
Chapter 250

Chapter 250
Jinyiwei Huguang came here because he wanted to identify the authenticity of that waist card.

Huang Yanzhong nodded after seeing the waist card, and then said to Gu Shilong: "I have arranged four people in Changsha City, and the news has been cut off for more than a month."

Gu Shilong understood what he meant - he only sent a waist card.

Maybe it was caught in the city, maybe there was a fraud.

Gu Shilong only stared at the emissary who came out of the city to ask for surrender: "Do you hold any position in Changsha Guard?"

"...The culprit is the chief banner officer of the Weizhong, with the humble name of Feng Sanhu."

"Who is the leader in the city now?"

"The original commander is Jin Xianghong."

Gu Shilong looked at the name on the requesting surrender letter, closed it and said calmly: "Since the rebellion came first, and the imperial army besieged the city, if you want to surrender, you should open the city gates wide, and all officers and soldiers will leave the city. Master Wang, please wait for the imperial court to deal with it. This Marquis doesn’t believe what Tang Peiyu said was coerced, and he doesn’t make any demands. You go back and tell Jin Xianghong that he has met Ben Hou twice, and he knows Ben Hou’s temper. How to choose, I will It takes half an hour for you."

After Feng Sanhu was escorted out, Gu Shilong said to Huang Yanzhong: "There has been an accident in Changsha City, and it will only take two or three days for our army to enter the city. Please hurry up to the Shenji Camp and confirm with General Ji about today's situation." What does the rebel general look like when he left the city to rob the camp? Let’s see if Tang Peiyu is really not in Changsha City. Si Cong is also there. Next, I have to trouble Huang Xingxing to dispatch Jinyiwei’s manpower to investigate the front line of Xiangtan and Hengzhou. Keep an eye on the defeated rebel army."

Huang Yanzhong knew Tang Peiyu, and when he heard the words, he clasped his fists and accepted the order, and started galloping southward.

When Huang Yanzhong also left, someone said: "Master Hou, really don't you want to fly Yangmeishan and Lubu into Beijing first?"

Gu Shilong said with a sullen face: "The city has not been captured, and the people have not been captured. What is the use of your Majesty's success?"

After all, he had no intention of eating, and went straight to the front of the camp and looked at the city gate not far away.

If you rebel first and then surrender, you will have a way out. What will some people in other provinces think?If we don't give them a way to survive, even though the morale of Changsha City is low and there are not many soldiers, it will be easy to defend and difficult to attack.

What's more, if the city is devastated due to the war, and Changsha Mansion is full of complaints due to the continuous military chaos, the danger of the victims and refugees is also great.

I hope that if the four Jinyi school captains in the city are still there, they can understand what Gu Shilong needs now.

In Changsha City, Jin Xianghong couldn't help standing up after hearing Feng Sanhu's report: "Half an hour?"

"More than two quarters have passed." Feng Sanhu asked anxiously, "General, what should we do?"

Jin Xianghong was the original commander of the Changsha Guard, so naturally he could not be said to be coerced by Tang Peiyu.It's just that in the battle of Yangmeishan today, half of the elite soldiers in the city have gone, and Tang Peiyu himself was defeated and fled to the south. How can Changsha City be defended?
"I've already captured Zhu Jianjun, Fu Rongzhong and others, but Lord Hou still can't believe me?" Jin Xianghong asked Xiao Kai, the Jinyi school captain who came forward to contact him and persuade him to surrender.

"I have already persuaded Jin Qianshi to tie up Zhu Jianjun and others, and surrendered in Kaesong. Jin Qianshi insisted on using my badge to send envoys to negotiate terms. The treason is true, and the petition has been issued. Jin Qianshi thinks it is true Is it child's play?" Xiao Kai is actually being guarded now, he just boldly stepped forward.

Jin Xianghong's face was ugly.

His official position was already very high, if he couldn't make an exception, how could he save his life?

Today, ordinary soldiers, small banner officers, general banner officers, and even hundreds of households can't help themselves, but no one can stay out of it.

What should I do if I defend and fail to defend, surrender and be killed?
"General, what should we do?" Feng Sanhu urged him.

Xiao Kai stared at him and said, "If you don't have an idea about Jin Chen, please stand back and listen to me."

Jin Xianghong was silent for a moment, then waved his hand, and when there were only two people left in the room, he asked, "What's your idea?"

"To be honest, Jin Yiwei is not the only one in the city. If there is a big war, you can't keep all the doors from being opened."

Jin Xianghong's expression changed, and he stared at him firmly.

"If you continue to resist, clan punishment is certain. If you and a few of the fifth rank and above can shoulder the blame, and let the rest of the Changsha Guards escort the Ni Wang out of the city to surrender, their merits and demerits will be balanced, and at most they will be charged with crimes." .”

"When the call to arms was issued, many brothers didn't even know about it! It's just that they have become rebels, so what can they do?" Jin Xianghong said indignantly.

"But you, Jin Xianghong, know, otherwise, why did Tang Peiyu take you as the leader to command the defenders in the city before he left the city?" Xiao Kai said unceremoniously, "Don't worry, I said I want you to bear the blame, not to kill you. "

"……how do I say this?"

Xiao Kai stared at him and said, "Self-immolation in fear of sin. You come with me and hide your name from now on. I will explain the matter to Xing Xing. From now on, you will all go to the foreign inspection factory and go to Nanyang!"

Jin Xianghong did not expect such a proposal.

"...Foreign inspection factory? Go to Nanyang?" He gritted his teeth, "Why do you have such ability?"

"The sooner the rebellion is quelled, the better. If you don't resist, it will be a merit. Catch the rebellious head first, and then voluntarily put to death. Leave a blood letter to keep your family safe. In Daming, you must put to death! As long as the results spread, Why does Your Majesty have to really kill you? You have committed crimes and meritorious service in Nanyang, and the foreign inspection factory is short of people!"

Not everyone is willing to go to Nanyang, but the people in Jinyiwei's walking system all know what kind of ambitions His Majesty has in the future by setting up internal and external factories.

Jin Xianghong only asked: "How can I trust you?"

Xiao Kai replied coldly: "Do you still have a choice?"

Jin Xianghong was silent.

More than a quarter of an hour later, a fire ignited in the city of Changsha, and then at the north corner of the east of the city, Feng Sanhu and others looked at the fireworks in the southwest direction with tears in their eyes.

What they heard was a kind of rhetoric from Jin Xianghong.

I am crying now, not because I believe it or not, but because my fate is still uncertain after leaving the city.

Looking at Zhu Jianjun and others with disheveled hair and tied up in front of him, Feng Sanhu spat bitterly, and then shouted: "Open the city gate!"

More than a month has passed from raising the flag to rebel on July 23 to the surrender of Changsha City on the night of August 27, when Zhu Jianjun, Fu Rongzhong and others were captured.

Gu Shilong, under the protection of his own soldiers and surrounded by the rest of the army, surrounded the more than [-] people who knelt there after leaving the city.

Zhu Jianjun lost his complacency a month ago and the high spirits he had when beheading Wang Bangrui and others to sacrifice the flag. When Jin Xianghong led people into the palace, he discovered that his influence on Changshawei was limited to Tang Peiyu.As for Tang Peiyu, I am afraid that he only needs his flag.

Gu Shilong just glanced at him indifferently, and after scanning around, he asked, "Where's Jin Xianghong?"

"...Honorable Lord, there are five people from Jinqianshi and Zhengqian households above, all of whom have known their crimes are unforgivable, and have left a blood letter in the city to make a confession and commit suicide. Capture the rebellious king and surrender, and it is true Jinqianshi. Decisive. There is nothing we can do about taking the officers and soldiers of the royal division as rebels."

One of the deputy Qianhu present here said it sincerely - for him, it was like this.

Gu Shilong looked everywhere again: "Where is Xiao Kai?"

"Lieutenant Xiao is not a rebel, so he welcomed Lord Hou into the city at the city gate."

Gu Shilong looked in the direction of the city gate: "First take him to the Mianyang Guard Camp and take him under custody."

After finishing speaking, he patted his horse to the outside of the city gate, and Xiao Kai stepped forward to salute: "Xiao Kai, under Jinyiwei Huguangxing, see Hou Ye. Hou Ye put down the rebellion very quickly, and his achievements are outstanding in the world."

Gu Shilong frowned: "Jin Xianghong and the others really committed suicide?"

Xiao Kai nodded: "Here is the blood book."

Gu Shilong looked at the "blood book" at the city gate. It was nothing more than the fact that after Tang Peiyu and Zhu Jianjun conspired, many officials in Changsha Mansion who refused to rebel were captured, and Changsha Wei's conspiracy had become a fact.Now that the Heavenly Army has arrived, in order to save the life of Changsha Mansion, Kaesong surrendered after Tang Peiyu's defeat.They knew that although they were coerced, it was an unforgivable crime for them to fail to rise up and capture the rebels from the very beginning.He committed suicide and died. I only hope that His Majesty will show grace to save the whole family from being punished.

"...Master Hou, how do you write the good news?"

Gu Shilong took a deep look at Xiao Kai: "Huang Xingxing said, apart from you, there are three Jinyi captains in the city, where are they?"

"Forgive me, Lord Hou. If it wasn't for the military situation, the humble official and the walking lord should not let people know their identities. After this matter is over, the humble official and the walking lord must have another order."

Gu Shilong then turned around and said: "Send this blood book, Niwang Baoyin, etc. to Beijing Central along with the victory report, which also states that Jin Yiwei was from Commander Luo to Colonel Xiao, and that Yang Meishan, the frontman of the Shenji Battalion, fought on the way to conquer Changsha. Function. Please Your Majesty, Tang Peiyu fled south, Pu Zitong and Zhan Huabi have not yet been captured, this Marquis will take a rest in Changsha City, and will go south to Hengzhou Mansion in a few days."


Zhu Jianjun was not the rightful lord in the rebels' manifesto, he put Prince Rui at the top.

For Gu Shilong, the symbolic significance of overcoming Changsha was greater than the practical significance-the real victory was that Changsha Wei was defeated by nearly a thousand elites in the battle of Yangmeishan.

But Tang Peiyu escaped, and Pu Zitong and Zhan Huabi were still alive and kicking.

He, Huguang General Soldier, stayed in Huguang for several years, but in the end there were three guards conspiring to rebel, and Gu Shilong could not take credit for this.

Even if the rebellion is completely suppressed, it will not be worth the effort.

But His Majesty needs to let the world see how powerful Jinyiwei and Xinjingying are.

Lubu Feijie, from Changsha Mansion to Beijing City, arrived in seven days.

On the fourth day of September, there was no court meeting, and Zhu Houcong was with Zhu Zailong and Zhu Zaigao's two sons.

One of them is almost two years old and the other is only half a year old.

The reason for accompanying them is because the end of the month is the Longevity Festival.These two princes will also be present at that time, and they will meet many new faces.

If the prince is healthy, decent, and smart, it will be especially reassuring for the courtiers who follow Zhu Houcong in this battle between the old and the new.

Both Sun Ming and Lin Qingping were there, watching Zhu Houcong let Zhu Zaiqi play with the toys that Zhu Zaihou had played with.

And Zhu Zaiyu had a great time playing on the newly built "slides" on both sides of the Huagai Hall relying on the cloud platform.

This is naturally Zhu Houcong's request, and the general meaning he gave, and then the craftsmen planed out such "large toys" with wood.

"Your Majesty, how can Zai Yu and Zai Qu be so insecure in front of the vassal king, relatives and ministers?" Sun Ming asked worriedly, "We should teach them some etiquette."

Zhu Houcong smiled and fiddled with the geometric wooden blocks wrapped in colorful cloth hanging on the cradle: "It's just a child, why do you need to be so knowledgeable and courteous? Zaiyu knows the rules."

The rebellion in the south did not affect the advancement of many affairs in Beijing, but Sun Ming was actually worried about her father and the war in Huguang.

Once this incident happened, her father, the Marquis of Jing'an, would not have time to enter Beijing.Zhu Houcong also made a decree, promising several relatives not to go to Beijing to congratulate, and to suppress the rebellion in the local area.

Some people rebelled, and most of the relatives left their posts temporarily. This is also an opportunity for the local generals to make meritorious deeds. Zhu Houcong will see who can grasp it.

Zhu Houcong, who has been sitting on the throne for more than three years, has become accustomed to calmness. After all, strategically, he doesn't take local rebellion seriously, and he has given full attention to tactics.As the emperor, he just sits in the capital and waits for the news to come, no matter the moment is good or bad.

Now, when Zhu Zaiyu played for a while and took the initiative to come over to say that the recess was over, Zhang Zuo hurried to Huagai Hall.

"Your Majesty! Great news from Huguang, the Marquis of Zhenyuan has conquered Changsha City and captured the Niwang Jianjun and the Nishou Fu Rongzhong!"

Both Sun Ming and Lin Qingping's faces showed joy, but Zhu Houcong was not very happy. Instead, he said to Zhu Zaihuang: "Father has something to do, let Aunt Xian teach you today's literacy class."

After finishing speaking, he stood up and looked back at the Huagai Palace on the way to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

When everything is settled this year, it's time to start planting again. Wen Suyun and the concubines are both eighteen or nineteen years old.

From now on, the vassal king will not leave Beijing, and the clan and the youngest sons of the honored relatives can come to this "Hua Gai Kindergarten" to go to school.

I guess they will be very happy.

When they arrived at the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Yang Tinghe, Cui Yuan and others who arrived at Wen Xun all showed joy, and congratulated Zhu Houcong after seeing them.

"Congratulations to Your Majesty for his planning, the Marquis of Jing'an and the Marquis of Zhenyuan are well-planned, Jin Yiwei and Shenjiying are brave and strategic, one of the rebel kings has been captured, and all the traitors will be given their heads just around the corner!"

Zhu Houcong just nodded first to see the good news.

After seeing the back, I added: "There are also professors in Huangming University College, worship and military bureaus, and military weapons supervisors. Burning cleaner colored glaze, improving iron smelting and casting techniques, and practicing new tactics. Every battle shows how important these things are.”

Yang Tinghe and Cui Yuan subconsciously ignored these details.

The victory report contained some details of the Battle of Yangmeishan, but in their view, it was more of a trick set by Gu Shilong.

If the rebels in the city do not leave the city to rob the "tired army", then Gu Shilong will attract the main force in the east and north of the city, and the Shenji Battalion will bring the tiger squatting guns in the past and the Wuchang Guard who sneaked to the southeast will surprise the defenders in the south of the city.

If the rebels in the city leave the city, it is the result of setting up an ambush to destroy many elite soldiers and boosting morale after winning the first battle.

Tang Peiyu was beaten away in the First World War, and the lieutenant of Jinyiwei Huguangxing, who was lurking in the city, made another contribution and persuaded the guards in the city to surrender in Kaesong.

But Zhu Houcong talked about the effects of the telescope, tiger squatting cannon, grenades and new tactics.

Yang Tinghe reacted: "What your majesty said is that the avenue of physics is infinitely mysterious and useful, and this battle is a clear proof."

Yan Shengzheng is being investigated, Zhang Fujing has already said openly in the Confucian Temple that the emperor is the successor of the former teacher, and His Majesty has more and more clearly shown that the theory of the three principles of heaven, things, and people attaches great importance to the way of physics.

After Zhu Houcong put down the victory report, he said: "Let the Ministry of War discuss the merits of everyone. This time, the merits must be discussed quickly. As for the next step, there is no rush."

"...No hurry?" Cui Yuan was a little confused.

Zhu Houcong nodded: "Prince Rui is young, so he was naturally taken advantage of. I am not in a daze, how can I not distinguish right from wrong? The rebels are actually Zhu Jianjun, Fu Rongzhong, Tang Peiyu, Pu Zitong and others, even if there are other accomplices It will definitely not be Prince Rui. There are two things now, one is to rescue Prince Rui and the emperor's wife, and the other is to slowly put down the rebellion and train troops. Don't they want to drag the war on? go down."

Yang Tinghe looked at Zhu Houcong in a daze.

To suppress military training?

"In the border area between Hunan, Guangdong, Jiangxi and Fujian, there are many mountains, narrow land and few people. Surround some mountainous areas and let them be bandits. This time, the two feudal clans of Changsha Mansion and Jianchang Mansion will be abolished. First of all, let’s divide the fertile fields between the two feudal clans. The people in the border areas of Hunan, Guangdong, Jiangxi and Fujian can mobilize and migrate. Since the disaster of war comes, they must also want to avoid disaster. As for the rebels, they will always be eaten by others. Encircle and suppress slowly, let them open up wasteland, build roads, and grow food by themselves.”

Yang Tinghe just thought: Can such an operation still exist?
Which emperor would sit back and watch such a group of separatist "bandits" exist in his territory for a long time?

They didn't know what was in Zhu Houcong's stomach, and after turning their heads around, they tasted something.

After all, the fifth year of Jiajing has not yet come. When the new law was implemented in the provinces, the name of this rebel army's conspiracy... seems to be used forever. Why bother to put down the rebellion so quickly?
It's just that if the war is protracted, if this group of people can really be blocked on the mountain for a long time without rushing down the mountain to cause harm to any prefecture or county, the supply of food and salaries required and the difficulty of transshipment are not the slightest bit.

After raising this question, Zhu Houcong replied: "Military supplies are also a driving force for the operation of money and food. With this disaster, Huguang, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, and even Nanzhili and Sichuan all have opportunities to make contributions. This time the local The guards rebelled first, and those who want to make meritorious service should go to suppress the bandits. Those who are still staring at the three-acre land of Bingxue and the army, then weigh how strong they are with the garrison battalions in the provinces after training to suppress the bandits Which one is weaker."

"...the garrison battalions in each province?"

"Deploy elite soldiers, use the system of recruiting troops, and learn the new tactics of the Beijing camp. When the garrison battalions in the provinces are first established, the old system of local military settlements should be shaken up." Zhu Houcong said frankly, "The grand strategy is like this. The most important thing now is to rescue The mother and son of Prince Rui came out to wait for the opportunity to capture the bandit leader alive, and the other thing is to surround the rebel army to the east of the Canton River and the Wuyi Mountains at the junction of Jiangxi and Fujian. If these two things are done, everything will be settled."

"The matter of rescue..."

Zhu Houcong looked at Cui Yuan: "I have already issued an order to Luo An, and I will leave this matter to him."

Changshawei is so unbearable, how strong can Changdewei and Hengzhouwei be?
Zhu Houcong wanted to use it to make a fuss about killing chickens and monkeys, but only some leaders.Along with the good news, there was also Jin Yiwei's secret report on how Jin Xianghong and others dealt with it. Zhu Houcong felt that this was the best use of everything.

Whether Luo An's future special service teams from various provinces under his orders and trained under his guidance can perform a decapitation operation this time with the travel of the Jinyiwei provinces and the accumulation of information from the cicada masters of the inner factory provinces, it depends on Luo An's ability.

If it fails, it will be a grand strategy of encircling and suppressing slowly.

If the corrupt local guards in the south can't train some elite soldiers, who will be used to restore Jiaozhi?

(End of this chapter)

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