
Chapter 297 Alchemy?Chemical!

Chapter 297 Alchemy?Chemical!

In the Forbidden City, there are Buddhist temples and Taoist temples.

Among them, the Qin'an Hall just north of the Forbidden City is the most, where Emperor Zhenwu is enshrined.

Zhu Di was in trouble, and claimed to be helped by the God of Zhenwu, so he built a Qin'an Hall in the north when he was building the Forbidden City.

But the emperor did not summon the Taoist priests and Taoist priests in this Qin'an Hall.

In the southwest of the Hall of Mental Cultivation and on the north side of the Hall of Renzhi, there used to be the Sili Jianjing Factory.

Now, the craftsmen and some eunuchs in charge of the Sili Jianjing Factory have all worked in the engraving room of the editorial office of Ming Pao in the southeast corner of the Forbidden City. This area has a clearer and more important role: Huang Jin is directly responsible for Zhu Houcong. Here It is the place where Zhu Houcong manages the eighteen companies.

It can be called the "Daming Emperor Assets Committee".

The place is not small, in terms of area, it has the area of ​​three or four main halls of Qianqing Palace.There are many rows of rooms distributed in the courtyard.

Huang Jin personally brought them here, and Shao Yuanjie and others also understood: the emperor did not send Huang Jin out of courtesy, but because they came here together, and the British Duke Zhang Lun.

So they were even more confused about the purpose of being called to Beijing.

They didn't know the real purpose of the former Prison Supervisory Factory compound, they just thought that the combination of the British public and them, and the "Taoist" who turned out to be Tiaolang's family, was too outrageous.

When they arrived at the place, they waited for Huang Jin to invite the emperor to come over.

Use this time, of course, to chat with the British public.

After all, he is a hereditary Duke, and he is not too young.These well-known Taoist priests with profound "Taoism" have often dealt with the powerful and powerful, so they are naturally chatting and laughing.

Jin Kela was worried, today's scene was so big, he was just a dung merchant, pitiful, weak and helpless.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the emperor to arrive.

Jin Kela breathed a sigh of relief, and his eyes were almost moist: when dealing with him, the emperor was the one who did not despise him the least, and was the most pleasant-looking one. shine.

Huang Gonggong would joke with him only because His Majesty looked at him differently.

After Zhu Houcong sat down, he first spoke to Zhang Lun: "I called you here today because I have something for you to do."

"I will do my best to do it well!"

Don't ask anything first, express your opinion first.

Zhang Lun didn't return to his ancestors, and he didn't know that the military affairs meeting was already planning to resume Jiaozhi, which was the place where his ancestor Zhang Fu had made great achievements.Now Zhang Lun has chosen his own future route for the Zhang family: earn money and be done.

Relying on the title of Duke of England, he, as the representative of the ministers, nominally represented the emperor to manage the shares belonging to the emperor and his relatives in the eighteen companies.

In fact, it was Huang Jin who spoke and acted.

Zhu Houcong heard his expression, and then asked Jin Kela with a smile: "Why do you have to find a relative to come forward if you want to set up a business? Just do it! Go to Shuntian Mansion to register the formalities, and I will take out a sum of money with the relatives , accounting for [-]% of your shares."

Having said this, Zhang Lun knew what was going on, and looked at the emperor in disbelief.

At present, [-]% of the [-] companies accounted for when His Majesty made the charter.The remaining [-]% ​​belonged to the relatives, and then there were some in each yamen.

But in these [-] companies, many people have titles.Now it only accounts for [-]% of the family, so this gold and rubbish, will it be an official or a civilian in the future?

Shao Yuanjie, Tao Zhongwen and the others were even more shocked: This Daoist, is the holy family like this?
Jin Kela's lips trembled: "Grass...Caomin thank Your Majesty Long En!"

The emperor really cared about him, and even arranged for factory guards to take care of him?

Jin Kela is not afraid, but rather proud, although this is just the daily work of the guards in the Beijing factory, and it is probably because Jin Kela arranged for someone to tentatively contact the family of the honored relatives.

But whatever!If the emperor holds shares, how dare he ask for money?The identity of the imperial merchant is not stronger than what?
After Zhu Houcong got him up, he said, "It's just a small problem, don't be distracted. The most important thing now is to find out the fertilizer formula and production method that are cheap and plentiful."

Shao Yuanjie and the others understood: it turned out that the emperor ordered people to search for them for fertilizer.

But we Taoist priests have a production relationship with fertilizers that will happen regardless of whether we eat or not, what relationship do we have with fertilizers?
Only then did Zhu Houcong look at Shao Yuanjie and the others: "You Taoist priests must not know much about it, why am I looking for you to enter the capital this time?"

"... Your Majesty's lesson."

They were all a little unhappy in their hearts, because the gap was too great.

But in front of the emperor, he couldn't show it, and everyone was calm and calm.

"Taoist alchemy, there are some mysteries."

The emperor's words made them feel relieved at first, and then they heard Zhu Houcong say: "In "Huainanzi", it is recorded that Liu An, the king of Huainan at that time, and the eighth man who practiced the art of Huang Lao practiced alchemy. It became the story of tofu. Sulfur and mercury were used to refine cinnabar, sulfur, saltpeter, and charcoal were used to refine gunpowder, and in "Rescue the Soldiers Behind the Elbow" there is also the magical effect of salt water for cleaning wounds, etc. "

With a large and obedient "secretary team", the young emperor who has done his homework surprised the Taoists.

This is an emperor who knows a little about alchemy, but there seems to be something wrong with what he knows.

We practice alchemy to practice Taoism.

"I have realized the principle of things, and I think that everything in the world has its reason, and it is close to the Dao." Zhu Houcong looked at them, "The Taoist priests make alchemy, and they take the useful essence of all things to feed back to themselves. Fertilizer made from gold and rubbish is also the same. Taking the power of all things to nourish the crops. I think that this has the same effect. If you can understand the principles of all things, the Taoists will be more effective in making alchemy and making fertilizer from gold. Today is to discuss this matter! "

Shao Yuanjie and the others didn't know how to answer the conversation.

Your Majesty, you also know that we are taking the essence of all things, what is this gold and rubbish doing?He is using a lot of filthy waste to fertilize!

However, Zhu Houcong has already asked the question in a serious manner: "Jingkela used snail ash, oyster ash, gypsum lime and other things to make fertilizer. The agronomy priest in Zhenhuangzhuang said that some crops that used this fertilizer last winter did grow better than ordinary crops. Manure is even better. Daoist priests are well aware of the nature of matter, do you know its reason?"

The Quanzhen Taoist said that he did not want to answer these questions, and looked at the Zhengyi Taoist.

Shao Yuanjie didn't want to answer either, but he opened his mouth anyway: "...Poverty Dao and others are all self-serving alchemists. I don't know why the crops like gypsum lime..."

Whoever really refines something that is useful for cultivation, that is a wonderful method!
Even if you really know a little bit, can you announce it to the public like this?

Zhu Houcong asked a few more people, but they all said they didn't know.

He knew that it was impossible for Jin Kela to know, but the Taoist priests who often made alchemy couldn't tell a thing or two, which made Zhu Houcong a little disappointed.

Alchemy, if the essence of this form is investigated, it can be considered as catalyzing the reactions of various substances by means of heating.

Some of the examples Zhu Houcong gave before were not the main purpose of Taoist alchemy, but unintentional by-products.

But it's really raw chemistry.

Now, Zhu Houcong also knew that the Taoist priests might be disappointed, and the Taoist priests also looked down on such a down-to-earth thing.

So Zhu Houcong said sternly: "Everyone spends a lot of money in cultivating the Tao, right? I would like to offer one or two offerings, and I only hope to make alchemy together with the Taoist priests. I don't expect longevity, but I only hope to learn one or two of the principles of all things. I don't know among the Taoist priests, Who is the most proficient in the art of alchemy? Right now, I can talk a little bit about alchemy, and I will choose one person today to enshrine you as a missionary and teach the real person, and give him the abbot of Qin'an Hall, who will live in the north of the Forbidden City and help me in alchemy."

It is still necessary to use words they can understand, and do other things slowly.

Royal title, often accompanied by the emperor, let's talk about who knows the properties of various substances best in the process of alchemy.

Now it's Zhang Lun and Jin Kela's turn to be confused.

It seems that the ultimate purpose of the emperor's doing this seems to be to make fertilizer.

But why does Your Majesty really think that Taoist priests have something to do with alchemy and fertilizer making, and let them listen to the Taoist priests start to show their understanding of alchemy as if they were exchanging ideas with each other?

In the past, there was a Confucian disciple, Wenhua Palace, who debated the scriptures, but today it is the two major sects of Taoism.Chatting and chatting, they soon entered into a debate on the way of cultivation.

Zhu Houcong listened and felt that they were going astray.

How busy am I?Did I come to hear from you about which cultivation method is more orthodox and more useful?
The young Tao Zhongwen seldom spoke. At this time, he thought about the situation in front of him, and suddenly said: "Cultivation is not limited to the inside and outside. In the world of life, the energy of the world is swallowed, the daily use of grains and miscellaneous grains, and the refining of immortal medicines, it can be seen that the life body has Insufficient. The common people still have the saying that shape can be used to complement shape. In my generation, touch stone to make gold. This gold believer used gypsum lime to fertilize crops, but as His Majesty said, it has the same effect. The poor think that there is no need to argue about internal and external cultivation. "

Shao Yuanjie was only good at talismans and sacrificial offerings. Hearing this, he immediately said: "Fellow Daoist Tao might as well explain to His Majesty the experience of alchemy in detail. Fellow Daoists have been known for their magical medicines for a long time."

Next is Tao Zhongwen's home court.

Among the many Taoist priests in the Ming Dynasty, Tao Zhongwen was able to leave a mark in the Jiajing Dynasty, so he naturally had his skills.

Historically, Jiajing also turned to Shao Yuanjie for help when he was seriously ill, and Shao Yuanjie recommended Tao Zhongwen because of his old age and need to find a successor, the emperor's respect for Taoism and the special circumstances at that time.

The special situation at that time was that Jiajing's heirs were equally difficult.

After Tao Zhongwen came out, Comrade Jiajing ushered in his baby boom between the ages of 30 and 35. Of the thirteen children in Jiajing, twelve were born during this period.

Although eleven of them died prematurely, six of them did not live beyond the age of two.

However, Comrade Jiajing ascended the throne at the age of 15, and it is clear that the difficult situation of his heirs has improved in the past ten years.Among them, Tao Zhongwen's "care" for his body cannot be ignored.

Now, because of Shao Yuanjie's holding, Tao Zhongwen began to talk about his understanding of alchemy.

How many brushes he has, Zhu Houcong knows him, so he doesn't pay attention to his brushes on alchemy and Taoism, only a little bit.

Tao Zhongwen studied these alchemy techniques as serious avenues, although his starting point was still to cultivate Taoism and become immortal.

"Taoist Taoist has deep insights!" Zhu Houcong couldn't find any other "chemical" talents with more potential for the time being, so he pretended to be surprised, "The alchemy pills made by Taoist priest are so effective?"

"It varies from person to person." Tao Zhongwen was unwilling to promise, "The alchemy pills made by the poor Taoist have always been used for their own use. If your majesty has a heart for the Tao, you can't look far away. Self-cultivation is generally important."

Zhu Houcong nodded again and again: "That is Daoist Tao. Huang Jin, draw up the decree!"

Zhu Houcong didn't bother to care about whether a decree would encourage Zhengyi's momentum.

In the Forbidden City, alchemy and "research" were finally listened to by him.

Zhu Houcong has already heard that Tao Zhongwen is actually a very smart person.

When he realized that the topic was going off track, he pulled the topic back and focused on the emperor's needs.

Zhu Houcong is obviously not curious about which method of cultivation is better, he only cares about the specific alchemy.

In this regard, Tao Zhongwen is indeed very confident.

According to the decree, Tao Zhongwen was granted the honor of being a missionary person in Youguo, and he is "winning a big victory" together.

Later, Zhu Houcong ordered people to "gift" all the Taoist priests out of the palace, leaving only Tao Zhongwen, the "abbot of Qin'an Hall".

Shao Yuanjie and Tao Zhongwen exchanged the eyes of "supporting" and "being promoted" in advance, but Zhu Houcong was waiting for only a few people left here who were easy to talk to.

Then, Zhu Houcong, Zhang Lun, Tao Zhongwen, and Jin Kela gathered in a room with Huang Jin next to them.

"Tao Zhenren, your experience on alchemy may be confirmed by the matter of making fertilizer from Jinke?"

Zhu Houcong has rewarded him, and now he doesn't have more patience to make him do something more "willingly", but asks bluntly.

Tao Zhongwen heard the words and said awe-inspiringly: "Since the poor Taoist thinks that there is indeed a similar effect, I would like to study it carefully."

Zhu Houcong looked at him with satisfaction: "Renren Tao has come close to the truth in cultivating the Tao. Mr. Ying, you already know the whole story, so you should pay more attention to it later. Now I have asked the masters of Xiuxuan to confirm each other, all of which are fertilizers The rationale is only to benefit the people of Ming Dynasty and strengthen the strength of our country."

These words were not only for Zhang Lun, but also for Tao Zhongwen and Jin Kela.

The emperor had a very strong purpose in doing things. It wasn't because he was interested in the longevity technique that he visited masters of Taoism everywhere. His purpose was very clear: to benefit and strengthen the people of Ming Dynasty.

The scope of the discussion was further narrowed. At this time, only Tao Zhongwen and Jin Kela were left among the outsiders.

Zhu Houcong smiled slightly: "Renren Tao, although I don't know alchemy, I do have some insight into the principles of all things. Would you like to go with me to the Palace of Qin'an to have a look?"

In this way, Tao Zhongwen has become a person who cannot be ignored by Zhu Houcong's side. He, the newly appointed abbot of Qin'an Hall, naturally saluted and said: "Poverty obeys the order."

Zhu Houcong stood up: "Let's go!"

He doesn't have to reverse the direction of the entire Taoist alchemy method, he only needs to reverse a specific person, using the temptation of power and the shock of facts.

In Qin'an Hall, everything has been prepared long ago.

When Zhu Houcong arrived, he said to Tao Zhongwen after entering the door: "I ask Master Tao to watch two small experiments first!"

(End of this chapter)

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