
Chapter 334 Raising the might of Juyongguan?

Chapter 334 Raising the might of Juyongguan?
"Get out! Exit!"

With an order, the camp in the northern suburbs of the capital began to move.

This time, Daming's quick response to the border town war has only made the people in the capital feel that it is different from usual.

But these details will eventually come out, not only let many people in the hinterland of Ming Dynasty feel the emperor's control over the Beijing camp, but also feel that the important officials in the court do not seem to have quite the disagreement with the emperor as revealed before.

The larger the army, the slower the march, not to mention the emperor in it?Safety comes first.

Both Yang Yiqing and Wang Shouren were of great prestige. One of them went to Xuanfu and the other to Jizhou. This also made the people in the capital believe more in what the emperor said through "Ming Pao" yesterday.

The gate of the capital city has not been closed tightly yet, but the side wall has already been broken in some places.

"The Tartars are powerful! The Datong military order only allows us to guard the fort!" Liu Kai angrily grabbed Bao Zhengchuan's lapel, "Will Yu Dayou disobey?"

Bao Zhengchuan said calmly: "The humble post is just here to send a message. The general has already set out and is on his way. The general has also received the Datong military order. We Shuozhou will guard the Thousand Households, and we will help defend the castles on the West Road depending on the situation of the battle."

"Then what are you doing here at Jingping? The Killing Tiger's Mouth is in critical condition!"

damned!The Tartars are here for revenge!

Li Jin went to the North Road, but someone on the West Road dared to go out to fight in the fort!As long as the tiger's mouth is broken, how can the cavalry rushing in like a tide not think of what happened last year, and want to be ashamed?
That sentence on the grassland has been passed around for so long, I'm afraid I'm already mad with anger!
Yanghekou is not the main force, only Man Shoutu, who was defeated by the Ming army last year, led three thousand riders to fight desperately.

Biantouguan and Shahukou, what you see now is also a prisoner!The main force of my answer, I don't know where it is hidden now!
Now Yu Dayou is going to take his newly trained soldiers to the outside of Jingping Fort to occupy the Shanzha Village, and they will be the horns of each other.

Your mother's head!This is firepower!

But Liu Kai can't do anything to Bao Zhengchuan, he is Yu Dayou's personal guard, and he is the head of the guard mandarin duck battalion composed of five hundred households around Yu Dayou.

Bao Zhengchuan came to report the letter, and Yu Dayou hoped that Liu Kai, the general guard of the west road, would send orders to the fortresses to encircle them according to the situation of the battle and reproduce the great victory in Shuozhou last year.

Who the hell is directing whom?

The problem is that he, Yu Dayou, really only listens to the Datong military order, and there should be a negotiation between Liu Kai and him.

The number of people below has decreased, but he has become a guerrilla general. Together with Liu Kai and Li Jian, he is considered the Big Three on West Road.

Liu Kai felt that he was unlucky in eight lifetimes, first he met Li Jin, and then he met Yu Dayou.

Now, Yu Dayou is on his way from outside Shuozhou City to the southwestern suburb of Jingping.

To the southwest of Jingping Castle is the upper reaches of Pianguan River.

If the Piantou Pass is broken, the northern captives can go south to invade Taiyuan, or they can follow the Pianguan River to invade Shuozhou.

The terrain there is that there is only one Naihe Fort on the Pianguan River to the west of Jingping Castle.If the terrain beside the Pianguan River in the southwest of Jingping becomes a wild village, it will form a triangle with Jingping and Naihe River, and at least it can block the enemies who enter Datong Town from Piantouguan.

It is too far to kill the tiger, and there is no shortage of Yu Dayou's two thousand recruits.

At the moment in Taiyuan Prefecture, the results of the provincial examination have just been released.

Rural examinations in various places are generally held at the end of August and early to mid-September. Because Shanxi is investigating Li Fuda's case, this year's rural examinations were held a little later.

Among the new imperial examinations, Yang Bo from Puzhou ranked first in the official list and became the Shanxi Jieyuan of this subject.

Within two days of the joy of winning the top spot on the list, news of the invasion of the northern captives reached Taiyuan.

The Taolu soldiers in the Hetao area were facing the side wall, but their numbers were not large, and they were just looting and looting, which was considered a regular level for many years.

"Xuan Da is in danger! I heard that there are more than 2 Tartars over there, and I haven't seen the big banner I answered!"

The next year will be the year of the examination, and the new imperial examination candidates are now just enjoying the joy of further progress in the imperial examination.Military and state affairs are also topics of discussion.

Yang Bo has just turned eighteen and looks very strong.

Now, he just looked dignified, looking at the faces of fellow subjects who looked dignified and worried, but were actually just chatting.

There will be no major problems in Taiyuan Town. The main direction this time is obviously in the north.The Khan Court of the Northern Yuan Dynasty issued an order to the grassland, and the flames were ignited on all sides overnight, and the Khan of the Tartars must also move.If he moves, the soldiers will only point directly at Xuanfu and Jizhou.

But as a native of Shanxi, Yang Bo knew the strength of [-] Mongolian right-wing households from Hetao to the north of Datong.

After listening to a few more words, he stood up.

"Wei Yue, Mr. Tixue hasn't arrived yet."

Yang Bo made a salute: "There is something wrong in Bianzhen, please apologize to Lord Tixue for me, I'm going to Shuozhou."

"Go to Shuozhou? What are you doing in Shuozhou?"

"I heard that Yu Dayou, the champion of martial arts, has recruited young and strong men from Jin. He sincerely invites scholars who are familiar with the frontier love to join him as a mentor. I'm not talented. Anyway, the exam will be a matter of the next year."

He left so gracefully, leaving the others looking at each other in blank dismay.

What is an exam? Anyway, it's a matter of the next year, so it seems that you don't need to prepare...

But Yang Bo knew very well: even if it was just because the champion of Wen and Uncle Jingbian were also in Xuanda, he should try to get acquainted. This was his plan after taking this year's provincial examination.

Now that the northern captives are on the sidelines, although it is dangerous and unpredictable, he already likes the art of war and has a passion for it.

The army is pressing down on the border, here in the border town, some people are fleeing to a safer place, and some are rushing to the battlefield.

When Yang Bo, who left his pen for the time being, went to Ningwuguan, he saw the special issue of "Ming Pao" that was finally delivered here.

He couldn't help looking to the east, with unconcealable admiration and shock in his eyes - one of the three Jiajing geniuses Yan Shifan said was able to understand many things.

Going further north to Yangfang, I saw the second special issue.

This time, it was even more shocking, and at the same time worried: Yu Jia had left Beijing on the morning of the 24th, and the emperor went to Xuanfu in person.

The personal conquest by the royal driver really touched the nerves of the people of insight in Ming Dynasty.

If it fails, it is unimaginable.

Only in this way, more people are needed to fight against the enemy together!
Yang Bo quickened his pace.

Because of his bumpy official career and early resignation, Tang Shunzhi, who was once rated by Yan Shifan as one of the three great talents of the Jiajing Dynasty, was in Huailai. He had [-] pacesetters, and [-] young men disguised as workers were still sweating hard in Huailai. , but now is not the time for him to play.

But he summoned a few people, three of whom were from three of the seventeen richest people in the world that Yan Shifan also commented on. Like the others, they were all sent to Huailai from Shanxi and Northern Zhili to participate in the procurement of materials for his ordnance garden. Transshipment steward.

Now these three families are not as rich as they were later, because Wang Chonggu of the Wang family is only 12 years old.

But they are still quite wealthy.

"Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world." Tang Shunzhi just repeated, "First, go back and tell your patriarchs not to drive up prices before the war. Second, Xuanda will not be lost, and don't think about moving to the capital or Zhejiang to win the hearts of the people. Panic. Thirdly, I have received the order to sell temporary national debt to wealthy businessmen and big households in border towns."

"... national debt?"

Tang Shunzhi nodded: "One year, with interest."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay: If you want everyone to donate money, just say so.

Do you really expect the court to pay back this national debt?

Tang Shunzhi was very serious: "Not only benefits, but if we win this battle, there will be many gains, which can also be shared."

This is even more unbelievable.It is one thing to divide the profit or not to divide the profit. The key question is, if you don't lose big, you can win?

"Your Majesty has personally marched, and General Counselor Yang and the army from the Beijing camp are on their way. The Tartars are so mobilizing, they will not waste their troops in ordinary fortresses. Your Majesty's personal conquest will reduce the Tartars' force to attack Xuanda's fortresses." Possibility of losing troops. At this time, all of your families are hiding in the castle, right? Wang Dutai and Guo Zongbing have ordered that Xuanda’s first task is to secure the fort. The Jingying army has come to Xuanfu, How can they all hide in the stronghold? Your Majesty is giving the Tatar army a chance to defeat our Daming Wangshi in the wild."

Everyone was terrified when they heard it: No, some memories that will never die are attacking me!

"They are all homes of sages from the village. Your Majesty has relieved the soldiers' troubles in the castles where your families live. Why do you worry? It is said that it is a national debt, and it will be repaid. When did your Majesty not confirm what you promised?" Tang Shunzhi was praised by others. The imperial decree was issued, "Here is the decree, you can read it carefully."

What do they think?Kneel and watch.

It was indeed an order from the emperor to Tang Shun.

First of all, they are not allowed to move to avoid disaster, but for the sake of the family's future, what else can they do?
Anyway, even if Governor Xuanda called on them to actively donate money to help the war, they still had to give some of it.Now that the interest has been agreed, let’s subscribe as much as we can.

This temporary national debt was raised due to the national war, but it is inconvenient to sell it in advance.

Taking advantage of the huge project of Huailai Ordnance Park, Tang Shunzhi has a list after Xuanda went around and met many people.

According to what His Majesty said, this time it was just a test in Xuanda.No matter how much money can be raised, it is still an extra money that can be used.

When a war is imminent, the rations and incentives that will not be delayed at all are another bargaining chip to win the battle.

What's more, there must be a process of luring the enemy to go deep, defeating first and then winning?

At this time, Li Jin knew the first step of the plan. On the side wall of Yanghekou, he grabbed Hou Anyong's collar like Liu Kai, and asked angrily: "What? I don't have to stick to it anymore. , retreat to Yanghewei?"

Hou Anyong was not as calm as Bao Zhengchuan, he just lowered his voice and gritted his teeth: "Guohou Junling, didn't the general see it?"

"The defeated chieftain! I didn't win from Laozi last year! I can't lose this Yanghekou!"

"Didn't Guohou say that? If you can abide by the rules, you don't have to stick to it!" Hou Anyong was equally angry, "Your Majesty will go to the Xuanfu for his personal conquest! From Xinping, Yongjia Second Fort to Xujiapu, Datong, this Xuanfu West The side line is the real thing that can't be lost!"

Li Jin was taken aback for a moment, and then cursed: "It's a mistake!"

As soon as the emperor came, general Xuan Da would be intimidated.In order to ensure that the emperor is safe, it is necessary to ensure that the innermost defense line is more stable.

"Isn't it enough for me to keep the Tartars out of the Great Wall?" Li Jin walked back and forth impatiently.

"I said the main force is still missing! Guohou is worried that you are eager to fight, and after victory, you will underestimate the enemy and go out to fight on the side wall! In short, if you can abide by the rules, you don't have to stick to it, and you can't make mistakes!"

"Oh!" Li Jin yelled angrily, but the military order is like a mountain, so what can I do?
At this moment, the main force in Xuanda's direction is still missing, and I answer that the main force is a hidden worry, so even if Li Jin is the left deputy commander of Datong and the guard of the North Road, even if Hou Anyong is Tang Shun's staff and is now sent by Guo Xun's side, the two Nor can all strategies be known.

Huailai is still in the southeast of Xuanfu, so it's too deep.Unless the northern prisoner really thought that the battle must be won, he would think about going there and approaching Juyongguan.

Now, Zhu Houcong is going to come to Xuan Mansion, and his whole body will be affected by one move.

In the past, when a small group of enemies invaded the border, some of them came out of the castle to stop them, or even if they stood firm on the castle, others would just plunder first anyway.

But this time, if they really want to lure the enemy to go deep, Beilu is not a fool. I am afraid that they will give up some of the outermost fortresses, lest they have any worries.

Where to open the opening, we have to wait for the main force of the northern captives to show up.

At this moment, hundreds of miles to the north of Yanghekou, a huge army gathered at the bank of Dongyang River at the foot of Daqing Mountain.The lower reaches of this river flow into the Yanghe River.The lower reaches of the Yanghe River flow into the Yongding River on the west side of Huailai.

Many large armies approached the side wall of Daming, no matter how difficult it was for Daming's Yeburen army to come out and run here, they found [-] fine cavalry here.

I replied, I looked to the southwest first, and then looked to the east: "22 years ago, Dayan Khan led [-] elite soldiers there, but failed to break through completely. In the end, he had to withdraw because of the heavy rain that washed away the food and grass. ?”

"Yes, it was only a little bit short. At that time, the Han people had already been defeated, and they had only their last breath left."

"Yutailing..." I answered with a smile on the corner of my mouth, "I let Man Shoutu take the blame and meritorious deeds, but I did not break through the attack in Yanghekou, and dragged the soldiers of Datong. After my dear brother found out the situation, he should be in Datong Xi Mian, right? Then Datong, let him go and loot it."

"Khan, the terrain of Yutai Ridge is dangerous and difficult to break through..."

My eyes lit up, and I only said after hearing the words: "There must be breached! After breaking through there, the Han people will retreat back to the Xuanfu. If they retreat, there will be no safe right guards from them staring at our tails, so we can go all the way east. Bodi is on the side of Gubeikou, and I’m going to Longmen to join forces! If they shrink any further, they should retreat back to Juyongguan!”

Twenty-two years later, he will do what Dayan Khan failed to do back then.

He appeared in Yutai Ridge, and he was really gnawing at the hard bones of Xuanfu, so that Bodie could rest assured and attack Jizhou Town, which is just north of the capital of the Ming Dynasty, with all his strength.His elder brother, Jinong, who nominally commanded [-] households on the right wing, also believed that he was indeed holding back the main forces of these two towns between Xuanfu and Datong, so he worked hard at Shahukou and Piantouguan, preparing to go to Sang Do some good looting around the Dry Valley.

But all sides are under the enemy, who is helping whom to contain?

As long as he really breaks through Yu Tailing and Ming people's Wanquan right guard line, the hinterland of Xuanfu will be nothing to worry about!

Facing the victorious army of the prairie in the first battle, the cowardly Ming people will only hide in the castle as usual.

And I replied that the goal is very simple: if all goes well, this time he is only going to go to Juyongguan to take a look and bring back more Chinese artisans.

The future of Tumed Department needs those craftsmen.

Now the southerners are encountering enemies everywhere along the more than 2000-mile side wall. The formation that they have not seen for 22 years must have frightened them.

After being angry for a while at the beginning, now I am a little thankful to the Han emperor for scolding Bodie.

Otherwise, Bodie might not be so determined to set off such a big battle.

Let him ridicule me, I have done what my grandfather never did, who on the grassland can say that I failed?

He had his own picture in his chest, and when he settled down, he said loudly: "Pass it on, feed the horses, and sleep well! At dawn, reinforce Yu Tailing, and catch them by surprise!"

 make up.

(End of this chapter)

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