
Chapter 201 Yang Tinghe is a traitor!

Chapter 201 Yang Tinghe is a traitor!
In the Guangzhou mansion, after Zhang Fujing led all the officials to pay homage to the emperor, a banquet was held at the governor's office.

Governor's Yamen, the full name is Governor's Metropolitan Procuratorate.

If it was the governor's yamen in another province, there was actually only one civil servant in the entire governor's yamen, except for the clerk of the governor's standard battalion, and that was the governor himself.

The rest are the governor's aides, or extra staff employed by the governor himself.

But the Guangdong Provincial Governor's Metropolitan Procuratorate now has 130 people.

Zhang Fujing, the governor, was appointed as the right deputy capital imperial envoy of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and his rank is the third rank.

Under him, the governor's yamen in Guangdong currently has no officials above rank six.That's because, under the sixth rank, Guangdong can choose by itself.

And the current governor's yamen itself only needs to conduct official business with the chief envoy, the commanding envoy, the punishment department, the public security department, the taxation department, and the capital inspection department.Each department has an independent government office, and the governor's subordinate officials only need to communicate with them.

At the provincial level, it is reasonable to say that the Governor's Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Metropolitan Procuratorate are equal local constitutional supervision departments.The head of the Guangdong Metropolitan Procuratorate, in theory, also supervises the performance of Zhang Fujing and other departments.

But this is because Zhang Fujing's current qualifications are not enough, because according to the plan, Guangdong will have a governor in the future.

The rank of the governor must be higher than that of the Zuo Buzhengshi, who is now from the second rank, and reach the second rank.

Therefore, the reform of the current government office is not the end. Zhang Fujing thought about what Liang Chu said that day about "the merits of the Taimiao", and seriously said to the senior officials he invited to the governor's office today:
"Guangdong is the place where the new law is tried out. Your majesty's practical studies and dialectics are enlightening to the ears and benefit a lot from thinking about it. You have learned the truth from the Tao!"

Zhang Fujing bowed his hands to pay tribute to the north, and then solemnly said, "Thanks to your majesty's grace, the Guangdong provincial examination is held in high esteem by the imperial court. The provincial examination is appointed by the imperial court as the chief examiner. However, the Guangdong courtyard examination selects students. I believe that Guangdong should take the examination. New learning!"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone looked different.

Enke was opened this year, but the total number of candidates who passed the examination in the whole province in one year will not be too many.

The difficulty of taking the exam is very high, and each province has a quota.During the Hongxi reign of Emperor Renzong, the number of candidates for provincial examinations was stipulated:

Even if Guangdong set up a sub-list last year and this year, the total number of new recruits in Guangdong is less than 200.

For the huge number of official positions that Guangdong has decided to add, this is tantamount to a drop in the bucket.

At present, a lot of vacancies from previous years have come to Guangdong, and many other provinces have been recommended to Guangdong to serve as officials, and many supervisors have also come, but not enough.

After the reform of the government office in Guangdong this year, the total number of officials who have actually taken office is less than [-], and most of them are some officials with good reputation in the third-level yamen of the provincial capital and county.

Now that Zhang Fujing said that next year Guangdong will take a new study in the college examination for talents, no one knows what chain reaction it will cause.

In the past, Xuezheng was in charge of the procuratorate, but now it has been moved to the chief political envoy, and is in charge of the lower ceremony hall.

Zhang En, the Zuobu political envoy of Guangdong Province, hesitated and said: "Next year, taxes and labors will be separated. In addition to not being able to hide their land, the wealthy households will not be able to hide their land and collect land taxes according to their land rights. They must strictly abide by the policy of preferential exemption. Mu. Futai, the real tough battle is about to begin, is it inappropriate to announce that all prefectures and counties will take practical studies?"

Zhang Fujing killed twice in Guangdong, and had two great victories against the Portuguese. At this time, his prestige was already quite strong.

He heard the words but did not refute Zhang En directly, but asked Sun Jiao: "Master Hou, what do you think?"

Sun Jiao chuckled and said, "I went to Guangdong just for the restructuring of the Supervising Government Office. If my daughter was not young, she should have returned to Beijing to return to her post. Guangdong is studying politics, so I don't need to say anything."

Sun Jiaozai, who had brought the good news back to the capital at the beginning of the year, was so old and blessed with a daughter, and it was not long before the full moon.

He plans to stay in a warmer place like Guangdong until the spring blossoms before returning to Beijing.

Zhang Fujing didn't care about his evasion, and continued to ask with a smile: "Master Hou is also a master of learning, so I don't know what you think about Your Majesty's three principles of heaven, things, and people, and the dialectical method?"

Sun Jiao looked at him helplessly.

Fortunately, I only asked him about his experience in this knowledge itself, and did not involve specific policy decisions in Guangdong Province.

Sun Jiao, the patriarch of the country, could only sigh deeply: "I have never seen a person as talented as His Majesty in my entire life of study. Today, the three principles of heaven, things, and people are connected with the words "practice" and "practice". , It is thought-provoking. That dialectics is a good way to conduct oneself in the world and govern the country.”

Zhang En looked at the two of them with a complicated expression.

What to play?
One of you was promoted by the emperor, and the other is the head of the country.

Whether this new knowledge proposed by His Majesty can stand the scrutiny of the world is one thing, but that itself is not important.

However, the New Party deduced the basis for the reform from the theory of the three principles of nature, matter and man and the dialectics. The sentence "the foundation of the state system cannot be changed lightly, and the laws used by the state should be constantly changed according to the principles" is what touched many people's nerves.

This is the right to interpret whether there is a need for reform in the current situation.

Guangdong is now starting to test for new learning, which is to help the new party promote this learning.

At present, Neo Confucianism is still orthodox. It is a knowledge that many scholars have studied for an unknown number of years.

This new set of knowledge draws on the strengths of others within the framework of Neo Confucianism, and it seems to be a good fusion of more knowledge on the surface.

If there is no new law, then the people who study and learn all over the world will try to contribute their own strength to the process of adding bricks and tiles, annotating and propagating, and gaining fame by inviting articles.

But now that there is a new law, the timing of the new knowledge is a bit of a coincidence.

Fei Hong, Sun Jiao, and Wang Shouren are not in the center. Did this new knowledge really come from His Majesty, or was it carefully prepared by the New Party headed by Yang Tinghe and proposed in His Majesty's name?
"Yongxiu, when you participated in the debate on mind and Neo-Confucianism, what do you think of the three principles of heaven, things and people?" Zhang Fujing asked Yang Shen again.

Yang Shen, who had already been promoted to the third-rank chief envoy and headed the ceremonial hall, said decisively: "With this knowledge, even Wang Bo'an would be speechless. This is a blessing for Confucianism. Why doesn't Guangdong be the first in the world?"

Zhang En was speechless, you are Yang Ting and his son, you were so reckless before.

Yang Shen looked at Gui E again: "Brother Zishi, you are in charge of the household hall. How about the land tax and taxation in Guangdong this year?"

Gui E's small eyes are full of excitement, he really likes the feeling of opening and closing now.

"Although this year only edited and reviewed the departmental rules, the miscellaneous office has not yet been reformed. However, Tian Fu has carried on with the prestige of Futai last year. Guangdong Tian Fu has collected more than 170 million shi this year, more than 60 shi more than in previous years! Next year if there is no The catastrophe can add at least 70 million shi."

Gui E sighed: "After Qingzhang, the amount of land to be granted in Guangdong has more than doubled, and that's not counting..."

He didn't finish his sentence.In the early days of Guangdong, there were more than 23 hectares of land. After more than a hundred years of reclamation, the actual total land area should be [-] to [-] hectares more.But correspondingly, tens of thousands of hectares of them have become guard farms.

Before and after the new Guangdong law, the taxable land in Guangdong has increased from only 20 hectares to nearly 200 hectares. Isn’t that theoretically maintaining the current land tax collection ratio and collecting more than [-] million shi of grain a year?

"As for the commercial tax collected from the procurement law and the commercial law, I heard from Director Zhai that there are more than 23 taels?"

Gui E looked at Zhai Luan, who had been promoted from the fourth grade to the third grade tax department director, and he nodded: "This year, the imperial court and the various offices in Guangdong have spent more than 15 taels in total, ten draws. One is more than 23 taels. For the Shibo Department, since the tribute and transactions are all borne by Huangmingji, there are more than [-] taels of taxes, which is double that of previous years. In addition to many other courses , a total of more than [-] taels."

The household office is only in charge of population and land tax, and the other is for Guangdong itself.The tax department is a lot of miscellaneous taxes other than land tax, and in Guangdong, there is also the city ship department.

After hearing this, Yang Shen said: "Guangdong's new law will surely come true! There are still stubborn and greedy mantis blocking the car. It must be unreasonable. On the contrary, Guangdong has many opportunities to take the exam, and the Jiajing five-year examination will definitely test practical knowledge. , dialectical method, wouldn't Guangdong Juzi be able to show his style?"

Hearing Yang Shen's words, Zhang Fujing nodded, and looked at Yang Shen with a little emotion.

"I have studied this practical study a lot recently. Among them, physics has been dabbled in by many great scholars throughout the ages. Now it seems that it is deeply integrated. Physics and human principles are just like the Taoist saying that Tao produces one, one life two, and two. Three, the three give birth to all things."

Yang Shen entered a state of real excitement: "Heavenly principles lead to physical and human principles, and these physical and human principles are intertwined and volatile. If no one investigates things, the principles of things will not be understood; if no one understands physics and uses it, our generation will Now we can only cultivate by slash-and-burn. How can we have the power to tame cattle and horses, guide water to make profit, and follow the calendar to coordinate farming? Know honor and disgrace when you have enough food and clothing, and know etiquette when you have enough granaries. Isn’t the principle of human relations closely related to the principle of all things?”

He showed a quick acceptance of new knowledge because of his own intelligence.Although the others nodded secretly, they felt that he was emotionally inclined to accept new knowledge.

But Yang Shen's argument is very clear: "This new learning is deeply in line with the principles of the Dao and heaven, and it will surely prosper! Guangdong is the first to test the new learning, and people of insight will only applaud! The prosperity of Guangdong's culture and education, I am afraid that this new law is a good opportunity!"

Guangdong is discussing that next year, they will take practical studies and dialectics first in the provincial examination for talents, while Fei Hong's mansion in Chengdu, Sichuan, is full of anger.

"Yang Jiefu simply did anything for the new law! Looking at it now, he did not hesitate to debate the scriptures with Wang Bo'an at the sutra banquet as the chief assistant. What face does he have to speak out on behalf of the school?"

This angry person pointed the finger at Yang Tinghe's betrayal of Neo Confucianism.

Although the core of this practical study is still the three principles of heaven, things, and people, but a new thing has been added, which in the eyes of many people is completely different.

"According to the theory of the three principles, then the farmer, the Mohist, the doctor, the yin-yang school...these three religions and nine streams can also be classified into physics and become the children of Confucianism? Will these people not learn the words of the sages in the future? Will they be able to pass the imperial examinations?" Re-opening a course to become a scholar? In this way, where is the etiquette? Where is the dignity?"

"Fantastic skills and obscenity come into the room, the world is not ancient, and the evil is common! Feigong, you have to do something!"

They all looked at Fei Hong who was silent, only to see Fei Hong sighed quietly, then looked at them and said: "According to Yang Jiefu, the theory of the three principles of heaven, things, and people and the dialectical method , is what His Majesty realized."

The crowd was instantly speechless.

I avoided this point just now because it was hard to clearly refute that there was a problem with the emperor's thinking.

This is the advantage of Zhu Houcong standing up to put forward some new insights, and it is also the reason why Yang Ting and the others are so patient and never yell about new knowledge first.

As an official, it takes courage and perseverance to stand up and directly refute the emperor's crooked learning.Such people, after all, are very few.In other words, if it becomes a trend, more people will come out to join in.

Now, don't they just want Fei Hong to lead the trend?

But unfortunately, everyone knows that the old party is now at a disadvantage.His Majesty still hopes that the new law can achieve the goal of enriching the country and strengthening the army. At least the new party is now supported.

At this time, the old party stood up and attacked the new learning as nonsense and slapped the emperor in the face?Isn't that the way out?

The old party still hoped that the new party would not be able to achieve any results. After the emperor was disappointed, he reactivated the old party.

"Yang Jiefu's words can be called outrageous!" Someone said, "In His Majesty's view, there is nothing wrong with taking all the elders with a skill in the world and using them. The method of dialectics is just a method of speculation. However, Yang Tinghe declared that because of what His Majesty got, The foundation of the national system cannot be changed lightly, but the laws used by the country should be changed constantly according to reason, which is really absurd!"

He looked at Fei Hong with burning eyes: "Mr. Fei, the foundation of the state system should not be changed lightly. Does that mean that the foundation of the state system can be changed, but it cannot be easily changed? What is the foundation of the state system? This is a disrespectful statement! "

Fei Hong looked at him unexpectedly: "How to say?"

"The foundation of the state system is the emperor's throne, heirs, and imperial power at a small level, and the etiquette system is the rule of law. Change, but change is not to be taken lightly, what is his intention? No matter how small or big it is, he is the enemy of the emperor and the enemy of the world!"

What he said made everyone nod their heads.

"That makes sense! The new law in Guangdong states that gentry purchase land property, which is no different from ordinary people paying taxes. This is harmless, and it is an act of public loyalty to the country. However, gentry can do business, and they are regarded as the same as cunning businessmen by commercial law and tax law. Why do people in the world still study? Scholars, farmers, businessmen, and businessmen should be in their positions, and the world can be orderly!"

"Your Majesty talks about physics and the method of speculation. This kind of learning is done by scholars. Now the new party does not understand the true meaning of Your Majesty, but misinterprets it as evidence for the new law. Where the intentions are sinister, the foundation of the country cannot be changed lightly. It can be seen that the laws used by the country should be changed according to reason.”

"Since you have the intention of being disobedient, you must lead Daming to a chaotic place! If the laws of the country are constantly changing, and the people of the world are at a loss, how can they deal with themselves?"

After expressing his opinion impassionedly, he looked at Fei Hong eagerly.

The core meaning is to let the gentry all over the world have a point to focus on attacking the New Party and Yang Tinghe: Do you still want to move the country?What do you mean?
In addition, there is another direction of incitement: Are you, Yang Tinghe, trying to dig out the roots of Confucianism in the world?If you are only pursuing learning, that's all. If you attack the status of the gentry like this, can the world still be orderly?

Fei Hong looked sadly at these "old parties" who were reluctant to part with the income from his own land real estate firm: Can't you see that Yang Tinghe's level of knowledge can't produce this set of knowledge?

In fact, as long as one has settled down in learning, one can naturally appreciate the rigor and profundity of this set of learning.

They don't necessarily understand, but they don't want to understand because of their interests.

At least the new party must be driven out first, and after the old system is restored, this practice and dialectics should be explained from another angle.

Right to interpret scriptures?

It is not good to directly offend the emperor by attacking the three principles of heaven, things, and people, and directly enter the level of disputes over interpretation rights. Doesn’t that mean that you agree with the three principles that can be called new classics?
After this great debate, the core theory of the three principles of heaven, matter, and man should be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it is bound to succeed.

Fei Hong stood up and said: "The words are reasonable, I will go to Shushu to impeach Yang Jiefu's fallacies."

Everyone was overjoyed, but Fei Hong was a little puzzled.

If it is really deduced from the theory of the three principles of heaven, things, and people and the dialectics, there will really be no unchanging country in the world.

Why did His Majesty allow Yang Tinghe to say those words?

(End of this chapter)

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