
292 year of Chapter 1 "enjoyment" policy

Chapter 292 "Enjoy" policy year

The emperor has been looking forward to the renewal of Vientiane, which is known to both the government and the public.

But this time, the renewal of Vientiane mentioned in the emperor's New Year's message is different from what everyone imagined.

"...The first practical thing in the fifth year of Jiajing is to fully promote the project of 'three iron tools for farmhouses'. Iron hoes, iron plows, and iron rakes, and strive to make every household have at least one of them by the end of this year, and more than half of the households have all three. For this reason, in addition to the Baojin Bureau, the imperial court is discussing the reduction, exemption and refund of iron tax and the subsidy strategy for farmers to purchase iron farm tools. The provinces, prefectures and counties will carefully count the shortage of iron farm tools for farmers in addition to clearing the land and rebuilding the yellow book. , Encourage commercial firms to resell iron farming tools to various places.”

It was already the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, and this issue of Ming Pao had already reached Henan.

In the suburbs of Xinzheng County, there really is a Gaolaozhuang village.

Now in the village, there is still a big official named Gao Shangxian.

At the end of last year, he rushed home from his official position as a fifth-rank Shanxi inspector to observe filial piety for his father.

It's just that Ding You didn't retire. According to the current rules, he, a fifth-rank official, can also get a copy of "Ming Pao" delivered by the Tongyi Bureau.

Looking at the Emperor's Congratulatory Message in the first issue of "Ming Pao" in the fifth year of Jiajing, Gao Shangxian couldn't help being stunned.

"Father, why don't you read it?"

Next to him, is a teenager who has just started to grow some beard.

Gao Shangxian was slightly dazed, and then continued to teach his son to read the simple characters in the newspaper.

"The second practical event in the fifth year of Jiajing is to carry out the selection of township sages at all levels, and to build provincial, government, and county-level township sages. The letters can be sent to the Yuxinfang through the Tongyi Bureau, so that I can understand the people's sentiments."

Gao Shangxian was stunned again.

Such an approach... It cannot be said that it will not be effective.But in the future, the local officials and the village sages will only have to "collude" more closely, so that some bad things in the local area will not be passed on to the capital.

Of course, the local officials and the local sages are afraid of each other, and they are afraid that some things will be handed over.From the looks of it, it's either not bad, or all bad.

Unless everyone is afraid of the factory guard's eyeliner in the dark.


Gao Shangxian shook his head: "Su Qing, wait for me to finish reading first, what are you in a hurry for?"

His son's name is Gao Gong, and his name is Suqing. He is fifteen years old this year.

Gao Gong pointed to the back: "Look here!"

Gao Shangxian shifted his gaze to that side, and his eyes froze slightly.

After frowning, he continued to look at the "third fact": "all localities will sell official land at a fair price within five years of Jiajing in the form of silver and rent conversion, giving priority to farmers with less land and hidden households."

This matter, is it related to the selection of Xiangxian?
The grain tax of official land is even heavier. In the past, most of them were rented by local gentry and wealthy households, and then sub-leased to farmers for farming.Now to divide these fields, it only depends on whether the gentry and wealthy households cooperate with the background of the five years of Jiajing, when they only cleared the land and rebuilt the yellow book and reformed the government office.

If you cooperate, you will have a chance to be elected as a village sage; if you don't cooperate, other village sages will not hesitate to cooperate with local officials to find out some people's trash, and then go through the newly revised "Laws of the Ming Dynasty".

Is it just that farmers with little land and hermit households can afford official land?The conversion of silver and rent means that the land rights and land surface rights of some official land can be completely obtained in the form of annual payment of grain?

After the implementation of the Law on the Treatment of Officials, the fields of the officials and gentry no longer give face, and they have to pay food. The distinction between the right to the bottom of the field and the right to the surface of the field will take a long time to clarify.

However, if the court wants to implement the law on the treatment of officials, I am afraid that it really needs more food and money.

Maybe it is really possible to get a lot of grain from the official land in the next few years without having to pay. When the new law really transitions to a successful stage, those fields will completely belong to the peasant households, and only need to pay the amount in the future.

His heart fluttered, and he saw the fourth practical thing: Taitai Hospital and Huimin Pharmaceutical Bureau were merged into nursing homes, and within five years of Jiajing, every county would have a hospital, with good doctors and medicines with clear prices.

Gao Shangxian nodded. This is indeed a practical matter. I don’t know how the medical and nursing homes all over Daming can be found in every county within a year, unless the existing medical center is renamed.

Only then did he see the place his son was pointing at, and asked first, "Do you know the characters here?"

Gao Gong restrained a little pride, but the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly: "Although I haven't bought the dictionary I want, my son has read four issues of "Ming Pao" repeatedly, and he can still recognize most of them."

Gao Shangxian looked at him, and then said: "This year, Henan will probably be like Guangdong and Shandong. There will be a local Enke examination. Work hard."

"With a father at home to guide the son in his studies, the son has confidence!"

Gao Shangxian was also a Jinshi, so it was enough to teach his son.

But at this time, when he saw what his son was referring to, his heart had actually been overwhelmed since before.

I'm afraid this fifth "practical fact" will cause quite a stir.

[The fifth practical event in the fifth year of Jiajing, from this year onwards, the system of seizing the feelings of officials will be fully implemented, and it will change with each passing day.To become an official after studying is to govern the country and the world for the sake of loyalty to the emperor.Loyalty and filial piety are difficult to have both. When officials meet those who are bereaved and need to be worried, they all posthumously give the title of grace to the deceased relatives to seize the affection and reuse it.Grieve for the psychological government and the people, honor the ancestors and take care of state affairs. 】

Ding You is a threshold that officials cannot avoid.

Keeping the uniform and mourning does not mean that you can't come back again, the official rank is still there.But after 27 months of absence, the official position has naturally been filled.If you want to take office again, you have to wait for a vacancy.

Looking through the annals of history, in fact, among the officials who were really guarded and reused by seduction, in fact, it was about [-]-[-] in Tang Dynasty.After the Song Dynasty, especially after the prosperity of Neo Confucianism, most of them refused when they were taken away, and those who did not abide by the system had a worrying reputation.

Now the fifth fact, although there is the pretense of "defeating love" and the excuse of honoring the ancestors with posthumous titles, is it really appropriate to continue to be an official after changing the days and months with peace of mind?
This is just a small test of His Majesty's current etiquette.

He called it a "real thing", but did he forget how the master scolded Jae Yu?
Behind this congratulatory speech, there are five practical things.

Standardize simplified characters from official documents to make it easier for more children to read and write: Will there be debates?Whether it is good or bad for the people to use their wisdom has always been controversial.Moreover, wouldn't this make the scientific examination more and more difficult?

Improve the printing technology to reduce the cost of book publishing: this is naturally to be matched with the simplified characters. The craftsman Zheng Kui who was awarded the title of township published in the last issue, the technology of the printing machine and the new typeface, I am afraid that the folks will take a while will not be able to grasp.

The Hedao Yamen surveyed and drew the whole map of the Yellow River, and His Majesty offered a reward to the world to ask for a good solution to the floods in the Yellow River and the Huaihe River: There is nothing to say about this matter. If this stage can be completed this year, the floods in the Yellow River and the Huaihe River can be controlled in the future, which will be an eternal merit.

The Qun Mule Supervision established cattle and mule stations, and tried to rent and sell cattle and mules at a low price in various places to meet the farming season: both cows and mules and horses can indeed cultivate land, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.Huimin is good, but I'm afraid it won't be easy to implement, Daming is still too big.

After the post stations in various places are transferred to the Tongyi Bureau, the Tongyi Bureau will gradually have a post-transmission system with stronger reception and delivery capabilities. Sending letters, lodging, car and boat, etc. are gradually opened to the common people: letters are so private, and most of them need letters. It's an official.Could this post office be His Majesty's other eyeliner?What if the letter is opened and read?Most ordinary people never leave the county or township in their whole lives, and they don't need any lodging, transportation or transportation.

After much deliberation, Gao Shangxian felt that in the future, the post office would still be mainly engaged in the business of officials and gentry.

And maybe a merchant?

"The first five practical things will be done this year; the last five practical things will be laid this year. On the occasion of the Spring Festival, I would like to say a happy New Year to all the people in the world. I hope that by the end of the year, all the people in the world will be able to say a word in their hearts. After this year is indeed true, next year’s Spring Festival will be more joyful than this year.”

After Gao Shangxian finished reading, he opened his mouth slightly.

This is really the first time for the emperor to pay New Year's greetings to people all over the world: because of this newspaper, not only all prefectures and counties pay attention to every issue, even the old farmers in the village know that there is such a thing.Literate children and scholars with some status all take pleasure in promoting the contents of the newspaper.

So the old farmers will also know that His Majesty wishes them New Year's greetings...

"Father, what do you think about it?" Gao Gong asked with bright eyes, "The thing about Duoqing?"

The pro-son and pro-grandson are not disrespectful to the old man who passed away two months ago, but they are also pro-father and son after all, so there is no need to avoid some topics.

Gao Shangxian frowned: "Just study your homework carefully!"

He felt that it was not his son's turn to think about these matters, besides, he obviously wanted to encourage himself not to worry - in the words of Day Yiyue, Gao Shangxian had already met the conditions.

But it works as a whole, in the future, after a hundred years of my father, are you not going to keep my filial piety for my son?

However, Gao Gong said solemnly: "The book of rites for son's governance has existed in ancient times, and His Majesty's words are justified. Besides, dad, I'm afraid that new learning is more important when my son takes the exam later. Dad, do you understand new learning? ?”

Gao Shangxian was questioned and was speechless.

Gao Gong said with deep meaning: "The center has been greatly reformed, and there are many official shortages in the capital. The capital is the easiest place for new learning."

Gao Shangxian looked up and sighed, and looked at his father's tablet.

Your grandson is really extraordinary, he said it when he passed the government, this guy is expected to be the leader of the provincial examination ceremony.

Father, is the son just for your grandson, and don't want to be so famous?
Who knows what the future holds?

In the small village of Gaolaozhuang, in the next few days, everyone gradually knew the content of the emperor's congratulatory message.

Gao Gong's house suddenly became more lively. It was already the New Year's greetings, and many people came to the house again.

Among them, there are not only wealthy households of the same clan, but also small farmers in the village who elected leaders and collected gifts.

Folks in the village, Gao Shangxian cannot turn people away during the first month.

"Xian Gong, our Gao family respects you now. This time, His Majesty is determined to carry out the new law in our Henan province. You are the backbone, so you have to help us to settle the matter!"

"Yes, yes, the sale of official land and the selection of village sages, you can speak well in the county."

"Xian Gong, if the day changes with the moon, you can be appointed by robbing love? If the boss is awarded the title by His Majesty, the genealogy will have to be changed! Seeing His Majesty's grace, Xian Gong may be promoted to the fourth rank , then wear a red robe!"

Gao Shangxian couldn't laugh or cry.

The so-called ten practical things, what they care about is only three of them, plus one thing that is not specifically mentioned in it.

His noble and virtuous future is naturally closely related to Gao Laozhuang Village. Who made him a Jinshi?

There has never been a big shot in the ancestors of the Gao family, and his fifth rank is "the man who made a fortune".Fortunately, he has five sons right now, two of whom have grown up, and the eldest son also won the election.Although the second son does not have any literary talent, the third son Gao Gong really has a promising future.

Everyone in Gao Laozhuang hopes that Gao Shangxian will "lead by example" and lead them to enjoy the policy.

He sighed: "Now it's just His Majesty's will. How to sell the official land and how to select the virtuous people in the village will only know how to implement it after the imperial court and the province formulate the regulations, and the prefectures and counties follow the regulations."

"With you here, there must be at least one of us, Gao Laozhuang, in this village, right?"

The Gao family in Gaolaozhuang Village, Xinzheng County is not qualified to be referred to as the Xinzheng Gao family today. The clan elder of this clan is not rich, but he said with certainty: "Although my ineffective son did not pass the examination as a scholar, he can also read and write. Write to His Majesty!"

Gao Shangxian couldn't laugh or cry: "Your Majesty wants to promote simplified characters, can he know how to write?"

"Aren't you here? For the sake of Mrs. Gao, you have to teach me!"

The leader of the poor peasants who was elected faltered.Gao Shangxian couldn't avoid it, he set a time for them to come together.Now that the country gentry, wealthy households and clan elders are here, how can he have room to speak?
Gao Shangxian first complied perfunctorily, but he didn't want to touch other things too much.

Seeing this, Gao Gong said, "Uncles, there is no official land in our Gao Lao Village. The official land is scattered all over the place, so we must buy it from the nearest one. As the saying goes, a strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake, so why not go to other villages to farm? Or even move to another village to be bullied?"

The Gaojiatang room fell silent, and the poor peasant leader's eyes darkened.

Gao Shangxian looked at his son and pursed his lips.

Seeing that his father didn't reprimand him, Gao Gong continued to say with encouragement, "As for the sage of the country, it's nothing more than the fame and benefits, and it's good to get it. But if you want to be the sage of the country, I'm afraid you don't get the benefits first, but the benefits." We need to help the county to offend people. How many people are there in this field? Not only the gentry are worried about a thorough investigation, but ordinary farmers are also worried. It is not a big deal to pay a little more food and taxes in the coming year. , our Gao Laozhuang is going to offend other surrounding villages."

The elder of the clan heard the words and asked in a daze: "Brother Gong, according to what you said, don't even think about Guantian and Xiangxian, Gao Laozhuang?"

"No! It's just to clarify the pros and cons!" Gao Gong bowed to his father, "Father, my son thinks that you, Ding You, are at home, and you should take the lead and help the county to do a good job. If you stay away from the temple at this time, if you help the county to do a good job If you understand all the facts that His Majesty said, you will be able to reach the heavens. At that time, Your Majesty will take the initiative to make a decree to win the love, and you will be the best choice!"

Gao Shangxian's pursed mouth opened: When he was doing the inspection work before, he paid less attention to his family.This son is smart and he knows it, but now he has learned so many ways to be an official?

Being in the position has the advantages of being in the position, and not being in the position has the convenience of not being in the position.

The implementation of the new law will be a big deal for any magistrate.If I have the help of myself, who lives at home and is the fifth rank, I dare not say anything else, Xinzheng County will have much less resistance.

Sooner or later, the emperor will know the movement of the place.

Now that he is still at home, Ding You has a good reputation; he understands the general situation and helps His Majesty carry out practical things; if there are some brilliant strategies to help solve many problems in the county, that is another manifestation of talent.

It is much better for the emperor to take the initiative to appoint him than to trust his old friends to help him with the activities.

"...In your opinion, what should father do?"

Immediately, Gao Gong became more eager to express himself, and quickly replied: "Running a school and teaching simplified characters are one thing. As an outlaw at this time, it is two things to prepare a county and township sage academy, explain the pros and cons of the townspeople, and clean up the good land. This is three things. Calling the merchants in the county to contact ironware sales, planning to build a medical and nursing home, publishing new books on simplified characters, and a cattle and mule office. These are three things. The sale of official land will definitely require more silver and less Food, after all, the government office has spent a lot of money after it was restructured, so Dad can ask the Xiangxian Academy to raise money and lend it out, charging little or no interest, these are the four things."

Gao Shangxian's expression showed shock: "Use the money raised by the Xiangxian Academy to lend, without interest?"

Gao Gong nodded affirmatively: "This village sage was first established, and the name must be more important than profit. Right now, those who are keen on this village sage, there are those who are short-sighted, but there are also those who have a long-term vision. You can talk about it, and suggest that the county lords should not be elected as sages. Looking at the several facts of your majesty, it is really urgent for the needs of the people, and you will not want the new law to harm the people. The establishment of this sage is based on the character of the sage. If you want the sage Don’t rely on the power to harm the people, but need the sages in the village to prevent the officials from using the new law to harm the people. Father, only when the people call Your Majesty the Holy Spirit and Daddy does these things can he be called truly meritorious!”

Gao Shangxian was not shocked by Gao Gong's idea of ​​the Xiangxian Academy raising money to lend money to the people to buy land without charging interest, but what shocked him was the political wisdom shown by his son.

At this time, he naturally didn't dare to imagine how much his son would actually achieve in the future. He just had a feeling that he suddenly discovered that his son was better than himself in some aspects in front of the officials.

Running a school and teaching simplified characters in the countryside as a Jinshi is the future that will tie down many descendants of many big gentry families in Xinzheng County.

Helping the county prepare the Xiangxianyuan is to tie their present.

Relying on the relationship between the government and the opposition, helping the merchants in the county to contact Baojin Bureau, Jiangzuojian, Mingbaohang, Qunmujian and other foreign commercial firms is the cash source of Xinzheng County.

Putting in place the popularization of the "three major items of farming" and the establishment of medical and nursing homes is to tie the Xinzheng people's hearts to the emperor and the court.

Gao Shangxian was still absent-mindedly worrying about how to be robbed with dignity, his son helped him point out the way.

"Brother Gong is sure to be the prime minister in the future!" The clan elder almost flipped his thumbs up, and then said earnestly to Gao Shangxian, "Mr. Xian, I think it will work!"

"...Wait for me to think about it. I understand the meaning of your coming here today. How about it, after the fifteenth day, I will pay a visit to Tongzhi County to see what he cares about."

To be of the fifth rank is to have the reserve of the fifth rank, how can you shout "my son is a great talent" in front of outsiders now?
After they left gifts and left, Gao Shangxian said with a serious face, "What books did you read last year!"

(End of this chapter)

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