
Chapter 24 Do you still recognize it?

Chapter 24 Do you still recognize it?

Faced with this situation, Zhu Houcong also has a difficulty: if he only speaks out to refute, then he is stubborn, self-willed, and unpopular.

Although the emperor claims to be a loner, how can he really be a loner if he wants to extend his power?Must no one listen to you and do things according to your wishes?
If you rush to the front in everything, where is your majesty?Where is the mystery?
Zhu Houcong had no other good solution at this time, and it was impossible for Yuan Zonggao to argue against these people.

This matter is not purely reasoning, but a fight for the right to speak.

He knew that the situation had evolved to the flexible bottom line of these people, so he would not let this matter fall into Yang Tinghe's rhythm, and said, "Don't ask this question. The current situation is like this: you and me. We are the queen mother, civil and military officials, including my mother and concubine, and the officials of my palace; I am just me. Mr. Yang Ge, you should ask me whether I am willing or not. Now there are only two results: I Ascend to the throne, successors do not succeed; I do not ascend the throne, go home."

Yang Tinghe froze there immediately, his fingers trembling slightly.

He didn't expect that the heir's attitude was so tough that he could ignore the attitude of all officials.

This is true disregard: you don't agree, I don't care.If you let me take the throne, listen to me.

How self-important?

Unexpectedly, Zhu Houcong then said: "I will not change my mind just because there are more or fewer people who oppose me at this moment. The courtiers thus divided into two factions."

Yang Tinghe said angrily: "Since your Highness has such concerns, why do you insist on doing so knowing that there will be a lot of discussions if you only succeed or not?"

"It's very simple. Those who gave birth to me and raised me also have their parents. Of course, this is a big position. It is a family matter as well as a state matter. I know there will be disputes. But this time is a special case, and this matter will have its own differences when it comes to disputes." What is the benefit of the country if there are endless disputes?"

"Since this is the case, Your Highness should focus on the overall situation..." Yang Tinghe became agitated as he spoke, with tears in his eyes, explaining how harmful it would be if he only inherited the lineage but not an heir.

Zhu Houcong frowned.

At the beginning, I was a little bit moved by the strength of Yang Tinghe and others, but they have made it so clear that even though they clearly disagree with their attitude, they can still adopt the method of persuasion.

Zhu Houcong had a new understanding of the deep-rooted imperial authority and strictness since so many dynasties.

"...His Royal Highness, those who forsake the near to seek the distant ones will work for nothing; those who forsake the far and seek the near will end up with leisure. The new monarch will continue to occupy the throne for many years, but he still needs to amnesty the world to win the hearts of the people, and rewards for meritorious deeds will make him feel at ease. Your Majesty, let alone this special case? Succession to succession is the right way. However, His Highness interprets the edict, submits a letter of thanks, and finds another way, in the eyes of the minister, it is to sacrifice the near and seek the far!"

After Yang Tinghe said this, he looked at him expectantly, but Zhu Houcong laughed. This is more or less an adult model of pros and cons.

To put it bluntly, succession to inheritance is the simplest and most effective way to eliminate hidden dangers, and it has a significant effect on national stability.As for the disadvantages, it is nothing more than Zhu Houcong alone: ​​he only recognizes the reputation of the great position but not his biological parents, he is constrained by many worries when he is a fledgling, and he acts conservatively.

He said curiously: "Okay, let's take it as if I deliberately misinterpreted the will! Just take it as I created this problem! For the existing problems, the solution you come up with is to let me back down? That's right, for the country , this is the most relaxing, and there is an end to it, the problem is solved. But, the problem really lies in me making a lot of trouble? Is the responsibility thrown to me?"

Yang Tinghe's expression changed.

Zhu Houcong didn't wait for him to open his mouth and continued: "The emperor didn't let me succeed before he passed away, and the emperor didn't let me succeed before his death. I was the son first, and then the prince. At some point, my identity was Xiaomiao Heir?"

"Before you elected me, you didn't ask me for my opinion, and you drafted a will for me to ascend the throne without a will for succession. In the will, I clearly stated my identity as the eldest son of King Xingxian! I will raise the question here Now, you all just want me to change my mind and pretend that all the problems in the process and expression above don’t exist!”

"Yesterday and today, you said so much. Which one, which time, sincerely said that this matter was not done well, that it was done wrong?! Just trying to persuade me, but there is one person who bows his head and admits his mistake?" Zhu Houcong looked Mao Cheng, Liang Chu, and Yang Tinghe even more, "My Ming Dynasty has so many difficulties and hidden dangers, and the king is always worried! But the courtiers have always thought of the most worry-free and risk-free way to force them to Smear it, pretend nothing happened, the world is peaceful?"

As soon as these words came out, Yang Tinghe's face suddenly changed.

Cui Yuan has been watching silently.

With the level of Xu Guangzuo and Zhang Heling, perhaps they can only follow along as hard as they can, thinking about the meaning expressed by Si Jun and Yang Tinghe's words.

But Cui Yuan knew very well that the first meeting between the two would determine the tone of the next few years and even the reign of the new monarch.

Yang Tinghe's earnest words and the fact that the heir has already arrived outside the city gate all prove one point: the heir cannot be abolished, and his ascension to the throne is inevitable.

Because he is the king, Yang Tinghe can only persuade him.

Yang Tinghe wanted to use the attitude of all the officials to persuade him, but Si Jun refused to accept the offer at all: You have to do this matter if you don't support it.

He is asking for the right to speak.

Bow your head, it is true surrender.

Admit your mistake, how can you still have the qualifications to speak?

Even if it is indeed a safer way for the country to succeed to the heir, the papermaker's accusation is too cruel.

The seriousness of the murderous intent after this sentence is simply creepy.

Cui Yuan felt that he didn't speak clearly, and it was too scary to speak clearly.

Where is the source of this problem?Is it really Sijun's interpretation of the song?
No, it is the lack of the succession process, the expression of the will, and the formulation of the etiquette from the welcome to the palace.

When Xiaomiao passed away, the heir had not yet been born; when Emperor Zhengde passed away, the heir was still the prince's son registered in the clan; Before entering the palace, he was the heir.

But suddenly there was an extra crown prince, without going through the procedure of succession, and without canonization!

Why didn't many people think it was wrong before?

The only ones who know the news are the cabinet ministers and members of the welcome group; in order to ensure the safety of the transition, there is only one will to be issued in the world.

Officials and common people, how do they know if the heir has completed the procedures at the Ministry of Rites and the Clan Mansion, and how do they know if he is the crown prince?

Hasn't this momentous debate been kept under control at this very moment, with only a few people aware of it?
So here comes the question, and now it is Si Jun who asks: Why do you turn a blind eye when there are so many problems?Why did no one admit their mistake?Why only come up with a solution to make the heir lord submit?
A little bit of heartbreak: Is this just a mistake made by the cabinet because of the accident, or was it deliberately done from beginning to end?

Even if the edict was drafted hastily and thoughtlessly, during the more than 30 days since the welcome group went all the way to Anlu and back to the capital, no one thought that there was something wrong with the process?

To be more sharp: facing the questioning of the heir at this moment, the consequences of the cabinet not admitting its mistakes are too serious.If it's shallower, it's incompetence and dereliction of duty that add to the mistakes, which has confirmed the reputation of the poster maker; if it's deeper, it's deliberate and scheming.

By the way, Yang Tinghe's rhetoric was useless.

The king is the king, and the minister is the minister.The king has a worry in his heart, but his ministers can't understand it. What's the use of ministers?

Because the hazards and hidden dangers that may be caused by succession or non-succession are not exactly what the cabinet should make up for after making so many mistakes?How can the responsibility be shifted to the heir?
Just as Cui Yuan was thinking about this, Yang Tinghe had already taken the lead and knelt down again, and said in a trembling voice: "I am old and faint, and I am ashamed of the entrustment of Emperor Daxing's will. Although the ministers did not ask Yizhi first, they entered the palace first. The Wenhua Palace is precisely for the purpose of completing the ceremony of succession..."

But Zhu Houcong interrupted him: "It's late. Now that I have arrived here, I should enter the palace and enthroned as the heir. Mr. Yang Ge asked everyone who is in favor, but I don't have to ask who is against. I just ask: Emperor Brother's will, the Empress Dowager and the cabinet ministers will judge important matters. Now that the cabinet ministers are all here, I will enter Beijing as the eldest son of King Xingxian to succeed to the throne, do you still recognize the will you drafted?"

The four cabinet ministers all knelt on the ground, Yang Tinghe looked up with tears in his eyes: "Your Highness, successors will not be succeeded, and the disaster will be endless! Why does Your Highness insist on going his own way? Even if the ministers are at fault, His Highness can do whatever he wants to punish, but what are the people guilty of? Is Your Highness really going to see the Great Ming bring disaster to Xiaoqiang, the national power is greatly damaged and the lives are devastated, and the great Ming society is ignored?"

(End of this chapter)

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