
Chapter 264 Are You Willing to Die for the Great Cause of the Pu Family?

Chapter 264 Are You Willing to Die for the Great Cause of the Pu Family?
The changes in the Huguang rebellion have not yet spread to Shandong, but the changes in Qi Yuanda and Linqing Chaoguan Jiang Guanqing have been noticed by many people in Linqing City.

The emperor paid close attention to the fact that people from all walks of life relied on tank boats to bring goods to avoid tax.

In a city like Linqing, which thrives on water transport, the wharf is one of the core areas.

Around water transportation, besides various commercial firms, there are also more gangs that sell coolies and bully the market at the same time.

"Brother, what does Qu Jiachang mean?"

Looking at the piece of silver in front of them, this small gang living at the Nanbanzha Wharf in Linqing City doesn't even have an official gang name, only Nanbanqi has a small reputation to the outside world.

Qi's family in Nanban owns three boats, and there are about fifty people living by Qi Fuguang's side.

Qi Fuguang came here because he and Qi Yuanda belonged to the same family, and secondly, he was able to do and come to things, so he was able to take over a lot of jobs under Cao Jun Shandong General Manager in a stable manner.

Usually, when he sent out people and boats, he was docked with this chief Qu Jia who was in charge of five tank boats and fifty tank soldiers in name.Calling brothers and sisters, drinking and having fun are all there, but it is Qi Fuguang who gives the money. He has never seen Qu Jiachang give him money, and there is still 20 taels of silver in one ingot.

It's no wonder that Qi Fuguang's "Second Master" is feeling frightened.

"...Didn't he say it? This is what Qi Dutai saw that we have done well for many years and rewarded the brothers. It was not easy for everyone in the past..."

Er Dangjia looked constipated.

When did Qi Dutai become such a benevolent person?
It's not because His Majesty has arrived in Linqing...

This silver is hot.

"Could it be that there's no work to do later, and Chief Qu Jia gagged us with money?"

"What's the matter, won't Shandong New Grain be transported to the South in a while? We still have work to do this time..." Qi Fuguang was also very worried, and after looking at the silver ingot for a while, he said, "Put it away first, wait After this gust of wind has passed, we still have to send it back.”

Where is Qi Yuanda's money so easy to get?

After much deliberation, it was nothing more than the current situation that made Cao Jun Shandong always have to settle some things with money.

There is so much money in vain, who is willing to take it out?
Nanban Qi's family is just a small role in Linqing City, and the big players know more about the situation.

"This is to settle all the old accounts."

In the flower hall of a large family's house west of Weishui, several wealthy businessmen gathered together.

"Everyone, I don't know what your situation is. But if Cao Jun can't use it anymore, I will pay 2000 taels of silver to Fu Ji Mu Xing every year."

"So what, Shandong wants to try out the new law. Could it be that you and the Fujian Chamber of Commerce can fight against the imperial court in Shandong?"

These wealthy businessmen were all originally from Fujian, and they passed through the canal and served as shopkeepers or managers of their respective commercial firms in Linqing City.It was the shopkeeper Wu who said those words.

In a word, the faces of several rich merchants in the flower hall were ugly.

What has been tacitly agreed to for many years, the transportation of goods by water boat, is beneficial to them, to the Cao army, and to the court.

With this change now, only the imperial court will benefit more.

"Qi Dutai recognized it." Someone sighed, "Zhang Fujing is in Shandong, it's too ruthless."

"Your Majesty's stay in the Confucian Temple, the gentry of Linqing originally complained, but this year they have to rush the Enke Enke, a township examination."

Shopkeeper Wu looked at the few people who talked to each other, but he fell silent.

"Old Wu, if the Wu family does spice business, if you don't use tank boats, you will lose the most. Do you agree?"

Shopkeeper Wu was silent for a moment, and then said: "Zhao'an is at the junction of Fujian and Guangdong, and some of our Wu family's goods have also caught the line of Huangmingji. I don't know about the others. If Shandong is the same as Guangdong, the money in the future must not be as good as before. It’s easy to earn. But if you don’t admit it, what can you do?”

One person suddenly said: "I heard that the Haiphong naval forces from Zhejiang and Guangdong merged into the outer seas of Fujian and are attacking the west coast of Taiyuan Island."

All three nodded.

If that island is taken, and the navy is stationed in Penghu and the Penghu inspection department is restored, then in the future, if you want to take the risk and send ships to sea, do you have to bypass Taiyuan Island and go to Nanyang or Ryukyu through the deep ocean?
"No way to survive." In private, after all, someone vented their grievances, "I have to prepare my own boat and people, pay taxes at many checkpoints, and manage all the way. Will this business continue in the future?"

Although there is still some profit to be made, but if the profit is less, it is like killing them.

"What? Brother Zhou wants to rebel?" Shopkeeper Wu said suddenly.

The man suddenly looked embarrassed: "The shopkeeper Wu was joking."

"Since that's the case, today's meeting is nothing more than complaining, so Wu will leave."

After finding out the mentality of these people, shopkeeper Wu really bowed and left.

After the rest of the people looked at each other for a few moments, they all lowered their heads.

They are all businessmen from Fujian, and they still know a thing or two about the secrets of the Zhaoan Wu family.

Pu Zitong, who is currently rebelling in Huguang, was born in the Pu family of Guangzhou.

In the Song Dynasty, a branch of the Guangzhou Pu family moved to Quanzhou, Fujian.

At the convenience of that time, this Pu family in Quanzhou has done a great job in the spice business, and he can be called a wealthy man for a while.

A hundred years later, when Zhao Song was already dead in name only, Wen Tianxiang and Zhang Shijie supported the little emperor and fled to Quanzhou, and recruited the Pu family fleet in the name of the court.

The Patriarch of the Pu family was awarded the Fujian and Guangdong recruitment envoy, who is also in charge of the city and ships, and in charge of Haiphong, which can be said to be extremely trustworthy.However, in the end, the Pu family abandoned Song Jiangyuan, and Wen Tianxiang and others had to take the little emperor and continue to flee south. Zhao Song finally perished in Yashan, Guangdong.

But the Pu family has enjoyed wealth for many years since then, and their officials have become more and more powerful. They can be called the local emperors of Quanzhou and even Fujian and Guangdong, and they have monopolized many trades in the southeast ocean direction at that time.

Until Zhu Yuanzhang opened the Daming.

For the sake of the Quanzhou Pu family, Zhu Yuanzhang issued a special edict, the entire Quanzhou Pu family was classified as lowly, and he even ordered that Pu Shougeng, who was descended to the Yuan Dynasty, be "digged tomb and whipped".

After that, the Pu family in Quanzhou changed their surnames one after another and buried their surnames incognito.The rich family of more than [-] years has intricate roots. After all, there are still many descendants of the Pu family who have interests in local officials, gentry and wealthy households, and they are finally preserved.

After another hundred and fifty years, the descendants of the Pu family in Quanzhou have accumulated again, and the Zhaoan Wu family is said to be one of them.

After more than a hundred years of accumulation by the Pu family in Guangzhou, an unknown descendant finally became a military household, and a current rebel leader, Pu Zitong, came out.

It's hard to say whether Pu Shi also has another kind of hatred for Zhu Ming.

At today's gathering, these people actually wanted to test whether the Wu family in Zhao'an had any ideas.

There was still a rebellion there, and the emperor "broke his promise" again, and tried out the new law in Shandong five years ago in Jiajing.How many people are involved in the benefit of the canal, someone must take the lead in protesting one or two.

Shopkeeper Wu returned to his house with an ugly expression on his face.

Qi Yuanda was actually forced by the emperor to pay out of his own pocket to appease the Caoding water workers and many people begging for life on the Linqing wharf.

The little emperor's deterrent power to the officials of the Ming Dynasty has reached this level.

In the past, Linqing City formed a circle of interests like a copper wire and iron net, but after meeting the emperor, it was like melting snow.

Linqing Chaoguan is currently investigating many merchant ships and tank ships that have been suspended in Linqing due to the emperor's southern tour. Cao Jun's Shandong boss is also as obedient as a chicken to check and accept punishment.

There are so many rich families and commercial firms, obviously full of resentment in their chests, but they dare not express it in words.

After shopkeeper Wu was silent for a while, he called two people over.

"Although General Pu was originally from a distant branch of the Guangzhou Pu family who moved to Shaozhou, the imperial court must be investigating the incident. Even if we have not had anything to do with the Guangzhou Pu family for more than a hundred years, I am afraid that he will fall soon. "

"Uncle, tell me what to do."

The shopkeeper Wu's eyes became hot: "Everyone knows how violent the emperor is today. Even Yan Shenggong's mansion can do it, and I will have no luck in ordering the Wu family. Now that General Pu is seeking rebellion in Huguang Fengtian, I will order an If the Wu family can lend a helping hand, it will be successful in the future, and all descendants of us will restore the ancestral surname, and the Pu family will once again pass on the name of the world!"

After finishing speaking, he stared at his two nephews: "Are you willing to die for the great cause of the Pu family?"


Zhu Houcong had stayed in Linqing for the seventh day, and he did not leave the Confucian Temple, looking around in Linqing City.

It's a bit regrettable to say that, after all, I've been in the Forbidden City for so long, and it's rare to get out.

But the world is undercurrents and turbulent, Zhu Houcong doesn't want to take any risks now.

The days to come are still long.

What's more, the main purpose of coming to Shandong is to give another signal to the world, to change again and take the initiative.

Five years before Jiajing, it was true that it had not been implemented nationwide, and it was only expanded as a pilot in Shandong.

After all, Guangdong's new law is indeed quite effective. The increase in tax revenue and the increase in food taxes are all visible.

"Now, this year's new grain from Guangdong should be transferred to the front line, right?" Zhu Houcong asked Yang Tan, "There is new grain from Guangdong and Sichuan, I hope Gu Shilong, Zhu Qi and Luo An can all be patient, don't I'm in a hurry to handle Huguang's affairs."

Yang Tan said: "Your Majesty, please don't worry. After hearing His Majesty's strategy, they will know that suppressing rebellion is not just about suppressing rebellion. To spend so much money and food, there will always be long-term benefits for the country and the people. This time, they will not get enough credit, and there will be plenty of life in the future." .”

On the contrary, Yang Tingyi reported back: "Zhejiang and Guangdong's Haiphong roads have all reported. Except for some barbarians on Taiyuan Island, there are quite a few fortified cities and barbarians at the north and south ends of Xi'an. Judging from his actions and words, there are actually Fujianese , Zhejiang, and Cantonese accents, and even Japanese ronin. Their armored soldiers are not inferior to the elite soldiers of the guard."

Zhu Houcong nodded: "After the closure of the Shipping Department in Zhejiang, those coastal families who used to focus only on the benefits of going to the sea will naturally leave behind. The provinces are about to move, and Huguang rebellion, I'm afraid they didn't expect it The imperial court will actually attack Taiyuan. Wu Tingju and Wei Bin were ordered to transfer the newly purchased grain from Jiaozhi this year to Penghu. Take this Taiyuan pirates and private soldiers along the coast to practice my tactics Sailor."

There may be difficulties in the specific progress, but in the general direction, Zhu Houcong has decided to fight these punches together in the country.

As for the issue of money and food, he went south in person to frighten the south and seize money and food.

Shandong has other arrangements, and indeed it can only be called a tooth-beating festival.

"After I leave tomorrow, I will come back in the spring of next year. Pan Maogong has given Shandong a new look."

"I will do my best." Zhang Fu replied respectfully, and then said, "Your Majesty, the Shandong gentry, wealthy households and senior citizens have all arrived, and they are all looking forward to seeing the sky."

Zhu Houcong stood up with a smile: "Then get up and drive over."

It is still in the Yamen of Linqing Prefecture, and today there are many tables in the courtyard.

The emperor will leave Linqing tomorrow, so today is a farewell feast?

As soon as Zhu Houcong came, Shandong would also try out the new law.

The atmosphere at this banquet cannot be said to be very harmonious, it can only be said to be in shock.

Fortunately, no matter what winds and rains are behind, the emperor's presence must be one-hearted and happy.

Zhu Houcong didn't need to say anything extra. When he arrived in person, it was enough to respect the elders, persuade some gentry students, and express his recognition of the contribution of the wealthy gentry to educate the village.

There was "joyful laughter" in the Yamen of Linqing Prefecture. Inside and outside Linqing City, Li Quanli, Qi Jingtong, and Liu Zhenyuan were all making final preparations for the emperor's departure tomorrow.

The big boat the emperor was riding on had been pulled from the north of the city to the new pier outside the water gate in the south of the city. Tomorrow, the emperor's big boat would leave Linqing City from the land gate of the border city.

On the way, you will pass through Linqing Chaoguan.

Checks are required along the way, and the curfew will start tonight until tomorrow when you leave the city, board the boat, and set off.

In addition, the supplies on many ships in this line also need to be replenished.

These things were all handled by Ma Gui from Linqing Zhizhou and Linqing Chaoguan under the supervision of Huang Jin.

With concubines accompanying, the spices on the royal boat must also be indispensable.

Ma Gui was by Huang Jin's side, with a flattering expression: "I bought this spice from the famous Wuji in the west of the city. The spices in the Xiaojing Palace in Shandong were also bought from them. They are all top grade."

Huang Jin checked it himself, and he personally looked at everything that was going on the Yuzhou.

After checking that there was no problem, he waved his hand.

The transporters were all Cao Bing personally arranged by Qi Yuanda.

All these people did not look sideways, they did not dare to peek at the furnishings on the imperial boat, they just moved the things to the deck and disembarked.

On the ship, there are naturally strong eunuchs who move things into different categories and move them to the storage compartments.

But in the canal a few miles to the south, no one paid much attention to the movement in the water in the dark, even though the accompanying guards were already five miles away on both sides of the bank.

At this moment, because the emperor was staying in Linqing, and it was night, there were no boats on the canal near Linqing.

At the bottom of the canal near the shore, a strange-looking thing was slantingly embedded in the bank below the surface of the water.

It looks like a small iron house with an iron boat bottom that is easy to slide on the mud at the bottom of the river.

When this thing was here, not many people know.

But at this moment, there are actually two people in the innermost part of the small iron house that is slanted up.

They nest in the innermost part, but the innermost part is not completely filled with water, instead there is a place two or three feet square, just like a well.

Above the well, there is a two-finger-thick pipe leading to the top, and the exit is hidden in the grass above the canal embankment.Difficult to search for if you don't look carefully.

Now, these two people waited quietly inside, breathing the actually very turbid and thin air, looking at the dark tube.

Next to the two of them, there was also a tall iron bucket.

At the bottom of the barrel, there is also something like the bottom of an iron boat.At the bottom of the barrel, there is a long pipe extending out of unknown leather.

The upper part is not submerged in water at this moment.Even if it is submerged in water, the place where the pipe leads to the iron bucket has been tightly sealed so that no water will seep into it.The outside of this slender tube is also coated with something unknown, and it will not float up when it falls into the water.

After an unknown amount of time, the two of them finally glimpsed a glimmer of light from the ventilation pipe at the mouth of the well.

This ray of light is extremely difficult to distinguish, but the two of them have stayed here for two nights, and they are already extremely sensitive to changes in light.

Then, the two looked at each other.

"Third brother, I'm going."

In the small voice, the other person hummed lightly.

Amidst the rustling sound, a person took a goat belly pouch placed on top of the bucket and bit it on his mouth.

Then, he pushed the iron bucket and walked out slowly.

After the iron bucket was completely submerged in the water, it still floated slightly.If it weren't for the two iron blocks tied to his calf to hold it, the iron bucket might still surface.

And he stepped on the mud, and just like that, he took the iron bucket to the middle of the canal smoothly at the bottom of the water.

The person who stayed in the iron house held the string of hoses in his hands and let them go slowly, witnessing his cousin pushing the iron bucket towards the center of the canal under the water.

I don't know how long the breath in the belly bag can last, but this cousin is the most watery person, and he can hold his breath very well, not to mention that he is risking his life to do this now.

Soon, he disappeared from his faint vision.

At the bottom of the canal ten miles away from Linqing City, before dawn, there were slight waves rising from the bottom of the river, but no one knew about it.

When the hose stopped pulling that way, he looked down and saw that it was the last lap.

The man's eyes were slightly hot. He knew that the cousin had completed his task and was waiting to die.

He must have stuck his hands into the dead buckles on both sides of the iron bucket by now, and the iron pieces on his legs would have fixed him at the bottom of the river like that, letting the river wash away.

When he died, he would still keep his hands up, leaving the bucket less than two feet away from the river.

The weather is dry this year, and the water depth of the canal is less than before.

The next task was his own. He had to wait until dawn, until there was a faint movement above his head, before he held his breath and glanced at the largest royal boat passing through the middle of the twenty-foot-wide canal through the water.

Should be visible.

He took one last look at the fire clip hanging from the dagger on the roof of the cave, and grabbed the hose tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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