
Chapter 339 The One Night That Determined the Fate of Datong Town

Chapter 339 The Night That Determined the Fate of Datong Town

The Battle of Heye Mountain 2.0 has become the Battle of Jingping.

The Tartars were attacking so fiercely that they couldn't see clearly at night.

Outside the west gate of Jingping, amidst the whistling sound of "hot and now hot", the enemy cavalry braved the arrows and shells shot down from the city wall in a panic, and then returned the blow.

The buzzing of the bowstring oscillated continuously, and Liu Kai hid behind the wall.

He didn't dare to look at it very much, but there were still people under his command who dared to take a look.

Then he also panicked and said: "Commander, the Tartars are going to tear down the city wall, they are coming for real!"

"Ah?" Liu Kai lost his voice, "Could it be that they left in the afternoon to rob the surrounding villages?"

When the Tartars raided the border, they would usually destroy one or two fortresses to deter the Ming border troops.

When the Mongols attacked the city, they still had tools such as trebuchets in their heyday, but the most commonly used method today is to dig out the root of the wall.

The specific method is: while the cavalry shoot arrows to suppress the defenders on the city wall, they send light cavalry with hoes and other usable tools to dig a gap at the root of the city wall.

There are many people and strength, plus the climate and soil quality of the northern border towns, the Ming Dynasty forts are old and in disrepair, and not all have moats, let alone, this trick is very effective.

Now, the cavalry of Gunbilik's brigade took turns throwing arrows to suppress the defenders at the top of the city, and a team of thousands of people had already rushed to the city wall, throwing off their arms and waving the iron hoes they looted along the way. Waiting for farm tools.

That voice, one pick at a time, rang in Liu Kai's heart.

"Quick! Falling rocks! Boiling oil! Golden soup!"


A powerful arrow from a Tartar passed by his ear, and Liu Kai's voice was torn apart: "Quick! They are all here, let Lao Peng from the east of the city bring people over!"

Gunbilik was also urging: "Hurry up!"

The people led by the general soldier of Datong were stared at and harassed by the sentry cavalry arranged by him. Now they are waiting in full battle and marching slowly.

The good news is that they also stayed outside the mountain pass leading to Jingping for some unknown reason, perhaps fearing that they would ambush him.

The bad news is that the General Soldier of Datong has appeared here in person, and I don't know what happened there.

How could he leave the more important Datong and come here in person?Unless I answer that Datong is no longer a threat.

Was it sold by that kid I said?After he broke through Yutailing and plundered, he withdrew. He wanted to bury his Ordos army here, and use the fat Loop to make up for the loss he suffered last year?

Gonbilik can't take care of that much anymore: while the Datong commander-in-chief is being delayed, he wants to break through the well of the incompetent defender as quickly as possible.

After looting the well, return to Fort Yingen by the easier road that hasn't been looted yet, and exit.

Only in this way can something be gained.

Always get something!

This night, he was attacking Jingping frantically, and Guo Xun was arranging people to go frantically to explore the way: the tartar retreated too strangely, this mountain road leading to Jingping, don't become his own deadly path!
Now he couldn't sleep until after four o'clock in the morning, when someone arrived at his temporary camp.

"You belong to Yu Dayou? Really?"

"It's absolutely true, when Lord Hou came here on patrol, he still..."

He was dressed like an ordinary hunter, but quickly proved his identity with many details.If your identity is reliable, what you say will be taken seriously.

So when he finished the rest of the sentence, Guo Xu jumped up in surprise: "The Tartars really suffered such a big loss at the foot of Huangya Mountain?"

"After the battle before noon yesterday, the Tartars had no choice but to go to Jingping in a panic. The younger one was a local, and was sent out by General Yu to investigate the situation by relying on the way. Lord Hou, the Tartars at least More than 2000 people were left to watch us, but [-]% of them were wounded soldiers. However, we also suffered a lot of casualties, food, grass and ammunition were almost gone, but we did not dare to go down the mountain easily, fearing that the Tartars would be tricking us."

"What a Yu Dayou! What a brave general!" He hurriedly asked, "You came here from the mountain leading to the west of Jingping, and you can see that there are ambushes hidden by the Tartars?"

"No. The villain first went to the west of Jingping to take a peek. The Tartars are attacking Jingping, but there are only a thousand people."

Guo Xun asked suspiciously: "Only more than a thousand people?"

"When the villain arrived, there were indeed only a thousand or so people. However, the Tartars seem to have won a game. The villain saw them burning a pile of corpses. He should be Jingping's brother." The man gritted his teeth, "At least there are Four or five hundred brothers!"

Guo Xun clenched his fists and creaked: Liu Kai is such an idiot!

"This Marquis met the chieftain at Heye Mountain, and he immediately turned back to Jingping. Did you see it? Or did you hear any movement in the mountain?"

Thousands of people rushed on their way, the noise should be quite large.

"At the moment there are quite a few Tatar scouts. The villain ventured to take a peek at the condition of the well and then returned to the mountains. He was going to Shuozhou to ask for help. Unexpectedly, when he arrived here, he met the sentry cavalry sent by Lord Hou."

Guo Xun nodded and began to pace up and down.

"It's nearly forty miles to Jingping... Huangya Mountain... is less than twenty miles away from Jingping?"

Guo Xun confirmed it, and when he got a positive answer, he said decisively: "Since the Tartars have suffered such a big loss at your hands, they ran away when they saw Benhou before. I am afraid that they did not intend to set up an ambush like this on purpose. You guys , one man and two horses, immediately follow this brother around the path at full speed to Huangya Mountain. Tell General Yu that if he can still bear it, he will only take the hundred people from the mandarin duck battalion, and then we will go from the mountain to the southwest of Jingping with this brother.”

He looked at Yu Dayou's subordinate: "I ordered the cooking here, and set out at dawn. There are 2000 people here. When they reach the southwest of Jingping, they will first guard the hillside. You ask General Yu to bring the general flag, and the Marquis wants to use his prestige." , scare that captive rider!"

"...Master Hou, we fought hard for four days, and the Yuanyang battalion was getting less and less battles. The Tartars know it. Seeing General Yu holding the flag, they would not believe that all of us on Huangya Mountain have come to Jingping. Even if we did go Now, how tiring we must have been after trekking across the mountains for two nights and one day. Besides, the Tartar sentry cavalry from Huangya Mountain to Jingping has never stopped."

"You don't have to worry about it, isn't there still Ben Hou?" Although Guo Xun was full of confidence, he still told him, "You take the chieftain with five thousand horses, and when you meet Ben Hou and 2000 people in Heye Mountain, turn around. Then report back to General Yu truthfully about returning to Jingping. No matter what General Yu decides, this Marquis cannot wait, and must rush to Jingping as soon as possible!"

Jingping had also lost a game, and he was afraid that after he went to Jingping, Jingping would have been broken.

Already wasted the night.

After finishing speaking, he loudly ordered to bury the pot and make food, and sent several messengers.

They all went to urge the reinforcements from all walks of life to come to Jingping as soon as possible, including the large troops who had set out from Datong and came with Guo Xun.

"Tell Shuozhou to send additional troops, Ding Minfu, to take the small road to Huangya Mountain to transport [-] shi of grain, as well as artillery shells and gunpowder! Ben Hou went to Jingping, and the Tartars can't hit Shuozhou, so don't worry! In Shuozhou Make good publicity and fly to Datong and Xuanfu. Yu Dayou tried his best to resist the capture of [-] troops in Huangyashan, and killed [-] enemies. Huangyashan was safe and sound! The remaining Tartars were unwilling to lose, and they divided [-] troops to plunder Shuozhou. Hurry back to the west of Jingping!"

"... General, this combat achievement has not been verified yet..."

Guo Xun stared: "You can do whatever you want!"

From here to Shuozhou, it takes about an hour to arrive quickly.

Then go to Datong, relay all the way, and it only takes half a day.

Guo Xun wants to tell Datong, the Xuanfu, and the emperor that the captives in Datong are not a serious problem.

Although there are quite a few people, but after such a big defeat, their spirits have been frustrated.

He figured it out, the chieftain was not trying to set up an ambush, but was worried that he would be ambushed, so he turned around and ran away.

Guo Xun didn't know that they had suffered such a big loss.

Now, he is still advancing towards the well at the pace that a march should be—not fast, not fast.Otherwise, if he appeared in Jingping as a tired soldier, if he was wiped out as soon as he met him, then the good situation Yu Dayou had won would be gone.

The news that Guo Xun arrived at Jingping arrived at Huangya Mountain before noon.Several people spared no effort to run through the mountains, and it took nearly three hours to arrive.

The three soldiers of Guo Xun were stunned when they saw more than 200 heads hanging outside the wall of the village: This is definitely a solid victory.

Such a hastily built stronghold in less than a month blocked nearly ten thousand captives from riding for three and a half days, forcing them to take a detour.

"Why didn't Jingping come to help?" They couldn't believe it.

"I'm afraid there is another reason." Yu Dayou listened to what the sentry sent out told him, pondering over the importance, "Master Zhao, what do you think?"

Zhao Benxue shook his head: "The general decides on his own. At this critical time, I can only say that the general will obey whatever order you give."

"Marquis Guo has ordered Pingluwei to go south? When will the military order be sent to Pingluwei?"

After getting the answer, Yu Dayou counted the time, and then said: "I'm not going! Go here and report to Marquis Guo, and ask him to come to Jingping and call out to the captives. This is a way to lure the enemy into deep. The back road of the fort is cut off, and Jingping has been surrounded on the south, south, and north sides, and I, Yu Dayou, also have me on the west road. I can defeat it but not completely destroy it, because I do it on purpose. I, the master of the Ming Dynasty, knows that the Tartars have no big gains when they go all out. I am unwilling to go deeper into Shuozhou."

After finishing speaking, he squeezed his wrists: "The generals under my command will have to rest for another day. Tomorrow, I will lead the people to restore the Naihe Fort first, and wipe out hundreds of defenders and wounded Tatar soldiers in the fort. The military news spread to Jingping, and the Tatars Zi must turn around to rescue, and go to Piantou Pass through here, so that he can break through the Guanxi and escape from the inside and outside. Please tell the Marquis, I will block the [-] captives here again. Can you wipe out thousands of enemies in one battle? It depends on whether Master Hou can lead his troops to attack in time."

Guo Xun's soldiers were excited when they heard this.

What kind of credit should it be to wipe out thousands of enemies in World War I?
Compared with Guo Xun, they actually trusted Yu Dayou's plan more.

Not much to say, they rested their feet, drank water and ate some dry food. They immediately turned around again and went from the mountains to Jingping under the leadership of the locals who had recruited under Yu Dayou's command.

When they set off, Zhao Benxue asked Yu Dayou in private: "Isn't there only 2000 people around Marquis Guo? The Tartars will not let him enter the city safely. Can he defend the siege from the Tartars outside the city?" The Jingping garrison went out of the city to rescue."

Yu Dayou stopped pinching his wrists: "Pingluwei should have arrived at Jingping. Since it hasn't arrived yet, there is no hope. The Tartars suffered a loss here before, and they will not let go of their sentry. Fort Ying'en is in their hands , They know whether Pingluwei has gone or not. That being the case, they will only think that Guo Hou is a lie. It is useless for me to lead a hundred mandarin duck battalion to join forces with Guo Hou. Now, I only hope that Guo Hou can have Wu Dinghou. Three-point ability, at least hold on for a few hours."

Zhao Benxue didn't expect it, and opened his mouth slightly: "Are you also using Guo Hou as bait?"

Yu Dayou nodded: "At this moment, there is only one thing that can completely disturb the morale of the Tartar army, and that is the fall of Naihe Fort, and all the wounded soldiers left there! There are nearly 3000 people there. Accept the death of so many soldiers? Besides, I fought fiercely for several days, and there were many casualties. If they captured Naihe Fort cleanly and neatly, they would think that this might be the direction of the fortress, and attack Naihe Fort together. Only then can it be done!"

"But can we conquer Naihe Fort now?"

"Others can't attack, but I can." Yu Dayou said solemnly, "Do they see less of my general flag? There are less than a thousand of them who can fight!"

After finishing speaking, he began to order: "Divide into three teams! All the way around the back of Huangya Mountain, go to the direction of blocking Piantouguan. Follow me all the way, between Zhuhu and Naihe Fort. The rest start from Huangya Mountain and go directly to the front. In the afternoon, bury your head in a deep sleep, eat and drink enough! As soon as it gets dark, set off!"

it's dark.

Guo Xun arranged for the news to be sent to Datong and Xuanfu, and it was only on the third night of the fierce battle at Huangya Mountain that the relay passed all the way to Zhu Houcong.

Yang Yiqing couldn't help shouting: "Good! What a Yu Dayou! Your Majesty is holy!"

If Yu Dayou hadn't been sent to Shuozhou, even if Guo Xun had risked his life to take over the reinforcements by killing his own generals this time, Shuozhou would have been rotten by now.

Zhu Houcong also couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart, and he breathed a sigh of relief: "Now, I only need to concentrate on Xuanfu."

When the news of the destruction of Ying'en Fort came, I Da finally made a move, and Bo Di also appeared in Longmenchuan.

The situation of the battle is still changing. My answer is that they are attacking Xuanfu together with Bodi, and the Tartars outside Gubeikou, a small half of them are from the Chahar tribe, and more than half are from the Wuliangha tribe.The three guards of Duoyan are the three guards of Wuliangha.

As Zhu Houcong said before, Duoyan Sanwei will help whoever wins.

As long as Daming is defeated here in Xuanfu, even if the three guards of Duoyan do not attack Jizhou, they will restrain the defenders of Jizhou so that Bo Di can use Alda as a forward and concentrate on attacking the defenders of Xuanfu.

Right now, Xuanfu is under the greatest pressure.

Not only did Bodie come, but I said he was waiting for his reserve army.Apart from the three thousand cavalry who are still harassing or waiting for opportunities outside Yanghekou, his total force on Yutailing is also increasing.

There are more than [-] Tartars in the northwest of Xuanfu, and the Longmen castles in the northeast also face tens of thousands of elite soldiers from tens of thousands of households in the Central Committee of the Northern Yuan Dynasty.

Coupled with the folks who transported their food and grass in logistics, it is not an exaggeration to call it an army of nearly [-].

If the captives were allowed to penetrate the bottom of the Sanggan River Valley, it would be an unimaginable situation.

The results of the first battle at Huangya Mountain have greatly boosted the morale of the army that is now re-arming the north, west, and east of Xuanfu.

Without hesitation, Zhu Houcong made an order on the spot to promote Yu Dayou to be the general guard of Datong West Road.

The merits of the battle have not yet been counted, but the emperor conveyed a message: those who have made meritorious service in this battle will be rewarded.

As for the general guarding the West Road is Liu Kai, everyone does not know the details of the battle in Datong West Road, only Liu Kai may have died in battle.

After all, Huangya Mountain is next to Jingping, and Liu Kai is the commander of the West Road Division. This should be his line of defense, right?
Liu Kai is not dead yet, because death has inspired his great potential.

It's not that he didn't want to surrender and give it a try, it's just that after he tried his best last night to guard the city, the Luqi who had a rest in the morning started to attack the city again like crazy.And the people who supervised the battle shouted, the people under Liu Kai who had gone to the Tartar tents to engage in "private markets" understood.

After the city was broken, no one remained.The proceeds of looting belong to the soldiers.

Then the fuck can you surrender?
Liu Kai had to hold on even while crying.

"Don't take chances! The Tartars have already let go, and they will slaughter the city after they break the city! They attacked the city like crazy, it must be because they know that the reinforcements are on the way! Hold on for another three days!"

Pingluwei, where are people?

Li Jian, where are you?
In the previous military order, these two people should be the fastest to bring them down to help defend!

The so-called guarding for ten days does not mean that I am allowed to guard for ten days alone, but that these three groups of people plus Yu Dayou will guard for ten days in total!

Why am I the only one holding on now?
Liu Kai felt Yu Dayou's feeling of being alone and helpless before, but he forgot that he had left Yu Dayou alone and helpless.

This day was the most difficult for Liu Kai.

Because after the Tartar army left and returned last night, he fought hard all night, and his men were already very tired.Under the fear, the supplies for the defense of the city were desperately consumed, and now they are getting less and less.

But the tartars seemed to be really crazy, they didn't seem to need to rest.

You should take a break, right?What a break!
As if they heard Liu Kai's prayer, in the afternoon, the Tartars finally temporarily stopped their offensive, and began to rest on the hillside north of the mountain pass from Huangya Mountain.

During this period, the sentry cavalry in the Tartar formation continued to go to the southeast and north of Jingping and the direction of Huangya Mountain.

When it was approaching dusk, Liu Kai was already very sleepy, but he dared not sleep.

In his weary eyes, he saw the Tartars regrouping, and couldn't help shouting in his heart: Another night battle?Are Tartars all beasts?
But soon he knew that there was another reason for Tartar's reaction.

On the southwest side of Jingping, in the direction from Shuozhou, the flag of the Ming army finally appeared.

"Reinforcements are coming! Reinforcements are coming!" Liu Kai was overjoyed, and immediately made his subordinates clamor, "Pass it on, the reinforcements are coming!"

Amid the cheers in Jingping City, the captive cavalry were divided into two parts.A group of nearly 2000 people stayed in the camp, and another group of [-] people was divided into two arrows, and they went straight to the army that came to help.

When they first arrived, their foothold was not stable.

Guo Xun felt that the cheers from Jingping City were too harsh, so he could only order loudly: "Arrange! Arrange! As the sentry has said, they have been attacking Jingping for a day and a night, and there is only one breath left! Defend this area first. For a while! Those who can speak the Tartar language, shout out those words!"

Now he was yelling at Liu Kai in his heart: Damn, just let the Tartars attack the reinforcements like this?Can't you lead troops out of the city to contain it?Are you happy to call your mother?
Liu Kai had already changed his expression on the city wall.

From the binoculars, he saw who came to help: Wu Dingguo.

The chief soldier came in person, and was raided as soon as he arrived.

Can't save?
That must be saved!If his coach doesn't save him, he will be killed even if he wins this battle.

"Order soldiers! Order soldiers! Follow me out of the city!"

This time, I had to go in person, using my personal soldiers who I regarded as my own life.

Even if the rescue is not enough, at least there must be a gesture of going out of the city to rescue.

Guo Xun had a hard time supporting himself and was on the verge of falling.

After all, apart from the two hundred soldiers he brought along, the rest were brought by Mayi Shouyu Qianhu.Among them, only the original Li Jian's more than 300 soldiers are considered to have good combat power.

But the 2000 people who pounced on them had [-] riders.

"Hold on! Hold on!" Guo Xun himself was also very nervous, his life was already on the edge of the cliff, "The gates are already opening in the city, and reinforcements are on the way!"

For a moment, I didn't know which side was the reinforcements.

In fact, he was talking nonsense, because Liu Kai opened the east gate, and he couldn't see it from this direction at all.

It is safer to open the east gate, but the distance to walk is longer.

After all, Liu Kai left the city gate and led nearly 2000 people—many were killed and injured, and some were left to guard the city gate.

When they appeared at the southeast corner of Jingping City, Guo Xun finally saw them: "Drumming! Drumming! Hold on to this wave!"

Liu Kai did the same: "Array! Beat the drums! Hold on to this wave!"

He didn't forget that there were nearly 2000 people around the captive chief. The Jingping defenders could only welcome Guo Xun into the city. How could they be too far away from the city gate?What should I do if I am dumped?
So Guo Xun's eyes were about to burst: Are you fucking playing monkey games?Does anyone care about you?Is my life okay?

Liu Kai listened embarrassingly to the sound of his own war drums in the formation, the captive chieftain remained motionless, and the four thousand cavalry just continued to attack Guo Xun's army formation.

Both sides complained to each other.

Liu Kai: Can I get by?This is obviously because the Tartars want to lure the defenders out of the city. If I go a little further, they will rush over!Lord Hou, are you a waste?How can you bring only so few people here?
Guo Xun: Trash Liu Kai!Trash Pingluwei!Dead trash Li Jian!
Only Konbilik is serious: success or failure is a matter of course.

He bides his time like a hunter.

Liu Kai's guess was right.

It has been two days, and the sentry cavalry have reported back one after another: There are really only 2000 people around the commander-in-chief of Datong, and it can be seen that good and bad are mixed during the march.In other directions, no reinforcements have been found for the time being.On the other side of Naihebao, there was no movement on Huangya Mountain, and Naihebao was safe and sound.

That being the case, while attacking Jingping overnight, he lured Guo Xun to quickly reinforce, and at the same time let half of the people rest well at night.

In addition, after taking a break in the morning, those who are the most tired at the moment are also resting beside him.

It would be better to capture Jingping before, since it cannot be captured immediately, it is the best strategy right now.

The 4000 people who attacked did not try their best despite their great momentum.

Now, Gunbilik is waiting for the defenders who come out of Jingping City to move in the direction of their coach.

That's their coach.According to Gonbilik's understanding of the Ming army, as long as their coach is not completely defeated and died in battle, the Jingping guard cannot just sit idly by, unless the coach orders him to return to the city and is willing to die in battle.

At least kill the Datong commander-in-chief, and even better, the main force of Jingping will be lost.

In any case, this is the best chance to turn the tide of battle!

If the commander-in-chief of Datong is killed in battle, the news is passed back and forth, and the command is chaotic, at least he can give himself a full month to loot in Datong with peace of mind, and then calmly withdraw.

It was completely dark.

It was getting dark, and the horse dared not run fast, for fear that he might not be able to see the road clearly.

The Jingping defenders should be more courageous and start moving, right?
Liu Kai had no choice but to move, and if he continued to beat the drum on the spot, he was afraid that the beating would make Guo Xun more and more furious.

"Have you heard what Marquis Guo shouted? Pingluwei has cut off their retreat, and the Tartars have been attacking the city like crazy for the past two days. That's why! If you put all your energy into it, as long as you hold on for a while, they will have to retreat. ! Everyone cheer up and line up to save Guohou!"

It was completely dark, and Huangya Mountain was as usual.

However, the two teams ventured through the mountain path that the captive cavalry sentry could not detect.

There are not many people, only two or three hundred.

When there are few people, there is little movement.

Yang Bo stayed in the village, he was very nervous.

With only such a small number of people, how bold is it to block the Tartars in Naihebao in three ways?

It's not that Yu Dayou has established unimaginable prestige in the first battle, and these people dare not follow him desperately.

But think about it, it is not impossible: less than a thousand people, plus some wounded soldiers.

Our Shuozhou garrison of thousands of households is facing the Tartars, it seems that one person can exchange five people...

I don't know if it's attacking instead of defending this time, whether it can be so fierce.

Anyway, I rested for two days, and I ate as if I was not short of food...

On the other side of the well, Gunbilik looked at a group of indistinguishable black shadows in the distance, and ordered coldly: "Let's go!"

The night that will decide the fate of Datong Town has arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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