
Chapter 284 Letter from the Emperor

Chapter 284 Letter from the Emperor
Precision determines too many things.

Now, Zheng Kui, the "Printing Machine Project Huangming University Research Group" lead type mold firing group is also facing this problem.

There are several young master craftsmen who know how to make kilns very well—even though they are burning green bricks, Zheng Kui knows a lot about firing fires.There are those who are very good at casting, but the ones they cast in the past were relatively rough guns.

Now they realize that despite the blueprints, this matter is still not easy.

Shen Zhongming personally explained to them.

"I know that this movable type has been out for hundreds of years, why are there still more books engraved and printed?"

Zheng Kui and the others naturally shook their heads in bewilderment.

"The main reason is that it is extremely difficult for each font to be the same size." Shen Zhongming also brought several samples, "Look, these fonts are thinner than the little finger, but when held together, you can't see the difference in width, narrowness, and height. But when you put it on the frame, you will find that some can be stuck in the letter slot, and some will be loose, and the height is not really the same. Therefore, it is necessary to use soft grease to flatten and stabilize."

Shen Zhongming shared it with them and asked them to compare each other directly. There are still subtle differences.

"Furthermore, the fonts are engraved in reverse in Yangwen, so it is not easy to find characters. Although there are radicals now, and there is an additional way to find characters, it is still difficult to find." Shen Zhongming explained, "These fonts are all four If a certain word is reversed when making the plate, it is also common. Therefore, the folk engraved books are still mainly engraved."

Zheng Kui seemed to understand, but he only heard the dean solemnly say: "If the printing machine can be trial-produced, and if you want to make it easier to use engraving in the future, the lead type mold that your majesty said is also very important. You must not just take this task. I thought it was irrelevant, there is a lot of knowledge here!"

Now Zheng Kui understood, he thought the dean was just here to cheer up their fringe group.

In the imperial city, there were already workshops in the inner court and the Ministry of Industry, and they could go there to do experiments.

However, Shen Zhongming quickly gave them more specific and specific requirements for the new typeface: the top and bottom of the typeface should be engraved in Yin and Yang respectively.

The inscribed side is convenient for others to find and read in the future.On the Yangwen side, there is also a small triangle missing in one place, so that it is convenient to confirm whether the direction is correct when placing the characters in the font slot on the board in the future.

As for the size and size of the typefaces when they are cast, it is up to them to master them.

How fine the mold should be, and how to mix the ingredients during casting so that they will not shrink to different sizes after cooling, all have to be tried a little bit.

Or after the casting is completed, there can be another method of fine grinding - it should be simple, after all, there are a lot of fonts, and grinding one by one will cause problems.

The group that had finished the mission all had big heads.

"...it's much easier to make projectiles than that. It's like embroidery on iron."

"If you want to be so fine, you can only use the lost wax method." The young casting master asked Zheng Kui, "Can you do it?"

"...how can the black kiln use the lost wax method?" Zheng Kui was very helpless, he is just a green brick burner, "I understand what you said, whether it is a clay model or an iron model, I am still somewhat uncertain Burnt out."

To make such fine fonts, it is natural to make the molds of the fonts first.

"Then let's discuss how to do this model. I thought that since printers have so much trouble making plates, it's better to think about the model and the board they use to put it on, and make a set of things if you want to do it. .”

"Exactly! We only make fonts, and I'm afraid we can't achieve the same size and height as the dean said, and it will be flat and stable after being placed!"

Zhu Houcong paid attention to this matter, mainly because of its leading role in machine production, precision manufacturing, process technology and so on.

Now the emperor attaches great importance to it, and many people below are moving, trying to improve the details.

Zhu Houcong, who has experienced some things, naturally has never forgotten that there is another easy way: engraving wax paper seals.

But in essence, wax paper still needs a lot of people to carve by hand, which is tiring and error-prone.The so-called stencils that existed at this time were not special stenciled papers, and even if the development of new inks suitable for this kind of stenciled papers was not considered, a piece of stenciled papers could only print a small number of copies in Zhu Houcong’s impression. to reimburse.

This will cause a great consumption of wax, and the problem is that the wax was found in the Song Dynasty. Although the cost of white wax was extracted from the secretion of white wax insects, although the cost has been reduced a lot, the candle is still at the "tribute" level. The price is as high as more than [-] Wen.

At present, the white wax is produced in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and the method used is to breed white wax worms.Perhaps the surge in demand will reduce the cost of wax, but the ensuing impact is that the farming of white wax worms in Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions, whose income is similar to that of silkworm farming, will definitely increase greatly.

It is a small matter to change rice into wax, and it is also a small matter to have an economic dividend in the south of the Yangtze River, but how meaningful is the promotion of this method to the promotion of the entire technology?

On the contrary, screws, studs and nuts appeared in Daming, and its significance is too great.

Things have been arranged, and the emperor finally turned his attention to the national policy meeting.

On November [-]th, the court will remain unchanged, and those who have known in advance that the second issue of "Ming Pao" will be published on this day are naturally waiting for this issue.

It is self-evident that the imperial court launched this newspaper at this time, in order to cooperate with the new law and publicize the decree in the name of the imperial court.

There must still be news in this issue!

When this issue of the newspaper was in the hands of many people, many people frowned in unison.

Why is it that this issue of the newspaper has only been pulled for fifteen days?


The emperor did not pursue printing quality, and Ming Pao was rushing to work with limited manpower. The second issue of "Ming Pao" was far less exquisite than the well-prepared first issue.

Fortunately, although the handwriting is doubled, blurred, and even some ink is dragged out, every word on it is correct.

The focus is mainly on the content.

Many people still can't fully understand all the simplified characters, and the new style also needs to get used to.But there are not many copies of the newspaper, and most of them are read together by a few people, discussing and guessing with each other, and can barely read it from the context.

In the Imperial College, Tang Shunzhi naturally asked for help from the book at the first time, and looked at it with his classmates.

He "privately kept" a hand-copied "Jiajing Dictionary" very early on, and he knew almost all the simplified characters.

At this moment, he read aloud softly: "A letter from His Majesty the Emperor to the subjects of the world."

Pointing to the many empty columns on the left side of the front page of this issue of "Ming Pao" with reference to the existing top grid style and the new style from left to right and top to bottom, Tang Shunzhi said: "Your Majesty's imperial pen."

The supervisors all pursed their lips and said in awe: Isn't this just like an imperial decree?
How exquisite is the decree?How grand was it when it was announced?
To listen to the oracle, do you want to bow down first?
But there is no official announcement, only a rough newspaper...

Tang Shunzhi read this letter as if he was reading an imperial decree, and the atmosphere in the room seemed a little weird for a moment.

At this moment, after someone discovered that it was the emperor's imperial pen, they first put the rough-printed newspaper away respectfully, and then made a big gift—most of this was done in public places, Or the middle and low-level officials in the Yamen.

Then, they got up by themselves and read the letter carefully.

[Subjects all over the world, read the newspaper as if you are in front of me. 】

Is it because of this sentence?

But everything needs a head to show solemnity.

After all, Zhu Houcong couldn't put the newspaper in plainer words all at once—it was already so difficult to print, purely oral vernacular, firstly, it was not formal enough, and secondly, there were too many words.

[It will be five years after I ascended the throne, and I have already raised two princes.There is a proverb that goes, start a family and start a business.My cause is the well-being of the people of Ming Dynasty. Every family lives better than before, and the country of Daming is richer and stronger than before. 】

[For this reason, many things have happened in the past five years. 】

[Westerners invaded in the 16th year of Zhengde, Wang Shi won.The wind disaster in the first year of Jiajing and the drought disaster last year, the provinces were able to provide relief.In the fourth year of Jiajing, the Huguang rebellion was pacified. 】

[My vassal king inherits the rule and wants to use the new law to enrich the country. I know it will be very difficult. 】

[Fortunately, the monarch and ministers at the center of the imperial court are united, and now the country is stable.The new law was tried out successively in Guangdong and Shandong, and all of them were quite effective. 】

[On the occasion of the National Policy Conference, I would like to use Ming Pao to speak to the subjects of the world. 】

[Jiajing's new law seeks that enriching the country and enriching the people are not incompatible.Scholars, farmers, businessmen, are all my subjects, and I keep them in my heart, hoping that everyone can live well, so that we can be called the wealth of the country. 】

[The new law has been tried and effective, and it will be gradually implemented in the provinces of Ming Dynasty from the fifth year of Jiajing.At the national policy meeting, the monarchs and ministers will also discuss the priorities in detail. 】

[In order to implement the new law well, I have decided to appoint a Prime Minister and Minister of State to take charge of many civil affairs in Ming Dynasty. 】

Seeing this, everyone opened their mouths.

This matter that only a very few people know is finally announced here to the world.

The prime minister reappeared in Ming Dynasty, and he is still the prime minister with real power, not a title.

The meaning revealed from it is really too great.

The old Zhu's family held power much better than the old Zhao's, but now they actually have some real moves to release some power.

[Heavenly family is respected by the people of the world, and I also respect the hard work of the people of the world, and the loyalty of the officials and gentry of the world.The titles of rank, title of favor, title of merit, and title of honor are hereby determined to tell the subjects of the world: under my rule, everyone can think about the future.As long as you have made meritorious service to the country, no matter how big or small, I can use these four titles to mark it down here. 】

[My descendants of Yan and Huang have been passed down for thousands of years, and the dynasties of the world have changed. I do not deny that the world is not exclusive to the emperor's family.If I can't let the people of Ming Dynasty live and work in peace and contentment, the Ming Dynasty will eventually have its time. 】

[Today, the prime minister and the minister of state will make a covenant with the officials and gentry of the world: a man with all talents and virtues, I have the mind to rule the world together with him. 】

[Today, the new law is implemented in all provinces, and a covenant is made with the people of the world: the people who abide by the new law, I have the ambition to make your livelihood rich. 】

[Today, there is a new learning that is first spread to the world, and a covenant is made with the subjects of the world: people who are literate and sensible, I hope that you can use what you learn. 】

[I set up the Huangming University, to breed good seeds to feed my subjects, to transform my military equipment to defend my Ming Dynasty, to study all kinds of methods to promote the prosperity of all industries, in order to protect the country and enrich the people. 】

[I set up a public security department, nursing homes, medical nursing homes, etc., to clean up water conservancy and control floods, and will continue to protect the environment and the people. 】

[All the expenses in my palace are purchased, and all the places are abolished to pay tribute, which is an example for the world. Although my family is big, it must live on the same budget as other families in the world. 】

[With the establishment of the Prime Minister and the Minister of State, I have more time to observe the sentiments of the people.I can talk to you in this Ming Pao and in the letters of the local sages. 】

[I talk to businessmen, listen to how they make money, and warn them that they should pay taxes. 】

[I talk to craftsmen, listen to how they make clever things, and study the principles with them. 】

【I talked to the old farmers, listened to their farming tips, and asked them to pass on their experience. 】

[In the future, I can also talk to you, listen to your wishes, and listen to your difficulties. 】

[Under the new law, what I can give to the subjects of the world are many opportunities to make contributions and leave a name in history. 】

[I am only twenty years old, and my ambition to rebuild the Great Ming is unwavering.Whether against the current or with the trend, all subjects in the world can think carefully. 】

[Da Ming is integrated into one body from top to bottom, and this body becomes a country. 】

[The prosperity of the country and the strength of the country are for the prosperity of the people and the safety of the people. 】

[May everyone in the Daming River, Huaxia Mountains and Rivers be able to have enough food and live a better life. 】

[I will spend my whole life doing this. 】

Without "Qin this", this letter ends here.

The letter is actually not long, just a few hundred words.

Some people were thinking after reading and listening, and some people saw the following "His Majesty the Emperor Answers the Editor-in-Chief of Ming Pao Ten Questions".

If we talk about feeling, it means that I really feel that I am listening to the emperor say something face to face, and there is nothing grandiose or polite.

The biggest difference is that the emperor does not seem to intend to maintain the mystery of the emperor and the Tian family.

Everyone who understands understands that the sense of mystery itself can promote coercion.

What the emperor wants to convey seems to be a very friendly image - after so many major treason cases last year.

But that sentence against the current still follows the trend, and it also makes people really think: only in the matter of implementing the new law, he is resolute and cannot disobey it.

Scholars even read a little bit from it.

Those who can read this newspaper now are naturally scholars.But the emperor talked more about farmers, craftsmen, merchants, royal family members, relatives, nobles, and real people of Ming Dynasty other than officials and gentry.

People don't know how to read newspapers!
Tang Shunzhi looked at the "Ten Questions" at the back, which included specific questions about how ordinary people can be awarded the sages, how the nursing homes and the existing Huimin Pharmacy will be done, and the purpose of setting up Huangming Primary Schools in various places.

The emperor cared about the people's livelihood, so the readers who read newspapers, and the current and future officials naturally have to consider: if they follow the trend, their opportunity will naturally lie in how to do these things well. Titles and titles are related to them.

At this moment, the court meeting that has been renamed the National Assembly Hall has just come to an end.

The court counselors heard the imperial decree face to face and knew that there would be a prime minister and a minister of state.

"In the future at the Zhengdan Grand Court Meeting, the Prime Minister and Minister of State will, in the name of the State Affairs Hall, inform the officials of the effectiveness of last year's governance, the handling of many important matters, the problems that have arisen, and the governance plan for the coming year."

Zhu Houcong sat there and spoke, and his voice was also transmitted outside the hall.

"The first prime minister, the minister of state and the other new important members will be recommended by the ministers at the national policy meeting and appointed by me. After the election, I will set up a worship minister in the National Assembly Hall after the twelfth lunar month. "

Fei Hong couldn't help his heart skip a beat.

Is there a ceremony?
The speech table has been knocked down, and Zhu Houcong called him to the Hall of Mental Cultivation yesterday for a heart-to-heart talk.

Some specific "guarantee" issues, Zhu Houcong gave him some details.

Everything else is false, Zhu Houcong just said: The prime minister of his dynasty, unless he really had a brainstorm and rebelled, he was guaranteed to enjoy the Taimiao.

This treatment will be officially announced.

He, Zhu Houcong, will first set the rules, and then kill the prime minister he ordered first, and then invite him to accompany the sacrifice in the Taimiao. Will the two of them fight in the underworld in the future?

Strange to say, people now believe in this.

And Zhu Houcong told Fei Hong one more thing: If a bad start is made, is it true that the purpose of setting up a prime minister is to make people who come later be afraid of this and that and tremble and dare not do things?
This is a kind of "hidden rule".

Now, Fei Hong has let go of his heart a lot, and instead looks forward to the fifteenth day of the twelfth lunar month.

The emperor pays homage to his prime minister.

Old man Fei made up a script at the beginning, but he didn't expect such a day to come.

Leaving aside the other things, there are indeed more and more things that the important ministers followed the emperor.

"Scatter the court, and start holding a national policy meeting."

"Your Majesty is holy, long live my emperor! Long live! Long live!"

(End of this chapter)

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