
Chapter 330

Chapter 330

After another court rod outside Chengtian Gate, all the officials in the capital except Shi Ping and the current Minister of Rites who "proclaimed themselves old" asked to resign, and no one else gave the emperor any reaction.

But on Xuanda's side, Wang Xian, Guo Xun, and Tang Shunzhi, the three important ministers, gave the emperor a "sap" by impeaching each other.

This is an official and public bulletin, and it will not be hidden from anyone. It is the General Secretary.

So the pot in the capital exploded again.

It was rare for this matter to quarrel at the court meeting.

Knocking on the palace staff, the news spread to Xuanda, and the bullets over there went to Beijing again. By the time of this court meeting, Yang Shen's buttocks had already healed.

Regarding the fact that the court sticks are only ten sticks per person, and no one is seriously injured after the beating, there are also discussions between the government and the opposition—or His Majesty knows that he is wrong, or he is thinking of Yang Tinghe's achievements, or because there are officials from the Palace of State Affairs and the Military Affairs Conference behind this time. double shadow.

These speculations became clear at the court meeting, and then became more complicated.

Yang Shen, whose buttocks had healed, did not back down at all, and once again loudly advised: "Wang Dutai is familiar with border affairs, but Wu Dinghou is greedy and impatient! Although there was a great victory in Shuozhou last year, he recklessly set fire to the wilderness and set up a governor of Xuanda. For nothing, this is the first crime! As the marquis general of the Datong, he did not think about intimidating the generals first, and recklessly counted the books so that he left the panic behind, this is the second crime! Not following the governor's restraint, not being able to control the same heart, If there is a war, how should we deal with it? If there is a loss in Datong, the crime of Wu Dinghou will be unforgivable!"

Among the important ministers in the hall, Yang Shen was in his prime, and he couldn't tell that he had just been spanked. He sprayed Guo Xun for a while, and then pointed the finger at Tang Shunzhi: "The five fortresses of Xuanning have not yet been built, Datong North The roadside walls are also damaged. After the great victory in Shuozhou, the generals of Datong should be paid enough to rest their minds and strengthen their ambitions! At this time, Tang Yingde, as a new minister and a weaker seniority, did not think about modesty and praised the king. Dutai, but using the ordnance garden and the Guanting reservoir to compete with the frontier army for payment, and to compete with Wang Dutai for power, His Majesty appoints inhumans!"

As a result, the spearhead turned to the emperor again: "Your Majesty insisted on building an ordnance garden in a border town. Wang Dutai had to divide his troops on Xuanfu West Road and South Road to guard the important area of ​​Huailai. The roads to the north of Xuanfu are empty. How can we deter the enemy?" How much grain and manpower would it take to build the armory garden and the dam? The side walls and the piers of the fort have not yet been repaired and strengthened. If they invade in a large scale, they will lose a battle, and they will even rob military resources and skillful craftsmen, destroying dams and flooding the capital!"

Yang Shen's gaze was firm: "Your Majesty's reckless order has already added disaster to Xuan Daping, I beg your Majesty to take back your order! Marquis Wu Ding and Uncle Jing Bian are no longer fit to serve in Xuan Da, and the Armory Garden and Guanting Reservoir cannot be repaired!"

The point of view is clear and well-founded.

In front of everyone, Fei Hong sighed and stood up: "Your Majesty, Yang Shilang is in the household department, and he is well aware of the difficulties in financial planning. It is inconvenient for me to say more about military affairs. However, I don't advocate for the Guanting reservoir. I know very well that your Majesty wants to control the floods of the Yellow River and the Huaihe River. different."

The Minister of the Ministry of Industry also stood up: "The Ministry of Industry has been surveying the upper reaches of the Yongding River for nearly three months. Xuanfu South Road is short of large stones and giant trees. Over the years, it has been used for building forts and walls for frontier defense. There are so many that Xuanda has had to ban folk woodcutters for many years. Near Huailai, all waters converge. The dam can indeed hold back water and form a lake, but this reservoir will definitely flood Huailai County, and there are several The fort by the river. The manpower, material and financial resources spent, the changes in Xuanfu’s border defense strategy, the relocation of soldiers and civilians, and the flooding of Shuntianfu’s hanging lake caused by it must be investigated.”

The civil servants who attended the national policy meeting focused only on the Guanting Reservoir.

In the end, Yang Yiqing also got out of the train, looked at the emperor and said, "In Yichen's opinion, my Daming wants to build an ordnance garden in Huailai, and build a dam to block the water and make it a lake. If I am a captive chieftain, I will be happy to see it happen. Three Within five years, there must be no invasion of the frontiers. We only need to prepare troops and reap the rewards. After three to five years, the armory garden will be completed, and the reservoir will be full of water. The northern captives will come south with all their nests, aiming to win Xuanda in one fell swoop. Then we will increase our military equipment. , and then picture the story of the Mongolian Yuan destroying the Song Dynasty."

After a pause, he questioned his soul: "Right now, a little chaos is not a big deal. But in three to five years, the Ming Dynasty will win the battle against the captives from the north and the invaders from the south?"

There was no sound in the National Assembly Hall.

Forced to force the palace!

The power of civil affairs has been delegated to the Palace of State Affairs a lot, and the power of military affairs has been dispersed. After the military affairs meeting, it is now the head of civil servants and the chief of civil servants among the generals who have expressed their opposition to the emperor.

What about the ministers and relatives who will definitely stand on the side of the emperor?

Cui Yuan didn't say anything, it seemed that it was hard to say anything because Marquis Wu Ding violated the procedures and ordered to burn wasteland without authorization, and also because he was also a civil servant at heart.

And people like Gu Shilong and Zhang Lun just stood there solemnly.

On the throne, the emperor was expressionless, not knowing what was going on in his mind.

"The Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Wang Qiongbu, is the Minister of State. First, the court will promote the Minister of the Ministry of Officials. This matter will be discussed after the new counselor takes over."

Wang Qiong immediately thanked him, and then continued: "I recommend Zhang Fujing as Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and Yan Song as Minister of the Ministry of Rites."

As soon as he said a word, the whole hall was shocked.

The situation is already clear: the emperor's intentions are better passed at the national policy meeting, but not without opposition.

Now, the contradictions planted by this incident have intensified to the court meeting, and the emperor's response to this is very clear: continue to increase the number of people who support the emperor's decision at the national policy meeting.

Zhang Fujing, Yan Song, who are they?In the 16th year of Zhengde, because the emperor looked at them differently, the two soared into the sky.

One removed the title of Yanshenggong in Shandong, and the other pushed the Jiajing switch in Zhejiang.

The little Karamis at the court meeting saw Fei Hong and the others with serious faces, and only Yang Shen said again in the silence: "Everything is imminent, and how long will it take after all the counselors are elected and go to Beijing to take up their duties? Your Majesty, you are wise." My lord, don't go your own way!"

Everyone finally saw the emperor's face darken, and said coldly: "Pass down the decree, tell Marquis Wu Ding not to initiate border quarrels without authorization, and concentrate on training troops and strengthening border defense. Go to Jingbian Bo to take care of food and pay, and concentrate on supervising the construction of the ordnance garden. The general matter of food and payment is handled by Wang Xian. The merits of the Guanting Reservoir and the Ordnance Garden are of great benefit in the present age, so there is no need to persuade them. But what the ministers said is not unreasonable. Since stopping the water is difficult and has a great impact, then Continue to explore, first only block the Sanggan River."

The emperor regressed, but not completely.

Guo Xun and Tang Shunzhi were scolded, and their power was cut off.The Guanting Reservoir is only to block the Sanggan River, the mainstream of the upper reaches of the Yongding River. The manpower, material and financial resources that will be consumed may be much smaller, and it is still in the survey stage.

But the armory garden, the emperor obviously made up his mind that it must be built.

After the court meeting, these information was passed on by the too many officials who participated in the court meeting.

On Xuanda's side, the gods are fighting, and on the capital side, even higher-ranking gods are fighting: the emperor, the imperial party and civil servants, and the state and military.

Many people couldn't help wondering a question in their hearts: Will His Majesty regret letting go of some power?

It seems that Zhang Fujing and Yan Song are about to return to Beijing, what kind of changes will they bring about in the center?
At this moment, the hinterland of Daming is not peaceful either!
After the Nanjing Jingcha, I don’t know how many people failed the Jingcha, and some official positions were vacant there-it’s amazing and not unexpected, and it doesn’t affect the efficiency of Nanjing’s official affairs.

This is all easy to say, but what is hard to say is that along with the actions of the yellow book inspectors in various provinces, the entire Ming Dynasty is currently concentrating on investigating and punishing some people who have occupied the positions of subordinates for generations—they were in the yellow book in the past. There are too many hands and feet.

Of course the subordinates can't afford to make waves, but after the land is cleared and the yellow book is rebuilt, this year's autumn grain is really going to reach out to the officials, gentry and wealthy households of the entire Ming Dynasty: you should hand it over, and don't miss a single grain.

Similarly, in Zhejiang, the re-opening of the Maritime Shipping Department is also changing the business structure of the Ming Dynasty: the maritime merchants and nobles who cannot get on this ship can imagine the resentment in their hearts; The state-owned enterprises dominated by Xun Chen and the dignitaries deal with each other and share profits.

Shi Pang, who had already retired, was awarded the title of junior teacher, and his official career stopped here.

Someone came to visit him, and Shi Ping closed the door to thank the visitor.

In the study, although he is only 63, Shi Teng is already very old.

"Father, why do you have to dissuade Your Majesty?"

Facing his son's unwilling inquiry, Shi Teng just glanced at him lightly.

Do you think my sense of mission is too overwhelming?

no!It's because the ranks in the national policy meeting are too high now!

That year, the cabinet ministers were limited to six people, and you, I, and I, who were destined to make up the cabinet ministers, are a little behind their plans now!
It is enough to be a cabinet minister for five years and a minister of state for one year, and it is time to give up the position to those who are more fierce.

Resigning from office this time is for meritorious service, okay?
When the edict came to Huailai, Tang Shunzhi and Wang Xian were playing chess again.

In name, it was Tang Shunzhi who humbly came to plead guilty, and negotiated the terms of reference of the two of them according to the emperor's new will.

The outside world was very interested and nervous about Tang Shunzhi's arrival in Governor Xuanda's Ministry, but the two in the flower hall were very leisurely.

"...So, what really lured the northern captives this time was actually the instability of the court?" Tang Shunzhi moved his handsome man, exposing him to the dangerous situation, and made a bad move.

"When the king and ministers are dedicated to Ming Dynasty, no matter how poor the frontier army is, no matter how attractive the ordnance garden in Huailai is, they may not be easily fooled." Wang Xian said with a smile, "But your majesty let the State Affairs Hall and the Military Affairs Conference take important responsibilities. I can't figure it out, how can the emperor give some power on his own initiative? It is reasonable for the ministers who have gained power to want to consolidate the power in their hands. In the center, the monarch and his ministers compete, and many officials in the court have to be elected and perform post-official duties It also takes time to get familiar with, the officials in the prefectures and counties are fighting with subordinate officials, gentry and wealthy households, and that is the weakest moment of Ming Dynasty."

General Wang Xian said, "Once the army is overwhelmed, wouldn't my Ming be in a mess? Even if the catastrophe is resolved, the enmity between monarchs and ministers, and the power of the central government will be changed again, it will be unstable for several years, and the pace of the new law will definitely be chaotic and even worse. Repeal."

Tang Shunzhi looked at the chess game silently, and asked after a while: "Even if it is to confuse the enemy, this time Mr. Fei and Mr. Yang together persuaded His Majesty, it was indeed consolidating power for the Palace of State Affairs and the Military Affairs Conference. Your Majesty, really don't you?" Do you care?"

Wang Xian shook his sleeves, arched his hands to the southeast, and said with admiration: "This plan was proposed by His Majesty. General Counselor Yang only suggested that Yang Shilang and others knock on the que and beat the board. This matter is enough to make North Korea Lu guessed it. But your Majesty is unparalleled in wisdom and goes one step further. There is an oracle saying: It is a blessing for the king that important civil and military ministers can pick up the omissions. If the ruler in the future is not wise enough, then this arrangement will also benefit the country."

"...Your Majesty has a broad mind and a far-reaching plan for the country. The officials are really impressed."

When the emperor not only delegates some powers, but also uses this general direction to confuse the enemy to help the important ministers consolidate the power in their hands. Is this still the emperor with supreme authority?
It was unimaginable to Tang Shunzhi, and completely incomprehensible to those captive chiefs, right?

Just because he couldn't understand it, he would only understand it in another direction: the emperor of Ming Dynasty was out of his mind, and after setting up a prime minister, minister of state and military general staff, he suffered backlash.

Wang Xian smiled and pointed to Tang Shunzhi's half of the chess game: "The center is in chaos, and the front line is also in chaos. The land is still cleared. It is the first time since the new law that the grain and taxes of the gentry and wealthy households are really collected according to the new law. Officials, Nanjing also dismissed and transferred a group of lazy officials after the Beijing inspection. However, His Majesty still insists on keeping the two of you in Xuanda, and insists on building this armory garden and reservoir. If I am a captive, I need to think about it. I thought about it: If the son of heaven can take the first step back, will he take the second step?"

Tang Shunzhi came to understand: "If we retreat again, I am afraid that the armory garden and reservoir will not be completed. It will be difficult to enjoy the benefits in the future, but at least there are indeed tens of thousands of skillful craftsmen, many ingenious tools and good iron here. Besides, if Xuan Daxin adds a big Defeated, my courtiers of the Ming Dynasty will definitely talk about the old things again to let His Majesty know his mistakes. The power of the Palace of State Affairs and the Military Affairs Conference increases again, and it is time for His Majesty to take back the power. Therefore, this battle can still cause chaos in the Ming Dynasty. When the chaos arises, the new law will come into effect No, Daming won’t be rich, and this is also a battle to stop Daming from reforming and becoming stronger.”

Wang Xian pointed to his general's car again: "How to deal with it?"

Tang Shunzhi laughed: "The lower officials will disregard the rules. Although the two prime ministers have their own opinions, they are actually working together. Now, can the lower officials move the two with one move?"

"Then let me see if you can save the defeat!" Wang Xian shook his head and scolded with a smile, "Little trickster."

Tang Shunzhi felt that he might be referring to the emperor as a "little slicker", but at the age of 20, he could only recite it face to face.

He already knew about the change: the tribes in the grassland have been in close communication since the beginning of spring this year, and I am afraid that it is really the worst situation that was originally expected.

Since it is really possible that there may be a situation where the northern captives are pressing across the border, the imperial court has to take the initiative to deal with it.

Instead of waiting for them to discuss and prepare, and suddenly come out like this at some point, it is better to expose a bigger flaw and lure them to make a move in advance.

With Bianzhen's current strength, this is very dangerous.To lure the enemy to go deep, you must first create a defeat.

But can you really win in defeat?

Facing the chess pieces that had already been crushed, Tang Shunzhi looked at the board, raised his head and asked, "At that time, His Majesty really wants to drive you to Xuanfu?"

Wang Xian replied: "If Xuan Da is defeated, how can His Majesty, who insists on letting you and Wu Dinghou come here, convince the civil and military ministers from now on? If Your Majesty drives the Xuan Mansion, it will be an act of breaking the boat and rebuilding the civil engineering. Great opportunity to change."

Tang Shunzhi looked at the defense lines on his two wings with a little worry: "Shaanxi, Gansu, Taiyuan, Jizhou, and Liaodong, are you really worry-free?"

"You asked Marquis Wu Ding to only care about Datong, and now I am worried about other places." Wang Xian still smiled, "If His Majesty drives the Xuanfu, I guess I can't help but win the hearts of His Majesty and the tribes of the grassland. At that time , Taolu must invade the West Road of Datong again, and the Tumote tribe will attack our Xuanfu. Marquis Wu Ding wants to defend Datong and cannot move. Jizhou and Liaodong want to cross Yanshan to come here. .”

"...Your Majesty, I have another question. Your Majesty has come here, are the generals more skilled at fighting, or more scruples?"

Wang Xian was silent for a moment, and then said: "Your Majesty is not Yingzong, he is far better than the late emperor, it will boost Xuanda's morale, and he will not take the risk of facing the enemy to drag down Xuanda."

"Then the next official will take three sons every step."

"... Extremely slippery!"

It's so easy to talk about soldiers on a chessboard.

But both of them knew that the battle between Daming and Meng Yuan was already counting down.

The Ming Dynasty re-established the three major battalions, with some new firearms, the new law was being pushed forward with unwavering confidence by the emperor, and now he turned his attention to the border towns to improve the strength of the frontier army.

But on the grassland, Dayan Khan's sons and grandsons are still fighting for power. Bodi Khan can't reproduce his grandfather's prestige and control over the tribes of the grassland at that time, but the Tumote tribe has a man who is good at fighting and has a good reputation. A brave and resourceful lord, and only 20 years old.

If the momentum of Daming Zhongxing cannot be cut off, Meng Yuan will be in great trouble.

"Great Khan, I have something to tell you!" Urruk, who was sent by Ida to the Chahar Khan Court, said sincerely, "He is willing to be the vanguard because the Tumed Department is close to the Han people's propaganda. The two border towns of Fufu and Datong. Last year, they dared to go out of the city and defeated thousands of elite cavalry from the Tumed tribe led by Man Shoubald in the wild. This year, they even dared to go out of the Great Wall to burn wasteland! It has given them confidence that if their arsenal is built there, the day when the Han army will use the new artillery is the time when they want to counterattack!"

Borjijin Bodie is 24 years old, and he still just listens.

Urruk continued: "The right wing is on the front line of the Han people, but if the Great Khan just sits and watches the threat to the right wing is getting bigger and bigger, that's not what Dayan Khan's heirs should do! Please send orders to all the ministries, and the Khan In the name of court, go south! The Tumed and Ordos tribes must follow the orders of the Great Khan to attack Xuanfu and Datong with all their strength! And if the Great Khan can lead the left-wing army to attack the Han people's Jizhou and Liaodong from the east, they will never be able to Defensive on both wings!"

"Besides, their emperor did not hesitate to hand over some power to the ministers in order to reform the law, and now they are facing backlash. Under the pressure of the army, they will definitely become chaotic." Urruk saw Bodi's eyes move, and continued quickly "If the Great Khan took advantage of the chaos to break through Jizhou and Liaodong, and my left and right wings of the Yuan Dynasty joined forces in Dadu, and they were in trouble in Beijing and Nanjing, the Han people would be forced to move their capital to Nanjing. Coins, to reproduce the confrontation between the North and the South in the past, is the feat that Dayan Khan failed to achieve! If you can make the most of the rich land north of the Yellow River, who can not praise your kindness from all the grasslands?"

"I heard that the son of Yang Tinghe, who supported the Han emperor, was spanked by the Han emperor?" Borjijin Bodi finally spoke.

"It's absolutely true." Urruk has only received the news that Yang Shen was hit by the imperial staff, and he doesn't know the latest developments, but it doesn't prevent him from analyzing the situation where the emperor and ministers of the Ming Dynasty are fighting for power. He was still three years younger, and he was blinded by the illusion that he had already controlled the power. He only saw the achievements of his ancestors and could not listen to the opinions of the elders. Both Yang Ting and his brother who helped him reform were expelled. Beijing, and then he began to eagerly want to conquer us. Now it seems that Yang Tinghe was forced to leave Beijing because he disagreed with the Han emperor's desire to look north."

Whether this was specifically to persuade Bodie, or he really saw it that way, Bodie nodded.

No one is willing to leave the center of power easily, just as no emperor is willing to give up the power in his hands.Facing the position of prime minister set by the emperor's decentralization of power, Yang Tinghe did not take it, it must be because the two had disagreements on strategy.

As a result, the emperor appointed Fei Hong, who had been Yang Tinghe's rival.

At this moment, another message from a fast horse was reported outside Khan's account.

Urruk didn't know what it was, Bodie watched for himself.

While he was hesitating and thinking, he was also doing something.I am able to answer, he is very clear.He should be cautious about what I strongly suggest, although Bodie is really moved by the kind of achievements Urruk said.

However, Uliangha and Khalkha were still in turmoil within the left wing, and Bodie's prestige was not enough to deter them.If I listen to Alda's suggestion, maybe it's just to help him contain the Han army in the east, and make it easier for him to carry out his plans in Xuanfu and Datong.

In the end, he got nothing out of sweating, but instead, the prestige of I Da rose greatly.

Now, when new news came, Bodie couldn't help standing up after taking a few glances.

In the court of the Han people, a major event happened, and the whole Beijing is discussing the current situation!
Their prime minister and their newly established military general staff opposed the emperor's decision at the court meeting, and forced the emperor to back down a step, reprimanded the general he sent to Datong not to provoke Dayuan, and cut his new title. the power of the young earl.

More importantly, his important ministers began a round of large-scale changes: the Minister of the Ministry of Officials who broke the old rules became the Minister of State, and the two ministers he had personally promoted but were not qualified enough were recommended back to the power center.

This confirms what Urruk said about the struggle for power between monarchs and ministers.

Under such circumstances, if...if our central Wanhu, with the help of the left wing, can break through the defense line to the northeast of Beijing and approach their capital with the help of the right wing to contain the forces of Xuanfu and Datong, that would be What is the situation?
……No!We must first make their conflicts more intense.

"Come here!" Bodie said, "Send an envoy to Beijing, the capital of the Han people, and tell the emperor of the Han people that I invite him to form an alliance, form a brotherhood forever, and exchange tribute and trade!"

If you can get what you want without fighting, and help the grassland tribes gain benefits, that is also the benefit that the Great Khan brings to them.The Tumed Department, which just lost a game last year, will only be a bargaining chip for the Han people to pretend to be proud.However, they should be very clear that they still can't beat Da Yuan!
Besides, can the Han emperor who is in the main battle accept the peace talks?

On the contrary, the ministers of the Han people have always preferred to buy peace with money!

Urruk looked at Bodie inexplicably: "Khan?"

Bodie just looked at him with a smile: "In the words of the Han people, courtesy first, soldiers first."

If the Han people first rejected the kindness of him, the lord of the Yuan Dynasty, he would be able to issue orders more legitimately, instead of following Alda's advice to help him regain the face of his defeat last year.

The negotiation was completed, and it was he who still forced the Han people to take out things after Alta's defeat.

If the negotiation fails, it means that the Han emperor must implement his will and completely ignore the opposition of his ministers.Such a Han court is also easier to defeat!
Both left and right are wins.

(End of this chapter)

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