
Chapter 326 The Unworthy Ancestor

Chapter 326 The Unworthy Ancestor

In the early morning of February [-]th, five people lined up in two rows and were walking slowly northward between the palace walls on the west side of the three main halls.

Among these five people, there were actually two people wearing green robes.

You know, those of the fifth, sixth and seventh ranks should all be wearing green robes, and only the eighth and ninth ranks would wear green robes.

Of the two green robes, one stood behind Tang Shun, which meant that he was taking the Yasukuni Martial Arts Test.

That's right, these are the five people who have actually stood out in this system after passing the exams and examinations.Now, they are nothing more than fighting for the leader of one or two subjects.

It was only a matter of time before the green robes on these two people took off.

However, there are two winners below the seventh rank in such a difficult department, which is really a miracle.

When they arrived at the gate of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, the leader in front went around to the east again.

The location of the imperial examination is in Qianqing Palace.

Enter the palace, see you.

Zhu Houcong sat on the throne and looked at the five people below with a smile on his lips.

"The election of the leader today, the position of the two earls, is only one step away." He encouraged, "Answer my policy questions first, give a banquet here at noon, and play it in the afternoon. Yasukuni Martial Arts Division, Dongnuan Pavilion . Dingguoan Minke, Xinuange. Let’s all go.”

"The minister leads the decree, thank Your Majesty Long En!"

Three people go west, two people go east.

It has been a long time since Qianqing Palace has been seen by the imperial court again. After Tang Shunzhi glanced at it now, he felt that this place was not at all what he had imagined.

This East Nuan Pavilion is really like a classroom, with many tables and chairs, and a dark board hanging on the wall.

Now, words have been written on the board, and even a picture has been drawn.

Lu Bing is here to host, and he just pointed to the blackboard: "The policy topic is on the board. This map is more detailed in your case. The time is three hours."

Out of the corner of Tang Shunzhi's eye, he saw the clock in the Nuan Pavilion, but his eyes stayed on the board.

Sure enough, it was related to border towns, and the questions were very concise, unlike Ce's exam questions, which contained so much information.

"A Trial Discussion on the Ming Dynasty's Military and Political Strategy to the North from the Perspectives of History, Politics, Population, Economy, Products, and Geography".

Very big questions, only used to test the top geniuses.

In just three hours, what kind of answers they can give depends on their abilities.

Now, Tang Shunzhi has figured it out: Your Majesty and the court must have a comprehensive strategy for Bei Yuan.This question, in fact, already has a reference answer.

As a disciple of Yang Yiqing and Wang Shouren, and as a friend of Lu Bing, Tang Shunzhi could guess some clues even though he didn't know the whole picture.

Isn't this giving him a title?
Can Zheng Xiao, who was once imprisoned for Hui Anbo's treason case, win against him?

At this time, Zheng Xiao only stared at the map on his desk.

The first 25 years of his life were smooth.In the second year of Jiajing, he became a Jinshi, and was appointed as the head of the Ministry of War. At the beginning of the second year, he was also convicted and imprisoned because of the Hui Anbo case involving the Pujiang Zheng family.

After two years in prison, he drew a set of "Nine Sides Picture Records" based on the contents of the copybooks he had read in his memory when he was serving as a secretary. Eighth grade petty official.

Of Wang Shouren's two nominations, one was naturally given to Tang Shunzhi, and the other was given to him.

Now, Zheng Xiao knows how strong Tang Shunzhi is, and he doesn't expect to be able to beat him.

But I hope that after seizing this opportunity, I can stand up again.

Inside the Xinuang Pavilion, the three of them faced a thick volume of materials, and it seemed that it would take half an hour.

The distribution of various warehouses in the world and the data of the past 20 years, the transportation planning of the Daming Sea, River, and Lu three roads that have been decided at the National Policy Conference, and the development plans of transportation companies such as Huangmingji Transit, the River Transportation Bureau, and the Sea Transportation Bureau, The jurisdiction and responsibilities of the various treasuries of the imperial court, the revenue and expenditure data of the past 20 years, and the existing rules and regulations of the tax collection system from the Ministry of Households to the localities.

Topic: "On the Reform of the State Treasury and Local Treasury System in the Ming Dynasty".

It's still huge, and it's unbelievably rare.

This is a big topic that the emperor and the counselors need to consider for many years, but now these three people have seen a very clear direction: the imperial court should establish a unified treasury, and the imperial court and local finances should form new rules .

What about the inner carrier?

In the main hall of Qianqing Palace, Zhu Houcong looked at the resumes of several people.

Tang Shunzhi needless to say.

Zheng Xiao, a Jinshi in the second year of Jiajing, was born in the Zheng family in Haiyan. He and the Zheng family in Pujiang involved in Zhang Weimou's rebellion are of the same ancestor, but they have long been different branches.It's just that in order to create a situation back then, and he was indeed guilty of dereliction of duty, he spent more than two years in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

After Wang Shouren returned to Beijing to serve as Minister of the Ministry of War, he presented "Nine Borders Tuzhi", was able to be released from prison early, and was re-appointed in the Ministry of War.

In prison, he still had a clear nine-sided map in his mind, which was just what he had accumulated before and worked as the head of the Ministry of War for several months.

It's a talent, so I don't know how much resentment I have in my heart now.

There were three people who passed the national security examination: Li Mo, Weng Wanda, and Xu Jiusi.

Li Mo, a Jinshi in the 16th year of Zhengde, was appointed as the head of the Guangdong Qingli Department of the Ministry of Households.Such a person officially came out today, and the reason is very simple: from Yang Tan to Wu Tingju to the current Minister of the Household Department, no one is willing to help him get promoted, even if he improved his performance after the Beijing inspection last year.

It is so useful, I hope he will continue to connect with Guangdong and provide more experience summarization in the implementation of the new law.

But I have been in charge of the sixth grade for six years, so I shouldn't suppress other people's official career anymore.

Weng Wanda, a Jinshi in the fifth year of Jiajing, was appointed as the head of the Jiangxi Qingli Department of the Ministry of Households, and now works as the seventh-rank secretary under Yang Shen.

Looking at his resume, he was born in a poor family, from Jieyang County, Chaozhou Prefecture, Guangdong.His mother died at the age of five, and he grew up poor.He had just won a Jinshi, so he would not have many contacts, but at the same time, he was recommended by Zhang Fujing who was far away in Shandong, Gui E who was in Sichuan, and Huang Zuo who was now transferred to the right servant of the Ministry of Civil Affairs in Nanjing. Studying and studying while making money.

Those who witnessed the trial implementation of the new law in Guangdong not only understand the practice, but also have talent and learning.

The last person, Xu Jiusi, is thirty years old and only from Juren, a native of Guixi, Jiangxi.The ones who recommended him were Fei Hong, Wang Qiong and Yan Song.Two fellows from Jiangxi, one Minister of the Ministry of Officials, I don't know how his reputation spread to the ears of the three, and he just became a small county magistrate in the reform of the Jiangxi government office last year.

Zhu Houcong looked at the reasons for their recommendation: he is extremely upright, he is known for his diligence, frugality, and patience, and his reputation spreads far and wide.He has both ability and political integrity, but the imperial examination was bumpy. He won the Juren in the fourth year of Jiajing, and he was still a deputy.Since he became an official, he has comforted the people like a son, and his official voice is excellent.

This made Zhu Houcong strange: Since he is not good at taking exams, why did he stand out in the more difficult subjects this time?
He turned his head and told Zhang Zuo in a low voice: "Bring their entry papers and test papers."

In this department, Zhu Houcong promised two earls.

Today, he has no other plans.

In the morning, use it to get to know them.

For the other four, Zhu Houcong already knew their talents and experiences very well.Zhu Houcong didn't quite understand why only Xu Jiusi was recommended by Fei Hong, Wang Qiong, and Yan Song at the same time.

However, he passed the test with his background as a Juren.

Soon, the entry papers of the five people and the essays for the exam were sent over.

Zhu Houcong was the first to pick up Xu Jiusi's papers and essays, and read them one by one.

Between the lines, the chapters and essays are a bit like Huang Zuo's back then: official administration, official administration, or sweet official administration.

Zhu Houcong couldn't help laughing when he saw an article in the paper: You can open up wasteland to grow vegetables, raise chickens and ducks to reduce the government's showdown, and after the new law, let local officials do it themselves, why bother?

He gradually understood why this Xu Jiusi did not do well in the general imperial examination: it was too truthful, and many things were said in too small details.In the previous imperial examinations, even if it involved current affairs policies, there was a lot of content on a large scale.

It's just that between the lines, the image of a person who is a workaholic, very frugal, and able to endure hardships, but still demands justice from his colleagues gradually becomes clearer.

"...Go to the Department of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Officials to see if there is any evaluation of Xu Jiusi's examination performance."

After a long time, another excerpted report appeared on Zhu Houcong's desk.

After Zhu Houcong looked at it, he could only grin: Sure enough, he was disgusted by people. He had only been the county magistrate for less than half a year, and he forced away a county magistrate, impeached and interrogated three old officials in the county where he served.

But even if such a person dislikes him, there is no record of impeachment by Shangguan or his colleagues.

It's just that you didn't leave any excuses or excuses to others?
"...Could it be that your surname is also Hai..."

Zhang Zuo only heard the emperor mutter something, but he didn't understand why.

What Zhu Houcong didn't know was that this Xu Jiusi really meant Hai Rui, but he was not as famous as Hai Rui.

But now, based on talent and ability, Xu Jiusi should not be able to pass the test.

After thinking about it for a while, he realized that Fei Hong, Wang Qiong, and Yan Song recommended this person, probably because they wanted to set a benchmark.

The ranks of officials in the Ming Dynasty are rapidly expanding. The imperial court needs a large number of recruits to serve as officials. At the same time, it needs to do a good job in the administration of officials. It is even necessary to make greater efforts to deal with those slippery old officials.

It is an encouragement for a Juren to not waste his time in vain.

It is also the direction of the court that a guy who is so honest and honest and has no mercy on corrupt subordinates has been promoted.

As for Fei Hong, Wang Qiong, and Yan Song, Fei Hong, the civil official leader, was making a gesture to declare that the new law would give the world's gentry more advancement, and Wang Qiong wanted to show more specifically what he respected as the official minister As for the standard of official governance, as for Yan Song... If you want to accumulate more power from low-level officials, this is counting birds with one stone by recommending Xu Jiusi.

Fellow countrymen, capable ministers, and low-born... not only showed the emperor his principle of emphasizing morality and ability in recommending officials, but also showed others that he was eclectic in recommending talents-Xu Jiusi can do it, who else can't?
Xu Jiusi is extreme, Zhu Houcong confirmed.

There is no problem, at least he is a good official who is upright, honest, diligent and frugal.

Even if it is erected as a benchmark, it does have meaning in the big chess game of the imperial court.

No wonder there were only two people in the Yasukuni Martial Arts Division, but three in the Dingguo Anmin Division.

In fact, they are all together in PK.

When it was time to give the banquet at noon, Xu Jiusi added to the drama and bowed down from the table: "Your Majesty, food is enough to satisfy your hunger! Your Majesty has the ambition to make the people of the world full, and I am very grateful. Nowadays, the number of officials in the world is increasing rapidly, and border troubles are endless. The imperial court is difficult to spend, and even the imperial examination questions are financial plans. The minister thinks that the monarch and his ministers should set an example by themselves and be diligent and thrifty. This imperial banquet is too extravagant, and the minister thinks about the suffering of the people, so it is difficult to swallow."

The other four looked at Xu Jiusi blankly, and then looked at the emperor together.

Zhu Houcong had a complicated expression.

You probably really should have the surname Hai.

"...Your words are reasonable, but today is a ceremony for the discipline, and it has its own rituals." Zhu Houcong didn't want to put on an air, "I know you have always encouraged yourself with diligence, thrift, and patience. Since it is a banquet, the dishes have already been prepared. Well, wouldn’t it be a waste to change it? Eat a little more, and I’ll treat you as my generation’s people rewarding you for loving the people like a son.”

Xu Jiusi was silent for a while, and then said: "I dare you, a plate of steamed buns and pickled vegetables is enough. Once you get used to delicious food, you may not be able to control your appetite."

"...Since that's the case, I will ask you to do so."

With the presence of a moral model, the other four were uncomfortable eating.

Zhu Houcong felt that Fei Hong's example was too outrageous. How many people could be like him?

He, Zhu Houcong, couldn't do it, and he didn't quite agree that he usually had to do it so extreme.

Then before playing the match in the afternoon, Zhu Houcong first looked at everyone's policy articles.

In fact, all important ministers have participated in the discussion of many issues, and Zhu Houcong just took a look at their pattern and thinking from it.

Among these five people, Tang Shunzhi and Li Mo had obvious advantages.Although Weng Wanda is not small, but after all, he was only awarded a Jinshi last year, and his experience in court affairs is still poor.

As for Xu Jiusi, there was a gap in ability between the other four.

The result will not be announced today, Zhu Houcong called Fei Hong and Wang Qiong over after "interviewing" them.

"Then Xu Jiusi, Qing and others let him pass the strategy test, how are you going to arrange it later?"

Fei Hong asked: "But where did he offend Tianwei?"

Zhu Houcong laughed: "That's not the case, I can only live upright. I'm just a little curious. I'm afraid you have already made some arrangements for recommending this person?"

Wang Qiong nodded: "He is upright and unreasonable. When used well, it is a treasured sword. The ministers and others have already discussed that Yang Getai is in Yingtian, and there is still a lack of a brave man. This Xu Jiusi, the minister intends to control the department. Later recommended as Ying Tianxun's censor."

"...Then Yingtian Mansion is still flying like dogs?" Zhu Houcong was a little hard to imagine that after Xu Jiusi went to that extravagant place, he frantically impeached all the officials in Nanjing, "Nan Zhili can only simmer. This Xu Jiusi...arrange it to the Ministry of Industry."

"Ministry of Industry?" Wang Qiong froze for a moment.

"When the water is clear, there are no fish. Officials must be lubricated with oil and water. He can be used as a role model, but he cannot be seriously allowed to go to science, or even to be in charge of the government. It is too reasonable." Zhu Houcong gave his opinion. , "The Ministry of Industry will soon have many large projects. Let him be responsible for the supervision of construction quality, procurement expenditure, and labor payment. That is to keep the rules."

Wang Qiong couldn't help looking at Fei Hong.

But at present, those who have the ability to receive purchases from the Ministry of Industry are mostly rich and powerful families.When the time comes to realize the truth, won't these things be less "lubricated" and delay the construction period?
Zhu Houcong only said: "In the future, when governing the Huanghuai River and building roads, there must always be someone who cares for the workers and craftsmen. Qin built the Great Wall, Sui opened the Canal, and what happened to the hardships of labor? These projects that are beneficial to the future are not arranged. The good thing is the suffering of this generation. The money that the imperial court has prepared for these things will never allow the people to suffer but not get the rewards they deserve."

"...Your Majesty is very worried."

"The person who broke the situation in Nanjing, let Gui E go." Zhu Houcong said, "He has principles, is willing to be punished, and has a sense of propriety, not to mention temper. It's just right for Sichuan's inspector to be promoted to Yingtian Fu Yin."

The interlude of the department was over, and the results were announced the next day.

Tang Shunzhi, the leader of the Yasukuni Martial Arts Division, and Li Mo, the leader of the Dingguo Security Division.

The Ministry of Rites has already prepared the two titles of earls promised by the emperor: Uncle Jingbian and Uncle Changping.

For this time, the Ministry of Rites also prepared a ceremony to let the world know the emperor's eagerness to seek talents.

The other ceremonial parts are very conventional, but there is an added honor of wearing a super-grade earl bestowing on the horse and parading through the streets.

They were both young, but they were awarded earls at such a young age. The gentry and common people in the capital looked at them enviously.

Li Mo kept a straight face as usual, although Tang Shunzhi was smiling, he felt a lot of pressure.

Because about the appointment of the two of them after they were named uncles, the emperor had already heard what the emperor said on the day when the result was announced.

The official official positions have all jumped from the sixth rank to the fourth rank. Li Mo went to the tax department, and Tang Shunzhi's new position will be: governor of Xuanfu, Datong, appreciating military affairs, and supervising food and salaries and Huailai Armory Park.

Soon, very soon, the appointment will be announced, and he will be the target of public criticism.

After the civil engineering change, due to the deterioration of the frontier defense situation, the original Datong and Xuanfu had a Xuanda governor, but each had one to improve efficiency.

If the castle is not repaired and the food is not provided, the crime is the minister's fault; when the captives invade and the place is destroyed, the crime is the general soldier's fault.

Today, Governor Xuanda reappears, and he is a young man who is only 20 years old.He has more powers in the future, not only as a military counselor, but also in charge of the two township governors, and even supervises the construction of the Huailai Ordnance Park.

The number one scholar in civil and military affairs of the Bingxu Division gathered in Xuanda, and Tang Shunzhi, who had been placed with high hopes by the emperor, had already been told something.

If it's broken, he, Tang Shunzhi, also becomes one of the bait.

Going to supervise the construction of the Huailai Armory Garden, things are very serious: this armory garden is not fake, and the emperor's newly appointed 20-year-old earl is in charge.

But he is responsible for too many things, and the Governor Xuan Da?

In Datong, Zhang Wenjin had already heard the news from Wang Xian, so he asked in astonishment, "What is this for?"

"When he comes, you should go back to Beijing to report on your duties first." Wang Xian didn't say much, "You have been the governor of Datong for several years. If I hadn't suppressed you, you and Zhu Zhen would have risen early to fight. Now you have another appointment, the generals of Datong You can also feel at ease. A few days ago, you had to wait for Marquis Wu Ding to come to pay you money and reward money, and you almost caused another mutiny!"

"What are they asking for money in such a hurry? Doesn't the governor know? Now that the money has been distributed, and Marquis Wu Ding comes again, what will he use to subdue these brave generals? Could it be that they are reporting disasters to the court again?" Zhang Wenjin was furious: "It's just a fight With a small victory in Shuozhou, the Bian Town can be said to be safe and sound? Then Tang Shunzhi has never been to the Bian Town, how can he let the town's tyrants be afraid? With so many errands, can he take care of it?"

"Wen Jin!" Wang Xian said in a deep voice, "Your Majesty's will, don't you obey?"

"How many times have I said that this year the Tartars will definitely not let it go! Do your Majesty and the court officials think that a small victory will make the Tartars settle down?" Zhang Wenjin looked up to the sky and sighed, "That's all, wait for me to come back Jing will face Chen Sijian again!"

Wang Xian frowned.

Just because of Zhang Wenjin's temper, staying in Datong will ruin Fanglue.

At the end of February, when Zhang Wenjin went out of the city to welcome Guo Xun and others into the city, he saw his slick appearance and lamented in his heart: Is this someone who pleaded guilty to defend the border?This is to take credit for it, and he is not ashamed to say that he has built the five forts of Xuanning, pushed Fengzhou Beach, and followed the strategy of searching for it in the past.

At this time, the young Uncle Jingbian had just selected [-] pacesetters, and he also came to Juyongguan.The governors of Datong and Xuanfu towns originally had pacesetters, but after he has been promoted a bit, he will also have a force that cannot be underestimated.

In the capital behind him, the Ministry of Industry and the Construction Bureau are still recruiting craftsmen for the Huailai Ordnance Park and the Nawa Guanting Reservoir.

But at this time, the good news came back to Wujin County, Changzhou Prefecture again, and the Tang Mansion was once again decorated with lanterns and festoons.

"Sanyuan Lianzhong, leader of the department, twenty uncles, No. 1 through the ages!"

Tang Shunzhi's parents are nasty, and this son is simply a machine for the glory of his ancestors, but now he is excited and worried.

Isn't it a good literary champion?Why did he pass the Yasukuni Martial Arts Examination, and now he is going to a border town?
In the middle of March, Shi Tianjue also brought back the news from the private markets in various tents.

"Khan, overjoyed!" Shi Tianjue beamed with joy, "The Emperor Zhu Ming wantonly appointed his favored and lucky ministers, a nerd who only knows how to take exams, and he was made an earl at the age of 20, and he even wanted to come to Xuanda to be the governor of two towns! Xiaosheng Once, I thought that Xuan Da Wuyou would be worry-free, and he was going to build an ordnance garden in Huailai to forge weapons and plan the Northern Expedition! I simply treat my prairie soldiers as nothing!"

I replied, but frowned: "Based on what I knew before, the Han emperor was also a man of means. This is probably a trap."

However, Shi Tianjue was quite certain: "We are building a new fort in Datong, and we are going to build a large-scale construction project in Huailai. Needless to say, they are all recruiting soldiers and civilians to do hard labor. And Xuanda's food and wages are all in the hands of this young Uncle Jingbian." Now, there will definitely be troubles between the two towns. For so many years, Datong and Xuanfu have their own people in charge of food and salaries. If there is a sudden change, how can there be no chaos? Khan, there will definitely be chaos in Xuanda!"

An Da shook his head: "Bodie is still waiting for news from other ministries, no matter what, we must first see if it is a trap."

He stared at Shi Tianjue, and said solemnly: "Go and investigate again! If that's the case, then there is no need to worry. If Huailai really wants to build some ordnance garden and make weapons, then he will definitely bring a lot of good iron, right? When they are finished, all the skilled craftsmen will come, this matter is not fake, then Bodie will definitely be moved."

At this moment, Tang Shunzhi had just arrived in Datong leisurely and met Wang Xian, Guo Xun and Zhang Wenjin.

"Bo Jingbian likes to do it for himself!"

Zhang Wenjin was quite impolite. He prepared all the handover materials and materials such as the Guanyin letter. After the meeting, he was extremely rude and went out with a straight face. He also said, "Let's go, go back to Beijing!"

"...Wang Dutai, what is the meaning of this?" Tang Shunzhi looked puzzled.

Wang Xian replied flatly: "Hurry back to Beijing to die, I'm afraid you will ruin the overall situation of the border town."

"..." Tang Shunzhi could only smile wryly when he heard the words, "Did everyone here in Datong think that something bad will happen to me after I come?"

Guo Xun looked at him expectantly, but Wang Xian just sat there calmly.

Tang Shunzhi looked at the two of them, then at the Governor's Office of the Governor's Office in Datong, where there was no one else, and finally at the gate.

He walked over slowly and closed the door, and then walked steadily back in front of the two of them.

"A fierce cold wind blows." He opened his mouth.

Guo Xun immediately grinned: "Flying Yunfu miserably! Brother, you really shoulder a heavy responsibility!"

Your Majesty, he really, Guo Xun cried to death.

He not only sent a martial arts champion, but also sent a literary champion.

Guo Xun naturally knew that the two of them hadn't been officials for a long time, but he already knew Yu Dayou's ability.When Yu Dayou talked about Tang Shunzhi, his expression was affectionate.

In His Majesty's eyes, Guo Xun is now super convinced.

But Wang Xian still looked at Tang Shunzhi calmly: "Uncle Jingbian is talented, but this governor is impolite, so we need to test him first."

He has the capital to say this. After all, he is the Minister of the Ministry of War as the governor of Xuanda.Later, Tang Shunzhi, the governor of Xuanda, was still subject to Wang Xian's restraint.

Tang Shunzhi saluted very modestly: "There should be this festival, please advise me!"

Wang Xian's expression finally relaxed a little, and he nodded slightly: at least not arrogant.

Tang Shunzhi was being tested all the time, and he was never afraid of being tested.

After nightfall, Guo Xun and Wang Xian left here.

"Taiwan Supervisor?" Guo Xun happily watched Wang Xian walk to his horse in a daze.

Wang Xian came back to his senses and glanced at the "heartless" Guo Xun.

Are you cracked laughing?
Then he could only shake his head, walked towards the horse led by his own soldiers, and left a sentence: "Guohou, you are the general soldier of Datong, and you have a heavy responsibility on your shoulders. No matter how good the temple is, you can't do without Guohou."

Guo Xun's expression froze: You don't use dirty words when you swear, right?Tell me not to hold back?

But after being immersed in the joy of the emperor feeding cakes for so long, Guo Xun still looked back at the governor's yamen in the wind on a spring night.

His eyes are full of complicated admiration, and at the same time he feels that he has a good ancestor.

Now, it's his turn to strive to be praised by his descendants as a good ancestor, not an unworthy ancestor.

(End of this chapter)

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