
Chapter 316 Kou Bian, set off

Chapter 316 Kou Bian, set off


In Tumochuan, the 19-year-old I sneered after I answered the answer, and then said solemnly: "The emperor in the south wants to train troops, so naturally he will go north sooner or later, but why should I be afraid of answering? After the triumphant return of Balji, the boys’ horses are now strong and their hands are itching! The emperor in the south is getting angry, so he must fight on! Don’t hesitate, it’s already decided, as usual!”

Now, Tumochuan is also preparing for an attack.

Target direction: Shanxi Jingping, Shuozhou.

I answer that although he is only 19 years old, he has already made great military exploits in the seven years since he succeeded Lord Tumed.

If it hadn't been for the attack on Datong three years ago and the plunder and return, how could the strength and prestige have emerged more prominently in the conflict between Uliangha and Khalkha two years ago?

Bodi Khan invited him to lead his troops to conquer Uliangha, and the final result was that Alta led his army to defeat Uliangha in the first battle of Balji.

I answered that he was the lord of thousands of households who became famous in the grasslands at the age of sixteen or seventeen and had made great military achievements. He was not shaken by the news that slowly spread here.

He needs more prestige, more people, cattle and sheep.

Two days later, more than [-] fine riders under the account were assembled.

"Go to Jingping first! If the Ming army is timid to fight, they will sweep Shuozhou!"

I answer that there is no need to go in person, and the Tumed Department cannot come out in full force.

Although the Battle of Balji was well-known, Nabodi Khan began to fear him because of this.

The Mongolian Khan is in the Chahar tribe of Hetao not far to the west, and it won't take long for the fast horse to attack.

"Suddenly hot! Suddenly hot!"

The elite cavalry under his command raised their bows on their horses and shouted the slogan of charge together.In Mongolian, this sentence means cheers, which means both applause and prayer.

The horseshoes shook the ground, and Ma Fang heard the sound from a distance.

Many fine horses were taken away from the racecourse, and they were going to the south to plunder again.

Ma Fang squeezed her small fist and continued to bow her head.

I don't know if I can do it well, but only if I do well, can I learn a few tricks from those Tartars who often show off their archery skills in front of him.

At the beginning of November, the northern captives invaded Jingping.

When the military news reached the capital, Zhu Houcong was sitting in the National Assembly Hall, watching Yu Dayou and his essay test.

The military situation in the border town has always been reported to Zhu Houcong as soon as possible, so the Wu Jinshi who were responding in the hall only heard that the emperor stood up after reading a memorial sent by Zhang Zuo and said, "Go to the Hall of Martial Arts."

Yang Yiqing, who was originally co-hosting here, also quickly understood the situation, and walked out of the hall together with him and said: "Shuozhou Middle Road Counselor Li Jin is a brave and resourceful general. It is West Road Counselor Liu Kai and Guerrilla Li Jin." If there is no enemy, Shuozhou will be safe."

"What is the report of leading an army of more than [-] people and attacking the bandits? According to Yang Qing's experience, how many real numbers are there?"

"It won't exceed five thousand, and the tribes in the Northern Yuan Dynasty are not at peace. All the tribes have acted on their own when they invaded the border these years, and it is not that the little prince supervised the tribes to invade. With the strength of one army, there can be three Five thousand riders going south is a big move."

"From this point of view, Liu Kai and Li Jian are already timid to fight, so they exaggerate their words, and they may have abandoned the well."

Yang Yiqing remained silent.

For the military general competition, the Northwest Frontier Town also sent several generals to Beijing.

Then I answered Kou Bian, I don't know if I found out about this situation.

Liu Kai and Li Jian are a bit weaker, especially now that their former chief general and commander of Shuozhou Wei is still participating in the exercise in Miyun.

When they arrived at the Hall of Martial Heroes, Wang Shouren, Zhang Jing and others were summoned one after another.

The emperor, Yang Yiqing and others are surrounding the map.

"There are more than [-] officers and soldiers in Jingping Guarding Thousand Households." Yang Yiqing introduced the situation, "Since we bypassed the front of Datong and went south from Jingping, it was still for the purpose of looting."

Zhu Houcong's eyes were gloomy: "Is it the captives from Chahar, or the Alta Department from Fengzhoutan?"

"It should be my answering department."

Yang Yiqing glanced at Wang Shouren, who also nodded his head: "I think so too. In the past, Dayan Khan had [-] households on the left and right wings. Now Bodi Khan is worried about the civil strife in Wuliangha and Khalkha. At this time, he didn't dare to take risks. If he loses the battle against me, Ming Dynasty, he won't be able to regain the prestige of his ancestors."

"...I answer." Zhu Houcong whispered the name.

Zhu Houzhao has lived under the threat of Dayan Khan, the master of ZTE in the Northern Yuan Dynasty since he ascended the throne. However, during the Jiajing Dynasty, the most powerful enemy in the north was actually the lord of Tumote, one of the [-] households on the right wing of the Northern Yuan Dynasty. I answer.

Two years after Jiajing, I Da once again made a move against Daming.

Small-scale bandits and robberies occur almost every year, but this time the battle is considered a big one.

Zhu Houcong controlled his emotions: Don't be in a hurry, it's not time to settle the account yet.

"Let's make a quick discussion and pass on the decree and military order." Zhu Houcong said after a pause, "I will not hesitate to reward those who have made meritorious service in defending the land."

He trusted Yang Yiqing's foundation laid by the three parties over the past four years, and he and Wang Shouren were given the main decision-making.

The front line has a routine response to the front line, and the military affairs conference will give a more systematic mobilization and deployment to release pressure on Al Da.

And Zhu Houcong didn't want that side to only dare to stick to the city forever and let the northern captives plunder the countryside.

The emperor did not hesitate to confer rewards. There was already a precedent in the new dynasty when new dukes were conferred due to military merits, and now a group of county nobles have been conferred.

Now, ten of Daming's new batch of magistrates are in Miyun.

The commander of Shuozhou Wei made He Xie lead 300 people to guard a real stronghold. He didn't know that Jingping Road, where he was in charge of defense, was being invaded. He was now focusing all his energy on the drill in front of him.

The defenders don't know when the exercise will really end, but these days, Marquis Xianning's subordinates are becoming more and more active.

"General He, do you really want to counterattack Stone Mountain?"

He Xie grinned and said, "What are you afraid of? The Marquis of Xianning used one of his subordinates to counteract the tricks of the two defenders. The general will not accept the loss on the stone mountain! Although it was not the general who lost it, but if they use this method again Gathering hundreds of people to this general's place, wouldn't it mean that this general will also be wronged to lose? Now it is obvious that His Majesty and General Counselor Yang don't want me to wait and just hide and guard."

"But if we want to succeed, we have to get within two hundred steps of the stone cottage without being noticed. There is no vegetation to cover it, this..."

"There is only one way!" He Xie's eyes brightened, "Let's pretend to be food transporters and catch them for robbery! Take their people, put on their clothes, and return to the camp pretending to be victorious!"

He is doing his best. His two original subordinates, one of them is now huddled in the Jingping Guarding Thousand Households, with a pale face, he said: "As long as the wells are not broken, you and I will have nothing to do! If the Tartars want to withdraw, can we Can you still pursue it? If you go out of the city to set up an array but lose, you will be punished with death!"

"But Li Shen sent a letter..."

Liu Kai scolded with a straight face: "This general is also a general! Li Jin wants this general to join forces with Li Jian from Mayi to encircle them. How can we encircle them? The total number is not more than that of the Tazi soldiers. If you lose , Shuozhou is lost!"

The defense line of the border town of Ming Dynasty is too long, but the Mongolian cavalry usually only join forces to attack one place.If you can't chew it off, just plunder it nearby and walk away.

Want to surround and kill a large number of cavalry?

Liu Kai said: "Reply to Li Jin, the forts on Jingping Road must not be lost! The Tartars invaded the border in a large scale. If Shuozhou's defenders are wiped out, how can we know that there are other troops in Datong in the north and Taiyuan in the south, watching the battle and waiting for opportunities?"

In the east, Li Jin was marching west with more than a thousand people.

Shuozhou is the backbone of Shanxi's defense line. If Shuozhou is lost, Datong is in danger of being pinched from the north, west, and south.And if the northern captives are bold, they can even loot south to Taiyuan.

"Raise your spirits again, and set up camp on the Heye Mountain next to Baihu Village tonight." Li Jin looked at his subordinates who seemed a little tired from the march behind him, and then looked forward, with worry in his eyes.

The scouts did see a vast army, and this time it was no small matter.

But even if it didn't exceed ten thousand, so many Tartars went south, not just for looting, it wouldn't be worthwhile.

And if you want to retreat from the enemy, if you just stick to it and can't cause harm to the enemy, then they have been raging in Shuozhou for several months, even if the city and the fort are not lost, isn't it still a big defeat?

If you want to retreat from the enemy, you must win a battle.

Can Liu Kai and Li Jian understand this?

Before the team arrived at Heye Mountain, Liu Kai's reply letter from Jingping Fort came.

Li Jin looked livid: Have you forgotten the story of the Datong General Soldier three years ago?

That year, the northern captives also made a large-scale invasion.Hang Xiong, the commander-in-chief of Datong, also used this strategy. Later, if President Yang hadn't come to Datong to take charge of the overall situation, would the Tartars have retreated so easily?

Afterwards, where did Hang Xiong go?This time, he only went to Shanxi to be the chief of the Public Security Department, and he left the front line of the army.

From now on, we will only catch thieves.

"Since you dare not come out, I will force you to come out!" Li Jin gritted her teeth, "Send the order, hurry up! When you reach Heye Mountain, stabilize the stockade! Let the sentry ride to attract the Tartars!"

There are more than a thousand Ming troops who are not in the city and fortress, so they are the best targets.

Taking down a not weak Ming army and carrying the victorious momentum, some city and fort defenders were timid and expressed their intention to surrender.Hasn't the Tatars been the favorite to do this for so many years?

Then let his subordinates break down a few of their teeth first!
The friendly army is besieged, will Jingping Fort and Mayi Fort come to help?

If you don't come, just wait to be questioned!

"Take the lead!"

The generals are not bears, and the soldiers below are generally more fighting.

"Aren't you afraid?"

"In this life, I only wish to kill a few more Tartars, to comfort my parents' spirits in heaven!"

"Okay! When we arrive at Heye Mountain, we will set up camp at night after eating tonight! Tomorrow, I will form an army with you to face the enemy!"

In this town, the trend of history has not been greatly deviated due to Zhu Houcong's actions.

The battle of tens of thousands of people that took place in Heye Mountain next to Baihu Village in Jingping will be staged after all.

In Taiyuan City in the south, Ma Lu, the censor of Shanxi Province, received a letter that night, which shocked him very much.

But after a little scruples, he still wrote the memorial angrily.

[Chen Xun impeached Marquis Wuding Guo Xun according to Shanxi Malu, because of his private intervention in the case of Li Fuda, a demon of the White Lotus Sect, who was investigated and dealt with in Shanxi by his pseudonym Zhang Yin and stole the commander of the Taiyuan Guard...]

The next day, the bullet was sent to the capital.

At this time, on the Heye Mountain next to Baihu Village, Li Jin was leading his troops to stand ready.

He had already sent letters to Liu Kai and Li Jian again, this time explaining that he was going to use himself as bait.

With the food and grass he carried, the time he can stick to it is limited.

What I brought was rations for ten days. If the Tazi soldiers really surrounded me, the food would not be delivered.

But Li Jinming said: He will definitely keep it.

Last night, the sentry cavalry of the Tartars had come here for a round.

Will it come today?How many will come?
After a while, Li Jin stood up, holding up the telescope that Yang Yiqing had given him before returning to Beijing.


The dull sound of horseshoes could be heard faintly, and the generals on the Heye Mountain in Gaoju also saw the smoke and dust in the distance.

"...Only Qianqi, have you underestimated me, Li Jin?" There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, "Drumming! Formation!"

Let's hold on for one game first, and then we should call more people to surround us tomorrow, right?

I hope that Liu Kai and Li Jian will feel that the situation is looser, and they will have the courage to attack and encircle them.

The first battle on Heye Mountain began, Ma Lu's bullets were on the way to Beijing, and the National Assembly Hall was holding a grand ceremony for the passing of Wu Jinshi.

There had never been a military exam in the Ming Dynasty, but now the literary exam is also held in the National Assembly Hall, and there is also the Chuanlu Hall of the same specification.

Only the ritual is slightly different.

Those present, except for the staff officers of the military affairs conference, and the Xun Chen of Ming Dynasty in Jing, except for Li Quanli and Qiu Luan who were practicing, all attended the ceremony.

"No. [-], Yu Dayou from Quanzhou, Fujian!"

"No. [-], Yu Dayou from Quanzhou, Fujian!"

"No. [-], Yu Dayou from Quanzhou, Fujian!"

It was no longer the civil servants of Honglu Temple who spread the word, but the head of the imperial guards.

Inside and outside the National Assembly Hall, the imperial guards lined up.

Zhu Houcong did not sit in the hall, but stood at the entrance of the hall.

Under Dan Chi, Yu Dayou walked out from the team, first gave a salute to see His Majesty below, and then slowly walked up the steps between the guards.

The difference from the Wen Jinshi's Chuanlu Grand Ceremony is the one that Zhu Houcong once played in the Fifth Army Battalion.

On both sides behind Zhu Houcong, 36 general flags are flying.

There is now only one surname on each flag.

In the future, these flags will have room to upgrade, plus their titles.According to the different grades, there are embroidery threads of different colors in the circle around the surname.

Now, Yu Dayou was alone, and finally walked in front of Zhu Houcong.

Although he was thinking about the battle situation in Shanxi, Zhu Houcong was in a happy mood now.

Yu Dayou's essays did not disappoint Zhu Houcong, and made Yang Yiqing and Wang Shouren congratulate the emperor again and again.

First in the literary test, and second in the martial arts test because of the addition of strategic elements. This martial arts champion is unconvinced by everyone.

"Yu Zhifu, give you the general flag today, and protect Guangyao with your life!"

"Your Majesty accepts the flag, and you will not fall into the military prestige of the Ming Dynasty! I thank Your Majesty Long En! Long live Your Majesty! Long live! Long live!"

Starting from Wu Zhuangyuan, unlike Wen Jinshi, only five names were named.

The emperor presented the flag one by one, and there was only a sequence.

Lu Bing's ranking has risen a bit. After all, he has been cultivated by the system for so many years, and he scored higher in the art of war in the literary test.

Of course, there are also bonus points for Zhu Houcong's feelings.

Now, the childhood playmate who has actually been separated for six years has also officially passed through the barriers and stood in front of Zhu Houcong.

"Lu Bing! Give you the general flag today, and protect Guangyao with your life!"

"Your Majesty accepts the flag, and you will not fall into the military prestige of the Ming Dynasty! I thank Your Majesty Long En! Long live Your Majesty! Long live! Long live!"

Seeing the smile in the emperor's eyes, Lu Bing was excited.

Starting today, I am ready to officially serve the emperor.

When the Ceremony of Passing on Lu was over, the Wu Jinshi each held a flag, which stood on top of the cloud platform outside the hall.

Zhu Houcong stood at the door, looked at them, and finally looked at Yu Dayou, and said solemnly: "At this moment, thousands of horsemen from the North are entering Shuozhou, Shanxi!"

Everyone's heart trembled when they heard the words.

"When will the border troubles be eliminated? From today onwards, each of you has to think about it every day. I am also thinking about it every day, so this year there will be a martial arts palace test and a generals competition! From now on, you will be generals in the army. There are so many red tapes. Now, all of you will go to Miyun with me to watch the generals’ exercises. After that is over, we will return to Beijing together, and the Hall of Martial Arts will give us a banquet!”

The emperor's itinerary was so tight.

Early in the morning, after the Wu Jinshi passed on the grand ceremony, they all held their general flags and followed the emperor to Miyun.

But surrounded by so many general flags and armors prepared by the Ministry of War for the Jinshi of Xinkewu, it really looked like dozens of fierce generals guarding the emperor for a while.

No...it looks like an expedition!
(End of this chapter)

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