
Chapter 295 Yang Shen Zhang Jing, Three Kingdoms Shocked

Chapter 295 Yang Shen returned to Beijing, the Three Kingdoms were shocked

With the establishment of a prime minister and minister of state, the emperor's decentralization of some political affairs, and this round of county and township titles and titles, and rewards for township sages, smart people know that the implementation of the new law is actually no problem.

Whether the effect of the new law is good or not is another matter. Anyway, it is His Majesty's request.But the officials who survived have more room to look forward to than before.

Now the emperor has decided on one thing that is likely to be done in the next ten years at the national policy conference and the military affairs conference: regain Jiaozhi.Accompanying it is the attitude that the future may be the king of Jiaozhi.

Keeping it secret, among the civil servants and generals who know about it, who has the ambition to start planning for their own "throne" with all their heart?
Now, Fei Hongzheng, the first Prime Minister and Minister of State, asked the housekeeper: "What do you think about my article in Ming Pao among the marketers?"

Today is the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, and there is no court meeting.

It was just dawn, and Fei Hong was eating breakfast.

Fei Hong, who used to be a cabinet minister, was also quite overwhelmed by the daily effort required to be an official.

The daily meals need to be well prepared.Even the breakfast in the morning is a health-preserving soup carefully prepared by the housekeeper with the best ginseng, Chinese caterpillar fungus and other medicinal materials.This soup clears fire and calms qi, clears away heat and fire, invigorates the spleen and appetizers, and also improves energy.

Now Fei Hong only cares about the reaction of the government and the opposition to his speech in Ming Pao, which was published yesterday.

The butler was naturally paying attention yesterday, especially the news that came back at night.

"The chief minister, the scholars all praised him, saying that the chief minister is the prime minister through the ages."

Fei Hong frowned and glanced at him, but continued to eat the duck and drink the soup.

The housekeeper smiled mischievously, and then said: "I'm quite suspicious of the chief minister's statement that starting this year's general examination, there will also be a leader and deputy list, and all provinces will set up a rural examination Enke, and the exam syllabus will not be changed, but the exam system will be changed first."

The first important thing for the prime minister after he came to power was to honor the emperor's favor and implement the policy of recruiting scholars on a large scale. Scholars were of course happy.

There will be 24 people in the first class, and there will be 24 participants. This year, there will be [-] in the main list and [-] in the sub-list.

Seeing that the chances of obtaining fame and family background have been greatly improved, but I don't know how the examination system will be changed.

Fei Hong just nodded: "Continue."

The specific examination system will be dissected in a special article published by the Ministry of Rites in the next issue of "Ming Pao".

The exam syllabus has indeed not been changed. Except for Wang Shouren's set of books, there are not many other books discussing the new studies, and it is impossible to decide which contents in the new studies must be tested now.

But in the evaluation of the examination paper, many questions that already exist will be given a clearer score, rather than the previous rough one of upper, middle and lower.

The examiners are getting tired: in the past, one person only read a few copies, but now he has to read each one and give his own score.In the end, someone will calculate the average score given by the marking officers to the same question for the same person.

The final ranking is based on the total score.

Fei Hong knew that in this way, the status of "teacher" would become more and more diluted.

If there is a teacher, it will only be the emperor.Because the questions in the palace examination are given by the emperor, the answer papers are scored, and the scores given by the important ministers have to be calculated as the average score anyway. Is everyone a teacher?On the contrary, the emperor had to give his own score separately in the 49 examination papers submitted at the end.The final ranking of the 24 people in Yijia, and even the 49 people, actually depends on the emperor.

Power can be released, name cannot be released.

This is also a defense against the future attachment to important officials of the court, especially the prime minister and minister of state, and no one can object to it—anyway, in the previous palace examinations, the emperor could decide who to enter the first class.

Thinking about this, Fei Hong only listened to the steward continue to say: "Scholars talk a lot, and there is another topic. After the reform of the government office this year, the number of officials in various provinces is around [-]. Many people are talking about whether this is true or not. There will be redundant officials and waste, and the burden on the people will increase."

Fei Hong only needs to know what the people in the field are talking about, and he doesn't need to explain to the housekeeper.

The housekeeper said one by one: "For the three major matters of the farm, the chief minister proposed that the taxation bureaus of the prefectures and states should set up special officials to supervise the iron tax and the reduction and refund of iron farm tools for sale, and proposed to allocate special money. Subsidies are given by the government, prefecture, and county workshops, and there are many discussions among the merchants. I am afraid that the money will be collected by merchants, big households, and officials in collusion and fraud."

Fei Hong sneered in his heart.His Majesty put this matter first in his New Year's greetings.The people below probably don't know yet that the Metropolitan Procuratorate is still preparing for an audit and clean-up department, which is in charge of reviewing financial records.And these people, after being selected, will be taught by the emperor himself.

The counselors knew best how appalling the emperor's talent and level in financial planning were. To be honest, in terms of this one thing alone, the emperor's talent in this area was even more terrifying than having realized new learning.

The new law will not be gentle. It is kindness to let more people become officials first;

Once the rules are established in the first few years, the foundation of the new law will be solid.

"Then there is the matter of recreating the yellow book from Qingzhang's fields..." The butler paused, and said with some hesitation, "I'm only talking about whether the Nanjing Houhu yellow book warehouse will be moved to Beijing..."

Fei Hong's heart trembled.

Yang Tinghe set off today.

The data in the Yellow Book Library in Houhu, Nanjing, is the basis for the calculation of the amount of grain tax in the provinces and counties of the Ming Dynasty.Nanjing manages the yellow book library, which has facilitated many things for more than a hundred years.

Now Yang Tinghe, Jiang Mian, Yang Tingyi, and Yan Song are the governors of Nanzhili, Jiangxi, and Zhejiang. The six left-behind yamen and their relatives in Nanjing have actually sensed some differences.

The folks only talk about the Houhu Yellow Book Library, but in fact, after the incident of the court staff worshiping Confucius, they dare not say whether the emperor intends to abolish the ministries of Nanjing.

At this point, Fei Hong needs to advance this matter more than the emperor.Otherwise, in terms of civil affairs, the Prime Minister and the Minister of State will face Nanjing, a hard bone that is only responsible to the emperor for a long time.

"As for the discussion in this area, we need to arrange more people to pay attention." Fei Hong put down the spoon, "Ying Tianfu has a rebel like Meng Chun, and this time His Majesty established the Baoyuan Bureau, an inconspicuous place like the Ministry of Industry in Nanjing. , I am afraid that it is the first to think of something extraordinary."

Due to the different positions, Fei Hong was also forced to start thinking about more overall issues with Zhu Houcong.

The new law can only be implemented step by step, but Fei Hong has already determined a fundamental task that he needs to do well during his three years in office: to lay a solid foundation for the secret and unannounced money law in the new law.

If this matter is not resolved, everything done now will collapse in the future.

Hearing Fei Hong mention the Baoyuan Bureau, the housekeeper also said: "Since a few years ago, many people have discussed the new law on food collection and taxation, and the silver conversion method in the tax class is harmful to the people. The imperial court will discuss strategies to determine the method of banknotes, money, and silver, and the market thinks that banknotes will be abolished and banknotes will be issued, which is quite disturbing."

"Understood." Fei Hong stood up, and the maid at home quickly stepped forward to put on his official uniform and straighten his clothes.

Many taxes such as the grain tax and salt tax of the Ming Dynasty are still used to encourage the maintenance of the value of the treasure banknotes by collecting banknotes.Faced with the pressure of the surge in the number of officials and administrative expenses, Baochao will only become more and more embarrassing.

If it is not broken, it will not stand, and now it is difficult to save this precious banknote slowly.

But hastily abolishing banknotes is bound to cause an uproar.

Sitting on his special treatment as a chancellor - Dajiao specially assigned to the Palace of State Affairs, Fei Hong closed his eyes and began to think about the topic that he was going to discuss with the ministers of state today: this year's taxes in Ming Dynasty and the preparations for many new laws. Taking back all the current treasures will not hurt Daming's vitality this year.


Since Ming Pao came into existence, officials in the capital always feel that there are too many things worth talking about every fifteen days.

This is not because of the "Ming Pao" itself, but because the Ming Dynasty is going to implement the new law to the whole country, and His Majesty and the court have too much new content to convey.

Almost all the candidates who went to Beijing to rush for the exam had already arrived, and those who really arrived in the capital just before the Ministry of Rites Examination in February were too risky.If there are slight twists and turns on the road, won't you miss it?
Although there will be such people every year, such as Huang Zuo in the past.

Now, talking about what the emperor and chief minister published in Ming Pao on the first and fifteenth day of the first lunar month respectively is just a way for the candidates to release their inner pressure.

"Why don't you publish it earlier? These days are all used to practice simple characters, and I have to distract myself from my homework."

Hearing his friend's discussion, Tang Shunzhi had no choice but to maintain a polite yet awkward smile.

Although everyone thought that simplified characters would not be required for the test, the court's move was really detrimental.It has been delayed from November last year until now, at least none of the candidates in this subject dared to ignore that possibility, and in order to write a good official document in the future or to be favored in this subject exam, they were all rejected. Make time to practice simple characters.

"It's finally settled, I won't take the practical study." Someone wailed, "It's a shame that I studied Wang Shangshu's "A Test of Practice and Dialectics" for four full months, four months!"

For the sake of high school, who dares to ignore it?
The new learning comes from the emperor, learn it, what if you pass the exam?
Not everyone is as talented as Tang Shunzhi, and now they look at Tang Shunzhi with complicated eyes.

Tang Shunzhi said helplessly: "Why complain? After all, it's not a day's work. Talents are selected, and the court will not look at someone who has practiced simplified characters. I said that last year. You don't believe me."

"...That's because you had the manuscript of the "Jiajing Dictionary" a long time ago, so what's the difference to you?!"

"... It's been two years since I learned the new study. People who want to study should learn from it. I never said that I will definitely take the new study."

"But you often discuss new learning experiences with us!"

Tang Shunzhi was brought in by a few friends today to question him. First, he blamed him for knowing that there were simplified characters but did not teach them. Second, he criticized this point.

As a result, now that Fei Hong said that the exam syllabus would not change, wouldn't these people make misjudgments and waste a lot of time because of Tang Shun's extensive career and a lot of news?

Tang Shunzhi could only smile wryly: "I really like to study that practical study and dialectics. Besides, sooner or later, it will be an official study, and there is no harm in learning from it. Why do you have such a grudge?"

"Zhang Guowu appreciates you so much, you must be ranked first in this subject, maybe in the top three. Do you have any advice on how to test this subject?"

Tang Shunzhi couldn't laugh or cry: "How busy is Zhang Guowu? Besides, the exam is coming soon. How can I not avoid suspicion and visit to inquire? After all, the exam still needs to be learned. Zhang Guowu is only because I have been in prison for years. The article during the exam was circulated, and I was called to ask a question, why did I appreciate it so much?"

In the first year he came to Guozijian, Zhang Zilin, who was the minister of the Ministry of Rites during the year-old exam, asked them to discuss the pros and cons of the Great Ming Banknote Law.Tang Shunzhi's answer sheet was a blockbuster, revealing his insight into practice, which is rare in the prison students, so he was summoned by Zhang Zilin.

But then it wasn't just that one time, Zhang Zilin was really looking forward to Tang Shunzhi, and even revealed one thing: the emperor also appreciated his article quite a lot.

"You go to Huangming University from time to time. Do you have any particular emphasis? The syllabus remains the same, but there is a certain focus. I heard that you have many contacts with the priests and professors of the School of Mathematical Sciences. Could it be that the book of changes is the most important thing in this subject? ?”

"...I just like math."

The Vientiane of the Ming Dynasty was updated. Tang Shunzhi, who has a wide range of hobbies and is different from other scholars, is now being speculated on by them every move.

In the syllabus, the five classics, "Book of Songs", "Shangshu", "Book of Rites", "Book of Changes", and "Spring and Autumn", were said to be the leaders of the five classics during the provincial examination.However, arithmetic and the Book of Changes have many origins, and they thought it wrong again.

In such a worry about gains and losses, on the second day of February, a carriage slowly arrived in the capital.

Yang Shen lifted half of the car curtains and looked at the city of Beijing that had been away for more than four years.Now, there are still two or three miles away from the city, but some houses outside the city and the vague shadows of the city wall can already be seen.

Before leaving the capital, he was a noble in the Imperial Academy.

When he came back, he was a guest of the Nanhai county noble and the prince, and he will be the right servant of the household department.

"Master, here it is."

He didn't lift the curtain specifically to see the city of Beijing and feel emotional, but because the servant who helped him set up an outpost to fetch the new issue of "Ming Pao" arrived.

Yang Shen took the newspaper and lowered the curtain to read it seriously.

For more than four years, Yang Shen's bookishness has become weaker and weaker.Beijing city, he is very familiar with it.If anything is fresh, how much more fresh than Guangzhou in these years?
On the contrary, the matter in this issue has something to do with him.

When I met my father in Linqing a few days ago, I heard him say that this issue will publish content related to the examination.

When Yang Shen returned to Beijing, the first thing he had to do before assuming the new household department was to serve as the chief examiner of the examination.

The emperor's compensation to Yang Tinghe and his trust and precautions to the Prime Minister and Minister of State can be seen from this arrangement.

Looking at the examination system announced above, in addition to the setting of the main list and the number of places, the most important thing is of course the change of the marking rules.

Yang Shen recalled his experiences in Guangzhou, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly.An inconspicuous change, in fact, will subtly make everyone in the future pay attention to arithmetic.Future officials must be able to settle accounts.

Think about it, in the future when the imperial list is published, in addition to the ranking, there will also be a string of numbers showing their scores, so can this string of numbers be ignored?
In addition, the Ministry of Rites will also arrange a special day this time to support scholars to consult the scores of each question on their answer sheet.After they go back, they can't do the math by themselves?
Of course, they don't know who scored how many points.A special person transcribes a form, and after calling the name, hand that piece of paper to the entrance examination and you are done. You go back and do the math yourself.

It's all small details that make a big difference.

Yang Shen knew that His Majesty wanted to organize these small details by himself and do it properly.In Guangzhou, there are many such small details.

There was still some time before entering the city, Yang Shen looked back page by page.

When he flipped to another page, he froze for a moment.

In this edition, there are no various "news" divided into sections, and the entire page is densely packed with words.

"Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

The first round: Banquet Taoyuan heroes three sworn brothers, beheading the first hero of the Yellow Turban to make meritorious service.

Original work: Luo Guanzhong.Comparative Note: Lin Xiyuan.

Yang Shen looked at the word "Imperial Criticism" in astonishment, what did the emperor do in "Ming Pao"?
His Majesty personally arranged to publish a storybook novel on such an important event as "Ming Pao"?
This "Popular Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Yang Shen, the number one scholar and son of the chief assistant, also easily found and read it during his leisure time in the Imperial Academy.Born out of Chen Shou's "Three Kingdoms", but it is not interesting.As for literary talent...Yang Shen said it was so-so, and it was just killing time at the time.

Now, Yang Shen began to read it solemnly: Since it is the imperial criticism edition, there must be some comments from the emperor, right?Just by comparing the old version, you can continuously see some tendencies and thoughts of His Majesty?Maybe that's what the emperor meant.

Then he was struck by lightning.

"Linjiang Fairy".

the river is long and tempestuous, it was like a hero. Success or failure turned empty. Aoyama is still there, How Many Suns.

White-haired fisherman Qiao Jiangzhu, used to watch the autumn moon and spring breeze.A pot of muddy wine rejoiced to meet each other.Many things, ancient and modern, are in the middle of a joke.

[The great world is approaching, I reviewed the stories of the Three Kingdoms, thinking that this book can be read carefully by officials, gentry, and young children. Publish it so that people in the world can circulate it.A que was made to feed the subjects. 】

Yang Shen was stunned, his eyes fixed on the song "Linjiang Immortal".

Zhuangyuan Lang savored every word, only feeling the hairs on his body stand on end.

I haven't seen you for a few years, but His Majesty still has such a literary talent?

Why didn't it show in the slightest back then?

This is only one aspect. Yang Shen who returned from Guangdong is no longer the Yang Shen who had obvious shortcomings in worldly relationships and officialdom wisdom.He soon realized that after this issue of "Ming Pao" spread all over the world, what would the world think of the emperor who had learned something new and had great ambitions?He is so talented!

A masterpiece that is enough to be handed down for hundreds of generations!
Even Yang Shen, the emperor in his mind at this moment, has some other kind of brilliance faintly, which seems to be an existence that can only be looked up to.

It's just...how does it feel...feel like I've had this feeling before?It seems that at the time of the national policy meeting, we drank the golden cup together...

"Master! Master! Eunuch Huang Jin welcomes you in person!"

Yang Shen was shocked when he heard the words: "What?"

Huang Jinzhen was ordered to wait outside the city gate, Yang Shen hurriedly got off the carriage and went over, flattered and said: "Your Majesty is so kind, I am ashamed of myself!"

This is of course what Zhu Houcong meant, and Yang Shen knew how to speak.

Huang Jin also had a strange expression on his face.

Indeed, when Fei Hong and others returned to Beijing, they never received this kind of treatment, and he didn't know why His Majesty asked him to greet them in person.

But this scene was seen by many people, and everyone was just thinking: the emperor used this special way to express his respect for Yang Tinghe's family members who elected him and supported him to implement the new law, and let the people of Nanzhili Weighing the weight of Yang Ting and Governor Nanjing also let Fei Hong know to listen to the emperor's wishes and work hard, and the future will not be bad.

Only Zhu Houcong himself knows why, and let others interpret the rest.

In the Hall of Mental Cultivation, after Yang Shen paid a prostration to see him, Zhu Houcong asked, "How about "Linjiang Immortal"?"

Yang Shen was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "Your Majesty's literary talent is far beyond my reach..."

Zhu Houcong suppressed Yang's current eccentricity, but publishing the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" was really an important means for him to promote simplified characters and subtly output some ideas and influence.And since I want to do this, I always feel something is wrong without that word.

Besides... the current Yang Shen, I'm afraid he won't have that kind of mood anymore.What if he doesn't write this "Linjiang Immortal" in the future?Reports from Guangdong show that Yang Shen has become more and more a workaholic who is proficient in practical matters.

"Miao Zan Miao Zan, eat and eat."

Zhu Houcong greeted him with a table of wine and food. In the Palace of State Affairs, Fei Hong and several ministers of state looked at each other in silence.

When Yang Tinghe resigned from his Majesty, His Majesty hosted a separate banquet to see him off.

When Yang Shen returned to Beijing, His Majesty ordered Huang Jin to come out to meet him and throw a banquet to cleanse the dust.

But everyone knows that the emperor wanted to "reward" Yang Shen for his recklessness and force Yang Tinghe to become the leader of the new party.

In addition, it is also for everyone to see: Follow His Majesty, the holy family will be greatly rewarded.

What is Xiangyi between monarch and minister?
(End of this chapter)

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