
Chapter 227 The end will never be disgraceful!

Chapter 227 The end will never be disgraceful!

There are two capitals and thirteen provinces, the northern Zhili is under the eyelid disciples of the imperial court center, and the southern Zhili has a garrison and another imperial team.

In other places, there are not everywhere governors.Listening to the emperor's current intentions, is there a permanent governor in the future?

Everyone thought of what Guangdong is doing now, and then fell into deep thought.

After Zhu Houcong asked "Who wants to go", no one spoke to him for a while, and he didn't care.

Yang Tinghe and Jiang Mian had invited the Governor-General of Nanzhili to go to Nanzhili. In the past three years, there were several major events, and there were also counselors who asked for orders to go to the local appeasement.

But this time the meaning is different.

This is the mopping up before the new law is implemented to the entire Ming Dynasty. This is going to kill a lot of people, so it is the governor.

The governor has pacesetters, and the governor controls the commander-in-chief.

Who wants to go somewhere and kill with a knife?
The follow-up impact is more than that, and several of the consultants have left, so there will be new changes in the center of the court.

After a while, Jiang Mian stood up and saluted: "I wish to go to Nanzhili."

Cui Yuan looked at the emperor hesitantly.

This is no joke.The reason why the governor is not permanent is because the governor has too much authority.Judging from the history books, although it is not as good as the Tang Dynasty's Jiedushi, what the Ming Dynasty has to face now is the unwillingness of countless nobles, generals, officials and gentry.

With the prestige of being a counselor today, when you go to a place, you can intimidate one side by advancing, and retreat...you can also separate one side.

Just like Sichuan, isn't Gao Kewei's plan to use Fei Hong and Xue Lun as the leaders of civil and military affairs, intending to embrace the king of Shu and separate the regime first, causing chaos in the world?

Although His Majesty said that there will be no chaos, but the new law is so different from before, none of the counselors are trembling.

People's hearts will change, if the direction of the wind changes, there is no guarantee that everyone will remain the same.

However, Zhu Houcong just nodded his head: "Nanzhili's new governor, Nanjing's garrison and the six departments must have something to say, so the governor of Nanzhili is only temporarily set up, and is also in charge of water transportation, salt law, and water conservancy. In terms of military affairs, Wu Dinghou will listen to me will."

"The minister leads the order."

Jiang Mian sat down.

It would be impossible for him to be a down-to-earth governor like other provinces.How important is Nanzhili?There is a whole set of left-behind yamen in Nanjing, and there can only be an emperor at the top, how can there be a governor?

Now Yang Tinghe is the leader of the new law party and is irreplaceable.As long as there is no problem with his health, the first assistant will be stable.

The second assistant, Jiang Mian, took charge of the re-establishment of the Beijing camp and led the change of the five military camps. Although the emperor deliberately tested some of his relatives, Jiang Mian still needed to do something to make the emperor recognize his importance.

After all, he has only just turned sixty, and he is in good health.

With Jiang Mian speaking, Mao Ji also stood up and asked for orders to go to Jiangxi.He is from Shandong, and the governor of Shandong is not suitable.

Zhu Houcong shook his head: "Mao Qing can go to Fujian."

A person's name emerged in everyone's mind: Wang Shouren.

Jiangxi, I'm afraid we have to wait for Wang Shouren and Dingyou to finish: anyway, it's only been two months, and he went to Jiangxi from Zhejiang to take up his post very quickly.

Two people from the original "Yang Party" pleaded for orders, and Wu Tingju, who had been involved in the Guangdong case before, also stood up: "I wish to go to Shandong."

Zhu Houcong shook his head again: "No, you go to Guangdong."

Everyone was stunned, only to hear Zhu Houcong continue to say: "Guangdong already has a solid foundation. Zhang Fujing has been away from Beijing for nearly three years, and it's time to come back to face the saint. When he comes back, we can reward him for his merits, and then we can declare our love to the world." The opportunity to decide to reform. Shandong, let Zhang Fujing go."

Without him, there is only Yan Shenggong in Shandong.

Zhu Houcong remembered the feat of Zhang Fujing daring to attack the Confucius family.

As for the restructuring of the Shibo Department in Guangdong, Wu Tingju was the first to ask for it.Now that he has returned, he is also very familiar with Guangdong, and it is not difficult to finish what Zhang Fujing left unfinished.

Yang Tinghe couldn't imagine what kind of reaction Zhang Fujing, who carried a knife in Guangdong and killed the "sword" bestowed by the emperor, dripping blood, would cause it when he arrived in Shandong.

However, the emperor personally rewarded Zhang Fujing, the pioneer of the reform and the first batch of disciples of the emperor, which was indeed the best expression of the emperor's determination to the world at the level of the new law.

Because even if the old system of grain, tax and corvee was not used last year, Guangdong's annual revenue has also handed in a good answer sheet, and the emperor can indeed express his satisfaction.

Yang Tinghe and Wang Qiong couldn't go down, and Cui Yuan was a relative, so he couldn't be the governor.

Then Li Chongsi and others also stood up and asked for Ying, because everyone wanted to understand the emperor's intention of proposing this idea.

When the new law is implemented throughout the country, the six old systems in Beijing cannot still exist, as Yang Tinghe said before, there must be two sets of government offices to connect with the localities, right?

Now that several counselors leave the capital to guard one side, first of all, a large number of high-ranking officials are vacant.The opportunities here include being a cabinet minister and being a Jiuqing.Then there was a chain reaction, and there were many shortages from the second, third and fourth grades.

The departure of counselors to guard the capital was originally a decisive battle between the old and new laws in the standpoint stage.Standing is to stand in line, and only when you stand in line can you have a chance to climb up. This is also the temptation of the high-ranking official position brought out by the emperor.

Although they left the court center, in the emperor's vision for the future court center, the national policy meeting must be a beginning.When they return to Beijing after success or become officials after success, they will all be rewarded by the emperor and set an example to inspire future generations, and there will be no shortage of grace.

As for separatism like Cui Yuan worried about?Just kidding, I have already seen the emperor's fishing methods, and they are willing to become a big fish by themselves after throwing their rods with the emperor?

When Zhang Fujing went to Shandong, it must have been the most intense moment of conflict between old and new cultures.At that time, the emperor's attainments in learning will definitely be revealed, and the emperor's emphasis on the righteousness of the people will only make the support of the imperial power more stable.

Without the support of the people, which gentry or military general can rebel?

Isn't the clean up of water conservancy just for the welfare of the people?Guangdong reformed corvée this year, and the burden on the people has been greatly reduced. The people in Guangdong will only become the envy of people in other provinces.

Zhu Houcong finally nodded: "You and the others are loyal to the country. I am very relieved. Just like the old practice, after you and the others leave Beijing, each holds a secret box and can directly report to my imperial case. Before the case, the monarchs and ministers can speak freely. The essence of dialectics can be preached by you and others in the local area. Always remember one thing, you and others help me implement the new law for the sake of the foundation of the Ming Dynasty and the well-being of the people of the Ming Dynasty. You and the others know my heart. Loyalty to the emperor, use of affairs, Qing and other blessed descendants, leaving a good name in the history, are all due righteousness and inevitable results."

It was another guarantee, everyone said goodness together, and expressed their determination generously.

Afterwards, the candidates for the next batch of counselors were discussed, each recommending candidates based on the performance and ability of other officials towards the new law during this period of time.

There is never a shortage of wise men with prescient vision, and there is no shortage of hedgers.

It doesn't matter to Zhu Houcong. First, he will do some more assessments based on the records of the internal file department, and then look at his performance.

And just after they discussed for a while, the second round of Sichuan's memorial arrived at the Forbidden Palace.

Zhu Houcong took a look and then showed a regretful expression to Yang Tinghe: "Two people were killed in the Yang family and one was seriously injured."

Yang Tinghe's expression froze, and he was about to ask with a mournful look, when Zhu Houcong said, "They are all domestic servants, Yang Ge should go to believe in Congyou's compensation. Gao Kewei was indeed a golden cicada who escaped his shell, and those who went to Yang's family were the remnants of Guangdong, and everyone was dead. Fortunately, Chen Yin was brave and killed all 24 of the thieves, the Yang family was safe, and the younger brothers, relatives, and family temples and graves were all safe."

So Yang Tinghe breathed a sigh of relief, and felt that the emperor was deliberately teasing him.

It was only after remembering what I knew about the emperor that I said seriously: "I will send a letter to my younger brother to give me a generous pension. I have thanked your Majesty for sending Chen Baihu Township to guard you."

It seems that although Xue Lun responded in a timely manner, Xindu is too close to Chengdu.

During this period of time, the 24 dead men rushed straight to Yang's house, which is really scary when you think about it.

But Zhu Houcong said solemnly: "Gao Kewei is so bold that he used the imperial decree of righteousness to falsely convey the holy will, and even forged the pass token and the official documents of Fei Hong and the three departments of Sichuan. I'm afraid it's all like this. If there are stupid people or rats who plan to plan, there will be small troubles in Sichuan."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Wang Xian: "Fei Hong and Marquis Yangwu of the Ministry of War, give them the right to be cheap. The Zuobu political envoy of Sichuan, Zhang Bi will do it. According to the envoy, let Guie from Guangdong go. The rest of the candidates, The Ministry of Officials can proceed with the election."

From the original lecturer to the imperial study, and took Yan Song's position as the chief to participate in the national policy meeting, Zhang Bi is now only a second-rank Zuobu political envoy, not a direct governor like Yan Song, who will return immediately. will become governor.

However, for Zhang Bi, this is also a necessary part of accumulating local practical experience.

As expected, the imperial study room is the place where the promotion is the fastest, and the rapid promotion of the rank makes other people jealous.

Now there is another vacancy in the Royal Study Room.

Gu Dingchen was shocked: Can he take over as the chief and participate in the national policy meeting?
"Your Majesty, but there is another secret report, Fei Dutai is trustworthy?" Cui Yuan asked one more question as his duty.

Before, it was Yang Tinghe who asked Xue Lun if he could be trusted, but now Cui Yuan asked Fei Hong if he could be trusted, after all, Fei Hong should have the right to be cheap.The so-called cheap power of the Ministry of War is to mobilize the army to quell the chaos.

Zhu Houcong said lightly: "Don't be suspicious of people, don't be suspicious of employing people, Jingshan Marquis don't have to worry too much, if I have a lot of suspicions, how can the monarch and ministers talk about it?"

He acted boldly, but he did not say whether there was a secret report.

They are all old foxes, everyone knows it well.However, these words can be regarded as speaking to the consultants who are about to leave Beijing.

"Your Majesty, Gui E is in charge of the Department of Household Office of the Chief Envoy of Guangdong. Guangdong has a lot of taxes and services this year. If he goes to Sichuan and Zhang Fujing goes to Shandong, the successor in Guangdong may not be able to do enough, and the effect of the new law will be misunderstood." Yang Tinghe said Talk about doubts.

Whether the new Guangdong law can be implemented depends on the Jiajing five-year decision.Although everyone now knows that it will be implemented nationwide at that time, the more beautiful the report card, the better.

Zhu Houcong said calmly: "It's okay, with Wu Qing here, there will be no trouble. The land is cleared, and the subject is compiled and reviewed, and the rest is just execution. If there is any trouble in Guangdong, there will be Mr. Ma and Mr. Jiang. There is the Marquis of Funing in the big trouble. In the selection of many official positions, priority can be given to promoting those who have made meritorious service in Guangdong in the previous two years."

The situation is like this, obey the new law, and get promoted quickly and securely; those who are still on the sidelines and even oppose it, just cut it off.

It has been three years in the making, the Beijing camp was set up first and after this chaotic rectification and salary payment, now is the time to look forward to making meritorious service.

Jiang Mian felt the turmoil after many counselors left Beijing, and added: "The five families of Liu, Li, Tang, Deng, and Chang will be rehabilitated and rewarded for their meritorious service in the chaos of the Five Army Camps. It should be completed before the counselor leaves Beijing."

Zhang Zilin, Minister of Rites, and Wang Xian, Minister of War, both nodded: "That's true."

The reason why this matter was relatively slow was that it took Xu Guangzuo a month to reorganize and investigate in the Fifth Army Battalion.In addition, Zhu Houcong also hopes to take this opportunity to let the non-honored generals in the Beijing camp see more hope.

And with only a little credit for quelling the chaos in the Fifth Army Battalion, it would be no problem for that General Qian Lei Quanyi to be promoted to a general.

But as far as Zhu Houcong's selfishness is concerned, he hopes that he will have the opportunity to become a battalion officer in the first army, breaking the precedent that only honored ministers can hold such high positions in the Beijing camp.

From this position, Lei Quanyi's contribution is a little less.

Zhu Houcong thought for a while and said, "We can send [-] soldiers from the Shenji Battalion to Huguang, and we can also send [-] soldiers from the Fifth Army Battalion to Sichuan, subject to Marquis Yangwu's restraint. Let Lei Quanyi go as the leader of the army!"

Give him another chance to make meritorious deeds. If he can make meritorious deeds in Sichuan, he will be the first battalion officer of the Beijing Camp after he returns.

Strong generals must rise from the army, and important officials must be sent to prefectures and counties. This will be a necessary situation in the Jiajing Dynasty in the future.

For the other five old relatives, the restoration of titles also started with the earls, and now they are organizing ceremonies and summoning the successors to Beijing.

Back and forth, it takes time.

The discussion continued in the Imperial Study Room of the Hall of Mental Cultivation. After a while, Huang Jin asked for instructions from the door and came in. He knelt down and cried, "Your Majesty, Mr. Zhou Xizheng is driving west of Hexi!"

In the silence of the crowd, Zhu Houcong let out a long sigh: "Give the crown prince a young teacher, and give a gift to the minister of the Ministry of Rites, so that his eldest son, Qi, will be the prime minister of Guanglu Temple."

Zhou Zhao did not survive this hurdle after all, and passed away on the eve of the decisive battle of the new French team stage.

He was too old, and after entering Beijing, he only had the false title of servant in the Ministry of Rites, and he did not let his two sons who had not yet been born as officials.

Now, the prime minister of Guanglu Temple, who is from the sixth rank, can only be said to be giving his son an official status, and he is in charge of the purchase and cooking of Guanglu Temple, which is a marginal position.

There is no way to do this, we can only see if Zhou Zhao's grandson can make achievements in the imperial examination.

Another real emperor and teacher passed away, and now the only important minister in the hidden residence is Xie Changjie.

For the rest, the military officers are all quite promising, but the competitors faced by the original civil servants of the palace are too strong, and Xie Changjie has ups and downs.

Zhu Houcong arranged Zhou Zhao's funeral, and then ended today's national policy meeting first.

That was the person who had been persuading him not to rush, but Zhou Zhao couldn't understand where Zhu Houcong wanted to take Daming.

Now, an engine of the giant ship of the Ming Dynasty, this new law is finally about to completely start roaring in the two capitals and the thirteen provinces.

Zhu Houcong came to Kunning Palace to see his son Zhu who was not long after the full moon.

It was only later that Sun Ming realized the homonym of the name. At first, he struggled, but Zhu Houcong said "it's easy to raise" to dispel his doubts.

"I asked your father to stay in Huguang first." Zhu Houcong gently picked up his sleeping son and said smoothly.

Sun Ming just bit her lip lightly.

She doesn't talk about court affairs, but she knows it.

Walking to Zhu Houcong's side, she looked at her husband and asked softly, "Will it go well?"

Zhu Houcong shook his arm slightly: "Whether it goes well or not is the difference between speed and slowness. Under my determination, anyone in the world who dares not to follow, may give it a try!"

Now, the news that the emperor has a son-in-law should have spread to every province in Ming Dynasty, right?
Although the army of the Beijing camp is moving slowly, if there is a war, it will come according to the order!

When the decree spread to the Fifth Army Battalion, Lei Quanyi, the former soldier, knelt down in front of Xu Guangzuo with his eyes shining, and said loudly, "The last general will not disgrace his life!"

 I wanted to change it again today, but I am busy with business, your Majesty, please forgive me a little bit.

(End of this chapter)

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