumping into the case of the Japanese mission vying for tribute and looting head-on, he is now relegated to the rank of the seventh-rank Zhejiang inspector censor.

But Xie Changjie is very happy now.

Although the grade is low, the status of the inspector censor is much higher than that of the Shibo Secretary.Seventh-rank inspectors in a province have far more courtesy than some prefects or ordinary third- and fourth-rank officials.

He, the former minister of the hidden residence, is now patrolling Zhejiang, which means even more different.

Besides, His Majesty said that you will not care about the past.Now that His Majesty is married, and the Eldest Princess has found her favorite son-in-law, there is really no need to argue with him about the little dirty thoughts back then.

Xie Changjie bid farewell to Zheng Shoujie, who had been demoted to Teruma of the Ministry of Household Affairs, and went to the Ministry of Rites to receive the "prisoners" from the Japanese mission and went south to behead them.

"Xie Xun is still promoted in the future, and Jane is in the heart of the emperor." Zheng Shoujie was really envious, because he was demoted to an eighth-rank official, but he was from the sixth rank before!

Xie Changjie let out a long sigh: "Siwu Zheng is a good job. Even though he is only an eight-rank official, he is a Beijing official after all. This time the people in Zhejiang suffered a lot. Although you and I cannot be the masters of the Shibo Department, we still have to bear the blame .Transferred to Teruma of the Household Department, under the new law, he can still make a difference.”

The two chatted about Ryan again. As the promoted eunuch in charge of the Shibo Department at that time, Ryan was directly given all the grades and treatment, and was thrown away by Huang Mingji to work under Wei Bin.

The fate of the three people was changed because of the incident of the Japanese mission scrambling for tribute and looting, and there are still many people whose fate has been changed because of this turmoil.

Zhang Qin was originally the deputy envoy in charge of the Haiphong Road of the Procuratorate. This time the Japanese missions competed for tribute and looted, and many officials in Zhejiang were affected.The procurator, the deputy envoy of the procuratorate, the deputy envoy of the procuratorate, the deputy envoy of the procuratorate and Haiphong road, the prefect of the second prefecture of Shaoxing in Ningbo... Now their culpability in this incident will be determined by Yan Song's memorandum.

The original patrol censor Ouzhu had already received the notice to go to the capital for a briefing, and he came before Sun Xiu, the Zuo Buzheng envoy.

"Futai went to Yuyao?"

Sun Xiu nodded when he heard the words: "Wang Bo'an is there."

"I don't know what will happen when I go to the capital, please ask Fantai for guidance."

Sun Xiu looked at Ou Zhu who was saluting, and was silent for a moment.

Ryan was dealt with, which made everyone in Zhejiang uneasy, because they didn't know whether Ryan said anything to His Majesty, nor did they know His Majesty's attitude towards Zhejiang.

What Yan Song said in Quzhou Mansion and in several appearances, Sun Xiu has already received a letter from Shao Xi, and has dealt with Yan Song face to face.

He thought for a while and said to Ou Zhu: "The words and deeds of Guanfutai after taking office are exactly what you and I thought before. Mr. Yang Ge is eager to start a new situation in Zhejiang, but Futai has already been a consultant, so there is no need to fully agree Elder Yang Ge's meaning. Futai is in Zhejiang, and it is more important to proclaim His Majesty's benevolent name. After the tribute dispute, you patrolled the constitution and the government's pensions were effective, and Futai also heard about it. Whether the government is guilty or not, Futai does not seem to be going to war in Zhejiang."

"So, if I go to Beijing to report my job, should I have another appointment?"

Sun Xiu nodded: "I'm afraid it's a foreign post, most likely to go to Zhejiang. The foreign post of the inspector censor may be a feudal secretary, a regular office, a councilor or even a political or deputy envoy."

The important officials of the seventh rank who are responsible for the affairs of the six subjects and the inspector censor can easily be transferred to the fourth and fifth rank Beijing officials for promotion; if they are transferred outside, they are more likely to directly hold important positions of the third and fourth ranks.

Ouzhu's eyes were a bit inexplicable: "Futai has warned Zhejiang officials and gentry in many places to observe the holy will, and to solve the worries of the king and the people's livelihood at the bottom. Now Futai looks at Zhejiang and pays taxes by itself like Sichuan. However, the abolition of the Municipal Shipping Department has already In the past six months, the gentry and wealthy households have lost their income, and Zhejiang has not yet raised the treatment of officials, so Futai hopes that I can help him?"

"Let's see what he says when he comes back from Yuyao. The autumn food is coming to an end, and if there are any arrangements for Futai, it's almost time to start."

Yuyao County, Shaoxing Prefecture, Wang Shouren's hometown.

Although he was giving lectures in Jiangxi before, but now he is keeping his filial piety and has returned to Yuyao.

"It's been more than a year since Bo'an's filial piety moved me, why is he so haggard?" Yan Song looked concerned, "Your Majesty is always worried, and I hope Bo'an will take good care of his health!"

Wang Shouren shook his head: "It's not because of filial piety, it's just that for more than a year, I have devoted myself to studying the three principles of your majesty, nature, things, and people. It took a lot of effort, and I am usually unkempt. I am laughing at you."

"I don't know if Bo'an can learn something?" Yan Song was very concerned about this, and saluted sincerely, "Now His Majesty has invited many worshippers to study the principles of things in the Wanfa Hall. Only Bo'an can concentrate on studying this great way of knowledge. We wait But it’s a lot of work, and it’s flawless to think about.”

Wang Shouren continued to shake his head and smiled wryly: "It can't be called enlightenment. Your Majesty's words are actually quite different from what I have learned before. Famous Neo-Confucianists can easily accommodate the insights of the mind, but I seem to have walked into it. Astray..."

This is why Wang Shouren is getting more and more haggard now: his confidence in his own way of learning has been impacted.

The study of mind is regarded as heresy, and a big reason is the idealism of the study of mind.And Zhu Houcong's theory of the three principles of heaven, things, and people clearly still recognizes the materialism of "the principles of heaven" and does not change because of people's hearts.

Even, the materialistic attributes of heavenly principles will be manifested through physics.On the contrary, the law of conscience and the requirement of the unity of knowledge and action are the principles of Xinxue.Instead, you can no longer "act according to what you know" at will. You must follow and adapt to the invariance of physics, and you must have a new set of human principles.

It was rare for Yan Song to come, and Wang Shouren seized this opportunity to ask him about their views on this subject at the National Policy Conference.

Yan Song confirmed that he really didn't seem to have a comprehensive explanation, and then asked him: "Bo'an is in Yuyao, and the Japanese mission's competition for tribute and looting happened between Ningbo and Shaoxing. Why didn't Bo'an make a statement? The matter?"

What he was referring to was the secret box that the counselor received as a gift when he left Beijing.

Wang Shouren sighed: "Everything in Zhejiang is an official. Your Majesty and the court have their own disposal. Why should I talk too much? At that time, the Japanese pirates came and went very quickly, and the disaster never affected Yuyao. When I knew this, the Japanese pirates had already returned to Ningbo. I, Ding You, don't know the inside story at home, so what did Shang Zuo say?"

After thinking for a while, Yan Song bowed to him: "I am governor of Zhejiang, and I still need some capable people. Bo An has been in Zhejiang and Jiangxi for a long time. Can you recommend some people?"

Wang Shouren looked at him and asked meaningfully: "Weizhong wants to mobilize a group of people in Zhejiang?"

Yan Song said righteously: "Your Majesty cares about the people. In some places, the officials are weak and unable to calm the people, so they should be punished. Now that the Municipal Shipping Department has been abolished, many gentry and wealthy households in Zhejiang have lost a source of income, and there may be changes. Uncle An Zhibing, the threat of Japanese piracy in Zhejiang will become even more serious in the Ming Dynasty. The capital, the general, and even the officials of the coastal provinces all need people with both ability and political integrity!"

Wang Shouren was silent for a while, and then said: "That's fine. I have many doubts about learning, so I might as well ask His Majesty for advice. In addition, let's go to Shushu to recommend some people."

The two were old acquaintances.When Yan Song was raising Wang in his hometown of Fenyi, he lived in Qianshan Hall where there were great Confucians talking and laughing, but no white people. Wang Shouren also made friends with him.After the Chenhao Rebellion, Yan Song "felt sick" in Jiangxi at that time. Wang Shouren also invited Yan Song to praise the military, and went on a night tour of Nanchang together, writing poems and enjoying the scenery.

Now, Yan Song wants to form an alliance with Wang Shouren.

In order to implement the new law in the future, it is impossible to say that there may be a military chaos, and it must be helped by the theory of the three principles of heaven, things, and people.

Although Wang Shouren had only temporarily participated in national policy on Yang Yiqing's behalf, since he has been there before, is a master of knowledge, and a soldier, he is one of the people with the most potential in the future.

The premise is: "You must take good care of your body!"

Yan Song sincerely continued to exhort: "I am in Zhejiang, and I can often come to learn from Bo'an. You are in such a difficult situation because you have realized what your majesty said is a great way? Your majesty is very talented. You and I should humbly ask for advice. Help His Majesty carry it out. If my predictions are correct, the Jiajing five-year examination will probably start to reform."

Before that, the new doctrine will naturally be published.

Now, the advisers can see clearly: His Majesty's theory, he himself obviously still has something hidden.However, although His Majesty can explain some principles clearly, he is not good at expressing them into a complete system with current knowledge and words.Inherit the writings of sages and sages, and inspire new knowledge from scholars.

Wang Shouren's secret box and Yan Song's memorial arrived earlier than Ou Zhu.

Over the past year, Wang Shouren's secret box has only come twice.

The last time he heard the theory of the three principles of nature, matter and man, he had a long-distance debate with Zhu Houcong through the secret box.

After Zhu Houcong replied to him a lot with very straightforward words, Wang Shouren has not responded for more than a year.

After reading Yan Song's memorabilia, Zhu Houcong couldn't help smiling at Yang Ting and them: "Bo'an studied hard, and he became thinner and haggard. Qing and others have also been working on this knowledge intermittently for more than a year. The expression is harmonious, what do you think is difficult?"

Shi Jue took the lead in answering: "Your Majesty, it's just that the relationship between physics, heavenly principles, and human principles is rarely mentioned in the writings of sages. I have studied it for more than a year, and I don't know how to express it clearly."

Everyone nodded silently.

Over the past year, not without gains.The word physics is actually mentioned by Zhuangzi in the sentence "the beauty of heaven and earth can be used to achieve the principle of all things".In the Confucian classic "Book of Rites·University" and Zhu Xi's annotations, there is also the expression "searching things to gain knowledge, investigating things to get rid of reason".

Regarding the relationship between physics and human reason, Mencius proposed that human nature and material nature should be studied when doing things and learning.When formulating the calendar, the laws summarized from the changes in the starry sky by observing the sky, what is now called the true inheritance, isn't it some kind of "physics"?

Confucianism is actually about logic, so they are very entangled now.Because in their view, the source of knowledge can be found in the writings of sages and sages, and many great Confucian scholars have their own evidence for thousands of years, so this kind of knowledge can be called rigorous.

If it weren't for the fact that Confucianism itself is quite rigorous and has a strong materialistic attribute, how could China be the most unfettered in religious thought?

What is the reason they are so embarrassed now?
Zhu Houcong frowned: Probably because he admired the sages too much, we must find the source and evidence from the remarks of the predecessors.

He opened his mouth and said: "The principles of heaven are clear, physics remains unchanged, and the knowledge of the sages comes from studying the principles of things and understanding human relations. For more than [-] years, generations of people have continued to study knowledge on the shoulders of their predecessors, and paper has replaced bamboo slips. , silk and silk, many achievements have proved that the physical knowledge of today’s people is superior to that of the sages. The principle of human relations, people today are also more refined than the ancients in governing the country and educating the people, so why blindly favor the past and underestimate the present?”

Yang Tinghe and others did not dare to be so "rebellious" like him, thinking that their knowledge surpassed that of the sages.

Zhu Houcong continued: "I'm afraid the difficulty lies in the fact that Qing and others must understand a real word. Bo'an will combine knowledge and action, and practice what he knows. I think there are two steps. First, many people have practiced it in practice, so there is Practical knowledge. Once you have practical knowledge, you can further practice it and implement it to gain more experience and knowledge. Practice is done by people, and practice is based on human reason, so that human relations can be continuously improved; practice on physics , then you can continuously gain true knowledge.”

"This natural principle is the continuous progress of human and physical principles, and gradually tends to understand the natural principles. The connection between physics, natural principles and human principles, I think, lies in the word practice. The principles of all things, the principles of human relations, are the ancients , People today have continuously practiced and summarized them. They have a historical side and a developmental side. I think that if you start from practice, you don’t have to stick to what the ancients said, but you must affirm one thing: learning is constantly improving. As long as today's people uphold the role of practice, they can surpass the ancients on the basis of respecting what the ancients have gained."

After Zhu Houcong finished speaking, the imperial study room fell into a very subtle silence.

For thousands of years, the children of Confucianism have had a shackle in their hearts.They always believe that the knowledge of the sages is the highest, and the society in ancient times is the most desirable.

Now, it is enough for the emperor to ask them to respect the ancients, don't blindly respect the ancients.

Do you want to believe that you are better than the ancients?
(End of this chapter)

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