
Chapter 256

Chapter 256
Ashamed to say, the self-proclaimed orthodox "rebel army" won the first major military exploit. The person who made the meritorious deeds was the bandits who belonged to him, and the one who defeated was the former army commander who rebelled from the "rebel army".

However, although there were many casualties in the Huanyang camp, after all, they crossed the south of the river and withdrew to Hengyang City.

With the enemy at hand, Pu Zitong and Zhan Huabi must also use their great victory to boost morale, and at the same time emphasize the consequences of rebellion-being used as cannon fodder and having their heads chopped off.

Their attention was temporarily divided to the fighting in the remaining three camps in the east and west of the city.

Yan Daniu was taken to the "Governor's Mansion" to recuperate first.

During the battle, the Shanwen Armor he was wearing blocked a few projectiles, but the projectiles fired by the firecracker at close range still had a lot of impact.The internal organs may not be unharmed, but the more serious injury was the arrow.

Above the knee, on the outside of the thigh, the wound must not be faked.It's just that the shaft of the arrow was broken first, and the arrow was still in the flesh.

Luo Maogui is also here--the Zhaiyang camp was first broken up and put into the reserve of various guards. He, the warlord, has nothing to do for the time being and needs to rest.

For Yan Daniu, Luo Maogui is grateful and also very fond of Yan Daniu - after all, Yan Daniu has a bold personality, is extremely brave but is also very good at communicating with people.

Perhaps this is the strange charm of the original bandit leader.

When Tang Peiyu led the attack, the sound of explosions that the Qingye Bridge was destroyed spread to the Zhanyang camp, and Luo Maogui's heart sank to the bottom of the valley for a while.

The steaming water is not easy to cross, and the defenders of the steaming Yang camp are not equipped with ships.The boats and boats near Hengyang City have been requisitioned, and the magistrate Bu who came to vote for Puzitong is responsible for dispatching and transporting grain and grass.

It was Yan Daniu who took the lead and rushed out of the camp, and defeated Tang Peiyu's army at the fastest speed without fear of death, so that he had enough time to retreat by boat to the south before Gu Shilong's army arrived.

Otherwise, as long as Tang Peiyu holds the Chaoyang camp first, he, Luo Maogui, will surely die in battle.

"Doctor, how is it?"

In addition to Luo Maogui, Yan Daniu's two personal soldiers also insisted on entering the city with him.

Now, they all asked the doctor worriedly.

"General Yan has a strong physique. Although the arrow pierced into the flesh, it was slightly blocked by the skirt armor after all, and did not hurt any bones."

"That's good, that's good!" Luo Maogui said repeatedly, and then pulled two of Yan Daniu's personal soldiers out of the room, "Let the doctor concentrate on treating Brother Yan's wounds."

When they got outside the room, the two soldiers were worried and angry: "Brothers have made great contributions, not to mention the promotion, but also dismantled the brothers! They have fought in battles, and they are going to be dispersed to each team to be the main force. How about fooling people? Walking in the rivers and lakes, righteousness is the first! Since you can’t trust us, you can go back to the mountains and continue to be free and easy when your eldest brother recovers from his injury!"

"The governor's arrangement is also reasonable!" Although Luo Maogui had a similar opinion in his heart, he still persuaded them, "Since you have joined the rebel army, you must not talk nonsense and go back to the mountain again! This will only harm Brother Yan!"

"Brother?" A soldier looked startled, and was about to rush into the room recklessly, "I have to go and see the doctor!"

Luo Maogui hurriedly grabbed him: "That's not what it means!"

Whether it was because of the feelings of being together for so many days and this bloody battle, or because of the overall situation of the "Rebel Army", Luo Maogui had to reason with them.

Although it is a bit difficult, after all, these people turned out to be bandits on the mountain who did not follow the rules.

It is indeed not an easy task to ask them to obey people other than Yan Daniu, obey the command and transfer orders.

In the end, he explained the advantages and disadvantages to them, and another soldier who seemed to be smarter had a flash of light in his eyes: "So, we only listen to the elder brother, which is not a good thing for the governor? If it really hurts the elder brother , can we use it better?"

Luo Maogui was dumbfounded.

To be honest, judging from the current arrangements for the Chaoyang camp, he is not very easy to refute.

If Yan Daniu was seriously injured and died at this time, the remaining bandits would be leaderless, and under the suppression of Hengzhou Wei and Changde Wei, it would never be possible to make a big wave.At the same time, Pu Zitong seems to be more convenient to digest these brave bandits by buying them with high-ranking officials and generous salaries.

"...I have to go and see the doctor!" The reckless soldier raised his steps again.

"It will never be like this!" Luo Maogui could only hold him back again, "This is the Governor's Mansion, how could Brother Yan be harmed here! You all listen to me first, if Brother Yan is really killed, I will pay for it with my life." One life is it!"

"..." The clever soldier said after looking at him for a while, "The food, clothing, soup and medicine of the elder brother will all be in my hands!"

Luo Maogui had no choice but to say, "Okay! I'm in charge, and I'll ask the governor for instructions."

There is already a friendship, even if it is utilitarian, Luo Maogui hopes that the Guiyi Army will not disperse, so that he can make a lot of contributions with Yan Daniu.

Luo Maogui also had complaints about Pu Zitong's arrangement after Zhan Huabi's request.

It's just that Luo Maogui can understand their scruples about the loyalty of the Guiyi Army, and the reason why Pu Zitong must respect Zhan Huabi's opinion.

Fortunately, after the doctor's treatment, Yan Daniu woke up before noon the next day.

Pu Zitong also rushed back to the mansion upon hearing the news, walked to Yan Daniu's window and asked with concern: "Brother Yan, how do you feel now? Are you feeling better?"

"...A little flesh injury, it's not a problem." Yan Daniu grinned, "If it wasn't for crossing the river and falling into the water, how could he have a fever? It's much better now, and I think I can go to the field tomorrow!"

Pu Zitong slapped him on the shoulder with a smile: "You have been injured for a hundred days, even though you haven't injured your muscles and bones, don't say anything stupid about going to the fields tomorrow, take care of it for a few days, and order whatever you want to eat."

After putting away his smile, he began to talk about the topic. He first sighed: "Your Zhanyang camp has made great contributions, but after all, you came to Hengzhou with Tang Peiyu, but Tang Peiyu betrayed Master Wang. The subordinates have been dispersed and organized into the guards of each sect, this is also to take into account other people's worries, do you understand?"

Yan Daniu was silent for a while, and then said: "The general understands, I didn't expect General Tang to be such a person."

"Why did he rebel, do you know?"

Yan Daniu was silent for a while, and shook his head: "Why he surrendered again, I don't know. But on September [-]th, he sent someone to send an order, or he will lead his troops to reinforce Hengshan City. The governor It was the last general who was ordered to guard the Chaoyang camp, and His Majesty also ordered General Tang to lead the army and not to transfer troops without authorization, so the last general refused."

Pu Zitong also knew about this matter, Tang Peiyu was ordered by him to go down the mountain to reinforce Hengshan City at that time.Tang Peiyu wanted Yan Daniu to go with him, but Pu Zitong refused, and then Tang Peiyu backstabbed the Hengshan defenders.

So Pu Zitong shook his head: "How could he talk to Gu Shilong about his surrender before the battle? Tang Peiyu's surrender should have been much earlier than September [-]th. Didn't he say anything before your battle?"

"That is to say, the last general is also a perfidious person, and it is the first evil to belong to the rebel army. If he opens the camp and surrenders, he can still be guilty and meritorious." Yan Daniu was indignant, "He has to listen to the governor, can I not? The governor? I helped him all the way to Hengzhou Mansion in the first place! He scolded badly, and when the Qingye Bridge exploded, I couldn’t be more angry and worried about the safety of my brothers, so I took the lead in fighting out.”

Pu Zitong also heard about this process from Luo Maogui.

What he wanted to know was whether Tang Peiyu had said anything after Yan Daniu rushed to Tang Peiyu and before beheading Tang Peiyu.

After asking this question again, Yan Daniu was a little proud: "The last general shot arrows, and the guards around him fell down one after another. Tang Peiyu was also blocked by the last general's arrow first, and then he was rushed over and beheaded by the last general. , What else does he have to say? To repay kindness and revenge, he wants to kill the last general and brothers!"

"...Well, thinking about it, it's nothing more than being too narrow-minded and self-important, and I don't like the arrangement of the governor. As for Gu Shilong, it's just a promise, but he didn't expect Brother Yan to be able to let everyone know in a short period of time. Lu Guiyi's army is like an arm and a finger, and it is so capable of conquering and fighting."

Although Pu Zitong still couldn't figure out what Tang Peiyu's rebellion and surrender was, judging from the current situation, he probably didn't expect that he would be killed like this under the protection of the army and without rushing to kill him himself.

The terrified eyes and expression on the head that were not closed could not be faked.

On the contrary, Yan Daniu's ability to take the head of the enemy general among the "thousands of troops" not only proved his bravery, but also completely cut off Tang Peiyu, and proved that he was not the same as the court.

Although he was brought to Hengzhou by Tang Peiyu.

Pu Zitong patted him on the shoulder lightly again: "Heal your wounds well! Now is the time when everyone is united, as long as the rest of the generals know that Brother Yan's subordinates are loyal and available, I can justifiably reuse you. Don't worry, no It will be very slow. When you recover from your injury, I will invite your majesty to let you be the former military commander and lead the army all the way!"

"The last will obey!"

After Tang Peiyu left, Yan Daniu closed his eyes, as if falling asleep again.

The real Yan Chunsheng thought to himself: The second brother's strategy really worked. Except for him and two brothers who entered the city, the rest of the brothers were really left outside the city.

When the army presses further, the Hengyang defenders will all return to the city sooner or later.

This period of time is the time for them to completely obtain the post of Pu Zitong, and it is also the time necessary for many brothers to enter the city.

After that, just wait for an opportunity.Until then, climb as high as possible within the rebel army.

Maybe this is also an opportunity to wipe out all the bandit leaders!


On September 27, among the two Hengyang garrison camps east of the Xiangshui River, the northern one was breached first.

The imperial army did not take the risk of pursuing, but continued to push southward steadily.

On September 29, there was Wuchang Guard in the north and Nanchang Guard in the east. Although the two battalions in the east of Hengyang City had joined forces, they still set up traps after receiving the military order from Pu Zitong and abandoned the defense. They retreated to the city by the Leishui River again Southeast camp.

So far, there are more than [-] brave men in that camp, enough to hold on for a long time.

If Gu Shilong's army wants to pull out that big camp again, it will be in danger of being cut off by the defenders of Hengyang City crossing the river.If you divide your troops to defend the long Xiangshui coast, it will be difficult to break through that big camp quickly.

The camp in the west of the city was broken, and the Guangxi army and Ning Yuanwei had already entered the city.

However, relying on the steam and Xiangshui, the Hengyang defenders only had to concentrate on defending the western city wall, and the pressure was not too great.

The Battle of Hengyang has thus fallen into a stalemate, which is exactly what Pu Zitong wants - to hold on, to drag on, to consume.

With the money Zhan Huabi looted, Pu Zitong's operation in Hengzhou Prefecture for many years, and the still smooth Leishui channel from Hengzhou Prefecture to Chenzhou Prefecture, Pu Zitong has the confidence to stay here for a year or so.

For such a long time, so many troops from the imperial court gathered in Hengzhou Mansion, food and grass were transferred, new laws were turbulent, natural disasters and man-made disasters, would he not wait for a chance?

In the northeast direction where Puzitong could not receive the message, on the first day of October, the Shuo Ri Grand Court Meeting began.

"Many provinces in the south have poor harvests in autumn, and disaster relief is a big deal. If I want to visit the south to see the disaster situation, I should also go to Fengyang to pay homage to the ancestral temple of the emperor's mausoleum."

Inside Fengtian Hall, Zhang Zuo read these messages aloud.

"Yujia's southern tour, the military and state affairs should be as usual, and the cabinet will be drafted, and then it will be sent to Xingjia, and then it will be submitted to the holy judge."

"Before Shengjia returned to Beijing, he specially ordered Jing'an Marquis Sunjiao, Grand Scholars Yang Tinghe, Grand Scholars Yang Tan, and Minister of the Ministry of Officials Wang Qiong..."

After the city of Changsha was broken on August 27, the situation in Huguang changed. Sun Jiao, who was old and tired, received an order to return to Beijing in early September, while Yao Mao, who had rich military experience, was ordered to go to Governor Huguang.

Now, the imperial decree ordered nine counselors, including six ministers, to stay in Beijing, and the rest of the counselors went south with Zhu Houcong.

For the time being, there will be no monarch here in Beijing, and there will be no Prince Jian Guo who appeared in the Ming Dynasty.

Although many major events have to be delivered quickly to Xingjia to the holy court, but according to the current workflow of the imperial court center, these nine counselors are equivalent to holding the decision-making power for many military and state affairs for the time being.

But according to the situation in Ming Dynasty at this time, with Sun Jiao as the old head of state, Ding Guogong as the old relative, and Zhang Yong as the old eunuch also sitting in the capital, with Yang Ting and the leader of the Xinfa Party, is there anyone else who could cause trouble?
The most important thing is driving.

Although Cui Yuan and Xiangcheng uncle Li Quanli commanded five thousand generals and guards of the Beijing camp, if something really happened, it would be a big deal.

Didn't Emperor Zhengde fall into the water after the "Southern Expedition" before, and then gradually became seriously ill and passed away?

Unknowingly, however, the emperor decided to make a southern tour at such a moment, and there were seldom voices of opposition in the court.

If the counselor doesn't speak, the rest of the court officials have gradually gotten used to it being useless—in the imperial study room, the national policy meeting must have been well planned, why bother to be a clown?
The previous Confucian ceremony was probably the last time someone did not believe in evil, and the result was that several people were killed with sticks outside the Chengtian Gate.

At the court meeting, Zhu Houcong made very detailed regulations on the procedures for handling various affairs after he left Beijing in the imperial decree.

After the dynasty was dispersed, he returned to the harem first.

Sun Ming was very worried about his going, but Zhu Houcong stroked the back of her hand: "Your father has also returned to Beijing, so nothing will happen in Beijing. If it wasn't for Zaiqi who was still young, I would take you with me."

"...Your Majesty, you take Zai Yu out as well, but be careful..."

"I've told you that nothing will go wrong during my southern tour. Don't worry so much all the time."

Although Zhu Zaiyu was only two years old, Zhu Houcong didn't want him to grow up among women in the deep palace.

Sun Ming could only sigh, and then said to Lin Qingping, Wen Suyun, and Zhang Qinghe: "Your Majesty, please take care of my concubine Xian, Concubine Shu, and Concubine Li for the daily routine."

Wen Suyun was overjoyed and nodded again and again—how could she have thought that after entering the palace as a concubine, she would have the opportunity to accompany her on a southern tour?
Lin Qingping was Zhu Zaiyu's biological mother, so she naturally wanted to go with her.

Only Zhang Qinghe, who was always quiet and timid, didn't know why His Majesty ordered her to accompany her.

There are only two princes in the palace now, and everyone has heard the saying - His Majesty hopes that they will be older and in better shape before conceiving.

This trip will take at least a few months. On the road, when they return to Beijing, isn't it very likely that they will be the first to conceive?
But on the way, I don't know if I can get pregnant if I get pregnant...

In the palace, Huang Jin was finally checking the preparations of the accompanying servants and maids for the southern tour.

Outside the palace, Lu Song sternly taught Lu Bing: "Just prepare for the martial arts!"

On the way outside the capital for the emperor's southern tour, Liu Zhenyuan had already led people to start the arrangement in advance.

The next day, there were many guards in the capital standing on the line from Meridian Gate to Zhengyang Gate.

More than three years after entering Beijing, the Dajialu book once again appeared in front of the people in the capital, and the emperor above Daren could be seen by many people from afar.

At that time, the somewhat skinny young emperor had grown a lot taller.Sitting on the big pedestal, he even smiled and waved to the people who came to kneel to see him off.

What followed was a mountain of shouts of long live.

In the eyes of the officials and gentry, the emperor was a bit cold, violent, and impatient.

But for the common people in the capital, after the emperor ascended the throne, some of the imperial stores and official stores in the capital disappeared, and those that did not disappear also became too much.

The relatives and sons of officials in the capital are not as arrogant and domineering as they were during the Zhengde period.

Although the days have not changed drastically, it is actually a lot easier, with a little more sense of security.

For ordinary people, this is good enough.

Yang Tinghe and others, who were following Da Ren and were about to send the emperor out of the city, looked at this scene and looked at each other.

These are all the effects of killing.

Starting from Mao Cheng, to Chen Jin and Guo Xun pleading guilty, and then to Zhang Heling being eunuched and brought back to the capital, more and more things happened after the first year of Jiajing.

The relatives of Jing Xun and the officials have learned that under the watchful eyes of the emperor, they can have some "understandable" extra income, but they must do things well without being too high-profile.

Three years have passed, and everyone may not be regarded as sincerely surrendering, but no matter what thoughts they have in their hearts, they no longer dare to jump easily.

For those who are not strong enough, grass has grown on some graves, and some are in death row.

The emperor hung on the invisible pole to warn the world, including King Ji and King Yi, including Yan Shenggong and Hui Anbo, including Mao Cheng, Meng Chun, Fu Rongzhong...

Looking at Zhu Houcong's back, Yang Ting and the others thought about who he would put on the tour this time.

But there is no doubt that when he comes back, Huguang should have already had a result, and there are still some unwilling people in the hinterland of Daming, who can no longer make any waves.

If he can come back smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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