
Chapter 275 Emperor Max

Chapter 275 Emperor Max

In the long history, there is no shortage of many people with fantastic ideas and hands-on ability.

But in this era when the vast majority of people are struggling to make ends meet, they may not be able to put their whimsical ideas into practice, and they may not have the resources and time to do it.

At Huangming University, Zhu Houcong was not prepared to use these "prospective" masters as future engineering professors and let them teach students.

Huangming University College is still an institution with apprenticeship as the main form and research as the main purpose.

The auditorium rebuilt from the original Longevity Palace in Xiyuan is located in the "central" of Huangming University.

Today's auditorium not only has an indoor meeting place like a hall, but also has an open field outdoors.

There were not many people in the master class, and Zheng Kui and others were lucky enough to enter the auditorium.

There are no loudspeakers, no microphones, and naturally there is no way to design any layout based on any principle inside the auditorium.

The method is very primitive: the human voice communicates.

It's like the three roll calls from inside the hall to outside the hall after the palace examination.

But for people like Zheng Kui, sitting down in the auditorium would make them feel incredible.

I heard that even the elders of the pavilion always stand when they go to court!

But in this auditorium, they each have a seat!
And this auditorium is like steps.People sitting in the back can also see straight ahead.

Now, on the stage directly in front of them, after they were all seated, a person stood up and said, "Students get up, Your Majesty is coming!"

This is also an outrageous thing.

It is said that whether it is a court meeting, a banquet, or other occasions, the emperor ascends to the seat first, and the rest of the people begin to be circulated to see his majesty.

Now here, the emperor didn't come out until they all arrived.

But the emperor is here after all.

Really here.

First, a team of imperial guards came out, and several people stood on both sides of the front platform to guard the way to the platform.

Then, they saw the emperor in dragon robes appeared there accompanied by two people.

One of them is Wen Zhengming, the dean of Huangming University, a well-known Jiangnan talent, and the father of Concubine Shu.

Another person they don't know.

Zheng Kui subconsciously wanted to kneel down and worship, but then he only listened to the voice coming from the front and back.




Zhu Houcong also sat down first.

Because Huangming University is very close to him, many points are his opinions.

For example, this is very different from the etiquette of the ethics.

It's all about efficiency.

Is it necessary for Zhu Houcong to spend more time on this for the sake of majesty, or let others spend more time waiting outside long in advance?

"It's very difficult for me to enter Huangming University."

After Zhu Houcong spoke, he was used to pausing for a moment, waiting for others to pass on the words.

In this way, it is natural to show solemnity.

But it will also be very slow.

So Zhu Houcong chose to focus.

"You are all from craftsmen, and many people look down on you."

"But you can be selected from all over the country, which also shows that you are all outstanding."

"360 lines, every line will be the champion."

"Here, study hard, look hard, think hard."

"Nowadays, there are literary champions and martial arts champions."

"Three or fifty years later, I hope that you can really make your party the champion, and the world will be amazed."

Sentences are transmitted to the back, and the sound transmission again and again seems to be emphasized.

Hearing that the emperor compared the phrase "the number one scholar in action" with the real number one scholar in literature and martial arts, Zheng Kui felt his blood surging.

This is the emperor's golden words!

The emperor is the biggest!
Could it be said that being a craftsman can be so promising in the future?

"Everything has its own truth, and it is easy to approach the Dao."

"Many of you may not know that I have realized some truths, which are now called new learning."

"In my mind, this new learning does not seek to become a saint, but to become a talent and ability."

"There is a folk saying about skilled craftsmen, since you can come here, you can already be called capable people."

"But it's not enough. The next step is to become a talent and become a saint."

It is more scalp-numbing words.

It's okay to be a talent, what kind of class is a craftsman with a word like holy?Dare to compete with Daru for the title that they can't get?
"I have three requests and hopes for you."

"I hope you can all understand the language."

"I hope you can take your strengths to the next level and make some innovations."

"I hope you will be able to write books and teach students in the future."

"If there is such a day, there is no need to worry about the disciples of the church starving the master to death."

"Huangming University College is provided by my Huangzhuang and my internal treasury. I can support you and shade your descendants."

"One day, the professors and priests of Huangming University College will be admired by the world just like the cabinet bachelors and Hanlin bachelors."

"It will depend on you until that day."

Zhu Houcong just came to express his opinion.

But his statement shocked people like Zheng Kui, and Wen Zhengming was also shocked.

The meaning expressed by the emperor here is more clear about the importance he attaches to the "Physical Dao" he realized.

How can a mere craftsman be compared with a cabinet bachelor and a Hanlin bachelor?Still aiming at sanctification?
Everything is inferior, only reading is high, this has been the consensus for many years.

In the Jiajing Dynasty, could this situation be changed in the future?

Zheng Kui and the others couldn't believe it, but it was true that they came here to see the emperor with their own eyes and hear the emperor's ardent hope for them as they were born in a craftsman family.

If he can really be appreciated by him in the future, shade his children and grandchildren, and be admired by the world... As a human being, what greater pursuit can he have?

"Long live Your Majesty!"

I don't know who yelled first, and then, voices sounded one after another in the auditorium, gradually converging into the same pace.

After Zhu Houcong stopped them with a smile, he said, "I live on the east side of Huangming University. Here, I come here often. Your literacy here is to contribute your talents to Daming better in the future, and also to learn Some knowledge that is more useful for what you are good at. Let me talk about the research and development of new artillery and new gunpowder by the War Bureau and the Ordnance Supervisor.”

Zhu Houcong participated in the whole process.

The rudiments of many things also existed in the Ming Dynasty, which were scattered in the pioneering works of some people in some places before, and no rules have been formed.

For example, the method of quantitatively loading gunpowder has appeared for a long time, but it has not been strictly implemented.

For example, there are many ideas and practices about enhancing the range and power of firearms.

For these skilled craftsmen selected from all over the world, they have many masters in their respective industries and know the skills that will appear in many industries.

and then?
What Huangming University College will teach them is the scientific method and thinking needed to carry out continuous and improveable research.

Of course, it also includes some specific skills, such as quantitative measurement methods, such as the method of recording experimental conditions and results, such as the way of thinking that first verifies the direction and then improves the process...

Some technologies that change society must have prerequisites for their appearance.

Paying attention to these people is the premise.

Let them have the basic cultural literacy is the premise.

It is the premise that they don't have to worry about survival.

Having a communicable and systematic research thinking and communication language is also a prerequisite.

Without these, Wang Wensu could only search for classics and classics by himself, and spent half his life compiling several volumes of "Baojian of Mathematical Sciences", which was largely submerged in the trend of history in the end.

Now, what Zhu Houcong can bring them is the most valuable thing.

What he said and the process he told made people like Zheng Kui feel that the emperor understood.

How to try step by step and change according to the results, the emperor understands the difficulty of summarizing many skills.

Similarly, it includes not disregarding other people's ideas and not being proud of one's own experience.If the structure of artillery brought by the Portuguese is good, of course it must be used.

That's why there is a new style of tiger crouching cannon in the Ming Dynasty, and some methods of array drills for firecrackers...

"Next to the auditorium, the original Guangming Hall is now the Library Pavilion." Zhu Houcong said, "The Library Pavilion of Huangming University is different from the Wenhua Hall in the palace. The books stored here, according to the words of many scholars today, are amazing. Skillful."

"But papermaking has given students more books to read."

"Movable type made it easier to print books."

"Gunpowder enables my Ming soldiers to defend their home and country."

If the compass hadn't been developed in a strange land without discerning objects, its influence today has not yet been reflected.

Zhu Houcong also cited many utensils such as Quyuan plow and waterwheel, and then said: "My theory of physics is that I deeply believe that these so-called "unique skills and obscene skills" have incalculable effects on the national economy and people's livelihood, so I compare them with Heavenly principles and human principles are mentioned together. I always believe that one day, this avenue of physics will be like the avenue of humanism respected by Dacheng Wenxuan's ancestors and descendants, and it will benefit the billions of people living in the Ming Dynasty and shine through the ages."

"If you can learn something, make a lot of achievements, and start a family and accept disciples, your knowledge and writings will also add a little more brilliance to the Guangming Pavilion and shine through the ages!"

The important officials of the imperial court have attached great importance to his ideas, and many things that have happened in the past few years have made some people dare not play sloppy eyes on the matters that the emperor is very concerned about.

These people who were chosen to come here must have their own strengths.

But their past is too humble, and everything they are good at is not respected.

Now, Zhu Houcong came here in person to give them this respect and hope to inspire them.

Even if only a small part of these people comprehend his expectations, recognize his respect, and then become literate and master the methods of conducting scientific research, they will create achievements in some very specific directions.

Zhu Houcong only believes that with himself, these achievements can be seen, recognized and encouraged.

This is probably the correct usage of his emperor status.

He is not an expert in many disciplines, he does not understand those specific techniques.

But he knows some directions, he is good at managing accounts, and he also has huge wealth to manage.

After leaving Huangming University, he had other things to take care of.

He can't just spend money, regardless of making money.

Even if he realizes that he has neglected the importance of reputation to the identity of the emperor in order to promote reform, the new law cannot be broken.

The fifth year of Jiajing is approaching. Even if Zhu Houcong puts this matter until the national policy meeting at the end of the year to discuss and make a decision after the examination next year, it does not mean that he has not thought about it, nor does it mean that he has not done other preparations.

Back in the Forbidden City, Sun Ming also came back.

Judging from her expression, Zhu Houcong knew that she had relaxed a lot after seeing Sun Jiao's current situation with her own eyes.

Sun Jiao is his role model.Even if he was over 70, he was able to have children, and as the emperor's father-in-law, he was trapped in the whirlpool of rebellion and did not completely break down his body, which shows how strong his body is.

On the contrary, Gu Shilong, who conquered Hengyang and then resigned due to illness and returned to Beijing, was really seriously ill and became a sick child.

Zhu Houcong didn't read the report on meritorious service from the Ministry of War, but he read the report from Guangdong and Shandong provinces.

Before entering Beijing, Wu Tingju and Zhang Fujing naturally wanted to make a summary of the situation in the four years of Jiajing, especially the summary of taxes.

Zhang Fujing killed several rounds in Guangdong, and went to Shandong to remove Yansheng Gongfu. Zhu Houcong knew very well that their good results did not mean that they were more effective in management.

It is nothing more than that many people are afraid of the situation, spit out what they swallowed before, and dare not swallow it for the time being.

But for Zhu Houcong, it is enough in the short term.

To make it difficult for this group of officials and gentry to enjoy local benefits alone, unless another group that can wrestle with them is really cultivated, and this group can have something to say in the game of power.

Calculating the accounts of the two provinces, Zhu Houcong evaluated the benefits and negative impacts that would be brought about after the implementation of the new law on taxes and government officials.

After thinking about this, he took a few notes before he opened the memorial to the Ministry of War.

In the 16th year of Zhengde, there was a rebellion in Chenhao, and in the third year of Jiajing, there was a rebellion in Huguang.

Those who participated in the suppression of the rebellion were mainly the five provinces of Huguang, Guangxi, Guangdong, Jiangxi, and Fujian, as well as Jinyiwei and Neichang.

Jinyiwei and Neichang are managed by the emperor himself, but the Ministry of War has not ignored their huge role in this counter-insurgency.At the same time, this is also a manifestation of the emperor's well-planned plans, how can we not mention it?
In addition, apart from protagonists like Gu Shilong and supporting actors like Zhu Qi and Ma Yong, there are many civil servants who cannot but be mentioned.

Needless to say, Sun Jiao, the head of state, Wang Bangrui, the water patrol censor who died in Huguang, and the former Hengzhou officials who were killed by Pu Zitong are also considered loyal, and they also need to be explained.

But at the bottom of this narration, Zhu Houcong saw a familiar name.

[Yu Yuanzan, Deputy Qianhu of Quanzhou Weiqian Qianhu Office captured the rebel bandit Houxuan in Yiwang's Mansion and was attacked and killed. Please use his son Yu Dayou to replace Quanzhou Weibaihu, plus a pension. 】

Zhu Houcong was dumbfounded.

He only knew about Yu Dayou, but he didn't know where he was from, let alone what his father's experience was.

But looking at the current situation, Yu Dayou's father shouldn't have died at this time because of this incident, right?
Because in Zhu Houcong's memory, there is no rebellion by King Ji, no pursuit of the remnants of Pu's family, and no family members who fled from Prince Yi's mansion.

In any case, the words Yu Dayou came into Zhu Houcong's sight.

Zhu Houcong picked up the pen, and Huang Jin prepared the cinnabar ink beside him.

After picking up the pen, it was Zhu Bi's imperial criticism.

[Jingguo, the Marquis of Zhenyuan, put an end to the chaos and made good decisions, so he should be granted the title of Duke Jinguo. 】

[After Yu Dayou took over, he was ordered to go to Beijing to see him after the mourning. 】

[The rest are approved. 】

The title Yasukuni Duke conveys too many meanings.

Although Gu Shilong has made great contributions, the word Jing is one of the characters in the Jiajing reign name.

As for Duke Jing, it appeared in the Ming Dynasty, but it was presented after the death of Chen Gui, the first Marquis of Taining.

But today's Marquis of Taining doesn't exist anymore - because after the incident of Bo Hui'an and Zhang Wei happened, Shen Wenzhou had a close relationship with him.Together with Yan Shenggong's in-law family Xuancheng Bo's family, a few chickens were always found out among the Xunchen.

The Zhang brothers' behavior is in itself full of evil.They are not because the emperor wants to implement the new law that touches their interests, they are not suitable to be the chicken that was killed.

Now, Gu Shilong's entry into Duke Jing is not only a reward from the emperor to the loyal ministers who have made martial arts, but also to let other ministers and generals take a look.

Standing in the right team and making contributions, Daming started to seal the living Duke again!

In comparison, the Ministry of War has approved Yu Dayou's words in a memorandum for so many people. Zhu Houcong doesn't know what the people in the Ministry of War will think.

Maybe you will think that Zhu Houxuan is Prince Rui's biological father?
Maybe it will be understood together with Gu Shilong's opinion on narrating merits, as not only praising the ones who have made the most contributions, but also not ignoring the most inconspicuous people who are related to this matter?
But Zhu Houcong didn't worry about these things, he only knew that Yu Dayou was a rare general in the Jiajing Dynasty.

For a person like this, why wait for him to step into Mao Bowen's vision, and then waste a while?
His father died in the king's affairs, but in today's era, does Yu Dayou still have any hatred for him, the emperor?
The emperor is the biggest.

(End of this chapter)

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