
Chapter 234

Chapter 234

"Shang Yu said that since the King of Chu is gone, there is no order for state affairs. When the son grows up, he should be ordered to inherit the title, so you can discuss it and hear about it."

Inside the Ministry of Rites, Zhang Zilin read out the imperial decree, and then said: "According to the established rules, Xianrong, the prince of Chu, is temporarily in charge of the government affairs. The son lives in the father's funeral. For example, please seal the title after the end of the system. Let's do it like this."

This is a common practice after Yingzong. When the vassal king died, the quasi-successful king had to serve the 27-month mourning period for the late king before he could formally ask for the title.During this period, the emperor will grant the quasi-successor the power to temporarily take charge of the government affairs so that he can manage the clan.

"Uncle Da Zong." A doctor in the Ministry of Rites said, "Speaking of asking for a seal, the request for a seal from the Liao Palace has arrived again. According to the law, the funeral period for King Gong of Liao has expired, and the son of Liao's succession to the nobility..."

The Liao clan located in Jingzhou, Huguang, the sixth generation Liao king Zhu Chong died in the 16th year of Zhengde.His son Zhu Zhige had followed the old rules before, as the quasi-heir king, he was in mourning and temporarily took charge of government affairs.Now that the mourning period has expired, the memorials for Zhu Zhige, the son of Liao Dynasty, are constantly handed over to the Ministry of Rites.

The doctor of the Ministry of Rites asked nervously.

Although the court has had a lot of things to do in the past few months, the feudal king's attack on the noble is a major event after all, and if it has been delayed, it will inevitably make people have other associations.

Zhang Zilin already had the answer: "Your Majesty has already made a decree, it must be."

Regarding the clan, the emperor already had an idea in his mind.

The question of the vassal king has broken away from the framework of the past, so why is this title so difficult?
Speaking of it, this also made Yang Tinghe and others feel a lot of relief: finally, they did not continue to persecute the feudal king at this pass.

With the death of the king of Chu, the emperor ordered the vassal king to appease him.As a show of kindness, if there are still vassal princes who are stubborn and mischievous in the subsequent clean-up of water conservancy and other new laws, then the board will be beaten without hesitation.

At the same time, Chu Shizi first became the quasi-heir king in mourning, and he will not officially become the king of Chu for three years.Since the prince of Liao was able to take over the title of king of Liao smoothly, the prince of Chu needn't worry about anything.

It was the end of May when the decree arrived in Huguang.

Zhu Xianrong put on the order uniform, and he can do so when receiving the order.

After receiving the order, he changed into mourning clothes again.The sad look on his face did not diminish, but his heart was very unhappy.

At this special time, didn't the emperor have the grace to let him directly succeed the king of Chu and appease the vassal king?So this year's Longevity Festival, will the Chu heir king enter Beijing during the mourning period?
According to the rules, after the death of the vassal king, he also needs to stop for a long time.Afterwards, seven or seven days, one hundred days, coffin moving, initiation, burial... so many occasions, how could Zhu Xianrong, the quasi-heir king, not be present?

The will this time does not mention this issue.

"The crown prince of Liao has formally proclaimed the king of Liao." Facing Zhang Luo's uncle Zhu Rongchan who was in charge of his father's funeral, Zhu Xianrong's eyes were gloomy. It just cannot be said that His Majesty intends to destroy me Chu Fan!"

But Zhu Rongchan said: "Don't worry! The quasi-King of Liao's succession at least shows that His Majesty does not want to directly cut down the feudal clan with excuses at this time, causing turmoil in the clan. The Chu clan will send people to congratulate the Liao King's succession. As usual, the new king's succession It is possible to ask for some grace, and encourage the king of Liao to try again, to see what your majesty wants."

"How to test?"

"In the past, in order to avoid disaster, the king of Liao Jian moved to Jingzhou and devoted himself to heirs, and had more than [-] children. By the time of Hongzhi, there were hundreds of clans in the main branch of Liao. Have you ever broken into the Jingzhou mansion to pay the annual salary? Later, together with Yibin, they oppressed the people, robbed the rich merchants and even the money and grain of the guards. The high wall of Fengyang was destroyed. The Liao clan's clan is in trouble, doesn't the new Liao king think of a way?"

It's about five years ago in Hongzhi.

The fact that more and more clans were born, and the life of lower-level clan members became more and more difficult was very prominent in Liao Fan.

Among the descendants of a certain son of King Songzi of the first generation of Liao King, there was a situation in which the family members of King Liao at that time were very dissatisfied with the fact that the annual salary could not be distributed in time.Later, relying on their clan status to bully the market and rob the people of their wealth, the Liao king was afraid to report them, but this could not solve the problem.

After the low-level clan members of the Liao clan were about to murder the Liao king, the Liao king was even more frightened and angry.After these people were arrested, although King Liao was afraid of the emperor, he did not hide his anger towards his relatives.

Although the clansmen who planned to participate in the assassination had been decided to abolish their titles and be imprisoned on the high wall of Fengyang, King Liao still decided to take revenge.

That night, he secretly sent people to the prison to attack those relatives who dared to plan to assassinate him.Overnight, more than 80 people were killed, and the scene was extremely bloody.

Regarding this matter, the civil servants sent to Jingzhou to handle the case at that time turned a blind eye: more clan relatives died and internal conflicts were more, which is a good thing for the court.

But coincidentally, not long after, the eldest son of King Liao and the son of the civil official died suddenly, and King Liao also got seriously ill and died of pain two years later.

The eldest son died without any disease, and he himself died of gangrene. The folks naturally said that this is evil and evil is rewarded - after all, being so cruel to one's relatives and killing them all is a manifestation of lack of character.

Now what Zhu Rongcheng means is: the clan problem of Liao Fan was so cruel more than 30 years ago, and it will only get worse now.

However, the imperial court also took actions to clean up the water conservancy and encroach on the interests of the vassal princes.It is not clear what the clan policy will be like.

Should Zhu Zhige, the new king of Liao Dynasty, face the issue of his own clan?Can you ask for some grace to solve the Liao Fan problem that the court is also very clear about?

The Liao clan, which was "forced" more than 30 years ago so many clansmen were ready to kill the prince, if they didn't get a satisfactory answer, would they dare to be bold again under the current situation?
The current king of Liao, Zhu Zhige, was born in the year following the "murder of the king of Liao", and is now 32 years old.

The title of King Liao that he had been obsessed with for three years finally fell to the ground, and he became a real prince.

There are many problems in front of him now, but there is only one thing in his mind.

"Now this king is 32. If he still can't have any heirs, it's hard to say whether the Liao king will be expelled in the future!"

The person Zhu Zhige spoke to was his wife, Princess Mao of the Liao Dynasty.

The two have been married for many years, but Zhu Zhige still has no children.And he, Princess Mao, has a rather strong personality.

Now hearing Zhu Zhige's probing question, Mao nodded instead: "Father's funeral is over, although there have been some twists and turns, since the throne has been seized, let's establish a second concubine."

"That king..." Zhu Zhige was overjoyed.

"I've already thought about this." Mao said with a straight face, "Although we have to reproduce, we must not indulge in sexual desires. Firstly, the prince's health is not good. Secondly, at this critical time, I, the Liao Fan, cannot teach others. Yishan. This time, the concubine should be someone who is easy to give birth to. I have already seen the daughter of Jingzhou Zuowei Wang Deputy Qianhu."

Zhu Zhige was obsequious, nodding should be.

This Mao family is familiar with the history of reading, and has a serious and decisive personality.In the Liao Palace, Zhu Zhige took charge of the government affairs temporarily as the heir-to-be, but in fact, the Mao family was mainly in charge.

Now that she has become the official concubine of Liao, the prestige of the Mao family in the palace will only grow stronger.

No, she has already helped Zhu Zhige choose his second concubine.As for what that girl looks like, Zhu Zhige could only sigh in his heart.

Compared with Zhu Zhige who only cares about this matter at present, Mao has to think more.

She frowned and said, "You don't have to spend a lot of money to make arrangements for the selection of a concubine, you just need to report it according to the rules. The prince's succession to the noble, my Liao family members are all looking forward to it. Now there are so many branches in this branch. People with titles, every family is looking forward to the favor from the palace, and the prince also needs to use this kindness to win the hearts of the Liao Fan. When does the prince plan to call other clansmen to the palace to congratulate him?"

"This... is arranged by the princess."

"What about the reward?"

"...Wangfei looks at whichever one is respectful, and rewards more."

Mao was waiting for these words, nodded and then said: "The prince's conferring ceremony and the first celebration ceremony are also to be held."

Zhu Zhige's eyes lit up: "Do it!"

As a rule, every year on Zhengdan, Winter Solstice and Wang's birthday, the officials of the palace and the civil and military officials of the attached government office will come to the palace to congratulate.

For the feudal king, it was a status symbol.The feeling at that time is also really the feeling of being "worshiped".

At least one sentence of respect, Your Highness, Maoying, and blessings is indispensable.

It is neither Zhengdan, nor Winter Solstice nor Wangshou Day, but Zhu Zhige has just become a prince, so he should officially show his face in front of Jingzhou civil and military officials as a prince.

In addition, the sealing ceremony is also a moment in life.

It was natural for Mao to discuss with him all the big and small matters in the palace, and Zhu Zhige also felt natural.

He was a little afraid of Mao Shi, Zhu Zhige didn't dare to say too much about wanting to "indulge" a few beauties and didn't get any good looks from Mao Shi.

When he went to his younger brother Zhu Zhichen, Prince of Guangyuan County, seeing his three beautiful concubines, Yue'e, Cui'er, and Lanxiang, Zhu Zhige was very envious.

"Brother Wang, I am preparing again today..."

Zhu Zhige nodded, and Zhu Zhichen grinned: "Now that you have become the prince, you need to ask for more Lumi's grace for the younger brother, it is difficult for the younger brother's house!"

"That's nature, that's nature, take me quickly..."

Zhu Zhizun took him to a small courtyard.One's own concubine cannot be shared, but Zhu Zhizhen has collected many women in this courtyard for Zhu Zhige's lust.

Otherwise, how could his body be that bad?

Although there is no shortage of women, Zhu Zhige is still more envious of Zhu Zhishen's upright personality and the beauty of all the concubines he has.

He began to enjoy the happy life of his own vassal king, and Zhu Zhizhen closed the courtyard door for him with a smile.

Then, the smile on his face became weird.

He is 32 years old and has no children, and the body of this brother Wang is constantly being emptied. I don't know how long he can last.

It is not impossible for the Liao king to be sealed by his younger brother in the future.

Zhu Zhichen was thinking while walking: his sister-in-law Wang is really not a simple person.Without her restraint, Zhu Zhige would have ruined himself sooner.

Gotta find a way to make her make a big mistake...

Mao is very busy.

To prepare for the celebration ceremony, it is also necessary to arrange for the congratulatory table.In addition, the Liao Fan clan has many things to deal with.

For example, among those who planned to assassinate Zhu Zhige's grandfather, one of his two daughters came to her and cried.

"Princess, the crime is not as good as the descendants. This is the rule of the clan. My sister and I are both over thirty, can't you please choose Yibin and give us a marriage?"

Mao has a big head.

These two are Zhu Zhige's cousins.After the sinners, the two county heads are both in their 30s and still not married. This is indeed something that should be done for them.

However, Liao Fan had too many clansmen.If the two county heads choose Yibin, the imperial court will immediately need another Lumi.

After three years of mourning, the clan of the Liao clan had a backlog of things that needed to be requested by the King of Liao.

Asking for rice, Qien, asking for a name, asking for a seal... Mao knows how sensitive the past three years have been, so how dare he let the Liao Fan keep "showing his face" in front of the emperor?If His Majesty is offended, the throne may be changed!

But now that Zhu Zhige has officially taken over the seal, there is no reason to delay these matters any longer.

"I see, I will report to the prince and ask him to make up his mind, don't worry..."

Although she was actually making the decisions on her behalf, on the surface, she still put Zhu Zhige's position above her own, and she didn't say enough.

She was so busy that she couldn't see Zhu Zhige's help, and the envoys from the Huguang clans who came to participate in the Liao King's succession ceremony also arrived in Jingzhou one after another.

These days, Zhu Zhige is not completely indifferent.

At least, immersed in the feeling of the prince, he readily agreed to the requests of many clan relatives, and then secretly received many gifts from them, and even a pair of beauties they secretly offered.

The prince's happiness made him unable to extricate himself.

"Zhang Zhen, you take these matters to Zuo Changshi, and let him help the king to prepare the performance list first."

Zhu Zhige wrote down the few things he promised today, and handed them to Zhang Zhen, the guard of the Wangfu Yiwei Division, and then hurriedly went to a side courtyard outside the Wangfu.

That pair of beauties has not tasted enough.

Zhang Zhen was ready to rush to the side courtyard after finishing his work, but there was no need to rush, because the prince would definitely stay there for an hour or two.

So he went back home by the way. His son Zhang Wenming was still working hard, preparing for another provincial examination next year.

Zhang Zhen looked at his father's physical condition first.

The ancestors of the Zhang family were also hereditary Qianhu, but Zhang Zhen's father was the second son and failed to inherit the official position of Qianhu.After moving to Jiangling, Jingzhou, the Zhang family was just an ordinary military household.

Zhang Zhen's father had a stuttering speech, and was dubbed "Zhang Jianzi".However, "Zhang Jianzi" was enthusiastic and quick-hearted, and accumulated virtue all his life.All he wished in his life was for the Zhang family to produce a big shot.For this reason, he named his three sons Yue, Zhen, and 鈛 respectively. These are heavy bronze weapons, which is enough to show that "Zhang Jianzi" hopes that his descendants will be able to glorify their ancestors.

It's just a pity that Zhang Zhen only got a guard from the palace.The eldest and the third are not considered promising.

Although Zhang Zhen's son, Zhang Wenming, was already a scholar, he failed many times. Now "Zhang Jianzi" puts his hope on his great-grandson.

"Tell Wenming not to study too late at night, and go to the wife's room more often!"

So Zhang Zhen went to order some sons, and then left the house.

Now that the prince is worrying about his heirs, since Zhang Wenming is married, he should pay more attention to his heirs.

Zhang Zhen didn't know how famous his future grandson would be through the ages.

Now, when the little guard Zhang Zhen arrived at the side courtyard, he saw that the courtyard was already noisy.

"There are so many things in the palace, and the prince hides here and harms his own body?" Mao was furious, "Also, at what time now, how can you be so generous and even give the land! Why didn't the prince first Discuss with me!"

She has some things that are not good to say here: Those officials in the palace, I am afraid that the prince will arrange for them to play these things, so that the emperor will have a bad feeling for the king of Liao, and give him a sword to punish the king of Liao!

When she saw Zhang Zhen, her gaze immediately became dangerous.

(End of this chapter)

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