
Chapter 209

Chapter 209

Guo Xun, who came to Nanjing, was the biggest target of being tested.

Suddenly being expelled from the Shenji camp that was rebuilt by himself, what is Guo Xun's attitude towards the current Yang Tinghe and the New Party?

You are an honorable minister!Born Royalist!
Nanzhili can be regarded as the real base of the old party's hard power. I don't know how many people want to visit the new Nanjing garrison.

However, apart from the necessary procedures at the beginning, Guo Xun kept thanking guests behind closed doors, as if he was afraid of trouble.

"Think about it, when did Marquis Wu Ding leave the national policy meeting?" In a private house in Nanjing City, a man in a Taoist white uniform said, "After the Guangdong and Guangxi incident! Guo Xun was the commander of the Guangdong and Guangxi military before , Chen Jin is the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi!"

"Brother Lu, what do you mean, Marquis Wu Ding is controlled by Yang Jiefu?" Someone asked in confusion, "But Marquis Wu Ding is a minister after all!"

"The Zhang brothers are the empress dowager's brothers, so what will happen?" Some people didn't care, and then said to the white-clothed brother Lu, "Brother Lu, what is going on now, your Lu family can't get it from Lu Qianshi." Do you have any news? If Your Majesty has a secret decree to come out, it must come from Lu Qian."

Brother Lu sighed, "I, Mr. Lu, a member of the Pinghu family, have moved to Beijing for nearly a hundred years. Lu Qian lives in the Forbidden Palace, so he can't leave the palace for leisure. At this time, I can only do my best to serve His Majesty with one or two old ministers in the hidden residence." about."

"The traitor is so domineering, it's like this!" Someone slapped the table angrily.

The person surnamed Lu is a member of the Lu family in Huzhou Prefecture.In the south of the Yangtze River, the Lu family is a big family, with famous figures in the Han, Tang, Song and Yuan Dynasties.

The Pinghu Lu clan was originally just a branch, but now because of Lu Song, a descendant of the Pinghu Lu clan's branch, the role of the Pinghu Lu clan has suddenly become crucial.

In recent years, Lu Jian, the current head of the Pinghu Lu family, has enjoyed a lot of respect from all clans.

Now Lu Jian said to another person: "Brother Gu, you and the Marquis of Xining are related by marriage, didn't the Marquis of Xining say something?"

The head of a certain branch of the Gu family, another big family in the south of the Yangtze River, smiled wryly, "How dare you speak nonsense?"

"The Marquis of Xining is defending Nanjing together because of official business, so he should visit Marquis Wuding to find out a thing or two."

"...In two days, in the name of my mother's birthday, I will invite the Marquis of Xining to visit the mansion again."

Many places in Southern Zhili had such restlessness and private discussions. Today is Yin Mengchun's mansion in Yingtian Mansion, which is his birthday, and the house is full of friends.

In the study, next to Meng Chun were several officials from the Six Departments of Nanjing and Shen Yuanqing, the patriarch of the Wu Xing Shen family.

Meng Chun said calmly: "There is no need to worry anymore. The situation in the court must be an illusion. Your Majesty's reputation is not high, so he uses counselors to promote the new law, and Yang Tinghe is riding a tiger."

"...Furen, isn't there no chance of winning?" A certain chief of the Nanjing Ministry of Industry was worried, "The imperial envoy has arrived, and the matter of cleaning up the water conservancy is imminent!"

"Just change it." Meng Chun replied lightly, "Don't look at it now that the counselors seem to be single-minded, and the new law has become a general trend. As long as there is a spark, the world will be like a frying pan. The more urgent the water conservancy matter is cleared, the heavier the resentment .”

"The most worrying thing now is the attitude of the honorable relatives in Huangmingji." Shen Yuanqing frowned and said, "The judgment of the lord is only a guess after all. Everyone in the world thinks that Yang Ge has covered the sky with one hand. The feudal lords have scruples, Huangmingji They almost monopolize the profits of the southeast coastal market and ship, and the money has taken over the hearts of their relatives. Although most of them may not know the truth, they dare not act rashly. Where did this spark come from?"

"Isn't the Great Heavenly Official inspecting the impeachment case of Li Xiang's corpse?"

The pupils of Shen Yuanqing's eyes shrank, and he stared at Meng Chun unceremoniously: "How can this be?"

"Huangdian official store, Huangming Jizhong's subscription of shares accounted for a few percent of the benefits of the relatives?" Meng Chun sneered, "Nanzhili, Zhejiang, Huguang, Jiangxi, these rich places are the place where many relatives The root cause! For a hundred years, I have been among you, and you have been among me! Now, the whole world is looking forward to who will come first. This spark will not come out by itself!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at another young man who had been silent all the time: "Other families dare not say anything. If this happens in the future, it will be no problem for your Zheng family to regain its former glory!"

The young man raised his head and looked at him: "Since your Majesty thinks it is His Majesty's will, how can this matter be accomplished? Could it be that it is difficult to do it again?"

He spoke bluntly, and there was a moment of silence in the study.

Meng Chun said after a while: "Don't be fooled by the illusion of single-mindedness. You can't be a fake person. Your Majesty is stubborn and conceited, and he will soon reap the consequences. Now all the feudal vassals, honored relatives, and officials are all I am worried, and there is still practice to learn to mess with Confucianism. You may wish to read this letter."

To say directly that the emperor is headstrong and conceited, how insane is his attitude?

But a letter was taken out by him, and everyone's eyes were full after it was circulated.

Meng Chun stared at them: "Looking at the court meeting, even if Li Xiang can enter the palace, he will be able to exterminate himself under Dengwen's drum. How can he be exonerated as a guard on duty? Since Uncle Huian dared to do this, naturally he had already made up his mind to do so. You should know about the letters of the Shenggong, and things must be done.”

"... Hui Ambo is so decisive?"

Meng Chun smiled: "Since Hongxi, Uncle Hui'an has gone through five generations. Now that Uncle Hui'an is in charge of the Fifth Army Battalion, it depends on whether Uncle Hui'an and Uncle Da Zong find out Uncle Hui'an. It is also up to His Majesty's great event to happen outside the palace walls." Does Your Majesty want to investigate? As long as you want to investigate, Ming Kun, you can persuade your grandfather to tell the truth in order to get rid of the crime. "

The young man surnamed Zheng nodded silently.

"There are many reasons why the Taizu set the ancestral precepts because of your Zheng family's merits." Meng Chun put away his smile, "Now the old system is completely different, and the world will always be chaotic! This spark will come out soon. No matter how much your majesty relies on, you can't help it." It is impossible to satisfy the world's grievances!"


People like Lu Jian are still small people who can't see the situation clearly.

People like Meng Chun are already planning to actually light the fire.

When Guo Xun saw Song Liangchen, Marquis of Xining, he didn't hide anything, and asked directly, "What do you mean by coming to defend Nanjing?"

"I just completed the Shenji Battalion!" Guo Xun looked sad and indignant.

Song Liangchen looked at him with a complicated expression: "Brother Guo, I'll call you brother! I'm also 31. If you are pushed out here, shouldn't what you should do now be to train the Nanjing guards to raise their horses? Collect some money and food in Guangdong and Guangxi. , how can you be sentenced to death?"

To be able to cooperate in the defense of Nanjing, Song Liangchen is not stupid even though he won the title not long ago.

Guo Xun sighed: "Why do you ask so many questions?"

"Nanzhili is about to explode, what do you think?" Song Liangchen gritted his teeth, "The Emperor Mingji was set up by His Majesty! Entering Beijing, His Majesty’s heroic appearance, the imperial edict in the Record of the Emperor Ming, and so many relatives in the Ming Dynasty, you have seen and heard a lot! For so many years, the world’s nobles, civil servants, married people, and business contacts, you don’t know what this is What a big net!"

Guo Xun didn't speak.

Song Liangchen said anxiously: "Now that the water conservancy is being cleaned up, the vassal kings, relatives, officials and gentry will all be affected. If you come south to prepare to put down the chaos, even the troops in Nanjing may not be able to do their best!"

Guo Xun still did not speak.

"What does your majesty mean? If you don't speak, I can't feel at ease. Do you still count on other relatives?"

Guo Xun finally looked at him and said: "What Xun Qi wants is loyalty. If you say this, are you afraid that I will secretly report to His Majesty?"

He finally revealed some information, and he can still tell His Majesty in secret.

Song Liangchen was in a complicated mood: "It's still the same sentence. I will defend Nanjing together. Even if the center has any plans, you can't let me not know!"

"You just obey orders." Guo Xun said indifferently, "Are you obeying orders?"

Song Liangchen was furious: "Of course I obey! But what if there is a riot under my command?"

"Just cut it off."

"Can it be cut? It's a riot!" Song Liangchen looked like he was about to collapse, "There are still so many civil servants and gentry who are not reconciled!"

Guo Xun chuckled and said, "Come on, let me introduce someone to you."

After finishing speaking, he shouted to the door: "Brother Chang, come in."

Song Liangchen looked at this guard who looked like a soldier in doubt.

"Chang Xuanzhen." Guo Xun said to him, "Kaiping King Zhongwu Empress."

Song Liangchen opened his mouth, only to see Chang Xuanzhen cup his hands neatly at him: "I've seen the Marquis of Xining!"

"……He He……"

"I have been practicing in my battalion for two years! How about it, do you have a bit of Mr. Chang's demeanor?" Guo Xun looked a little complacent, "After heroes like Brother Chang, there are many others in my battalion. Mr. Li , Duke Deng, and Duke Tang are all here!"

Can be compared with Kaiping Zhongwu King Chang Yuchun, how can Song Liangchen not know that the so-called Li, Tang, and Deng should be Li Wenzhong, Tang He, and Deng Yu.

Guo Xun patted him on the shoulder: "If someone mutinies, it's fine to cut it off. I have someone to make up for it, and it's all for meritorious service!"

Song Liangchen's eyes were a little dull: "...How many people will be cut?"

Guo Xun did not make any achievements in suppressing the bandits back then, and Southeast has always focused on appeasement. Now, in order not to degrade his son, his eyes are full of bloodthirsty: "The disloyal ones will be cut off naturally! If the old ones don't go, what about the new ones?" Come? You are so smart anyway, you should understand that His Majesty has already arranged it!"

Song Liangchen was speechless.

Li, Chang, Tang, and Deng, who hadn't attacked for a long time, all came out later, and they have been training in the Shenji Battalion for two years. Thinking about Xu Pengju training Xiaolingwei, Li Quanli training the Yangtze River Navy to suppress bandits...

There is also Jinyiwei's various provinces that everyone knows.

He shivered: "There are a lot of smart people! If there are still people who are not reconciled because of this, it will be a chaos!"

Guo Xun replied disdainfully: "I can see that you haven't studied His Majesty's dialectics much! Isn't it enough to focus on the main contradiction?"

"...What is the main contradiction?" Song Liangchen thought to himself, do you dare to talk about learning?

Guo Xun gritted his teeth: "Outside of Guangdong, how many feudal lords and officials above the fifth rank are there in the world? Before showing their feet, everyone is the main conflict!"

Song Liangchen took a deep breath: Can you already stare at everyone?

"...I don't believe it!" He really needs to strengthen his confidence now.

If this is the case, does His Majesty still need to hide and let Yang Tinghe stand up and suffer?

Guo Xun glanced at him: "If you believe everything, can you still be called loyal? That's just playing around with the wind!"

After all, a sense of superiority of "I knew it".

Song Liangchen felt uncomfortable.

He felt that Guo Xun must have been deceived. How could any emperor in the past and present be able to keep track of the movements of all high-ranking officials in the world at any time?

Jin Yiwei used to stare at the Beijing officials with all their strength, and it was inevitable that the Beijing officials had been colluding with each other to plan many things.

It must be that after Guo Xun was deceived, he rushed forward foolishly!

At this time in Zhejiang, Wang Shouren also expressed such doubts to Yan Song.

Yan Song didn't know what the so-called "principal contradictions are all being watched", but he said: "This matter is not difficult to understand."

Smart as Wang Shouren looked at Yan Song suspiciously.

Yan Song smiled: "I was born by chance, and you are well-known. But are the talents and experience of many low-rank officials in the world really much worse than those of high-rank officials? The reform is such a big event, and when it's time to weed, can it be Also carefully identify which weed's root is a bit involved, and carefully dig it out?"

Wang Shouren lowered his head and sighed: He's just not as ruthless as Yan Song.

No, His Majesty is also very ruthless and resolute in this matter.

"Wang Hung has already taken office. If there is any change in the southeast, we still have to rely on Bo'an."

"...My father's funeral is still in April. What if there is chaos in these four months?"

Yan Song shook his head: "No, isn't this show just to confuse the locals? After all, there are very few smart and bold people, and there is nothing to be afraid of if they are foolish and bold, let alone those who are foolish and timid."

Is there any show that can fool everyone in the world?Just to confuse those foolish people.

Wang Shouren put too much thought into learning, and now he feels what it would be like for a truly smart person to devote all his thoughts to the layout of the article.

Where the fire is most likely to be lit by a smart person, the center presumably has already arranged fire extinguishers in place.

After a while, Wang Shouren sighed deeply: "Since selfish desires are always changing, blindly being upright can only be controlled by others."

Yan Song thought so, and nodded with a smile: "This method of harming the people is the smallest, and the world will be wider after weeds are removed."

Knowing that the other party will try every means to stop it, but trying to influence the other party for the sake of being upright, why bother?
Those who are smart and daring, who dare to jump out, will be culled immediately, and the rest will be afraid of the might and dare not move lightly.

Those who are smart and timid will always be smart, and it is right to try to change with your tail tucked between your legs and avoiding the limelight.

The purpose of acting is not to deceive, but to take the initiative.

Now, isn't the world being led by the nose?

 1 owed before making up
(End of this chapter)

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